Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    I have very wimpy upper-body strength & my 5 year old girl can do full on "man style" pushups up on her toes - I can't do a single one maintaining proper form!

    Definitely going to take on this challenge, but what a strong little girl! Definitely going to grow up to be an athlete...
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    Ashley wall push ups are great , they are easier I. Form wise but work just as good. All you do is set yourself up on the wall as if it was the floor, I find it puts less stress on the body. As far as today's challenge I doubti iwill do anyway I am on my way to work now for 7 and won't get home til 8 at which point I will barely be able to keep my eyes open. I think these 12 hour shifts maybe affecting my weight lose so I am thinking of cutting them back, but I really need the money so we'll see . I need to change something this week so I'm not sure if I am going to try zig zag calories or lifting weights. I think lifting weights might be my best bet to see if I start to lose.
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    Tuesdays Points:

    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 2.5
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Tuesday Points
    Total= 6pts
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Tuesday's Points

    Exercise -6

    Total - 9

    Weekly Total - 16
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Monday's Points
    Exercise 4.5
    Total= 6.5

    Tuesdays Points
    Exercise 1
    Total= 4

    Total so far for week two= 10.5
    Total for week one=40.5
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Tuesday's Points

    Sleep - 0 point
    Exercise - 3 points
    Food - 1 poing
    Water - 1 point
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    wednesday points:

    exercise 1.5
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 4.5

    wasnt able to get the push up in!!
  • future_marathoner
    future_marathoner Posts: 170 Member
    Well well well... guess who has no upper body strength.... --> this girl <--- hehe!
    So I tried to do girl push ups... after 6... i was DONE. So then I tried wall push ups. After one, I was excited because it was easy. Then I realized it shouldn't be that easy so i scooted back further .. oh.. theres the burn. hehe!
    So I got 6 girl push ups and 27 wall push ups done.
    Afterwards, I got out the hand weights and did about 25 minutes of arm workouts. I will get some upper body strength!

    Hope everyone else did great!
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Well, planning is helping me out in the points department! I have Monday (6), Tuesday (7.5), Wednesday (6.5).

    Sorry for the late notice on the push-up challenge. I'm sure many tears were shed for those that missed the message to get them in today... I got in 8 sets of 10 "girl" pushups (so 80). I worked today, so it was tricky. I share an en-suite office with my Aunt & Cousin, and we have an attached private bath (nothing luxurious, but very convenient with the water intake!). So, yes people - I did most of my pushups on my bathroom breaks. The bathroom has that wall to wall "office" carpet, and I literally have rugburn on my knees!

    Ashley - how are the emotions doing? How is your Grandma? Great work on getting down 2.2#'s! Did you try out the wall pushups?

    Kelly - Sounds like you're frustrated. I'm sure the 12 hour days make things tricky. The only things I can think of are to make sure your water intake is spread throughout the day, keep meals a few hours away from bed-time, check your% intakes - are you going over in a category & coming in under in another? Maybe mix in some interval training (ie: on elliptical thrown in some 30-60 seconds of sprinting/jogging/running?) Keep up with the measurements :)

    Phyllis - that TV can really drag you in. It has cut into my sleep time a few too many times!

    Becca - yay on the 8 hours of sleep! Love your workout plan!

    babydbones - love your answer to monday's question- can totally identify!

    Karen - awesome workout plan!

    Melissa - how brave of you to go to level 2! I will be at Level 1 probably until mid August, then I may try the leap to L2!

    Katy - my 5 year old amazes me. She can hold a plank for ages, and her brothers get mad that she can out "push-up" them!

    ok, I've got to get all of our week 1 data into an excel spreadsheet so I can see who our biggest loser of the week & points prince/princess is!

    Hugs all,

  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member

    Where are you in your weight-loss journey? Some of us have tickers, others don't - share your YTD lost totals, or if you are just starting out.


    Advance notice on this one - SQUAT challenge. How many can you get in Friday? If you have an injury, modify the exercise. The type of squat I'm referring to is:

    Stand w/feet hip width apart & arms at your side
    bend down sticking your booty out as if you are about to sit in a chair as you raise your arms in-front of you until they are parallel to the floor.

    Don't bend your knees past 90 degrees.

    Return to a standing position.
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    PHOO!! SQUAT CHALLENGE!!! NOOOOOOO. My surgeon would murder me if he heard I was doing squats, and thats if I didn't kill myself doing them first.

    50 wall push ups today. Nurses at the hospital were looking at me funny when I was doing them in the hall while the aides were taking my grandma to the bathroom

    Grandma is doing better, should be going home tomorrow. No surgery, phew. But we did find out that my boyfriends grandma is in the hospital too and she might have to have surgery.

    I'm doing a little bit better, need to get back back on track, I still feel like I am doing naughty things....I don't think I did any today, but I just have to get back in my groove.

    Wed points

    sleep 1
    water 1
    exercise 7.5
    diary 1
    total 10.5

    weekly total 25.5

    Where I am in my weight loss journey. Well I am about 2 months out, 38 pounds down and 112 to go. I was just diagnosed with diabetes 3 months ago, and am determined to reverse it. I went for my blood work today, and find out the results on the 2nd. My last blood draw I had a fasting blood sugar of 166 (bad) today I tested right before my blood draw (104) :) Hopefully my A1C has changed. I will keep you guys updated.
  • Wednesday points:

    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 5
    Sleep - 1

    Total - 8

    Today I bought a pair of jeans size 18!!! I haven't been an 18 in so long that I can't even remember. I actually bought pants from a normal sized store!!! I was so proud of myself, I almost cried.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Today's points:
    Log: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Water: 1
    Exercise: 3

    Total points: 7

    Total points last week: 34
    Total points this week: 17
    Total points overall: 61

    I did wall push ups for 5 minutes (didn't count them, was too tired) and also did all of the walking push ups for Level 2 of Shred. I also found out I have a fatigue pain in my calf muscle so I have to drop back my run miles, but I'm going to try some new stretches and see if that helps. I also had a HUGE CFS episode in the middle of the day right before my wall push ups and gave myself a huge dose of protein and then the episode passed. I've never had that happen before, so I'm going to have to ask my nutritionist about that!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    Today I bought a pair of jeans size 18!!! I haven't been an 18 in so long that I can't even remember. I actually bought pants from a normal sized store!!! I was so proud of myself, I almost cried.

    That is SO AWESOME! Continue to use that momentum to lose even more! How fantastic for you!!!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I earned 41.5 points last week.

    My plan for the week:
    Monday: walking 65 minutes at 5 mph complete
    6 points
    Tuesday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 15 minutes strength complete
    6.5 points
    Wednesday: walk 65 minutes at 5 mph complete
    6 points
    Thursday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 15 minutes strength
    Friday: walking 65 minutes at 5 mph
    Saturday: I'm picking up my daughter so I don't know what I can fit in
    Sunday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 20 minutes strength
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    Since I have today off from work I think I may do the squat challenge today instead. I started my weight loss journey on memorial day so I am about two months in I have lost 9 pounds in that time all of which was in the first two weeks. I spoke with so e people who have said it has taken them two to three months to really see a loss so I am hoping it kicks in soon. My first goal is twenty pounds by September so I am hoping I can still reach it. But really I would just like to start seeing a loss. I decided I am doing strength training at the gym and am not going to eat back my exercise calories to see how I do. Amy like you said I think late eating maybe a problem for me but I am so accustomed to eating dinner at 7 or 730 changing that is going to be a challenge. I'm hopping to get in extra points today between the squats and gym.
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    I am nearly one year into this on MFP..but I started about 7 months before that on my own-wasn't having much success for that 7 months because I didn't really get the whole concept of calories in/calories out..lol! So once I started here the pounds started coming off..I am close to 50 pounds now. My original goal was to lose 30 pounds but when I hit that I knew that I could keep going..and now at close to 50 I know that I need to lose a bit more than that as that would only put me right at the top of my healthy bmi.

    Squats hey..I love squats :love:
    Didn't get the push ups in yesterday..opps!

    Wednesday's Points
    Exercise 3.5
    Total= 6.5

    Total so far for week two= 17
    Total for week one=40.5
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    Wednesday Points:)

    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 1.5

    Total 4.5
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    Wednesday's Points

    Sleep - 1 point (Went to bed at 9:30 and got up at 5am when the alarm went off)
    Exercise - 1.5 points (30 minutes of Nike Training Club Workout - - I love the iPhone/iPod apps)
    Water - 0 points (I'm usually on point with my water intake, but I only had 6 glasses)
    Food - 1 point (Log! Log! Log!)

    Yea! I got my 7.5 hours of sleep last night, but only had 6 glasses of water! Phooey :angry:! Oh well, it's another day for me to get it right, and so far, I've downed 4 glasses, with another 4 to 6 left to go!

    Yesterday, before I left the office for work, I read the push-up challenge and I was thinking "push-ups?? "Is Amy on drugs or something? :laugh: I can't do no stinking push-ups!" :noway: However, after I read that the push ups can be modified, on the wall "girl push-ups," etc. I figured, I can do this, sooooooooooo, 10 minutes before I was scheduled to get off work, and right after I changed into my workout clothes, I knocked out 39 push-ups by leaning forward and pressing against my desk! I tried to get a few wide-legged push-ups, but my hands was slippery from the lotion I put on them. At the time, I was the only one in the office, so I didn't have to worry about co-workers gawking at me!

    Now, as for today's challenge, I should be able to do those with ease! I've already did 50 squats this morning, just as Amy described! I will add more this evening when I get home or better yet, mabye I can fit a few more in during my lunch time! Get it where you can fit it! Right? Right!