Cardio or Weights?

I am female, 5 foot 8 inches, and around 290 to 300 lb. My diet is very simple, I have a food scale, I enter in my daily calories on here, and I try to stay away from junk food and highly processed food as much as possible. I'm fairly educated on all the different opinions, Keto, cico, paleo, macros, etc. I personally prefer to just keep my diet simple, simple foods, simple preparation, simple budget... That works for me.

My dilemma really comes to exercise. I am fairly confident on an elliptical or a treadmill, plugging away, but I've also read enough to realize that weight training is key in losing losing and keeping off weight, and in getting to the level of fitness that I desire. So I'm curious what people's opinions are, should I lose the bulk of my weight via diet and cardio, and then focus on weight training to recomp? Or should I dive headlong into heavy lifting while I'm still at a significant weight? I guess my fears and concerns are, firstly that I'm unfamiliar with the form and movements when it comes to weight training, and I don't like to look like a fool around all the gallon jug toting gym bunnies at PF, and secondly I feel that if I don't keep with a regular weight loss I won't be as motivated to stick with my plan, and I realize that weight lifting, while in the long run will benefit me more, in the short-term might lead to slower weight loss. I could be wrong about that though, which is why I'm asking for you to share your personal experiences about what worked for you.
I think it's very telling that when I walk into PF, the weight section is primarily peopled by fit, muscle-bound men and women in designer leggings, and the treadmills are mostly populated by the morbidly obese and overweight. Either weight-training is a greater aid to weightloss, or all the other chunks out there are as self-concious as I am when I'm fumbling with the weight rack.


  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    Do not be self-conscious about lifting weights, people should applaud you for making the effort. I will say if you have never lifted before you should join a class or get a trainer.

    cwolfman13 is right on everything he said. Weight loss is made through a diet, i.e. calorie deficit. Weight lifting and cardio will help you further your calorie deficit and have many health benefit but you should not rely on them for fat loss, abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

    Keep in mind, if you do begin weight training, do not trust the scale for a while. If you keep your protein high, have a calorie deficit, and have a good weight training program you will recomp, this is loosing fat and gaining muscle, the scale may not change much if you are doing this. If you get a trainer you can have them take your measurements via tape or caliper to track your progress.

  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    I wish I had put off weight training until I lost the weight is not a phrase I've ever heard on MFP. I started lifting at 279 nine months and 60 pounds ago. Zero regrets. I am less than halfway to my goal and already liking how I look in the mirror. My legs have shape, my butt is perky, and I swear I look thinner than I did at this weight while gaining. The look on guys faces when they run to help you lift something heavy and you pick it up like nothing is also priceless.

    I watched lots of Youtube videos and the Stronglifts videos and recorded myself to get form right. Some exercises may require small adaptations because of things like tummies being in the way or the difficulties in lifting a higher body weight. For example, to do squats to full depth I had to use a wide stance because my stomach and thighs would run into each other before I could hit parallel. I was also unable to lift my self back up and had to use the assistance of my kitchen counter for two weeks. I eventually worked my way up to squatting 95 pounds. Not an impressive number to most, but I feel like a bad *kitten* compared to where I started. I'm currently doing a program that is progressing towards pull ups which I thought was impossible a year ago and now I feel like that is an attainable goal.
  • Mrsabror
    Mrsabror Posts: 41 Member
    I appreciate the input, but with that I think I need to clarify: when I ask which is most effective, I'm not doing away with the other altogether. I'm simply asking if it would be more effective to focus primarily on one or the other for where I'm at, and what has worked personally for those who have experienced losing large amounts of weight. Currently I would say that I'm blending cardio and weights to a degree, but I have no set routine established. I go to PF several times a week, and usually do the 30 min circuit, which has both weight training and cardio, as well elliptical or treadmill, depending on how I'm feeling. Also at home I've been working on jump rope, squats, sprints, etc. I guess when I think strength training I'm picturing going to the gym and doing hardcore deadlifts, snatches, stair climber, etc. When I think cardio, I'm thinking couch25k, marathon training or cycling.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Do both. I like stronglifts 5x5 because there are only 5 lifts to learn, but you may not have the equipment for it at your gym. Have a trainer show you around. Look at pictures and videos online of how to perform the movements. Practice good form before adding weight. Lift heavy and progressively. Alternate cardio and lifting days.
  • Mrsabror
    Mrsabror Posts: 41 Member
    @ Jenny and Pump, y'all posted while I was writing, lol! Definitely appreciate the advice, and especially the personal examples, Jenny. I really am interested in hearing personal experiences about how different approaches worked for different people.
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    If your goal is to loose fat, that is done through a calorie deficit attained through your diet. If you want to loose fat while retaining muscle do resistance training, but be in a calorie deficit. Cardio will help you increase your calorie deficit and will improve many health markers.
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    All resistance training will do for you in the long run is keep you from being "skinny fat" when you loose your weight and increase your metabolism by having more muscle mass.
  • Mrsabror
    Mrsabror Posts: 41 Member
    @cwolf, appreciate the advice. I do want to get on a program, because I know I definitely need to form some habits. Any recommendations?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Mrsabror wrote: »
    I appreciate the input, but with that I think I need to clarify: when I ask which is most effective, I'm not doing away with the other altogether. I'm simply asking if it would be more effective to focus primarily on one or the other for where I'm at, and what has worked personally for those who have experienced losing large amounts of weight. Currently I would say that I'm blending cardio and weights to a degree, but I have no set routine established. I go to PF several times a week, and usually do the 30 min circuit, which has both weight training and cardio, as well elliptical or treadmill, depending on how I'm feeling. Also at home I've been working on jump rope, squats, sprints, etc. I guess when I think strength training I'm picturing going to the gym and doing hardcore deadlifts, snatches, stair climber, etc. When I think cardio, I'm thinking couch25k, marathon training or cycling.

    I do 30-60 minutes of cardio (cycling) 5x per week and follow a full body lifting program 2x per week. Most full body lifting programs are 2-3x per week.

    It's not more effective to focus on one or the other in regards to losing weight...again, that largely comes down to your diet. I tend to focus more on cardio in the late spring, summer, and early fall because I'm an avid cycling enthusiast and strength training is my primary way to cross train and it makes me a better cyclist.

    I tend to spend more time in the weight room in the winter because it's nice and heated and it's difficult for me to get as much cycling in as I'm relegated to nice days and/or my indoor trainer which is boring as hell.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    edited July 2017
    Calorie deficit for losing fat.

    Strength training to maintain/increase muscle and increase strength. Cardio for heart/lung health. They are both good for overall fitness. There's no reason to choose only one or the other.
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    For you and your weightloss, cardio is the most important. Reaching for atleast 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a week should be a minimum for everyone, and for weight loss anything additional is absolutely helpful. Obviously if you cannot jump into that immediately by all means take your time and progress as you feel comfortable.

    As far as weight training, everyone can benefit from weight training. Weight training can help you maintain muscle mass but if you have never weight trained before, you probably do not have much functional lean mass that will stick around. If you start weight training now, by time you lose the weight you will be at a higher level in terms of strength and muscle mass which you will likely be more happy with. But I think if the weight training is going to be taking away from your time to do cardio, I would wait until either you have additional time or are able to successfully do both.

    Start slow, and build as you go. I would start with cardio until you are getting atleast 225 minutes a week (45 minutes 5x per week) and if you feel comfortable, you can begin to incorporate 2-3 full body workouts per week.


    Cardio is important for heart health, but has no importance in regard to weight loss. Some of us do it because it lets us eat more food while losing at a high rate, but it's not necessary to lose weight.

    Big people do often have a great deal of muscle mass. Walking up a hill or getting out of a bathtub with an extra 100 pounds is a serious strength exercise. Holding onto that extra muscle mass by strength training while losing would be a lot easier than losing all that muscle and having to build it back up again.

    The way I look at it is strength training helps you look good naked. Cardio lets you eat more food. They are both good for your health.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    Do it all, but do it in moderation, but you don't have to go crazy lifting weights or cardio. just ease into everything gradually. focus on your diet thats the most important for weight loss. cardio and weights will get you fit and in healthy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Mrsabror wrote: »
    @cwolf, appreciate the advice. I do want to get on a program, because I know I definitely need to form some habits. Any recommendations?

    I'd recommend a full body program that can be done 2-3x per week vs a split. I don't really recommend splits for beginners...

    My wife really liked New Rules of Lifting for Women when she started in the weight room. She was initially doing Starting Strength with me, but found it boring. New Rules also helped her understand what she was doing and why she was doing it and why it was important and the book dispelled a lot of fears and myths that she and many women have in regards to lifting.

    She did New Rules and then Strong Curves...she works with a coach now. She's been lifting for about 4 years.
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    For you and your weightloss, cardio is the most important. Reaching for atleast 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a week should be a minimum for everyone, and for weight loss anything additional is absolutely helpful. Obviously if you cannot jump into that immediately by all means take your time and progress as you feel comfortable.

    As far as weight training, everyone can benefit from weight training. Weight training can help you maintain muscle mass but if you have never weight trained before, you probably do not have much functional lean mass that will stick around. If you start weight training now, by time you lose the weight you will be at a higher level in terms of strength and muscle mass which you will likely be more happy with. But I think if the weight training is going to be taking away from your time to do cardio, I would wait until either you have additional time or are able to successfully do both.

    Start slow, and build as you go. I would start with cardio until you are getting atleast 225 minutes a week (45 minutes 5x per week) and if you feel comfortable, you can begin to incorporate 2-3 full body workouts per week.


    Cardio is important for heart health, but has no importance in regard to weight loss. Some of us do it because it lets us eat more food while losing at a high rate, but it's not necessary to lose weight.

    Big people do often have a great deal of muscle mass. Walking up a hill or getting out of a bathtub with an extra 100 pounds is a serious strength exercise. Holding onto that extra muscle mass by strength training while losing would be a lot easier than losing all that muscle and having to build it back up again.

    The way I look at it is strength training helps you look good naked. Cardio lets you eat more food. They are both good for your health.

    I never said cardio was necessary to lose weight. I said everyone should be doing atleast 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per week.

    It sounds like her goal is weight loss first and getting stronger second. Cardio puts you further into a calorie deficit which is what causes weight loss.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    Both. 3-4 days of the one you like better, 2-3 days of the other. (or giving preference to one over the other if you are training for something like a race, etc).
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    My 'focus' shifts to cardio when there is more really tempting cardio to do in a limited number of days (summer = group rides, lots more group runs, trail runs, races, orienteering...hard not to choose those over the gym, as opposed to solo running through the snow/slush).