What bothers you at the gym?



  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i guess im one of the lucky ones at my gym folks always wipe off the machines,people dont hog the free weights, those who raise the tradmill and hold on are forgiven and told to be careful, managers are always around so if there is a problem the will address it, i have not complaints about it.

    HOWEVER, the thing that gets my blood to boil is when men try to talk to me while im working out, i hate that, i did not come here to talk to you i came burn abt 500+ fat cells and have no time for you, dont you see i have my music on and yes im ignoring you, go away please :/
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member

    My biggest biggest pet peeve at the gym are guys and girls who wear the wrong shoes!!! Seriously wear proper sneakers... why are you wearing toms or vans- and no they don't look like sneakers. This girl last week ... ACTUALLY TOOK THE SHOES OFF! and looked like hse was sun bathing. then proceeds to finish her burpees, etc barefoot.

    hey, flat shoes with tons of cushioning, (skate sneakers/ tennis sneakers) are actually better for you. They keep your feet flat on the ground for better balance, and your ankles strong. Plus, streatching out and jumping barefoot/socked helps you push off and roll through your foot, acheiving stronger and more flexible feet. You should try it sometime, unless you need the mega cushioning of running shoes or support for weak feet/ankles.

    Take it from a skater/surfer/dancer/yoga girl and strengthen your feet! Please don't knock us in the know about flat shoes.

    I'm not knocking skaters or anything necessarily about those shoes I actually own toms and vans etc and did skating back in high school. Please, don't read this as a knock to sports or other activities that need a flat shoe. I understand there are times its needed. Its just at the gym. I understand the foot to the ground thing when lifting weights as another person said. Its when it's running in a shoe like Sperry's(boat shoe) that bug me (which is what my example at the time stemmed from) because the girl was clearly in pain from the shoes as she was rubbing her feet, etc.

    I personally right now need a supportive shoe as I had plantar faciitis a couple months ago. Running barefoot sounds cool and I know people do it.
  • JoceyyySmall
    JoceyyySmall Posts: 155 Member

    HOWEVER, the thing that gets my blood to boil is when men try to talk to me while im working out, i hate that, i did not come here to talk to you i came burn abt 500+ fat cells and have no time for you, dont you see i have my music on and yes im ignoring you, go away please :/

    I talk with people(or my friend) when I'm doing weights and stuff. Or passing by, but when I'm on the treadmill or elliptical I am like this.
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    Wow, way out of line. At the very LEAST, he deserves to be banned from your gym.

    TBH reading a lot of the comments here bothers me. Does it really matter what someone else is wearing? How someone else is working out? Unless its directly affecting you and your workout, just look the other way and keep doing what you're doing. Everyone likes to do their own things and what works for them. No one deserves to get judged for it.

    ^exactly. i don't care what anyone wears, if they're grunting, whether or not they have make-up on or whatever because it doesn't make a difference to what i'm trying to do. sometimes i go to the gym after work and i have make-up on because i spent an 8 hour shift at the front desk of a hotel, does that mean i'm out of line? i wear short shorts to the gym at times, am i affecting anyone's workout? a lot of this stuff is so vain lol.

    ^^ The wearing make up thing couldnt bother me less - im in the office all day - go to the gym straight from work - im not washing it off - ima sweat it off! But its the girls that come in super dolled up just for the gym - like just save ur money and put it on later...like a full on heavy makeup - eyeliner and shadow bronzer and lippy with fake lashes...like thats just a waste!

    I work out with my face on - but its my "been on all day" face. not my "just for the gym face". lol. its not that it really affects my work out in any way shape or form, i think its probably my own insecurities...but im big enough to admit that. lol. x
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    I hate when I'm finished working out and sitting on the bench to change clothes and a naked guy wants to stand there and talk to you. That's always uncomfortable

    hahahaah - chance would be a fine thing in my gym! lol
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    Wow, way out of line. At the very LEAST, he deserves to be banned from your gym.

    TBH reading a lot of the comments here bothers me. Does it really matter what someone else is wearing? How someone else is working out? Unless its directly affecting you and your workout, just look the other way and keep doing what you're doing. Everyone likes to do their own things and what works for them. No one deserves to get judged for it.

    ^exactly. i don't care what anyone wears, if they're grunting, whether or not they have make-up on or whatever because it doesn't make a difference to what i'm trying to do. sometimes i go to the gym after work and i have make-up on because i spent an 8 hour shift at the front desk of a hotel, does that mean i'm out of line? i wear short shorts to the gym at times, am i affecting anyone's workout? a lot of this stuff is so vain lol.

    ^^ The wearing make up thing couldnt bother me less - im in the office all day - go to the gym straight from work - im not washing it off - ima sweat it off! But its the girls that come in super dolled up just for the gym - like just save ur money and put it on later...like a full on heavy makeup - eyeliner and shadow bronzer and lippy with fake lashes...like thats just a waste!

    I work out with my face on - but its my "been on all day" face. not my "just for the gym face". lol. its not that it really affects my work out in any way shape or form, i think its probably my own insecurities...but im big enough to admit that. lol. x

    LOL i got ya...lol @ work out with my face on..you and i both sister. lol
  • jillwaller
    jillwaller Posts: 82
    I think my biggest pet peeve at the gym is when it's not crowded AT ALL (I usually go at odd hours so I avoid the early-morning and after-work rush hours) and I'm on the treadmill or elliptical, doing my thing. And suddenly, someone comes up on the machine right next to me when there's probably 8 other open ones. But no big deal, right? Usually I don't care- But I ALWAYS get that person who has to obsessively sneak peeks at how many calories I'm burning so he/she can act like they're working harder than me. I thought the gym was a pretty personal and individual thing! I didn't realize it was a competition with strangers!
  • fawnkay0ne
    fawnkay0ne Posts: 15
    My husband saw a girl working out in heels... yeah... heels. That is annoying.

    SO many girls "work out" at my gym in full on make-up, hair, push-up bra, jewelry, etc. One girl even wears fake eyelashes while she "works out".
  • RubyHearts
    RubyHearts Posts: 67
    I go to a very small gym where there are only four treadmills. What bothers me is when people save a treadmill for someone who isn't even there yet. Fine if you have to save it then that person should be arriving in atleast five minutes. Today some lady put a towel over a empty treadmill and was basically saving it for her friend. Her friend didn't come until 25 minutes later. I was so pissed i probably should of said something but didn't : /
  • RubyHearts
    RubyHearts Posts: 67
    omg that happens to me all the time. granted there are only four treadmills at my gym. but i'll be at the one on the very end and sometimes the rest are free. But some random person always picks the one right next to me. It just bothers me because if i can help it i never go on a machine next to someone.
    I think my biggest pet peeve at the gym is when it's not crowded AT ALL (I usually go at odd hours so I avoid the early-morning and after-work rush hours) and I'm on the treadmill or elliptical, doing my thing. And suddenly, someone comes up on the machine right next to me when there's probably 8 other open ones. But no big deal, right? Usually I don't care- But I ALWAYS get that person who has to obsessively sneak peeks at how many calories I'm burning so he/she can act like they're working harder than me. I thought the gym was a pretty personal and individual thing! I didn't realize it was a competition with strangers!
  • Merricles
    Merricles Posts: 21
    I think my biggest pet peeve at the gym is when it's not crowded AT ALL (I usually go at odd hours so I avoid the early-morning and after-work rush hours) and I'm on the treadmill or elliptical, doing my thing. And suddenly, someone comes up on the machine right next to me when there's probably 8 other open ones. But no big deal, right? Usually I don't care- But I ALWAYS get that person who has to obsessively sneak peeks at how many calories I'm burning so he/she can act like they're working harder than me. I thought the gym was a pretty personal and individual thing! I didn't realize it was a competition with strangers!

    I so agree here. It happens all the time at my gym. Try putting your towel over the display, this will greatly reduce the chance of this happening. However, I have had people walk up and MOVE MY TOWEL to see my display. How very rude.
  • maria1113
    maria1113 Posts: 508 Member
    So I was at the gym this morning. I started off with C25K and then headed to circuit training.

    Then I said, "Well, sir, could you please start switching machines? I'd like to use the bike so I can finish my circuit training properly.
    And then he told me, "I can use this d*mn bike however I'd like! You think you know what you're doing, fat b*itch?"

    I just sort of stared at him for awhile like "Did he really say that?"

    That dude needs some serious manners. Especially if your gym has a set circuit like that. One thing that gets me at the gym though, is people WALKING on the treadmil. I mean really, you can walk around the gym, or the building. You don't have to take up all the machines for walking.

    I actually walk on treadmill occasionally since I can't run (broke my leg few years back, no more running for me on hard surfaces). I wouldn't do it if there was people waiting to use it, but it's free almost all the time.
  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    Mine seems pretty petty, but I hate it when women brings their kids into the adults only locker room Come on people - go to the family locker room!
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    I so agree here. It happens all the time at my gym. Try putting your towel over the display, this will greatly reduce the chance of this happening. However, I have had people walk up and MOVE MY TOWEL to see my display. How very rude.

    Wow! That would have been quite a confrontation if that happened to me. Personally, I could care less if people know what I am burning or not. But, if I did care, and I took steps to protect that info, someone moving my towel in obvious disregard for my wishes would be cause for a scene.
  • Kohadre
    Kohadre Posts: 316
    Wow! That would have been quite a confrontation if that happened to me. Personally, I could care less if people know what I am burning or not.

    Same here, it actually provides me some "workout-entertainment" watching them over-exert themselves trying to match my pace and burn on the same type of machine I am using, and then get burned out and leave the gym after only doing 10 minutes while I am pushing 40 on mine.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    that is so awful, you should have complained about the guy to the staff there. No one has a right to abuse either the other members.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Glad to hear you reported it and this (insert swear words of your choice) is now banned.

    I love my Gym - people are really friendly - there is a big mix of ability there and there are a few competitive body builders (including the owner) who do sometime 'hog' a machine or station - unless they know you are waiting - in which case they will share so you can complete your set or - better yet - give really good advice on alternate exercises to work the same muscle groups: This is actually better than doing the same thing every week and means you learn to do the exercise in the best technical way (less chance of injury etc).

    I don't care how glammed up or shabbily dressed people are. I don't care if people are there to socialise or to work there *kitten* off... The only thing that would bother me would be the kind of rudeness you've described - and I've been lucky to never have witnessed anything like this.

    One thing that does bug me is people using bad technique - especially on the rowing machines or the pull downs. I know that this can lead to a serious injury and I always want to say something, but I'm never sure if that would be seen as rude or helpful. Fortunately the staff tend to pick up on people doing things really badly and help them out (that included me on one occasion),

    I am guilty of looking over peoples shoulders when I work out next to someone :( I'm just competitive by nature... Actually made a few friend this way - it gets you talking and you congratulate each other after a good work out. Probably is rude though. the only person who really hate it is my wife LOL.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    oh yeah the perfume wearers...there's always a huge fan next to the cardio machines...and for some reason I get the smelly lady standing infront of the fan, blowing her $10 avon perfume and sweat onto me...why wear perfume? you aren't on a hot date! But generally my gym is awsome, minus the buttwad sitting on the bench while I'm trying to do calisthenics (ahem thkelly...lol just kidding)...my gym is good, it's huge, the beef cakes stay in their back corner, the tight little girls are no where to be found, we're all there for a reason. And it's a cheap membership!

    and yes lady, you're a better woman than me, I would have dropped some serious f-bombs at the insulting prick
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    yeah as for the clothes and make-up, I just keep my head down and refuse to make direct eye contact...I LIKE the fact that I don't know anyone at my gym, so I don't have to stop and chit chat, or smile stupidly while I'm sweating bombs. And even if I do know someone, I ignore them, completely. I have no time to check people out or critique their gym routine..the most i do is check out women to see what kind of body I'm working for lol
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    yeah as for the clothes and make-up, I just keep my head down and refuse to make direct eye contact...I LIKE the fact that I don't know anyone at my gym, so I don't have to stop and chit chat, or smile stupidly while I'm sweating bombs. And even if I do know someone, I ignore them, completely. I have no time to check people out or critique their gym routine..the most i do is check out women to see what kind of body I'm working for lol

    I started off this way - but I want exercise to be part of my life - same as my job: I look forward to going in, working hard, seeing my friends and coming out feeling like I've achieved something.

    i love my running club for this especially - I actually look forward to seeing my friends as much as I do the running :)