
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    KayHBE wrote: »
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.

    It's an IPhone thing. I am not an Iphone user. I'm a Samsung girl. :)

    I use 'Trend Weight' and they have a regular website too.

    This. I'm sorry I forget about Android users, but yes, Trend Weight (I'm not sure if it's Trend Weight or TrendWeight) is the app that Android users use to track their weight. To my understanding it functions just like Happy Scale. You log your daily weight in it and it keeps track of the trend and how much you've lost over time.

    Don't sweat the pushing yourself too hard thing @nikki062181 I've done it before too. Just learn from it. Our bodies have limits and that's not a bad thing.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Good to see everyone back for Round 8 and good to see some new faces as well! Now let's rock this. B)

    6/22: 169.8 - had a great work out last night, but it left me half dead today. haha.
    6/23: 170.0 - way over my sodium yesterday.
    6/24: 167.8! - killer workout last night.
    6/25: 168.2 - take out for dinner last night. Wasn't over calories, but prob was over sodium. Also, slept in.
    6/26: 167.4 - TOM is here and I feel like reheated death so that's a thing. Let's see if I can hold to 167 or below.
    6/27: 167.4 - holding steady.

  • FAR_from_FAT
    FAR_from_FAT Posts: 100 Member
    everher wrote: »
    GAME ON!
    I need a support system in my life. It's hard to exercise and change the way you eat when you're the only one in a family of 5 that wants to make changes. That makes it even more difficult to stay accountable, and I need that. I hadn't felt right in about 6 months. I was so fatigued and being a teacher, a Mom of 3, and taking care of my niece and nephew so their parents can work, I need all the energy that I can get. Yet, I was falling asleep as early as 6:30, and I felt like I didn't sleep at all when the alarm went off at 6. I started noticing that my left arm started to tingle and become numb. Then, it spread down my left side and all the way down to my toes. My grip was weaker, and I was struggling to open jars. I finally went to the doctor, and I found out I have a B12 deficiency due to taking medication prescribed from my specialist for GERD. I also discovered that my LDL (bad cholesterol) was better than it has been, but it was still bad, and my HDL (good cholesterol) was too low. It was recommended I lose 7 -10% of my body weight, take 1000 B12 supplement, and exercise 30 minutes a day for a total of 150 minutes a week. So, here I am...trying to improve my health. It isn't an easy thing to do, so I wanted to be a part of something that would keep me motivated and support me along the way. I want to stay on the wagon. I need to. When I started my weight loss journey, I was 202 lbs. This is my first round doing the 10 day challenge. With that being said...
    06/22: 195
    06/23: 193.5
    06/24: 192.5
    06/25: 191.5 I AM THRILLED! I JUST HIT MY 10 LB. MARK.
    06/26: 193.5 I AM BUMMED! Sometimes, I think that weighing myself every day is bad for my mental health because when I see the numbers on the scale go up, I get incredibly upset. However, it's almost like this compulsive thing that has me going back down to the scale every single morning to see if anything has changed at all. Today, is one of the days that I wish that I never would have looked. I stayed under my calorie intake yesterday, but I must be truthful, I had a slice of my own birthday cake. It's almost 500 calories alone for this cake! Also, since I exercised 6 days straight, I gave my body an active resting day. Now, I feel so guilty. I pushed myself to do an hour of cardio and upper body strength this morning, and I feel sick, sick, sick to my stomach. It's awful!

    The scale used to be my worst enemy. At some point, I realized my weight was just going to fluctuate and that was okay. I use a trending app like a lot of people here do (it's called Happy Scale by the way) and it helps me to realize and accept that my weight fluctuates, but I'm still going down!

    TL:DR - Don't worry. You got this.

    I looked up Happy Scale, and it's for an IPhone. I am not an IPhone user, but it sounds like a great app.

    I'm also android so I found Libra scale app on Google it says it's equal to happy scale
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    everher wrote: »
    KayHBE wrote: »
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.

    It's an IPhone thing. I am not an Iphone user. I'm a Samsung girl. :)

    I use 'Trend Weight' and they have a regular website too.

    This. I'm sorry I forget about Android users, but yes, Trend Weight (I'm not sure if it's Trend Weight or TrendWeight) is the app that Android users use to track their weight. To my understanding it functions just like Happy Scale. You log your daily weight in it and it keeps track of the trend and how much you've lost over time.

    Don't sweat the pushing yourself too hard thing @nikki062181 I've done it before too. Just learn from it. Our bodies have limits and that's not a bad thing.

    Thanks I really appreciate the info. :)
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    SW 140
    GW for this challenge 130 - I did 2 rounds of this, got below 130 then missed a round. I'm back up to 133.

    6/22. 133.4 - ate well, below calories.
    6/23. 133.2 - a tiny drop. Did a HIIT workout this morning and my goal is to get in a run tonight.
    6/24 -133.2 - did long circuit training workout last night and was within calorie goal. Feeling good, though no drop.
    6/25 -134.2 - aftermath of sushi yesterday, waterweight from salt retention
    6/26 -135.0 - this is a trend in the wrong direction. I deserve it though after the sushi, a bit of chocolate yesterday and no workouts all weekend. Really regretting my decisions this weekend and feeling heavy and gross.
    6/27 - 133.4 - ate within calories yesterday. Back to my Day 1 weight.

    Can I join your club? I'm also just back to day 1 weight. C'est le vie.
  • FHImagined
    FHImagined Posts: 145 Member
    My Round 1

    6/25 163.2 I drank my h20 and stayed within my cals. I am sticking with this.. plan!
    6/26 162.2 Down another lb. h20 ans cals good.
    6/27 161.2 I am baking taco casserole for dinner .. I think the extra sodium will add water weight?

  • FAR_from_FAT
    FAR_from_FAT Posts: 100 Member
    My Round 1

    6/25 163.2 I drank my h20 and stayed within my cals. I am sticking with this.. plan!
    6/26 162.2 Down another lb. h20 ans cals good.
    6/27 161.2 I am baking taco casserole for dinner .. I think the extra sodium will add water weight?

    Sounds yummy!
    Can you modify the sodium.... Cut back or change the seasoning?
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    KayHBE wrote: »
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.

    It's an IPhone thing. I am not an Iphone user. I'm a Samsung girl. :)

    I use 'Trend Weight' and they have a regular website too.

    Thank you.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    edited June 2017
    Round 8: Round 1 for me.
    SW: 227. Final goal weight: 150
    6/21/17 weight: 164.5 lbs
    Round 8 GW: 163 lbs 161 lbs

    6/22: 162 lbs. :open_mouth: I was gob-smacked when I got on the scales this morning. I have been stuck around 164 for quite a few weeks, and honestly thought that 163 lbs was the best I could expect in 10 days. Is it too premature to revise that GW? :lol:
    6/23: 163 lbs. I was doing so well until I had a bit of chocolate after dinner, and finished the bar. At least that temptation is gone now!
    6/24: 164.5 lbs. Part of normal daily fluctuation. I'm up and down all the time, even when I don't vary diet and routine. Go figure!
    6/25: 163.2 lbs.
    6/26: 164 lbs. It's a watching brief. Let's see what the new week brings.
    6/27: 163.4 lbs.
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    I'm in again! I think I started in round 2. I've been weighing and logging every day since mid March and it has really helped to keep me on track.

    SW in March - 182.4 lbs
    GW - want to get to 150 and then re-evaluate from there

    Coming in from Round 7 at 159.6lbs

    6/22 - 159.2lbs

    6/23 - 158.4lbs - back on track! I expect some of this is carry over from last weeks TOM bounce around but I"ll take it!!

    6/24 - 156.6lbs - Super Whoosh! I weighed myself 6 times and moved the scale to 3 different spots before I believed it LOL...may still not believe it until I see it again tomorrow.

    6/25 - 158.2 - yep...it was too good to be true...shortcake at the strawberry festival where we went picking and sushi for dinner

    6/26 - 159.8lbs - OY! Lots of factors here, but it's NOT going over calories as I've been under maintenance every day since I got back from my vacation. Went for a 25km bike yesterday and my muscles are screaming this morning and I think all the sodium from Satuday's sushi is still around. If I only weighed in on Mondays I would have no idea that I was 3lbs lower on Saturday morning and that's the weight that truly reflects my weight loss at this point. So....lots of water and fibre today to start flushing out what I'm retaining.

    6/27 - 159.4lbs
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 6,185 Member
    Your Round 8, my round 2

    SW  166
    Goal this round - ANY LOSS, I will be traveling most days in July and without a scale.

    Day Weight Comments
    6/22  on the road
    6/23  on the road
    6/24  166
    6/25  165.5
    6/26  165
    6/27  164.5  and getting in the road
  • Efie50
    Efie50 Posts: 31 Member
    efie40 wrote: »
    Started May 7 - 179

    6/22 - 170.8
    6/23- 172.0
    6/24- 171.6
    6/25 - 171.2
    6/26 -172... feeling like I need a break through
    6/27 -170.8
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,832 Member
    edited June 2017
    Round 8: (My Round 1)
    SW: 227. Final goal weight: 150
    6/21/17 weight: 164.5 lbs
    Round 8 GW: 163 lbs 161 lbs

    6/22: 162 lbs. :open_mouth: I was gob-smacked when I got on the scales this morning. I have been stuck around 164 for quite a few weeks, and honestly thought that 163 lbs was the best I could expect in 10 days. Is it too premature to revise that GW? :lol:
    6/23: 163 lbs. I was doing so well until I had a bit of chocolate after dinner, and finished the bar. At least that temptation is gone now!
    6/24: 164.5 lbs. Part of normal daily fluctuation. I'm up and down all the time, even when I don't vary diet and routine. Go figure!
    6/25: 163.2 lbs.
    6/26: 164 lbs. It's a watching brief. Let's see what the new week brings.
    6/27: 163.4 lbs.
    6/28: 164.4 lbs. I'm off later today for a long weekend. Not sure if I will have access to a scale, but I am on holiday, so don't anticipate any weight loss before the 10 days is up.
    6/29: Away: no access to scale.
    6/30: Away: no access to scale.
    7/01: Away: no access to scale.
    Review: In hindsight, this goal was a tad optimistic, but one has to aim high. Lol! Let's see what the next 10 days brings.
  • nosugarinmytea
    nosugarinmytea Posts: 27 Member
    6/22: 83.7kg - Full on menstrual disaster! :joy:
    6/23: 83.0kg - Nearing its end...
    6/24: 81.8kg - Wahey, several weeks of ovarian calm await! Also, I forcibly removed myself from the ice cream parlour before making a purchase yesterday. :grimace:
    6/25: 81.2kg - I'm very mindful that i only re-started on my diet on the 22nd, so whilst I'm enjoying the figures it's probably just all water weight coming off for now. Really hope I may scrape 80kg by the end of this round...
    6/26: 81.2kg - ...as predicted! But as long as I don't actually go up I'm happy.
    6/27: 81.2kg - three days in a row! Well, I've been sticking to my plan so hopefully the numbers will creep a bit lower in a day or so.
    6/28: 81kg on the nose! Not exactly a huge drop but I'm happy I haven't gone back up or continued to just stagnate. Going to be particularly good today, maybe I can still make 80.5kg by the end of this... :lol: