6-Week Challenge (June 12-July 24)



  • NovaSur
    NovaSur Posts: 44 Member

    6/15: 221.5
    6/19: 215
    6/26: 209.6
    7/3: 208.5
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    lynnbaum wrote: »
    I have so blown my progress. I must buckle down. With only 23 days to go, I can hit my goal, but I have to keep my eye on the prize.

    How do you all stay motivated?

    First I don't look at it as blown and set a weekly goal like log what you are eating and stop looking at things of what and when you are eating and focus on getting other things done and that you need good fuel to get this stuff done. When you put goal pressures on your self you are redirecting your journey. Plan your day around activities and at every meal ask how will help you fuel your body to do the activities. It's how you think.

    All great advice. Thanks for sharing!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member

    6/19: 194.
    6/26: 196.5 Weekend at home. Ugh.
    7/3: 197. Going backwards.

    Goal: 191.
    Actual goal: 189. I need to break the 190 barrier. [/quote]

  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    edited July 2017
    I am having a minor setback. I don't think it is broke. I might have to go in for an x-ray. I attached a pic lpiv5znwsfbd.jpg of it getting better but I tell you that I am more thankful for the ability to walk. When it finishes healing I will be looking at exercise as something more positive. This setback sucks
  • sonya_laan
    sonya_laan Posts: 131 Member
    lynnbaum wrote: »
    I am having a minor setback. I don't think it is broke. I might have to go in for an x-ray. I attached a pic of it getting better but I tell you that I am more thankful for the ability to walk. When it finishes healing I will be looking at exercise as something more positive. This setback sucks

    OH MY! How did this happen!? Look like something very heavy landed right on top of your foot. :(
    Hopefully it heals fast.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    Start weight: 145
    Goal weight: 138

    06/12 - 142.4
    06/19 - Father's Day yesterday & DH's b'day today...no weigh in :p
    06/26 - 144.0
    07/03 - 145.0

  • laneyk316
    laneyk316 Posts: 94 Member
    edited July 2017
    laneyk316 wrote: »
    Start weight:206
    Goal weight:196

    6/19: 203
    6/26: 202.5

    7/3: 201.8
  • FXDLs
    FXDLs Posts: 4 Member
    edited July 2017
    Start: 221
    Goal: 210

    Brutal 4th of July holiday, for weight loss, anyway!

    6/12: 221
    6/19: 219
    6/26: 215.4 (it was hard to keep focused this weekend ; I was 215.8 Friday, so this morning's loss was a big surprise)
    7/5: 219.2

  • GW4321
    GW4321 Posts: 523 Member
    Start weight: 212
    Goal weight: 205

    6/12: 212
    6/19: 211
    6/26: 210.5
    7/3: 210
  • lynnbaum
    lynnbaum Posts: 310 Member
    FXDLs wrote: »

    Brutal 4th of July holiday, for weight loss, anyway!
    I have been living hell with the rest of you. I would so love to be able to run right now. Note back to post about 4 x 4 to the foot. I have been eating things like ice cream and trail mix and magic shell. I was happy to see 134 this morning which is not in the correct direction. I think it is +4 pounds. The crap road stops here. All this crap did not make my foot feel better. Note to self. crap food causes inflammation. I hurt all over not just my foot. Time to move on. For all of us that did well over the holiday please share a tip in the group page and those of us that had a couple of stumbles- would of , could of, should of, take 1 learning point away and let's move on. Enough said. We all have good and bad days and that's why it is a challenge. This is not a group of people where healthy eating and working out is a huge 100 % habit. It's a challenge.

  • KrystinaMTL
    KrystinaMTL Posts: 1,338 Member
    Start Weight MFP - 225 lbs (Jan 2016)
    Start Weight *Phase 2 - 193 lbs (May 31st 2017)
    Challenge Start Weight - 187.8 lbs
    Challenge Goal Weight - 175.8 lbs
    Actual Goal Weight - 150 lbs

    6/14 : 187.8
    6/21 : 185.8
    6/28 : 185
    7/05 : 183.6
  • hollydenoble__
    hollydenoble__ Posts: 15 Member
    Woohoo! I'm in :)

    Start weight: 164
    Goal weight: 130

  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Ugh. Really hating my scale this morning for truthfully telling me that Saturday night beer and hamburgers are not the key to losing weight.
  • travellingpome
    travellingpome Posts: 5 Member
    Start weight on Mon 6/19: 75.7
    Goal weight: 68kgs overall. I'd love to be 72kgs by end of this challenge (1/2 kilo a week loss ish...)

    6/26 = 75kg
    7/3 = 75kg
    7/10 = 74.7kg
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    Start Weight: 171
    6 week goal weight: 161
    Final goal weight: 135

    6/12 - 171
    6/19 - 171.6
    6/26 - 169.4
    7/3 - 169.6
    7/10 - 169.4
  • michy84
    michy84 Posts: 342 Member
    Start weight: 129
    Goal weight: 123

    6/12 129
    6/19 128.5
    6/26 127
    7/3 127
    7/10 127

    I am not going to complain about maintaining the past few weeks because I have lost some weight so far and maintaining that loss is a success. I really do want a loss next week though! I am going to work hard this week! I need to see some more progress!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    6/19: 194.
    6/26: 196.5 Weekend at home. Ugh.
    7/3: 197. Going backwards.
    7/10: 197.5. Still going backwards.

    Goal: 191.
    Actual goal: 189. I need to break the 190 barrier. [/quote]
  • laneyk316
    laneyk316 Posts: 94 Member
    Start weight:206
    Goal weight:196

    6/19: 203
    6/26: 202.5
    7/3: 201.8
    7/10: 201.7