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Cathe Fans Part 5
Morning Ladies,
Busy weekend, and DH is officially done with our deck. It looks fantastic! He is picking up the granite counter tops today, so he will be making a grilling space for me also. On Saturday I did Fluid Warrior from Yoga Warrior, this one had my hr going crazy fast. And I loved it! Sunday was Gentle Warrior, this one is all stretching and felt great after the Fluid Warrior workout. This morning I did KCM's 30MTF Strength & Stamina Combined Burnout Premix. Our plane leaves in the early afternoon tomorrow, and then we have about a 2hr layover in Denver. I have my book ready to read! I don't know if our friends have internet, so don't know if I will be checking in to much. Planning on bringing my Yoga Warrior DVD's, since that can be played on DH's computer.
Tami, Glad that you where able to get the lawn mowed, I guess I would have to do that also if DH wasn't going to be around for a long length of time.Don't know what Rocket would do if we had a goat!
Awesome that you will be doing the S90 workouts for your superset week. I love those workouts. So far I'm enjoying this series, and Rudy Mettia is just the type of personality that I like in a yogi. He is gradually getting us ready for the more difficult poses, so right now everything is familiar. I just love that I'm getting DOMS with just bodyweight.
Laurel, Oh my on the bike loading and window closing experience.Sounds like a great live workout, and different than what you get on the DVD's. In the newsletter they said something about having over 100 live workouts. Maybe I read that wrong, but that is amazing. Got to love that Cardio Kicks also. Even though the clothing is dated, the workout still is effective. So far this is a good experience to me. I'm finding that I'm starting to enjoy the vinyassa flow. Of course Rudy doesn't rep you to death with them either, except for the Fluid Warrior.
Amy, LOL on the amount of goats, I'm sure that there are a lot of them in your area.Oh my on all the noise that goes on, I would have to have those ear plugs in also. I wear them at night because my DH is snoring so bad. You are finding ways to cope though. As a person with 6 other siblings, the loudness might be part of a big family. I know that I learned how to tune things out, and people at work are amazed by it. I think it comes from being in all that noise growing up.
Thelma, Now I have to check out the wobble board, because I have no idea what it is.Glad that you are enjoying the workouts. Nice that you are not having bad side effects from the medication. I'm hoping we have a good time also, just dreading the heat right now.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend. We had a nice one here. Saturday was gloomy, so we did some work around the house, then took a drive through the hills north of Fairbanks. It seems like every other day we start considering buying a house here, then every other day we say 'nope!' But the area north of Fairbanks has some nice homes on decent sized lots, so we decided to check it out. It is beautiful up there, but it would be tough on the hilly unpaved roads in the winter, not to mention DHs 30 mile commute to work. So.....still considerinf. Yesterday was another lovely day on the golf course here.
I worked out both days this weekend. Saturday was S&S Total Body Giant Sets--Lower Body only x 2 premix. For cardio, I did another fun Cathe Live workout from a few years back. It was Hi/Lo Cardio and Core, which was a combo of her older steady state cardio moves, a little bit of current drills and good core work. Yesterday's workout was the Giant Sets upper body x3 premix, followed by Party Rockin's Step 2. Today I started with RWH Plyo HiiT One, right into ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast with Blizzard Blast, Muscle Meltdown Shoulders and Core. Today is the start of the second half of my 20 week LGI8 rotation!! It is flying by. I am tempted at the moment to add five more weeks, but do the rotation with non-STS workouts for that final section. We'll see......but I am still loving the versatility and variety.
Amy, wow on the noise! The weird thing up here is sometimes it is just so quiet. We get no traffic noise, no sirens, little aircraft noise, etc. And then all of a sudden the dogs are out, the mowers and 4-wheelers are running, people are partying, etc. And this time of year.....all that sometimes happens at 3:00am. Last night it was the kids of their trampoline until the wee hours of the morning, followed by somebody loading a camper at 4:00am.I have to understand because it is good for people to be enjoying these long days while they can, so I try not to get frustrated. But.......still. Anyhow, most of the places I have lived have not had AC......but no place nearly as warm as you. I would say the warmest we were was Italy. There are valid reasons why places have siesta (riposo in Italy). Those 2-5 hours in the afternoon are best avoided for sure.
Thelma, great workouts. Those balance boards are no joke! I used one in physical therapy at one point.....and never came close to mastering it. Until that point, I thought I had decent balance! I am glad you aren't having too many problems with the medication so far. Hope that continues and your mouth starts to heal.
Laurie, your deck sounds fantastic! I have always wanted one of those permanent grilling areas, with a full counter and everything. I won't be too far behind you hitting the Denver airport!! I am leaving tomorrow night to spend a week with my sisters. Hope you have a great time in Albuquerque. Like you, I will be armed with a good book and my workouts! About Cathe Live, I think there are something like 157 live workouts. It is really kind of amazing.
Did you all see Cathe is filming again? Sounds like another good, versatile series. No doubt I will be buying.
See you all tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Bernie and I had a very quiet weekend together. I did get my hair done on Sat. a.m. and got my workout in when I returned. Sunday I went into work for a few hours, which was good to get a head start. “Filling in” on Friday afternoon and today again for that other dept. So it was nice to not be behind in my regular dept. Workout: Sat I decided on PH Training Extreme Pre-mix to end the High Reps week; felt that qualified and rounded it out nicely. LOL Then yesterday started SuperSets with Supreme 90: Chest/Back + Core Dynamics. I remembered liking Core Dynamics and now I remember why. Good Stuff. I did forget how crazy fast they go through the workout; so I basically get the moves, pause, do my 3 reps of 12 of each exercise and then “play” again. Its funny how he is saying I want quality not speed and they are flying/almost racing each other through the workout. LOL It will be a good change of pace for the Supersets week forsure, always good workouts there. Today is going to be BootCamp after work.
Laurel: I can’t even imagine the all daylight and trying to sleep. That would be so tough, plus like you say. Why not work on the truck or run the weed eater at midnight. I’m up. Sheesh! Would be quite an adjustment. Fantastic job with your workouts and the combos you are putting together! Again, those LIVE workouts sound amazing and well worth the price of admission. I can see why you would want to add on some weeks to this LGI8 rotation. I am behind you by a week or 2 but amazed at how fast it goes. Yes, the A/C working is so nice. I brought Bernie with me again and it was a whole different experience for him as well. LOL Its funny you say that about your DH wanting to mow the lawn instead of you, even if you don’t mind. Mine feels guilty when he is gone and always wants to hire someone or someone’s son to do it for me. Very thoughtful, but I am fine. Not my favorite of chores but feels good to be able to do it forsure. It is already looking like it needs it again. I think I need to go shorter this time. I read about the NEW CATHE WORKOUTS today! Like always, it is a given that I am going to go for these. Funny I was just thinking the other day, wonder if she is going to come out with another series sometime soon; eventhough I have 2 new ones. But yes and they sound really good to me.
CP: Funny about the goats there. They are funny little creatures and can definitely mow through a lawn in just hours of time. So far so good on keeping up with my new chore, as I told Laurel it is already needing it so one night this week after the gym I will be out there again. My hubby comes home this weekend but it will be way too late. Did you find any new online workouts?
Thelma: Sounds like you are getting in some good workouts! That’s great. Wobble Board sounds interesting …. Great for the core I am sure. Yahoo for your Cathe DVD’s arriving. Happy for you that the medicine is helping a little bit. That’s great.
Laurie: I bet that feels amazing to have your deck finished!!! Now you can sit outside and enjoy it (weather permitting). Great job getting in some good workouts prior to your trip. Safe travels and have fun! Enjoy that book too.
Have a great afternoon/evening ladies ~ Tami
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Hi Ladies - long time no write! Sorry for my really long absence. I read several of the 116 posts that I have missed for the last few weeks. And, welcome Amy! I used to be quite active with this fabulous group of ladies, but I have gotten busy with graduate school. Thank you for the work you are doing in Mexico, and that is a good idea to not bring too much attention to yourself with the Fitbit. I hope you are still enjoying having a Fitbit.
I have been doing my Cathe workouts, but not as consistent as I was. Jogging is still going well. My latest thing is to walk on the treadmill when I am doing homework. I find that I can focus a lot better when I am walking at a slow pace. I read the articles that we have for homework and brainstorm ideas for my discussion board/papers. It's not weight training.....but it is better than nothing. I was able to do STS this morning, and it felt so dang good!
Laurie - Wonderful job on all your workouts these past several weeks. I've noticed that you've been doing a lot of yoga lately (on our newsfeed that I see everyday). So, when I finally came to this Cathe thread, it looks like you purchased a new yoga series (did I get this right?) I hope you are enjoying it. Since I have stopped Bikram yoga, I haven't been doing yoga. I can feel it in my hips, knees and spine.......I have got to force myself to do more. It helps so much. I feel really stiff. I bet you are getting excited about the wedding. Is your oldest still enjoying the new house and unpacking? I bet you are enjoying the new deck, too. Your husband is probably happy to be done.
Laurel - You are such a rock star! Awesome job with your workouts and being so consistent. The 2014 Cathe Live workout sounded really good (Strong upper body and core). Your trip to Valdez sounded wonderful. It sounds like your weather has been up and down. I am glad you got a golf game in.....your story about the green that used to being flat is too funny. I bet it is hard having 24 hour sun. Is it safe to guess that you have black out curtains?
Thelma - Great job with your workouts. I hope you enjoy your new dvds. I saw that you were having issues with dryness and your mouth; I hope you are doing better now. Wobble board? How do you like it? I may have to look into this now.
Tami - Amazing workouts.......you are doing awesome! Has Katy been kicking your butt still? Sounds like your husband has been gone for awhile. I am sure you are keeping yourself busy though. So, you got the fit tower workout series? I hope you are enjoying it.
Amy - Great job with your workouts. I do not have Cathe's "To the Max". There is one thing these ladies will get you to do, and that is buy a ton of DVDs. My collection has increased quite a bit, but always buy them on sale. I have gotten so much stronger because of this group.
I am probably missing so many other things that you all have written. Sorry for my long absence.
Becky0 -
Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Back, Treadmill, Stretching.
OMG I just read Cathe's e-newsletter yeah I found out she is filming again! It's a good thing I got the new DVD case! I have enough room for a heck of a lot more DVD's. I love the idea of this new series!
Laurie, congrats on the deck! Wow sounds like with addition of the grilling area it will be beautiful! Awesome job with the yoga workouts! You're hooked now! I like the idea of the yoga instructor getting you ready for the more difficult poses. I was just watching one of his videos called Yoga Warrior 365: The Gathering and I LOVED how he takes you into chaturanga! That is how I first hurt my shoulder but that was totally doable in baby steps! I may just have to try his videos cause learning to do yoga is definitely in my bucket list!
The setting reminds me a lot of the Travis Eliot The Ultimate Yogi workouts. Now this guy is totally going for the advanced version. I'll have to read about Rudy Mettia to figure what workout to start with.
Did you check out the wobble board? I was actually doing the airplane yoga pose on the board!
Laurel, I used to watch one of those home buying shows I think it was called buying Alaska. The homes there with those amazing views were beautiful! Funny how now you're actually considering buying a home when just a short time ago you were missing your FL home! a 30 mile commute during a snowy day could be quite long! How much traffic would he encounter on his way to work?
Fabulous workout combos! 24 hours of daylight! YIKES! I remember when I went to Finland for work during the summer for 2 weeks many moons ago. It was like that! We wouldn't go to sleep because the hotel didn't have those blackout curtains. When I went for another 2 weeks in the winter I never saw the sun until we were flying over Iceland.
I used to use a wobble board for physical therapy too but I held on to something. I'm not holding on now.
Tami, sounds like a great weekend with Bernie. Did you take him to work with you? Great workouts!
The wobble board is definitely good for the core.
Hey Becky! Wow! I can't believe you can actually study while walking on the treadmill. I don't know if I could focus but I imagine you're going really slow so it might be doable.
STS felt long because it IS LONG! That is what I don't like about those workouts. They are long and feel extra long when you don't have enough time. I like Body Beast because the workouts are less than 45 minutes long.
My mouth is doing better with the medicine to help me produce saliva. I am liking my wobble board. Great for balancing on one foot. I definitely need to strengthen my right ankle. This should help.
You're too funny telling Amy we will get her to buy a ton of DVD's! It's so true though! I only had a few Cathe workouts when I joined and then I ended up getting most of them so I could do the rotations with them! LOL
Amy, I missed your comments to Laurel about the noisy mornings in Mexico. HAHAHAHA! That's exactly what it's like in El Salvador. EL PAAAAN! or EL DIARIOOOOO DE HOY!! TAMAAAALES!! Then the roosters and barking dogs!
Good night ladies!!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies! Did a fun combo of workouts today. I started with S&S Bootcamp, which I think may become my favorite Cathe Bootcamp workout over time. It just flies by for me. After that, I went right into Fit Tower Bootcamp. This is my second time through with this workout.....and it isn't kidding around. Granted, both times I have done it, it has been a follow-on. But it is surprisingly tough in some ways. Definitely a good one. I finished up with Muscle Meltdown Biceps and the Fit Tower Bonus Abs.
Tami, sounds like a nice weekend with Bernie.....and some great workouts. I used to love that Core Dynamics workout too. I need to remember to pull it out again. Those S90 workouts are so solid, but I have to admit.....the speed of them did put me off. I like your idea of just getting the move then doing the sets on your own. Because, again, they are straight forward, solid, no-nonsense workouts, and I like that. Our grass is growing quickly too. And you should see our tomato plants.They have taken over! Now they just need to give us some more tomatoes.
We got a few last weekend......but not enough to make a good salad or anything.
Becky!!! So good to see you! No doubt you are busy right now with everything going on in your life, but I am so glad you checked in. I like the idea of walking and studying. I used to get so restless studying, and I think it would actually have helped me move around while doing it. We do have blackout curtains.....but they are in a closet because they are so ugly.But we have both blinds and curtains, which keep much of the light out. Next summer the blackout curtains may go up again, but I just couldn't bear looking at them when we first moved into the house. And there is no way I would have blackout curtains up for the winter! We are going to need all the light we can get!
Thelma, great workout! Like you, I have changed cabinets for my workout DVDs and have all the room in the world now for more workouts! So Cathe can keep filming.Never mind the money.
Oh, I still seriously miss our home in Florida, but that is one of the reasons we are considering buying. This rental home is really falling apart, and it is sad. Just yesterday I had a guy here because our roof shingles are falling off, and that won't be good this winter. Sadly, the landlords may not be willing/able to pay for it.....and that may seriously impact us if things get worse. So our choice may be another rental or trying to find a home to buy. And we change our minds about that every day. I don't want to own a house in Alaska, to be honest. But if we are going to be here for more than a few years, it may become our best option. But we won't make that decision until we are through with this winter. I think this winter and DH's job (which is partially outside) will give us a much better idea how long we want to stay here. The commute for DH wouldn't be a lot of traffic if we move into the hills......just a lot of darkness and icy roads.
Well, I am headed to Denver tonight for a week with my sisters. We are coming up to the one year anniversary of mom's death, so we decided to get together and celebrate family and life. I will check-in if I can. I hope to workout most days.....but we will see. Take care and enjoy the week!
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Last night’s BootCamp was similar to the week before with 1 minute rounds of each exercise in groups of 3 + a core then break and new round of 3 with 1 minute each + core, etc. She did let me and a few others know that tonight is the Running Marathon at the local High School track …. Remember last year we did it and it was 98 degrees outside. Well it is much cooler this year but she is doing a “repeat” and wanted to let me know in place of Insanity Class that is happening. I talked with another lady who used to be a regular as well, I haven’t seen her in a very long time. Come to find out her knees have both been really bad with all the running we were doing; so she had to stop coming. Needless to say, she isn’t going tonight either. So today’s workout was S90 Legs and I will decide on doing something tonight or mowing the lawn when I get home.
Becky: Amazing you!! Great job with all you are doing with your graduate school, running, swimming and workouts! I see your daily posts/goals and always thinking you are kicking butt yourself! Katy does kick our butts forsure and I don’t know if you read through the posts but I had made a plan to stop going to her Tuesday night class forsure due to it becoming just RUNNING pretty much; well she hated that idea and a few others stopped going as well so she promised if I came back it would be no running. (Other than tonight’s Special class away from the gym). So yes, I am getting my butt kicked forsure by her but in a really good STRONG/CORE/HiiT style that I love.
Thelma: I know YAHOO on those new DVD’s! I was carrying on to Laurel yesterday about it. I am so excited and from what I read I will not hesitate to order. She has never steared me wrong in her workouts and I am sure this set will be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Loving the FitTower workouts, have you tried one yet? Yes, I took Bernie with me and he was such a good dog. He enjoyed the temperature so much more than the weekend before when it was so hot and stuffy. He curls up under my desk and every time I get up to go to the copy machine, he goes. Which is a lot of trips back and forth. So funny. Maybe he thinks I am going to leave him here at work. LOL Great job with your BB Bulk workout and of course stretching.
Laurel: What an absolutely FUN combo and tough stuff you put together today! Just in the 2 Fit Tower workouts I have done, I agree. They kind of sneak up on you in a tough but good way. Sounds like buying may be a great option for you guys in AK if that rental continues to have problems, that is never fun. Plus, it might make things more like home having your “own”. Have a wonderful time with your family in Denver.
Talk to you ladies tomorrow – Tami
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Hi Ladies! Tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Stretching. Upsetting day at work. Problems with my problem children. Things with Mr. Challenge blew up again so things have been escalated and write ups and warnings will be given. I was so upset that I didn't feel like working out. Eventually I dragged my body to the basement and did my Bulk Arms workout. I am really happy with the fact that I was able to up my weights in the last two weeks and the weights are not so much of a struggle in the last reps.
I will be working from home on Thursday as a study day and I'm taking Friday off but I will have to dedicate a good part of my weekend to studying because I have to take the exam on August 2. Remember how my saliva med is having a diuretic effect? Well this is a problem during a 3 hour exam! I also need to drink water and that's not allowed. Supervised bathroom breaks are allowed but the 3 hour clock doesn't stop! I can say I flunked cause I had to pee! LOL
Amy, I forgot to comment on your comment about apples and braces. I never gave up anything when I wore braces, not even mangoes! I learned to cut everything into small pieces and to eat pizza with a fork and knife. I still eat pizza that way.
So funny about having to run out with your trash so you don't miss the trash truck. Exactly as it is in El Salvador. Of course you never know which day they will show up so you better be home. People are so loud and they play that loud music all day long! The traffic noise is bad too. I've lived in the US the majority of my life and I go crazy with the loud music. This 'cult' family used to live next door to my aunt's and OMG when they had services there. Talk about never ending bad singing. Not sure if Mexico is the same but it seems to me that in El Salvador they call certain religions cults which is not the same as the cults we know of in the US. They're really some kind of a hybrid religion.
Laurel, amazing workouts! WOW! I wish I had a little bit of your energy!
I can totally understand why you guys are considering buying a house in Alaska. Too bad the landlord is not willing to get the roof fixed.
Your husband's work is partially outdoors? Seriously? OMG with the cold temps in Alaska!!!
If you owned a house there would you have to do your own plowing or would you be able to easily hire someone to do it for you? Seens that with all the snow up there that should be a great business. I can understand why you don't want to own a house there. Hopefully now that you're there you can find a better rental.
OMG with those noisy neighbors in the middle of the night! At least you know they won't be out there when the temps are cold and it's dark outside.
Funny you got a new DVD cabinet too! Secretly I was hoping Cathe would give us a break this year but the lady doesn't stop! This new series sounds awesome though.
Laurel, I hope you have a wonderful celebration of family and life with your sisters. I can't believe it's almost been a year since your mom's passing!
Tami, awesome job with your BC! That was really nice of Katy to let you guys know that tonight was going to be a running night. I'm always amazed at how many people run in this country. There is no way they don't develop foot and knee issues with all that pounding.
I haven't tried the FitTower workouts yet. I am thinking that maybe I wil do one of those instead of BB Bulk Legs or maybe I can get a double workout in this weekend but I can't afford to get too tired because I have to study.
I'm glad you took Bernie to work with you! He sounds like such a good boy! I'm sure Bernie made a good photocopy supervisor!
Good night ladies!!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Enjoyed my evening at home and did the front yard mowing. Tonight I will do the back when I get home from Spinning. This a.m. was S90 Shoulders/Arms ….. Spinning for cardio tonight.
Thelma: Way to get your Bulk Arms workout in, despite the day you had. Sounds like Mr. Challenge needs to hit the road forsure. I hope that is in the works for all of your sanity. LOL Yay on working from home and then OFF on Friday. Except you will be studying mostly it sounds like. Hopefully it will give you quality time to concentrate. I thought it was really nice of Katy as well. I could tell she didn’t really want to tell me but I would have known what was up as soon as she said “at the high school”.
Hi Laurie, Laurel, Amy and Becky
Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
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Hi Ladies! No workout for me tonight. I left work at 7:30, got home at 8:15 and was on my way back to the office at 8:30! I have a new laptop and I was given a new power cord to keep at home. When I got home and tried to plug the laptop to the power supply I discovered that the power cord didn't fit! CRAP! DH volunteered to drive me back to work. We got back at 10!
My poor DH is such a sweetie even though there are problems at his place of employment with new management trying to change the culture. I managed to give him advice that he seemed to like and by the time we got home he was in MUCH better spirits. It's sad that this job that has been so good to him and he loves is all of a sudden an unhappy and threatening place. I told him that no matter what we would be OK. Of course now that retirement is so much in my mind I can't stop talking about it. Just Saturday I told him: "let's drop everything and move to NC". Of course now he's thinking about it and it sounds like a very tempting idea. I told him that I at least have 3+ years of job security if my project doesn't get cancelled. Needless to say I won't be retiring next year! I can't retire next year knowing DH is in a moment in life where he doesn't know what his job will bring tomorrow.
I managed to get Friday as a study day too so I don't have to use my own vacation time. I will be also studying next Thursday and Friday, and on 8/1. My exam is scheduled for 8/2 @ 9am. Trying to get these people to allow me to drink water during the exam! Insane! Thank God my boss is giving me these days as study days.
Tami, looks like we have to hold the fort! LOL. Glad you enjoyed your night at home. I'm sure Bernie loved it too! Great workouts! I'm glad Katy found you were skipping her class due to the running. Can't she find a different way to kick your butts?
I hope I can achieve a lot of studying while the next 4 days. Mr. Challenge (MC for short) needs to hit the road but that's not an easy task these days.
Good night!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies, not much to report except that I did a little studying. I only walked on the treadmill today.
Good night ladies!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies ~
Thelma: Sorry I missed you yesterday, got busy at work. So yesterday I used as a REST day and today was S90 Total Body, which was another good one. I may do something tonight when I get home. No Spinning on Friday's remember.
Sounds like you had a very interesting day the other day - so sweet of your hubby to drive back with you to get that power chord. Sad he is having some challenges at work as well, especially if he has loved it so much. Dang it. I hope the best scenario works out for him. I hope you are getting a lot of studying done the last couple of days.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Tami0 -
Hi Ladies, I hope you had a good weekend! Mine wasn't fun at all. I had to study and ladies nothing is sticking! YIKES! I'm so much trouble! I don't think I'm going to pass this exam.
Things at DH's job blew up and now upper management and HR are on the case. I hope things go back to normal for them soon.
Since both of us had a tough week at work I told DH that we should go out to dinner on Saturday. It was a nice break for both of us.
On Saturday I finally got to try one of the Fit Tower DVD's and did the BootCamp one. I LOVED IT! It really hits the entire body. I can't wait to try the other workouts! Today I took off. I decided to sleep in and then I've been trying to study.
Next week I have to go to an offsite meeting for 2 days. One of those two days is Thursday which was supposed to be a study day. I asked my boss if I could have next Monday instead and he said yes. Thank God!
Tami, awesome workouts this weekend! How are the temps there now? We're going to have a cooler week here.
Have a wonderful week!
0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Had a pretty good weekend. Workouts were good and DH came home on Saturday early a.m. so it is nice to have him home. Saturday I did S&S BootCamp and yesterday was S&S Ramped Up Upper Body Dbld Pre-mix! That is burner forsure. No workouts today unless I get in something when I get home. Not going to BC tonight, I was just exhausted this a.m. and didn't pack my bag.
Thelma - Sounds like your weekend was a lot of studying. I am sorry to hear it isn't sticking in there. I'm hoping for the best. Glad you were able to try one of the FT workouts! They are really good. I am happy I purchased them.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
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Hi Tami, glad your DH is home! Awesome workouts this weekend!
I had back-to-back meetings from 7-3 today. i was able to read 2 pages of the book cause I kept falling asleep. I told my boss that there is a HUGE possibility I'm going to flunk. I said when do I take the exam again and do I have to pay for it myself? He said the company would pay for it.
I was so tired when I got home that I didn't feel like working out. I just had no energy left in me but I managed to drag myself to the basement and walked on the treadmill.
I'm happy I purchased the FT workouts too. I want to print the rotations because I'd like to incorporate those workouts into my routine. I still feel tricep DOMS from the Bootcamp workout on Saturday.
Have a great week!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies,
This is going to be really short, but wanted to let you know I was back. We had a great time in New Mexico, and loved being with our friends. When I get out of the email hell I have right now, I will get back on. I was able to do my yoga workouts while on vacation, it was nice. No workout yesterday, just to tired from traveling. This morning I did KCM's New You Coming.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Back from my trip to Colorado. Had a wonderful time with my sisters. The three of us spent the weekend in Colorado Wine Country, which is in the western side of Colorado. It was warm, sunny, quiet......and filled with fresh fruit and good wine! Couldn't have asked for a nicer getaway.
I worked out every day I was gone minus the day I travelled into Colorado (last Wednesday) so that was nice. I even managed to get two workouts in each day, which has me returning home without that 'I feel SO big' feeling that I dread from traveling/eating out. I got home last night at midnight, and seriously questioned working out this morning. But I did.....and am glad I did because it gave me some much-needed energy. Today's workout was Cross Fire Extreme followed by Muscle Meltdown Back.
Laurie, glad you made it home safely and had a good time in New Mexico!
Tami, great workouts, as always. I am really happy Katy told you about that running marathon before it happened. Seems she really is understanding that some (like your fellow classmate) have some serious physical problems with running. Again, it says a lot about Katy and her dedication to her job that she wants to provide a balance of workouts (including running at times) without alienating people. Glad you were able to spend some time with DH this weekend. Hope his season is going well. Flying in and out of Seattle this past week has me wondering why we aren't living in the Pacific Northwest again. So beautiful!
Thelma, sounds like you and your DH have both had a tough week. Great job getting your workouts in despite the challenges. I do hope things get better for your DH. That has to be so disappointing for him, especially this close to retirement. No doubt the material for your test will begin to 'stick' soon. But that issue about not being able to drink water.....that is ridiculous! Hope they change that. So glad you enjoyed the Fit Tower Bootcamp workout! So good!
See you all tomorrow!
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Shoulders, Treadmill. Tomorrow and Thursday I'll be offsite in a 2 day meeting. Not happy but I have to bu'roe there. I'll be working from home starting Friday thru Wed of next week.
Things at DH's job seems to be improving that the powers that be have been made aware of this problematic employee who claims had no idea was coming on so strongly! SERIOUSLY? You don't go around targeting the people you're going to fire and announcing it and not be aware that you're doing so! Yes! He's still employed!
I didn't study tonight BUT I've been listening to the course during my commute to/from work. I think some of that may be sticking in this brain of mine.
I have a question for you ladies about getting workouts in when you're on vacation and you stay with relatives.
Do you actually lock yourselves up in a room and workout or do you workout in front of your relatives?
I had to workout in front of my relatives in El Salvador because the tv was in the living room. That so uncomfortable because I was being watched.
When I go away with DH I'm with him in a hotel room. I like my privacy when I workout and that is why I always hike or walk when away.
Laurie, welcome back! Glad you had a wonderful vacation and that you were able to get your workouts in.
Laurel, welcome back to you too! Glad you had a wonderful time with your sisters and managed to workout twice a day! You go girl!
The no water situation in the exam room is really ridiculous. They probably think you'll spill water on their computers.
Good night ladies!
Thelma0 -
Hi Ladies! Enjoyed a fun workout today. I started with Cathe Live Bootcamp Circuit from a couple weeks ago. This was a tough BC workout, for sure! It was about 45 minutes long and followed her usual pattern for BC workouts. From that, I went right into ICE Bootcamp and Blizzard Blast, so all together, it was a 90 minute BC workout. Good stuff! I finished it with Muscle Meltdown Triceps. Technically, this was my last day of 'circuit' week, but I am going to add on two more days of.....something......so my rotation weeks are back at my usual Sunday-Friday pattern.
Thelma, great workouts. I am happy things are calming down for your DH at work. Some people are remarkably self-unaware, that's for sure. Hopefully the pattern this guy was displaying doesn't show up again. I don't workout in front of my extended family when I travel but I do workout in front of my DH. It is not my preference.....but I do it anyhow. But if I had to workout in a living room with people watching......probably wouldn't happen. I am so lucky when I visit my sisters in Denver because I stay in one of my sister's basement, and she also has a nice workout room down there. So I get up and get my workout in without feeling like I am inconveniencing anybody else. Makes it so much easier for me....and she is just fine with me using her equipment. Again, I am very lucky there.
Hope everybody is well! See you tomorrow.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Sorry I missed you yesterday. So yesterday was Insane-X which I hadn’t been to in a while, due to either “running excuse” or golf the week before LOL at any rate, it was a great class. She did 6 minute circuits; you had a partner and switched off either burpees/box jumps (back & forth), then stair running/rowing (back & forth) wall balls/push ups, ropes/KB swings, heavy ball toss, pull-ups/walking with band on feet (like Cathe does). Everything was a minute long and 3 each. This a.m. was Giant Sets Lower. Upper body tomorrow. Tonight will be spinning.
Laurel: What a fantastic time you must have had with your sisters! Can never go wrong with girls & wine country I say. LOL Fantastic job getting in your workouts while you were there and even 2-a-days. I always get that I FEEL HUGE and sluggish feeling when I go to my mom’s/sister’s since I don’t get my regular workouts. Anxious to hear your answer on “how” you do it. Must have a room to go to. My mom would literally be 2 feet away from me in the condo; hoping next time to use her gym at their condo complex. Yes, Katy is a very dedicated instructor I would say. She wants everyone to benefit and not have to miss. When she saw what all the RUNNING was doing to her attendance she did a check and was so good she contacted several of us in one way or another. The Pacific Northwest is so beautiful, I agree. I know I often take it for granted but when I get to be out in it and see the beauty I am very lucky to live here. (I remind myself when it is rainy and cold or snowy and cold that it is gorgeous here) LOL
Thelma: Great job getting in BB Bulk Shoulders & Treadmill. Happy to hear your DH’s job situation is improving and still employed! YAY. When I am out of town I haven’t been able to do my DVD’s at my mom’s or sisters. I am usually doing walks with my mom and/or at my sisters one time I was able to go out to her small guest house (sort of a storage facility that could be a guest house) and do one off of my list of exercise from Pinterest; a HiiT workout. But as I mentioned to Laurel, I hope to use my moms’ condo facility gym next time I am there.
Hi Laurie – Glad you had a great trip!
I forgot to tell you guys ….. my mom had to put down her sweet little dog on Sunday. She is doing really good with the decision. It was just time. As I understand so completely and breaks my heart for her. She will definitely get another dog but until then I worry about her being all by herself. She said the break from senior care (which I also understand) is much needed and she will get another dog at some point when she is ready.
Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
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Hi ladies, tonight I did XT CBS w/u, BB Bulk Arms, Treadmill, Stretch. I survived day 1 of a 2 day offsite meeting.
Laurel, that was a killer workout! WOW! Great job!
Good for you for working out in front of your husband when are traveling! Did you go shopping for winter clothes while in CO?
Tami, your Insane X class was tough! Good job! You're in the same situation I'm in with workouts while away!
So sorry about your mom's beloved dog! I hope she gets a new one soon!
Good night ladies!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
I was greatly surprised that my week away from work didn't have to many problems to solve. It looks like they had a good week without any emergency's. Have to say that New Mexico is now on the list of places that DH and I would consider for retirement. Even though it was hot, it was nothing like the humidity in WI. We have 71 degrees, and without air conditioning on it is horrible. We all went to Carlsbad Caverns on Sunday, and hiked all the way down. My knee really didn't like that, probably because the slope was all downward. It feels fine now, but sure got stiff on the car ride home. We also where able to go to Santa Fe, and visited Old Town and the Farmers Market. One of our tours was to the Unser Racing Museum, and I was able to get a picture with Al Unser Sr. He's a very interesting and funny man. Our friends house is really nice, and they have what they call a guest wing of the house. It is three bedrooms, and each room has a bathroom. The Olds Nationals was really nice, but small. DH and I judged the 68-69 Hurst/Olds class, which is a tough one. All the cars where very nice. Next year is in Gettysburg, another state that I have never been to. I'm really looking forward to that one.
Laurel, How wonderful to be with your sisters to celebrate your Mothers life. I'm sure that it was nice to be with them during that time, and of course going to wine country. Great job getting your workouts in, it can get difficult when you are on vacation. Awesome job on those workouts, you really are keeping to the rotation really well. Love that you added on an extra couple of days to get yourself back on schedule. The only thing I saw of Colorado was the airport, so one of these days I will have to actually step my feet on soil in that state.
Tami, Great job on your workout, and avoiding the running marathon! I'm glad to hear that she let you know before the class, so that you could make other plans. Sorry to hear that the other lady is having to avoid the class because of the impact to her body. I guess I'm understanding all about that.I'm sorry to hear about your Moms dog, that is really hard to go though. She will know when the time is right to get another one. My Aunt will be coming down for the wedding, and staying with us for Sunday night. She has a little dog that she has had for a long time. He has been with her since before my Uncle passed away, so is special to her. Hopefully he and Rocket get along okay, because she will be staying with us on Sunday night.
Becky, Glad to hear that you are doing well, and getting in workouts when you are able. Looks like studying is taking up a lot of your time. Your kids will be going back to school soon. They had the start time on the school's in NM, and they are scheduled to go back at the beginning of Aug. Yep I'm doing a lot of yoga, and I really have been enjoying myself. It really surprises me how it has changed my body, even though I'm not lifting weights, it is really doing things to my arms and shoulders that I have not seen before. Just find it interesting, plus I love getting more flexible.
Thelma, I'm so sorry to hear that both you and your DH have been having so many problems at work. I can't imaging going for 3 hours without having a sip of water. That seems like cruel and unusual punishment. I understand there reasoning. I'm glad that you are getting the time off to study for this exam, and you get to do it in the privacy of your own home. I purchased the Yoga Warrior series, and it is from the same company that produces Travis Eliot's. Rudy's workouts are suppose to be the easier of the two series, so that is why I decided to try his workouts. The Gathering workout is his introduction workout, and you can do that one anytime you want something not to strenuous. I really don't think that his workouts are horribly difficult, but then I'm normally at the beg/int level of the position. Rudy is always saying that you shouldn't go into a pose unless you are comfortable and able to do it. And he is funny. I have laughed a couple of times at comments that he has made.
Amy, Hope your doing well.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies! Today's workout started with Intensity Max premix. I followed it with Fit Tower Legs, Glutes and Core. Really like that workout because she doesn't go crazy and over-rep it (as Cathe can do sometimes
). Made for a great combo today.
Tami, glad you enjoyed your return to Insane X. Sounds like a great, tough class for sure. Working out on vacation does take some innovation, without question. Like I mentioned to Thelma, when with DH in a hotel room, I don't think twice about working out in front of him anymore. I have quite a few no or little equipment workouts loaded on my iPad for days when I just want to do something. Working out at my sister's house is easy because of her own workout room with weights and other equipment. I am not a huge fan of hotel gyms, though I have used them in the past. But if I have a 5'x5' space whatever room I am staying, I tend to do a Cathe workout......carefully.Sometimes navigating the furniture is the real tricky part.
Thelma, hope you survive day 2 of your off-site! Great job getting your workout in last night. I did do quite a bit of shopping in Colorado. My last stop was splurging on new workout clothes! That was too much fun.Why buy practical clothes when you can buy workout clothes?
Laurie, so happy you enjoyed NM. Sounds like you saw quite a bit of the state. It has been 40 yearssince I was at Carlsbad Caverns, but I still remember how fascinating they were. I am with you on the dryness. It was 100 on the day I arrived in Denver, and the Florida girl in me way like 'this isn't hot......where is the humidity?' My sisters were going crazy with it....and I wanted to sit outside. But I have to admit, while DH and I toy with going back to Colorado, I do miss green and rain when I am there. It is definitely a trade-off worth considering, though. Love hearing about the impact yoga is having on your physique!
Until tomorrow!
Laurel0 -
Hi ladies, just a little walking on the treadmill for me tonight. Thank God the 2 day offsite meeting is over. Let the studying begin!
OMG my coworker who took the certification exam on Monday flunked by 2 points! My boss takes it tomorrow.
Laurie, I'm glad you love New Mexico and that you didn't return to a crisis at work! Isn't it wonderful to discover places you'd love to call home when you retire. We keep thinking Western NC. We'll be there in early September and our plan is to go visit a town I've been finding homes for sale that we love. This week there has been a lot of talk about moving there ASAP. I'm so afraid we're going to come back from NC in the process of buying our retirement home even if we have to rent it out for a couple of years.
Our jobs are like soap operas these days! CRAZY. The exam is really cruel and unusual punishment. I am really going to ask my boss to stop punishing us like this!
I definitely want to try some of those Yoga Warrior workouts I found in YouTube! I read a review on Amazon.com from a lady who said it wasn't easy!
Laurel, what an awesome combo! All week I've been wanting to do that FT Leg/Glutes workout. I think I'll do it this weekend.
Why buy practical clothes when you can splurge on workout clothes? Why not! I bet it was a lot of fun!
These two days have been long. I always like to sit in the back so I can get up and move around when I have to endure meetings like this. I stood up a lot and moved my arms around and stretched!
Good night ladies!
0 -
Morning Ladies,
This morning I did Yoga Warrior Seeking Warrior. Rudy has now become a favorite, these workouts flow really well. There are 12 workout all together, and I'm now over half way through them. I'm going to do another round after I'm done.
Laurel, Great workouts, and nice that you enjoyed the fit tower workout. I was actually surprised that the area that our friends live, which is on the east side of the mountain, was green. The Abq side of the mountain was more brownish flavored. We where there during the monsoon season, so they did have rain. Apparently where they live they do experience all four seasons, because they do get snow. The one thing I really enjoyed was the non dryness of my skin. I would have thought that it would be horribly dry, or I put the right amount of lotion on my skin.The big negative was the fact that they almost had a robbery, but their dogs deterred the thief. This is something that happens a little to often. The pace of life there is a little annoying also, the work ethic is a lot different than here in WI.
Thelma, Glad you where able to get on the treadmill. 2 points from passing, now that would really be annoying. Hopefully you will be able to pass this test and not have to worry about it. NC is another state that is on our list of places that we would enjoy living in. I really liked the Greensboro area. I understand the soap opera atmosphere of work, DH is still having a tough time with his boss. He didn't want to leave NM for that reason alone.
This week has been tough for both of us, this morning he really didn't want to go to work. Of course our temps are perfect, and no humidity. That may have been a reason. I forgot to tell you that I did workout in the guest wing of our friends house. They had a DVD player hooked up to a nice size TV, and I got up early enough that I was done before they woke up. It worked out really well. Otherwise I just do things that don't require a lot of space, and get it done where no one is looking. I tend to use my computer to play the workout.
Have a great weekend!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies and Happy Friday! I’m going to be honest that this week has not been one of my favorites. Between DH being back and for some reason there is tension between us instead of joy, busy at work, which isn’t bad …. Just tiring. TOM this week (which is probably why i feel worse than a normal down week. PMS maybe? lol) which has had me feeling the TIREDS all week and probably more emotional than I would like AND missed my workout yesterday and this a.m. We were at that big 4H fundraiser last night that we go to every year so of course I didn’t get up this a.m. DH's fishing trip he donates every year helped contribute for the kids, so that was great. It was a lot of fun. I was in bed by about 10:30 but it takes a while to fall asleep. At any rate as you all know I hate it when I miss my workouts and it does affect how I feel forsure. So if I am not able to get one in tonight when I get home I will hit it hard in the a.m. forsure. Back on track! That’s the plan. Might “repeat” this week since I missed a few that I had planned OR add it at the end. So that’s my vent because you guys are all such great pals and listeners and probably the only people I know who “get it” …….. ugh.
Laurie: So happy to hear you didn’t have a bunch of problems or issues on your return to work. Awesome that you and DH have a place on your list to consider for retirement. How wonderful that you enjoyed it that much. I hope your knees are continuing to feel much better with your low impact and wonderful Yoga you have been treating your body with.
Thelma: Happy studying friend! Just relax and do the best you can do.
Laurel: Fabulous workouts as always! Glad to hear you enjoyed the FT Legs/Glutes and Core workout. I liked the pre-mix I did a couple weeks ago as well; as I had told Thelma …. I am really glad I ended up ordering these. That is so amazing your sister has a workout room – PERFECT! It is so good that you can work out in front of DH no matter what. Mine would probably leave me in the hotel room but be watching the clock wondering when in the world I am going to be done. LOL Mexico worked out nicely because I was able to get up early and hit their gym. That will be my plan again next year when we go back.
Have a great weekend ladies ~ thank you for being my pals and listeners.
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Hi Ladies! Happy Friday! Decided to end the week with a tough, long but fun workout. I started with Fit Tower Total Body and did the 'doubled' premix. Yowza! My body was definitely feeling it at the end. I added on the bonus abs, which are so good. For cardio, I did Cathe Live from last week, which was her Birthday Blast workout. It was (roughly) 15 minutes each of kickboxing, HiiT blasts, and old-fashioned hi/lo. It was a fun but pretty challenging cardio workout, for sure. I will definitely revisit it because these types of workouts--with different sections--really fly for me.
Thelma, I am glad you made it through the off-site. I hear you on buying retirement property. DH and I have been talking about it as well. I know we aren't close to being in a position of full retirement yet (especially since moving to Alaska), but I know when it gets here, I want to know where 'home' is going to be.
Laurie, another great yoga workout! The east part of Albuquerque is much nicer than the west, that's for sure. DH had a job offer there at the same time he had the job offer in Florida (about 2 months before he retired from the military). If we could have found a home in the east, we might have ended up there. But we only had a day to decide, and doing zillow/Trulia searches was telling us we might need to head west because of affordability. So Florida won out. The other consideration, as you pointed out, was the crime rate. While Florida has an outrageous crime rate, where we were at was still less than Albuquerque. So.....again......Florida won. But I would have liked Abq to be closer to my sisters and, at the time, my mom. Of course, now we are in Alaska, which is drier than both, colder than both and further away than both......life is strange.
Tami, big hugs! I completely hear you. It sounds like a pretty frustrating week. No doubt those transitions between being alone and having DH back are tough. I know for my DH and I, sometimes it goes well........sometimes it doesn't. Hope things smooth out soon. I know there has been quite a bit of tension on and off between my DH and I for a few months now because of this move, and it weighs so heavy on my mind at times I feel physically exhausted. I take a lot of deep breaths, stay patient and try to keep my perspective on what really matters. Some days that is easier than others......but I try. Again, big hugs. The rotation will be there when you have the time and energy to get back to it.
Hope you all have a good weekend.
Laurel0 -
Hi Ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was spent studying.
On Friday I did I actually got two workouts in: ICE Low Impact Sweat in the morning and I walked on the treadmill in the evening. Saturday no workout at all. I was glued to my desk all day until 9PM. I took breaks to eat, go to the bathroom and do laundry. I ended up feeling like a very heavy wet noodle. I was so stiff and my hip bones were killing me. So today I decided that I wasn't going to do the same thing I'd done on Saturday. I decided to work out this morning and it had to be a short, total body workout. I knew it had to be a KCM workout so I went with a 30MTF Your Best Body premix. I love her workouts because they are short and very effective. I hadn't done this workout before and I really liked it. After I finished studying my body felt the same way it did Saturday night so I knew I had to move. I did a Jessica Smith low impact workout and it was just what the doctor ordered. I also studied while balancing on the wobble board.
I don't know if I can pass this exam. I've been doing the practice exams and last night I flunked badly. Today I have to admit that I was very distracted. So I studied the exam I flunked last night and started a new one one tonight. I will finish it tomorrow. The plan for tomorrow and is to do practice exams and then study the questions of all the exams I've taken. On Tuesday it will be just studying the book on areas that I know I need help.
My boss passed the exam on Friday! He studied of course and he remembers this boring stuff!
Becky posted this exercise website for those days when you need a short workout. These are the same trainers I found in YouTube for the wobble board workout.
Laurie, every time I read your updates and it is about a yoga workout I smile because you weren't a yoga fan and look at you now! Love it! I want to try one of Rudy's workouts one of these days. What is the name of the firs workout in the series?
My co-worker had a scheduled vacation after the exam. Can you imagine going on vacation after flunking knowing that you have to study when you get back home? OMG I hope I get easy questions!
My sister used to live in Greensboro. She is now in an area called High Point. We used to own a house in Mint Hill. Also a very nice town. We love the Western NC. Love the mountains. I have a list of about 7 houses that we want to see (if still on the market) when we're there in early September.
Sorry your DH is still having problems with his boss. I'm sure you two had a hard time going back to work after such a fun vacation.
We had some very cool mornings last week. I actually needed a light jacket in the mornings. It felt like fall! OMG! Too early for that!
You were lucky your friends have a guest wing in their house so you could get your workouts in!
Tami, sorry you had such a hard week last week. I bet it was PMS due to that TOM! I'm glad you had fun at the fundraiser and that the fishing trip your DH donates went to help such a good cause. I hope the next time her returns home it will be a very joyful occasion. I know you got back into your workouts and that means you're in a much better place now. So happy for you.
Laurel, WOW on that FitTower double premix!!Amazing combo! Great job! I wanted to do the FT Total Body but I just didn't have time for a long workout this weekend.
We're not ready for retirement but dreaming isn't expensive. I hope that we can retire in a couple of years though.
Good night ladies!!
Thelma0 -
Morning Ladies,
What a nice productive weekend for home projects.I was doing the plantings around the deck, and DH was hauling stone to put around the deck. Looks so nice! On Sunday I put mulch down in our tree line, in the area that I cleared. It was so nice to sit on our new deck and just listen to the birds tweeting. The yard looks so nice, and ready for a gift opening.
No workout at all, but I figured that I worked hard enough with the yard work. This morning was Yoga Warrior Coiled Warrior, which is a lot of twisting poses. Felt great to do this after all the yard work that I did this weekend.
Tami, I'm so sorry to hear that your week wasn't a good one. The workouts will be there, and you will get back into the swing of things again. Dang on the tension with DH, I'm sure that it will get better. It can't help when people are gone for a length of time, you get into a pattern. I tell my DD's all the time that living with someone is hard, and takes a lot of patience at times. Glad you had fun at the fundraiser, and that the fishing trip helped.
Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! The Birthday Bash sounds like it was fun. I like that you had the same vibe from the ABQ area as we did, and of course it did help that our friends where willing to give us all the information that they did. The neighborhood that they live in had a gate installed, and since that happened, the fear of theft has dropped dramatically. My dd used those two sites when looking for their new home.
Thelma, Dang on that test, but great job getting in your workouts! I really do like KCM's workout for that same reason. The test really does sound like it is tough, and I hope that you surpass what you think you can do and pass the dang thing. Yep I was one that tended to avoid those yoga workouts, but now I can see that they really are a benefit to my body. Now this is something that I noticed this weekend, and it really does sound superfical, but my bust has a better appearance. I wonder if it may have something to do with the fact that I have lost the side boob! For some reason that is something that I have a hard time losing when just doing weight workouts. So this is another incentive for me to continue with these workouts. The first workout in the DVD set is The Gathering, which he says to use when you want something less challenging. The first time I did it, I thought it was a challenge.The official first workout in the rotation is Versatile Warrior.
Have a great day!
Laurie0 -
Hi Ladies ~ Feeling so much better. Even on Saturday it was just a better day. I got some good sleep that night and felt good. We went to a really lovely evening at a summer home get together. It was quite an event to be invited to; one of the local attorneys in town has a huge outdoor summer celebration and lots of people. So it was relaxing and I think DH was able to unwind a bit. He did leave yesterday again for another week of fishing and then will be back until his Fall trips. I got in a couple great days of workouts: Sat was Tri Sets Total Body which I always love and then yesterday I did Fit Tower BootCamp which is super fun, time flies by on these workouts. Today will be BootCamp/or something at home. We have a super HOT weather week this week as well so with DH being gone I may workout at home as well in the evenings so Bernie can get inside sooner. By the weekend it is supposed to be triple digits.
Laurel: Thank you so much for your kind words and “hug” --- I needed that on Friday forsure. Sheesh, life can just feel like a lot of pressure sometimes; I think a lot of it was PMS as well with the emotions and feeling so tired. Every once and a while it just hits me and out of the blue so it feels overwhelming. Fabulous job with the FT Total Body Dbl Pre-mix! YOWSA, I bet it was fun though.
Thelma: Hope all your studying pays off for you!!!! I am hoping you pass forsure. I am sure the practice exams have you a little worried, but I still believe you are going to do well. Great job getting in some workouts, I am sure that helped with the stress as well. Thank you as well for the kind words. As I said above, feeling much better today and I also hope when he returns this time it is an easier transition. LOL It just goes that way sometimes …. Hard when you both get into your own routines away from one another sometimes. Workouts felt great!
Laurie: Yay on having a productive weekend for home projects! That always feels so good I think. Sounds beautiful with all the rock around your new deck. Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate all of you listening to me and you’re exactly right …. No matter how many years it is hard and always a give & take of patience and understanding.
Here’s to a great week ahead ladies!!!!! Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
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