No Calorie Sodas and Weight



  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I understand that the sweetness of a diet soda makes your brain 'think' that sugar is coming, so it creates an insulin response.
    Additionally, it trains your taste buds to desire something very sweet. In return, that makes it hard to REALLY enjoy nature's sweetness (like apples, strawberries etc). I stopped drinking anything sweetened 2 years ago and fruit does now taste more luscious and sweet.

    It doesn't for me. It's just a soda, I drink it and move on, no longer thirsty.
  • ellie7187
    ellie7187 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm special too! *Sips Cherry Coke Zero* I got a participation trophy and everything!
    Most important thing in this whole thread is that I'm now jealous of estherdragonbat and that Cherry Coke Zero. Can't get it up here (sad face).
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    This information has been flogged to death but I must repeat as a public service announcement. Sweet tastes without sugar do NOT stimulate an insulin response. If it did there'd be comatose diabetics all over the place. The body is not so easily fooled.

    It really boggles the mind doesn't it :p
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited July 2017
    I would be careful of drinking too much diet coke. I gave up drinking diet coke a few weeks before I decided to lose weight. My experience is probably particular to me since I have a few health issues besides being overweight, but more than 1 diet coke a day and my legs, feet, and hands start to swell. I mean seriously swell to the point of being painful and restricting movement. The longer I stay away from most if not all diet coke the easier it gets for me to stay on my feet. All I would say is to run a test with yourself and do without them for a few days (it took my over a week before my ankles looked normal again) without them and see how you feel. I lost weight when all I did was stop drinking them but I think it was all water weight because of the inflammation. As in all things, your mileage my vary.

    I used to drink 5+ cans a day with no ill effects so yeah, most likely related to something else going on connected to your medical issues.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I would be careful of drinking too much diet coke. I gave up drinking diet coke a few weeks before I decided to lose weight. My experience is probably particular to me since I have a few health issues besides being overweight, but more than 1 diet coke a day and my legs, feet, and hands start to swell. I mean seriously swell to the point of being painful and restricting movement. The longer I stay away from most if not all diet coke the easier it gets for me to stay on my feet. All I would say is to run a test with yourself and do without them for a few days (it took my over a week before my ankles looked normal again) without them and see how you feel. I lost weight when all I did was stop drinking them but I think it was all water weight because of the inflammation. As in all things, your mileage my vary.

    I used to drink 5+ cans a day with no I'll effects so yeah, most likely related to something else going on connected to your medical issues.

    Exactly ditto.