
  • nosugarinmytea
    nosugarinmytea Posts: 27 Member
    6/22: 83.7kg - Full on menstrual disaster! :joy:
    6/23: 83.0kg - Nearing its end...
    6/24: 81.8kg - Wahey, several weeks of ovarian calm await! Also, I forcibly removed myself from the ice cream parlour before making a purchase yesterday. :grimace:
    6/25: 81.2kg - I'm very mindful that i only re-started on my diet on the 22nd, so whilst I'm enjoying the figures it's probably just all water weight coming off for now. Really hope I may scrape 80kg by the end of this round...
    6/26: 81.2kg - ...as predicted! But as long as I don't actually go up I'm happy.
    6/27: 81.2kg - three days in a row! Well, I've been sticking to my plan so hopefully the numbers will creep a bit lower in a day or so.
    6/28: 81kg on the nose! Not exactly a huge drop but I'm happy I haven't gone back up or continued to just stagnate. Going to be particularly good today, maybe I can still make 80.5kg by the end of this... :lol:
    6/29: 80.7kg! I was not hungry at all yesterday so stayed well within my limit and also avoided bread, so no bloating either. 0.2kg away from my adjusted goal, might still be within reach! Also, I can't believe how quickly these 10 days are passing, nearly July now. :open_mouth:
    6/30: 80.7kg - Pleased about remaining there because I had some mega salty crisps yesterday and I thought they may cause alllll the water weight. I'm meeting a friend at a pizza restaurant tonight so I'm hoping I can control myself and stay within my allocated calories.
    7/01: 80.5kg! Yay, I'm so pleased I had another little scoot down today. Had a rubbish day yesterday in terms of job etc and I nearly had a massive food blow-out but managed to keep the damage to a minimum. Today's a new day and at least I don't have to worry about work until Monday now.
    Well done everyone who's managed to log and tried for progress this past 10 days! Hope everyone's ready for the next round! :smiley:

  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 699 Member
    SW 156
    GW 135

    6/24: 156
    6/25: 154.2
    6/26: 154.0
    6/27: 153.6
    6/28: 153.2
    6/29: 152.6
    6/30: 153.0
    7/01: 152.6
    I'm also looking forward to joining in the next round :smile:
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    R2 SW 221
    R3 SW 217.4
    R4 SW 215
    R5 SW 212
    R6 Missed- Was away with no scale
    R7 SW 208.4
    R8 SW 204.4 (June 21)

    6/22: 204.2
    6/23: 203.8
    6/24: 204.8 didn't go over my calories, certain it's salt but still sucks. :|
    6/25: 204.2 meh
    6/26: 204.4 I did so well last round I'll probably hold steady this time. :) As long as I stick to the plan I'm good.
    6/27: 204.2 hmmm
    6/28: 203.6
    6/29: 203.6
    6/30: 203.6 LOL now that my weight has finally stopped bouncing around I think it's time to drop! :)
    7/01: 203

    Not bad, 1.4 over the course of 10 days... I was hoping for more but I'll take it! See you next round!
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    I'm in again! Hi, all. My goal, as always, is to lose 2# in 10 days = SW 147.6 Good luck and clean eating everyone!

    6/22 146.6 This is some kind of fluke as I'm down a pound from yesterday. I slept late and woke up really dry if you know what I mean. But by this I'm down 3.4 from the start of last round. My goal was 2#. Now, on to releasing the next 2.
    6/23 149.6 Seriously? up over 3#! Had lunch out yesterday: 1/2 a salad and 1/2 a sandwich. Maybe water weight somewhere. Gonna drink my share of lemon water today.
    6/24 147.8 Went to gym yesterday and did my routine. Delightfully sore. Today: walking track. I'm trying a new approach and entering meals, snacks, etc, for the entire day before I eat anything. If I need to change something, ok, but this gives me a plan for the day and when I get peckish I go for one of the snacks I planned on. Gives me more control over sticking to the macros.
    6/25 147.6 A .2 loss seemed so small until I realized it equals a loss of 1.4 a week. I'll take it. Did the elliptical yesterday and stuck below macros on everything. Off to plan today's menu. Happy losing everyone.
    6/26 147.2 Put in an hour on elliptical yesterday. Went at slower pace as I read that 60-70% of MHR is the zone where you lose weight. Today: gym. Going to go grunt. Wishing us all success.
    6/27 146.6 Yes! Did another hr on ellip as well as gym. Planning my day's menu in advance is so helpful for me. It helps me see the balance, or lack thereof, in my food choices. Today: aqua arthritis and elliptical.
    6/27 147 Big Sigh
    6/29 147.2 Too much family drama and stress and a Snickers and French lemonade. On the bright side, 50 min elliptical and 2 hours gardening. Planning menu and sticking with it today. Stress be damned.
    6/30 147.4 Good grief. I'm ending up where I started. Actually higher. Started cleaning spare/junk bedroom yesterday to make room for son and grandson moving back in. Lots of up and down basement steps. Today gym and maybe Aqua. Come on, body. Let's let some of this go.

    7/01 149.2 Ah, well. Up and down and then (hopefully) down. Ended the 10 days up. Ate too many carbs. Back to planning and sticking to it. Did Aqua Arthritis yesterday and to gym today. Haven't done much elliptical; I've been too preoccupied with son moving back in with his son and cleaning out spare room and trying to toddler proof this place. Enough whining. On with it.
  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Ended round 7 at 134.5 (started 136.1)

    I would like to lose 1.5 (weigh 133) for round 8!

    6/22 - 133.3

    6/23 - 132.1
    In going to try not to get too excited about my overnight -1.2 pounds. I had three beers after dinner and I suspect that's making me a little dehydrated. It's nice to see a number even closer to goal though!! 128 is where I'd like to be. It just gives me some wiggle room to maintain between 128-130. Of course, its the weekend now and those are always tough ...

    6/24 - 132.3
    Did well yesterday. Stayed within calories. Looking back at the last several weekends I average 2000 calories Saturday and Sunday. My goal for this weekend is no more than 1500 each day. I do not have workouts planned so this will be an extra 600 calories over the weekend. Fingers crossed for the will power!!!

    6/25 - 133.8
    Well I guess that's what happens when you go 1,125 calories over your allotment for the day ... going to make today a better day. Also going to try for a 4 mile walk. Wasn't planned, but I need it. First ... coffee!!!

    6/26 - 135.6
    Well as predicted I'm up 3.3 pounds over the weekend. Totally my fault. Total lack of self control. Sucks!! WHY are weekends SO hard.

    6/27 - 134.3
    Ok a little weekend weight gone. Yesterday was easy to stay on track, Mondays usually are. Still hoping to weigh in at 133 by the end of this 10 days! Workout early today, and then a ton of errands and appointments.

    6/28 - 133.4
    .1 from what I started this round at, but less than my last weight for round 7 so I need to stay strong today and tomorrow and I will hopefully show a loss overall on Friday!! Today my son is having a bunch of friends over to swim and have pizza etc. I need to stay away from the junk food!!! 133 was my goal for round 8, it's within reach!!!

    6/29 - 132.8
    Happy with this number. If I can maintain or lose for tomorrow's weigh in I've made or exceeded my 10 day goal of 1.5lbs. So interesting to see the ups and downs of my 10 days ... now it's almost the weekend and the 4th of July holiday and grad and bday parties. I'm going to need strength!!

    Hmmmm for some reason I thought tomorrow was day 10 ... adding 7/1.

    6/30 - 133.0
    This was my original goal for the 10 days. I should be happy, but I was 132.1 during this 10 days so I'm feeling bummed. Today I take my mom to 3 hours worth of doctors appointments and my son to one, hoping to squeeze in my workout, but if its not done first thing, I usually don't get it done. I would LOVE to be in the 132's tomorrow.

    7/1 - 133.5
    That's -1 for this round. A loss is good, but lately I seem to average a 1/2 pound per week. I had a lot of ups and downs over the 10 days. Looking forward to round 9!
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    Round 9 posted! I hope Hillcrestbaby is having a bang up vacation!
  • tishawj
    tishawj Posts: 542 Member
    I'm in again! I think I started in round 2. I've been weighing and logging every day since mid March and it has really helped to keep me on track.

    SW in March - 182.4 lbs
    GW - want to get to 150 and then re-evaluate from there

    Coming in from Round 7 at 159.6lbs

    6/22 - 159.2lbs

    6/23 - 158.4lbs - back on track! I expect some of this is carry over from last weeks TOM bounce around but I"ll take it!!

    6/24 - 156.6lbs - Super Whoosh! I weighed myself 6 times and moved the scale to 3 different spots before I believed it LOL...may still not believe it until I see it again tomorrow.

    6/25 - 158.2 - yep...it was too good to be true...shortcake at the strawberry festival where we went picking and sushi for dinner

    6/26 - 159.8lbs - OY! Lots of factors here, but it's NOT going over calories as I've been under maintenance every day since I got back from my vacation. Went for a 25km bike yesterday and my muscles are screaming this morning and I think all the sodium from Satuday's sushi is still around. If I only weighed in on Mondays I would have no idea that I was 3lbs lower on Saturday morning and that's the weight that truly reflects my weight loss at this point. So....lots of water and fibre today to start flushing out what I'm retaining.

    6/27 - 159.4lbs
    6/28 - 157 lbs - back in the right direction, was feeling much less bloated by the end of yesterday.
    6/29 - 157.6 - a small bounce back up...not sure why...
    6/30 - 157.4 - creeping back down.
    7/01 - 157.3- on my mom's scale this weekend but it's usually pretty close to mine. Trying to keep the beers and BBQ in check today
    Happy Canada Day!!!! See you all in the next round.
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 202.2lbs
    CW:199.4 (6/21)
    R8 GW: 196lbs

    6/22: 199.0 still trending down :) I have a hectic day ahead and wont be able to workout so I'll make this my rest day instead of Sunday.

    6/23: 200.6 yeah....not only did I not workout yesterday, I was out travelling, scared to drinking too much water, and I ate this ziti pizza slice that made me feel so heavy. I also got home at around 1am which also made me groggy this morning. Not really happy with my choices right now.

    6/24: 199

    6/25: 197!! Out of the house all day yesterday walking the city. Woke up and had to weigh myself again I was so surprised. This week hasn't been great for my workout schedule but I was able to fill my off days with lots of activity.

    6/26 Wasn't home. No weigh-in

    6/27: 197.6 Up from Sunday, but I have really been slacking on working out for these last few days :/ Getting back on the grind today.

    6/28: 197.4 going back down. Did Insanity Fit Test yesterday and saw some good improvements, went up five reps for some of the exercises :)

    6/29: 198.4 :( A whole pound over night. Not happy about that, but I worked out yesterday evening and just took a walk for lunch. Trying to make a push for these last few days, especially since I'll be traveling on Sunday and unable to workout at all.

    6/30: 197.6 At least I'm back on 97. I had did Insanity and took a walk yesterday. One more day. We can do this!

    7/01: 197 Yay! I was, obviously based on my GW for this round, hoping to see a 6 at the end of my weight but I'm really happy to have gotten back to a flat 197. This has been a strange week for workouts and caloric intake for me. I was kinda all over the place, but I want to take a lesson from all this. The lesson being that I can have an imperfect week, but as long as I keep doing the majority of things right, the result will still reflect some of my effort.

    Total lost this round: 2.4lbs
    Total lost since my first round(7): 5.2lbs
  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    End of R7: 135.4

    6/22: 135.2
    I've been fluctuating in the 135 range for the past week and a half. Yesterday I did 50 mins of Aqua Zumba but then I screwed that up by eating out after. New plan is to eat about an hour before class and have some fruit or nuts for a snack after.
    6/23: 134.4
    YAY!!!! Stayed within cal count yesterday, too! Unfortunately...I also fell up (yes, I did say UP) the stairs and I did something to my foot and one of my wrists. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to teach sitting down, so there's no way I can work out. Last round it was a hernia, now this. I'm seriously the most accident prone person I know.
    6/24: 134.6
    Came in about 100 calories under count last night which is as low as I should be going when I don't work out (I'm supposed to eat a little over 1300 per day, and I usually work out enough in the pool to be able to eat at least 1500-1700. On a side note: my foot really friggin' hurts.
    6/25: 134.6
    Went to a soccer match downtown. Had to get there pretty early to avoid traffic so we walked about a mile away from the stadium for a bite to eat and some ice cream. I even got a Coke (eek!). Of course I came in over cal count but I usually splurge at matches. I will keep being careful for the next few days. Surprised I didn't gain any weight...
    6/26: 134.4
    Back down! Again this is the lowest I've weighed since I've started this whole thing. I'm really cool with my weight now, but I started out saying I wanted to get to 130, so I will get there.
    6/27: 135
    Ugh. So I woke up yesterday and I was feeling icky, by last night I was all out ill. When I'm sick I have no self-control so of course I ate everything in sight. Got to drink some water today. I think I drank like 10 oz yesterday (a new low, as I've always loved water).
    6/28 136.8
    I've recently realized my body has some sort of lactose intolerance but not technically intolerance because it constipates me rather than the other thing. I took it out of my diet temporarily like the doctor recommended but yesterday I ate some and "it" happened again this morning along with a major acne breakout, which I'm too old for. Guess it's time to clean out the fridge...
    6/29 136.8
    Still constipated. I just cleared out the fridge of all my fave dairy products but I left the things that I don't really care for so that my husband can still get his fill. At least I didn't gain any weight? I went on a 20 min walk yesterday along with my usual Aqua Zumba. Went for a walk today this AM too. Going to do some HIIT this afternoon, so that maybe I can get my insides moving.
    6/30: 135.2
    I'm eating unhealthy today and tomorrow. I know my weight's going to be a little messed up but it's my birthday today and I have a party tomorrow. Still off dairy and I've been feeling so much better.
    7/01: 135.8
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Starting weight end of Round 7 Challenge 134.4
    Goal weight 132
    Ultimate goal 130

    6/22 - 134.8 not really sure why, but hopefully tomorrow it will be below my starting weight of 134.4 from the end of Round 7. Got in my 5 mile run this morning as the heat was rising in So. Fl.
    6/23 - 133.8 wish I didn't have 1 pound swings. I want to maintain this weight throughout this challenge and end a little lighter. My goal is 1-1.5 pounds per 10 day challenge. Working hard and being mindful. Happy Friday everyone!
    6/24 - 134.2 Continue to be mindful. Going to a nutrition lecture this morning. Hoping to gain some insight.
    6/25 - 136.2 Does not surprise me. I had a very good full meal at Bonefish Grill last night. Back in the saddle this morning. Finished my 5 mile run and back to mindful eating. We all need a cheat meal every now and then. Happy Sunday all!
    6/26 - 133.8 Makes me do a Happy Dance on Monday. The more I come back to that number, the more I know it will stick. Off to the 9:45 class at the gym. And mindful eating <3
    6/27 - 133.6 Getting ready to go to the gym
    6/28 - 133.2 I changed the batteries in my scale, so hoping that has nothing to do with the drop (but I am a leary believer). I work out hard and try to be mindful of my eating. Hoping it stays tried and true. Would love to see 133# at the end of this challenge <3
    6/29 -134.4 Fish tacos last night! Let's hope this is not going to stick (I don't think it will). But I do have Happy Hour with a good friend lined up tonight. And only 2 days to finish strong :/ I got my 5 mile run in. And fit into a skirt today, that hasn't fit in a long time. So, I know I am headed in the right direction. We will see, it's a lot of persistence and perseverance.
    6/30 - 133.4 Happy Hour last night w/restraint. Finished my class at the gym. Happy Friday all❤️
    7/1 - 133.8 Happy to be in the 133 part of the scale. Was hoping for a little more of a loss in this 10 day challenge. But the closer I get to goal the harder it is. It's a work in progress. Looking forward to Round 9. Have a great weekend everyone <3
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    GW for this round - 168
    Final GW - 140

    Coming in from Round 7 at 170 lbs

    6/22 - 169.6 - did really well yesterday, 40 min on elliptical and food intake was on point. Expected to see a bigger loss, but I'll take it!

    6/23 - 169.6 - No exercise today and pretty sedentary due to work but came in under calories.

    6/24 - 168.8 - Stayed close to calories despite a friend's wedding. No "exercise" but ran my tail off getting every thing ready so all in all, I'll call that a win.

    6/25 -170 - Darned scale...no exercise but nutritionally on point.

    6/26 - 169.4 - Stayed under calories and did 41 minutes on elliptical. I'm trying to increase my time by 1 minute every time I do it...but can't seem to make time to do it more than 3 or 4 times a week. I'm going to lock my office door and try doing some body weight resistance exercises like plank and pushups in my office to see if that helps.

    6/27 - 169.8 Went over calories slightly and no cardio yesterday. I did do my first plank in probably a year for 20 seconds and managed to squeeze out 10 pushups from my knees. Wow. I had no idea my upper body was so weak. Minimally sore but not so much I can't try again today. Already did the elliptical for 42 minutes this morning and will do my plank and pushups again when I get to work.

    6/28 - 170.6 - Grrrrr wrong direction...TOM must be coming. I'm at or under calories consistently and exercising more and more.

    6/29 - 169.8 - Stayed under calories and hit the elliptical for 40 minutes. I really felt crummy toward the end of that. I think I didn't have enough fuel...but later in the day I squeezed out another 10 pushups.

    6/30 - 170.2 - Well that sucks...I am doing everything right. The lbs seem to be gorilla glued on.

    7/1 - 169.4 - Elliptical for 43 minutes, some yoga and strength exercises. Stayed within calorie allotment. This is going so slow...but I feel a breakthrough on the horizon.
  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    SW: 256
    Round 7: 240.4 [-2.4 lbs]

    6/22 - 239.6 New decade.
    6/23 - 239.6
    6/24 - 239.0
    6/25 - 241.2 - poor sleep, does it to me every time
    6/26 - 240.4
    6/27 - 240.6
    6/27 - 240.2
    6/29 - 237.4 - super stressful week - I think this is as much as a blip as the jumps are and I'll be back up tomorrow
    6/30 - 239.4
    7/01 - 237.4
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Round 7: 172.3
    First goal: 170

    6/22 - 171.9 > Well this was a surprise this morning!! Made the kid walk up the steepest hill in town with me.
    6/23 - 172.1 < Huge after dinner hike and a Berry Protein Smoothie for dessert. Was a good day.
    6/24 - 170.9 > Getting so close. Had a nice walk and (2) glasses of wine. Great evening and SO is home ❤️
    6/25 - 172.0 <
    6/26 - 172.4 < Ugghh a busy weekend with Wine and BBQ salads etc on both days!! I'm getting back on track and SO is away for at least 21 days ... I do amazing with my calories when he's gone. lol Hoovering above my 170 mark would like to hit this soon.
    6/27 - 172.7 > Huh? Well this is the wrong direction. Thought I cut some cals and although felt lazy crawled off the couch and went for a long walk. Tomorrow is my weigh-in day lets hope this is a sodium build up. (fingers crossed lol)
    6/28 - 172.2 < Working out all the weekend fun, sadly the weekend is just around the corner again. 20,000 steps last night of the biggest hills in town and hot out too!!
    6/29 - 171.4 < I even had a cupcake!! BBQ tomorrow and I work in the morning so I doubt I'll fit in a long walk, Saturday I'll have to make up for it. Hope I can limit my calories and try and stay away from overly salty foods (Not a hope)

    6/30 - 170.1 < ..... (.1) from my goal (.1)!!! BBQ's and fun all weekend so holding on to this is going to be rough... But I want it!! So we will see what happens.

    7/01 - 169.8 ....... WOW!!!

    So I have come under my first goal. My goal here is the weight I do not want to go above ever again. It's a little scary and sometimes I have anxiety about it..... I'm going to maintain here for a little up my calories and play with that. It's summer and I am usually pretty active so if I continued to lose so be it. I've set a new goal of 159 and am giving myself plenty of time to get there 6-12 months. We will see.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited July 2017
    6/21/17 weight: 270.4 lbs.
    6/22 SW 270.4 -- Goal for 10 days: be in the 260s.
    6/23 274 --yes the scale is still giving somewhat random numbers but most of that +4 (!) pounds is Chinese Take Out and the extra bottle of water I drank with it. Gonna buy a new scale today so who knows what tomorrow will bring.
    6/24 271.0 -- new scale and still getting rid of the water weight from that Chinese Take Out. Going to try starting a little exercise today.
    6/25 272.8 -- THEM THAT PLAYS PAYS! Okay so how about unsalted tortilla chips upon which I sprinkled salt ... and then that dill harvarti binge late at night? So at least I recorded the binge with breakfast today and will stay within calorie limits even including that extra cheese! Tonight, I go to bed rather than munch late at night!
    6/26 270.8 -- almost back where I started. Phew. Behave right, Heidi, and there's still hope of reaching the 260s in this challenge!
    6/27 270.2 -- Contented sigh.
    6/28 269.8 --New second digit. 2-seven-0 turns into 2-six-9. Must hold on with grasping fingers as it struggles to get away! Epic battle to ensue!
    6/29 270.4
    6/30 271.2 -- Chinese takeout again. This does not bode well for the six being back for tomorrow but at least I saw it!

    7/01271.0 -- Still holding water from the Chinese takeout. I can feel it in my face.

    Yes, 271 is technically more than the 10-day SW of 270.4 but that's 271 puffed up from too much salt. At least I saw 269! Ready for another 10 day reckoning!
  • sonya_laan
    sonya_laan Posts: 131 Member
    edited July 2017
    sonya_laan wrote: »
    SW: 234 lbs (June 19, 2017)
    GW1: 199
    GW2: 160
    Round 8 goal: 4 lbs (I always lose weight super fast when I first start eating healthy so thinking 4 lbs is reasonable)

    June 21: 230.2 lbs

    Day Weight Comments
    6/22 - 229.4 lbs
    6/23 - 228 lbs.
    6/24 - 228 lbs
    6/25 - 227.6 lbs.
    6/26 - 227.6 lbs
    6/27 - 227.2 lbs - slow and steady. Also been eating over sodium so that's probably not helping.
    6/28 - 226.4 lbs - stayed within cals last night but was sooo hungry all day until i ate a massive meal at night. :neutral:
    6/29 - 225.2 lbs - my scale died yesterday morning and i figured the drop i saw yesterday was to fix the results I was seeing for the few days before that. NOPE. A nice big drop this morning. Officially lost 20 lbs today from my starting weight set 2 years ago.
    6/30 - 223.8 lbs - soooo another huge drop. not sure why. I eat 1500 cal...I know my new job is very physical and I may have to consider upping my MFP from sedentary to active to help slow the loss down if it continues like this.
    7/01- 223.1 lbs. woot woot! At the SOs house and used his scale. Hoping it's similar to mine. Happy Canada day everyone! Hoping I don't fall to hard off the band wagon. ;)
  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    Your round 8, my round 2!! Hey y'all!
    SW: 269
    GW for R7/R2: 260
    Round 7/ My Round 1 : 263.2 [-5.8lbs]

    6/22 264.? [in prev post]
    6/23 261.2 [in prev post]
    6/24 262.2 [in prev post]
    6/25 264.? [in prev post]
    6/26 262.4 [in prev post]
    6/27 265.6 [in prev post]
    6/28 264.6 Went for a quick morning walk, since I won't be getting home until 7ish, I know I will have time for another decent walk. I thought I would be a little lighter [maybe 263 instead. . . .[longer post in last log]
    6/29 262.2 Did at least 40 minutes of 2.5 speed walking throughout the day! Extremely proud of myself. I logged every thing over 100 calories in, I had one snack that wouldn't make much of a difference if it was logged. Definitely excited to enter the 50's (favorite music era :blush: ) and even though I am kinda sad about not already being in the 50s, I did not give up. <-- something I would have done any other time I was trying to "lose weight". Haven't been in the 50s since March 28th! :open_mouth:
    6/30 262.2 Meh! I know what the problem is, it is me! When I get home from work I don't want to do annyyything :lol: I should be happy I stayed the same, I think my TOM is on its way, so I am going to be extremely careful the next couple of days! Got myself an iced coffee, a girl's still gotta spoil herself! :tongue:
    7/01263.3 Ate chinese food yesterday but I ordered beef & broccoli instead of General Tso's...small changesss! Never had that much broccoli in my life x_x!!

    Total Weight Loss for June 2017: -6.8lbs
    Total Weight Loss/Gain R2: +.3 oz
    Round 8/R2 complete :smile:
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    6/22: 169.8 - had a great work out last night, but it left me half dead today. haha.
    6/23: 170.0 - way over my sodium yesterday.
    6/24: 167.8! - killer workout last night.
    6/25: 168.2 - take out for dinner last night. Wasn't over calories, but prob was over sodium. Also, slept in.
    6/26: 167.4 - TOM is here and I feel like reheated death so that's a thing. Let's see if I can hold to 167 or below.
    6/27: 167.4 - holding steady.
    6/28: 167.4 - I guess at least my weight is steady?! Hoping to drop tomorrow.
    6/29: 167.2 - a small drop, but I'll take it. Been struggling to stay under calories so that's today's goal.
    6/30: 166.2 - was upset/sick yesterday. Seems to have done wonders for my weight at least.
    7/01: 166.8 - prob over sodium yesterday. Possibly over calories ate out at a restaurant without nutritional info so I'm guesstimating.

    So...I'm down 3 lbs from 6/22. I'm sure some of it was/is water weight, but I'm still happy.

    Here's to the next 10 days!!!!