JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 7



  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    Okay, I'll start it now, I won't be so eloquent as she but it will get us started until she gets back!
  • sdavmor
    sdavmor Posts: 126 Member
    This is my 3rd block of 10 days. A little public accountability is not a bad thing at all. That, plus seeing how others are doing, is motivating for me. As it happens I do weigh myself every day (almost) and take measurements on Mondays. My scale is a digital one that logs to the half pound.

    When I came back to MFP 8 1/2 weeks ago I weighed 300 lbs. I've weighed myself almost every day, taken measurements every Monday, and recorded my food & exercise every day. I'm also keeping track of days since I last had alcohol, since I know only too well that drinking (besides being empty calories) always leads to eating that has nothing to do with being hungry.

    I didn't do as well as I had hoped to in the first 10 day challenge. I did better in the second 10 days. Derailing a bit here in the third. The Father's Day weekend-long party didn't help.

    Day Weight Comments
    06/12 286 lbs at the weigh-in for this 10 day challenge. Up 1 lb from the end of the last challenge. :(
    06/13 ??? lbs. On the road for business unexpectedly.
    06/14 ??? lbs. Hopefully tomorrow when I am back to my scale I won't have damage to my weight to undo.
    06/15 286 lbs. Could be worse under the circumstances of being out of town, late night systems installations and 16 hour support days, snacking, restaurants, and some G&T/scotch while socializing. To make it home and be weight neutral is actually OK!
    06/16 286 lbs. No change.
    06/17 287 lbs. The Father's Day festivity begins on Friday night.
    06/18 288 lbs. It continues all day Saturday.
    06/19 289 lbs. It ends with Sunday night. Back to work on my diet. Including no booze until July 4th.
    06/20 288 lbs. Back on track.
    06/21 287 lbs. Almost back to the weigh-in weight.

    Disappointing would be what I would say about this 10 days. I'll do better in the next block.
    My net loss over 3 consecutive 10 day challenges: 2 lbs.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,752 Member
    06/10 - 141.8
    06/11 - 141.6

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 142.4
    06/13 - 143.4
    06/14 - 143.4
    06/15 - 144.0
    06/16 - 145.0...yeah, way wrong way.
    06/17 - 144.2
    06/18 - 144.2...Father's Day..egads!
    06/19 - DH's b'day today...egads! to the power of 2
    06/20 - 146.6 ...well...so ugly!! take-out and salt everywhere. 7:00 a.m.
    06/21 - 146.6 at 5:00 this morning
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    06/11 starting weight 144.6

    06/12 143.4
    06/13 142.8
    06/14 143.0
    06/15 143.0
    06/16 142.8
    06/17 143.2
    06/18 143.4
    06/19 143.8... whoops
    06/20 143.0 - what a difference a day makes!
    06/21 143.8 - what a difference a day makes!

    Total = - 0.8
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW: 202.2 lbs
    Goal: 199 lbs

    6/12: 202.2lbs

    6/13: 199.6lbs Drank lots of water yesterday and also did my first day of Insanity. Not taking a diuretic or laxatives but finally getting a break through. Hopefully, my progress will continue but to reach the 10 day goal already, I may not be able to get my body to lose more. But day two of Insanity is later this evening.

    6/14: 199.6lbs A good day yesterday for diet and exercise, second day of Insanity completed. No movement on the scale but that's okay. I'm hoping to have lost something in my measurements by the end of the week. More than anything, I'm just happy my weight is staying down and not going up lol. I did have a late night snack of about 2 cups of cherries so good thing they did not effect me.

    6/15: 200lbs Insanity Cardio Recovery, plenty of water and decent eating intervals.

    6/16: 200lbs :( Had a bad day yesterday. I was running around and my eating schedule was thrown off. Didn't get to do Insanity, but walked around NYC for 3 hours sightseeing and shopping. I hope tomorrow is better.

    6/17: 199.8lbs I did Insanity Pure Cardio and almost died, it was so hard, but I made it through to the end. Staying pretty close to my caloric goals and eating balanced meals.

    6/18: 199.6lbs starting a new fitness challenge today as well as doing Insanity. I think today is going to be good, since I already know the basics of each meal. I'm happy that I was able to make it through the weekend without any upsets.

    6/19: 200.8lbs I was confident about yesterday, and calorie and fitness wise, I had a great day, but I ended up eating like two hours later than I normally do and even feel a little full this morning :/ hoping for a good push to finish out this challenge.

    6/20: 200.4lbs I'll take it. Just started week 2 of Insanity, Pure Cardio today, and I definitely feel leaner even if the scale isn't showing it. Planning on doing a new body measurement at the start of July.

    6/21: 199.4lbs! Super excited to see that #1 again and since I saw it earlier this week I'm feeling good about seeing it stay. All in all it was a good 10 days. There are a few things that I want to tweak, but I'm happy with the steps I've taken so far. Water intake is up, calories/ portion sizes are down, and workouts are getting done. I do think I need to look at my salt and sugar intake and make better choices for those areas.

    Total Loss: 2.8lbs
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,194 Member
    Initial 6/11/17 /final goal weight: 156.4 lbs | 98 lbs (?)--not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    Start/goal weight for this round: 156.4 lbs | 155.4 lbs

    4'11", female, 55 years old

    06/12 156.4 Felt lucky to get that! I finished my last food pretty late...
    06/13 158.0 Figured I had gained after stressful day, yesterday & then out of control eating. I'll do better before
    this round is done. :smile:
    06/14 157.4 Stuck with my meal plans, yesterday.
    06/15 157.4 Was okay with this... stayed right at about 1200 calories, yesterday
    06/16 158.8 Uh oh... heading the wrong way...
    06/17 159.6 Obviously, I'm having some serious issues. I'm not giving up, yet. :smile: :blush:
    06/18 158.4 Whew! Stopped that awful gaining trend! Actually, I followed my meal plan, yesterday... :smile:
    06/19: 158.4 I did great, yesterday... but I'm okay with staying the same weight as on the 18th. At least I have stopped the gaining trend. Yesterday, I stayed under in calories as I stuck with my meal plan, drank lots of water & exercised for the first time in a long time! (I'm very sore from, yesterday...)
    06/20 159.6 Yeah... I'm being brutally honest, here. I'm not giving up, yet! Just not a good 10 days for me. Next round, I really must do better.
    06/21 159.6 Oh, well... not good at all.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Just wanna say I hope I see you all on the next round!

    I have been weighing daily since I started losing the weight, but there's nothing like camaraderie.

    Also, congrats to everyone who made or surpassed their goals for this round and congrats to everyone who didn't quite make their goal or even stayed the same or gained a few because you still stuck with it.

    One thing I've learned is weight loss isn't linear and as long as you're still here, still trying, and still working you are making progress.
  • tem1703
    tem1703 Posts: 8 Member
    Great idea. I am pretty bad at sticking with things, so having a go especially as I weighed myself today...must be a sign! First timer joining with R7:

    Day Weight Comments

    06/12 - 193.4lbs 30mins on elliptical
    06/13 - 192.4lbs another 30mins on elliptical!!
    06/14 - 192.2lbs wow feeling inspired and did another 30mins on the elliptical today!! this is very strange and matches the number of times I had exercised in the last 3 weeks, but it could be guilt. Had a tasty strawberry tart yesterday and some wine, but was well behaved enough to log it on MFP.
    06/15 - 191.2lbs officially lost 2.2lbs since 12th June. Very pleased. Busy day ahead, so focussing on sticking to the calorie plan.
    06/16 - 190.2lbs no workout today but tried to stay active even though I was at the funeral of my 46 year old cousin today (too young to go...RIP). working out how many calories I had eaten from a buffet was tricky.
    06/17 - 190.0lbs food choices become interesting when logging all you eat. still going in the right direction even though was a bit unsure of how yesterday may affect weigh in.
    06/18 - 189.6lbs happy - still going in the right direction and under a milestone! Hope everyone else going well too
    06/19 - 189lbs
    06/20 - 188.8lbs
    06/21 - 189.2lbs Pleased with my 4.2lb loss
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    Hey everyone great 10 days!! Starting our new round of just give me 10 days today! Look for it in our challenges discussion. All the best!
  • FranSilvius62
    FranSilvius62 Posts: 54 Member
    My highest weight was 300 in January 2014. I started my Fitness Pal and got down to 258 in February 2015. In June 2015, my mom moved in for 24 hour care. My whole mind set was changed, no longer did I need to lose weight, I needed to take care of my mom. Needless to say my weight climbed back up. I have been bouncing back and forth between 275 and 285. In March of this year, at doctor's, I was at 282. She recommended myfitnesspal. I am loving it. Slow going, but the weight is coming off in-spite the trials we are going through now. Husband being diagnosed with colon cancer, and me with type 2 diabetes. Doctor said lose another 10-20 lbs and I'll be in a safer zone. Gives me a whole new motivation.

    Start weight: 279
    Current weight: 273.2
    Current Goal weight: 270
    Long term goal: 135

    Round 4 278.0
    Round 5 275.6
    Round 6 273.2

    6/12 273.4
    6/13 272.0
    6/14 271.6

    6/15 271.6 hmmm, must have been sampling from cake grand-kids(ages 7 & 5) made for Father's Day picnic. Had to make sure it was good before serving it to others. I did choose to use the 2-bite rule.

    6/16 270.6 Let's see if I can keep this going. Husband's PET Scan, yesterday read, Positive for STAGE 4 COLON CANCER. :( Meeting with oncologist at 10 and surgeon at noon, today. Surgery is scheduled for Monday morning at 10.

    6/17 273.6 Long time visiting out of state friends, decided I was under enough pressure and took us to Friendlies. I should have resisted the small sundae, that came with the meal. But, boy was it good. I hadn't had ice cream in 6 months. Will wait another 6 months(at least) before doing that again.

    6/18 273.6 Yup, that's what I get for a moment of indulgence and no exercise. Payback time. Husband goes in tomorrow for the first process in beating this cancer, colon by-pass surgery.

    6/19 Husband went into hospital for colostomy and port I spent the week with him.
    6/26 272.2 first day home and first day of chemo for husband. Surprised I lost any weight at all in last week.