H20~ Keeping the Pounds Falling Off



  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hey ladies.. How has your weekend been? Mine has been blah.. Im down with an injured back again.. :( Not cool. I have managed to get caught up on my photography editing and get started on a website.. :) I renamed my photography business.. Instead of "April Merrick Photography" it is now "Priceless Memories by April" with the motto "Capturing lifes most precious moments".. :) I did manage to do a photo shoot yesterday.. Boy was that a treat.. The first one where i didnt know the people.. The kids didnt want to cooperate and it started raining.. but the people were happy with what they saw, and thats all that matters.. :) Im in the process of editing the pictures now.. :) Learning some new techniques with my new software.. :) I love it!! :)

    Hope everyone is doing well.. :) I am other than my back. trying not to complain about it.. :) happy Sunday everyone!!


    Conner & Courtney from yesterdays photo shoot
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Cute pic, April! And I'm sorry about your back. Hope you feel better so you can get out there and start moving again! It's amazing how much better I feel when I exercise!!!! Chin up... and great new name for your biz!!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks Nik.. ;) Im hoping.. My back and knee has been getting the best of me this year.. :( Not cool..
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hi ladies!! I'll get back in here and catch up with you all soon. I picked up a full-day shift at the store for tomorrow so I gotta get to bed, but I just wanted to drive-by and let you all know how proud I am of you! You are kicking *kitten* and doing great things for yourselves. You're making yourselves healthier choice by choice, day by day, and you're not letting anyone or anything get in the way of your goals. Keep on being awesome and I'll talk to you soon!! *hugs*
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Trying to get back on track after a 6 week hiatus. Help!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    April - Your photos have been great. I love the different editing techniques you're using - they give some neat effects. I'm sorry to hear your back is out. I hope you feel better soon!

    Christine - I miss you! I hope work is going well, and you better not be eating yummy things and not telling us about it :smile: How is the running going?

    Violet_820 - what can we do to help? What things are going well and what are your challenges? Do you need encouragement, suggestions or a verbal kick in the butt?

    Nikki - how was Harry Potter? I really want to see it. I'm glad you guys had a great anniversary, and I think it's fantastic that you've been with your husband for such a long time. I've been married less than a year and it's hard to imagine us 16 years from now!

    I do love my running skirt! I wore it out this morning and did about 5.5km. The skirt is really cute and even though the shorts underneath ride up a little bit, they were still comfortable and other people couldn't see them anyway! I am now officially happy with my running wardrobe :)

    Also, I was having random toe pain (I think one toe would get tense and shove itself into the toe next to it). But a girl at the Running Room suggested a silicone toe cover, like a little gel sock for my toe, and it worked really well. No toe pain today...yay!

    I started doing a new kind of run where I jog for 4 minutes at a reasonable pace (5.3 mph ish) and then run all out for one minute (6.5+ mph ish). I guess this will help build speed or endurance - my trainer told me to do this and she hasn't steered me wrong yet. I assume that the sprinting sections will get longer as I get better?
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    hmmmm no loss this week... :grumble: stupid slave driver!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Hey everyone...I am here. Will check in tonite after work! Have a great Tuesday!
  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Well I did the 30 Day shred for the first since before the weekend- I think the break helped the ankle a bit (min you walking on the cobblestones on Saturday did not) and my balance on one of the exercises really improved- over all eventhough I need to seriously modify all of the jumpy exercises- I am getting a lot stronger- still kicks my butt though
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Sounds like everyone's doing great. I'm trying to jump back on the wagon and really make some tracks with these last few pounds - okay, so 25 pounds isn't really "these last few", but I'm closer than I was. :wink:

    I'm hoping to get back into p90x then when it cools down a bit, start C25K - we'll see what happens.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!

    :happy: :happy:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lisa, glad you like your new running skirt! I love mine... would love to have nothing but those, but will have to wait to buy more until funds get a little higher!!! And Harry Potter was awesome! If you've read the books, it follows really close, but if you haven't then you just have to wait and see! The effects are amazing and the story is really wrapped up very nicely. Perfect ending!!!

    Oh, and the running intervals you're doing will for sure make you faster! I do them once a week and have really picked up speed even on my easy runs. Sounds like you have a very smart trainer!!!!

    Love my taper week this week. Four-four mile runs. Did the first one tonight, next one tomorrow, then again either Friday or Saturday. Seems so easy after all the longer runs I've been doing! Crazy to think a year ago I still thought 3 miles was killer... times do change!
  • Alegria79
    Alegria79 Posts: 133 Member
    Jen - I love the dress you're wearing in your new profile picture - very pretty! I'm glad the 30DS is going better now that you've given your ankle a bit of a break. I'm almost finished level 1 (I'm not doing consecutive days - more like 3 or 4x a week) and I've noticed that it's getting easier. Butt kicking is good and it's awesome that you're getting stronger!

    Crystal - P90x sounds like a killer, but everyone seems to get good results from it. I hope it goes well! The C25K program is great - I was so happy that I went from being an adamant non-runner to an enthusiastic runner!

    Nikki - I'm glad to hear that the movie stayed fairly true to the books. I've read them all a few times and enjoyed the movies. I wanted to wait until the initial craziness died a bit before attempting to see the new movie! It sounds like your runs this week are a great way to recover from your very long distance runs in the last couple of weeks.

    I had a good run this morning - I went about 3.5 miles doing the intervals, which seems to be my distance a couple of times a week right now. On Friday I'm going to go for a distance run and see how that goes.

    I absolutely love my garmin! He (I've decided it's a "he" so I can get annoyed with him) tracks my speed, HR, lap times, and other useful information. And I've just figured out that he comes with various types of time/distance/hr programs, including a very useful interval program! No more checking ('has it been 4 minutes yet??") - he'll just beep when it's time to pick up the pace or back off! I'll be trying that out next week.

    1. running rocks!
    2. husband is awesome
    3. I'm going to see Minnesota and Michigan next month (another state I can cross off my "visited now" list). Anyone know anything about Duluth or Mackinac Island or Makinaw City (sp?)?
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Lisa - LOL at spray paint! I know I'll eventually end up giving on the color part of my HRM search, but since pink is an option, naturally that is what I want! I downloaded the Bridge to 10K app, but I've yet to use it. You're right that I've passed that first mental block of just running, but I need to get past that "I can't keep going"/"good enough" block that kicks in around 2.5/3 miles. Because I KNOW I can keep going and I KNOW that good isn't good enough.

    I'm so happy you found some great running skirts, and in a size 8!! That's such an accomplishment! I've got a tennis skirt in my drawers...you and Nikki have inspired me to whip it out and try running in it. Congrats on posting a loss, too! I like your run/sprint intervals that you're doing. I shold start doing something like that instead of run/walk, use the slow running as my recovery.

    And noooo, no foodie adventures this week. :laugh: My running schedule isn't nearly often enough. I haven't gone out running since last Tuesday. I was used to my husband's old work schedule where I had evenings to myself. Now that his hours have shifted and my alone time is more during the day, I'm not as inclined on running since I do it at the high school track and even during summer, it isn't open to the public until after 3pm. I'm an excuse machine, aren't I?

    I snorted when I read your "I'm calling my HRM a 'he'" comment. I love the way you think!!

    Nikki - Happy anniversary! I feel like you - it is hard for me to remember things befor my hubby and I were together. We've only been married for 3 years (as of...HOLY CRAP...a week and a half from now!) but we started dating in high school and have been together almost 10 years. Amazing how time flies! It is so impressive how you've completely changed your mindset in regards to running. You're awesome!

    April - You'll have to post the link to your website when you're done! It looks like you're doing such a great job with your new business venture, and I can't wait to see it develop even more. Time to get some pretty business cards!

    Violet - Welcome back! Don't think about what you need to be doing, just DO IT. Make those better choices, grab that water bottle, put your walking shoes on and get out there. I'm realizing when we think about things too much, we tend to not get into action as quickly or at all. Looking forward to seeing you share your successes!

    Cazz - BOOOOO to the slave driver! *smack, smack!*

    Linda - Hope you had a nice Tuesday! :)

    Jen - I'm glad that your ankle is feeling better now. Way to go giving that 30DS another shot.

    Crystal - *Jedi hand wave* You WILL start C25K and p90x soon. *Jedi hand wave* ;)

    Hi everyone! I'm up this week, which sucks, but I'm noticing a pattern. I've got about 1.6-2 pounds that I'm bouncing up and down in. I need to re-commit myself to my exercise goals. I'm making excuses and justifications, which does me no good.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Just a quick check in to tell you all how much this group means to me! I love hearing about your triumphs and struggles... your ups and downs. Today was so super stupid busy at work I really didn't know if I'd have the energy to run, but I did. It started raining while I was heading back, and that was awesome! I've avoided rainy runs until now, but no more!!!! I felt like a little kid! Anyway, I have to work my day off tomorrow for a co-worker, then have band practice, so I knew I wouldn't have time to run which is why I did it tonight. Possibly going on a shopping trip with my sis/niece and sis's MIL on Sat... maybe. I really don't need anything and don't have a lot of money, but it might be fun shopping for my little niece who is 13, taller than me and gorgeous!!!!

    Oh, Lisa... I'm from Michigan so if you need the scoop on anything for your visit, just name it! I love Mackinac... the whole place is like stepping back in time! There's a fort on the mainland right under the bridge and one on the island (you HAVE to go there and buy fudge!) and there's tons to do and neat places to stay. If you need a good campgroud (they have awesome cabins) I love where we stayed last time. Anyway, enjoy your visit to my homestate!!!!

    Hope you all have a great day, I may not be on much tomorrow, but I'm thinking of you all!!!!
  • cazzincali
    cazzincali Posts: 337 Member
    Okay... a real update from me. :happy:My son started karate classes and there is a gym right next door to the dojo. I work out once a week with the stupid slave driver (yes, still not liking her this week) and 3-4 days/week on my own at 24 hr. fitness. So I started thinking... (can be dangerous, i know! :bigsmile: ) why don't I go workout while the kid is doing his karate? So I am now the proud owner of 2 gym memberships ...and a whole lot less money in my bank account. :grumble: However, this is all about ME, right?! :laugh: I started working out at the new place on Tuesday. The thing is: all their equipment is different so I am having trouble "finding my groove". The elliptical is WAY different and I am trying to get used to it. ugh! However, the free weights are the same!! :bigsmile: So those stupid triceps exercises with the 2# weights haven't changed, DARN IT! :ohwell: The crunch board... well... it is what it is, right?! :laugh: The thing I hate the most... the butt blaster... well, that is way different at the new gym too... and WAY harder, it seems!

    Done venting! Thanks for listening! :wink:

    My happies for today:
    1) Didn't have to see Heather today! :wink:
    2) Had a day off work!
    3) Felt good after my workout!
    4) Having cod and roasted veg for dinner (one of my favs!)
    5) Will use left over veg for a lovley frittata tomoz night!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Nikki, yay for a fun run in the rain! I think you should still go shopping. Even if you're not planning on buying anything, the walking around and trying on outfits is good for you!

    Cazz, I'm so impressed that you have two gym memberships now! You're a workout machine!!

    It seems that I'm always the one that is canceling on my friend and our Cardio Barre weekly commitment. So of course this time when I'm all ready to go she is the one who can't make it. LOL But, I didn't let my lack of ballet-inspired cardio get me down and I went to the track. I'd just eaten a delish Mexican dinner so I ran slower and longer than usual. My first mile was my normal pace, but my second mile was about :30 secs longer a lap...and it was EASY. I did five laps at the slower pace and would have kept going if I wasn't brginning to think that my cheese enchilada was starting to get a litle topsy-turvy in my belly. :laugh:

    Oh and random food discovery - Budweiser Select 55 isn't all that terrible.
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    Great to hear that everyone loves their running skirts, cause I have been debating for a while- I mam ordering some new work out clothes to have waiting for me when I get "home" in two weeks (saves some shopping time, plus I will not have to pack workout gear)

    Alegria- like Nikster I too am from Michigan (that's the aforementioned home) highly recommend Mackinac Island, and Mackinaw city is ok too (but I am a sucker for the Island) also Traverse City (which is a good few hours away, if I recall correctly) is very nice as well.

    You love your Garmin? - someone just posted on another thread that it does not keep track of calories in indoor workouts? Is that true (cause if it is, I will give it a pass)

    Thanks for the compliments on the dress - that picture is from April or May, from around the time we finished the Easter Challenge- I hope to have another one up in two weeks- as soon as I complete the 30 day shred (albeit it the 45-60 day shred for me!)

    Cazz that is so great that there is a gym next to your son's dojo-perfect! and great that the equipment is somewhat different, challenges your muscles differently - I am sure this will kick the results up a notch or five :laugh:

    Crystal - P90X- you are a brave person!
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Sounds like everyone is really putting it out there! GREAT job, Ladies!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm slowly trying to get back into the groove of life. I've managed two SMALL walks the last couple of day, but nothing to really brag about. Better than nothing, right?

    So my happies for today are:
    1. it's supposed to rain today
    2. hubs is off work today
    3. the house is clean :bigsmile:

    I hope all of you have a super day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Jen, what part of Michigan are you from??? I know you're in Europe now, but I'm curious! Most of my college friends are spread throughout the state and I can't wait to get back to Detroit to see some concerts with one in a couple weeks!!!!

    I think I'm going shopping. I may just get ideas and not really any clothes, but who knows... clearance racks can be fun when you're smaller!!!! I'm not feeling great tonight, but it's all girl stuff, nothing worrisome, just annoying. Plus I'm whooped from working on my day off and not getting any rest this week. But, I'm happy to have a job I love!!!