World of Warcraft



  • Imsojen
    Imsojen Posts: 192 Member
    Night Elf Druid healer is my main 85.. Gnome Warlock 2nd main 85.. a bunch of lower toons lvl 82 and under.. Mains are all Baelgun and some random low levels are scattered to try different realms all US.. Any one wanna hook up a MFP group gimme a holler.. Or just to goof off :)
  • aharmeson
    aharmeson Posts: 55
    If anyone want to setup a guild on a US server for a MFP group let me know i'd be down for that.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    If anyone want to setup a guild on a US server for a MFP group let me know i'd be down for that.

    Ditto that for the EU servers!!!
  • ladyrhees
    ladyrhees Posts: 26
    LOL I've played WoW since summer '06, was a hardcore raider for 4+ years until I burned out so badly you could smell the scorch marks. In March, I got into the Rift beta5 and played through beta7 til it went live in April. I've enjoyed it, but when my sub runs out, I'll be back to WoW. I play on Icecrown, 2 accts, at last count before I took a break - 11 playable toons mostly Horde. I started on Alliance as a human priest thanks to my then bf now husband. He likes to tell people that he had it right by getting me to play BEFORE we were married, lol. I have more toons than he does. I have 4 85s - belf lock and priest, tauren shaman and druid...80 belf DK and mage...80 draenei hunter.....76 belf pally I was goofing off on before my break.....33 tauren warrior I was testing the class with...........a 31 gnome rogue that I can't bear to delete since she's my oldest original toon now ( belf priest was teh hooman) and an 11 goblin hunter I made specifically because I wanted a goblin banker, lol. I rolled an undead rogue because I wanted to try the class again with the new leveling, and I did an experiment with the pally to see if I could stand to level one. I HATED leveling paladins before cata and I TRIED to love one, 6x. Deleted every one by Hillsbrad >.<. New questing setup + rearranged abilities - fail that makes you want to punch kittens = lvl 76 belf pally cooling her heels in ZD on her headless horseman mount. I'd like to see if a rogue can do the same, haven't logged her in since creation, so we'll see when I unfreeze my accts.
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    Anyone here play? If so, what faction, class, and realm are you?

    I'm Alliance, Rogue on Mannoroth. Lvl 85. :) I also have a lvl 85 Alliance Shammy on the same realm.

    Currently, I'm playing on Silvermoon. Alliance. I am working on my 7th 85 right now, a rogue named Sneaky. :) I never knew rogues could be so much fun!
  • Lewre
    Lewre Posts: 22
    I think it'd be a lot of fun having a guild somewhere! However, I'll be off my account for the next month or so. I'll let you know when I'm back on and we can get it started up then if you'd like. My vote is for an alliance guild on a pve server. What do you guys think?
  • Lewre
    Lewre Posts: 22
    I've played several toons and my rogue is still my all-time favorite! My hubby tried to tell me a druid in cat form is just like a rogue and I'd love it, but I just can't get into the doodad. Lol.
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Played DAOC for years, and JD more recently, couldn't get into WoW, tried for a few months. Either way they definately put me in situations to eat eat eat!
  • Justkeepswimmin
    Justkeepswimmin Posts: 777 Member
    Played DAOC for years, and JD more recently, couldn't get into WoW, tried for a few months. Either way they definately put me in situations to eat eat eat!
  • I quit for good when I wasn't satisfied with Cataclysm & all of the phasing bs but I used to be very loyal to the Horde :3 And I loved playing my lock (main) and my dk (toon)
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    I play Alliance, Alleria US, human pally. I mostly only log in for raid nights lately. I like Cata, but they have been slow rolling out new content. Firelands is fine so far, but I guess I need to go do dailies more.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I played Alliance for 3 years and then quit for a year. Gnome Mage was my main. Just didn't have the time for it. Started playing again a month or so ago and I realized I still don't have the time for it. But I enjoy playing every now and then. I started all over on a different server and decided to roll horde for a change. I'm now on Area 52 as a Belf Hunter. BTW Hunters are fun!
  • Choltor
    Choltor Posts: 65 Member
    If anyone want to setup a guild on a US server for a MFP group let me know i'd be down for that.

    Count me in on that!

    Not only do I play, it's where my wife and I met! Yeah, geeky, I know...
  • NikNac4
    NikNac4 Posts: 1
    I'm Edenvale on the Anvilmar-US server. I love WoW & even blog about it at

    I am looking forward to Star Wars:The old Republic to come out, I have it pre-ordered

  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    If anyone want to setup a guild on a US server for a MFP group let me know i'd be down for that.

    Count me in on that!

    Not only do I play, it's where my wife and I met! Yeah, geeky, I know...

    @Choltor Awww, that's so sweet!!!
  • I used to play almost to the point of being an addict. Arkaen of Fenris was my main. Level 85 Blood DK
  • My son and hubby play. I love the game, just feel like I'm too dang slow to fight very well.
  • I had a hunter, her name was Sing Song. A sweet lil gal.. lol
  • My husband's been on WoW since before we met... He always takes a break from it in the summer time and starts back up sometime around October, I've wanted to play on my own account since we started dating and I found out he was playing. Only trouble is we haven't been able to afford to get a second comp or a laptop to achieve that. :( hoping that come next year I'll be able to have my own account and join the guild so that we can go raiding together :D
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I've been WoW free for about 2.5 years now. I was an addict and my main was a lvl 80 Warlock on Uther after transferring from Destromath pvp server at 70 back in the old school days when levelling on a pvp server was hell. I had to give it up though for my sanity.
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