Water Fasting...What's your experience?



  • sak20011
    sak20011 Posts: 94 Member
    is there any real difference between a 24 hour water fast and folks who do one meal a day, assuming they eat their one meal 24 hours apart?

    I have fasted for yom kippur--I don't miss the food but the morning coffee with milk is a bummer. I can't say I've felt cleansed or anything after, but I certainly did enjoy breaking the fast.
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    edited July 2017
    The only time you should water fast is under the supervision of a medical professional and because they require you to do it. Yes there's a bunch of people claiming all these magical benefits but there isn't any real science behind any of it to back it up. Doing it for a day or 2 might be fine but I'm not your GP.

    I've done a different type of fasting before, 5:2. I actually had really good results with it and I found it was sustainable. There's many ways you can go about reducing calories if your goal is to lose weight or if it's to feel better or be healthier and there are many groups with great information. Just have a look around and you might find something that suits your needs.

    Good luck =)
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I often do Intermittent Fasting 16/8. It's not to "reset" anything, but it helps keep my calories low. Basically, I skip breakfast. There are many threads on MFP about it if you're interested.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I have water fasted for 24-48 hours for spiritual reasons. I wouldn't do it because of some diet industry woo though...
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    There are reasons that lots of the world's spiritual traditions and religions incorporate fasting. Short-term fasts can be useful in a spiritual sense to help you do things like focus your intentions on a specific goal or problem in your life. If you approach it as a mental break or reset, you might find it useful for your life. Physically, though, it won't do anything in the long term. Our bodies are much tougher and much more flexible than we give them credit for.

    Keep in mind that fasting during summer is more taxing that fasting during other seasons, so pick a day when you can take it relatively easy. Don't go run around outside in full sun. You might also want to incorporate some salts or electrolytes into your water.
  • Rammer123
    Rammer123 Posts: 679 Member
    If you're doing a 24-48 hour water fast for spiritual/psychological benefit. Be purposeful and deliberate.

    Prepare yourself physically and mentally. If caffeine is an issue, deal with that in the days previous to the fast.

    During the fast, take the time you would normally have spent preparing and eating your meals to devote to some other purpose, Pray, meditate, etc.

    That is in my opinion one major benefit of the fasting period, the extra time to put towards self growth or spiritual growth.

    Afterwards, set aside time to reflect on how you felt before, during, and after. If a "reset" is what you're looking for. take advantage of the experience to reset.

    Above all, remember, it's a discipline, not a punishment.

    This ^
  • LadyLilion
    LadyLilion Posts: 276 Member
    edited July 2017
    When I was in college in the 80's my roommate and I did this fad diet thing where we fasted three days a week and ate normally the other four (I think we drank water and juice). We lost weight...while we were doing it. Gained it back when we started eating 7 days a week though. I don't recall any ill effects, other than being hungry. It didn't last long though, because - food. Would I do it again? No. Because - food... and of course, any loss doesn't last.
  • StrongGirlFitGirl
    StrongGirlFitGirl Posts: 183 Member
    If you're doing a 24-48 hour water fast for spiritual/psychological benefit. Be purposeful and deliberate.

    Prepare yourself physically and mentally. If caffeine is an issue, deal with that in the days previous to the fast.

    During the fast, take the time you would normally have spent preparing and eating your meals to devote to some other purpose, Pray, meditate, etc.

    That is in my opinion one major benefit of the fasting period, the extra time to put towards self growth or spiritual growth.

    Afterwards, set aside time to reflect on how you felt before, during, and after. If a "reset" is what you're looking for. take advantage of the experience to reset.

    Above all, remember, it's a discipline, not a punishment.

    This is such a well-articulated, thoughtful response! I personally don't water fast, but I understand the desire for a deliberate, sort of radical, event to inspire reflection and denote a change.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    doggerland wrote: »
    If you're doing a 24-48 hour water fast for spiritual/psychological benefit. Be purposeful and deliberate.

    Prepare yourself physically and mentally. If caffeine is an issue, deal with that in the days previous to the fast.

    During the fast, take the time you would normally have spent preparing and eating your meals to devote to some other purpose, Pray, meditate, etc.

    That is in my opinion one major benefit of the fasting period, the extra time to put towards self growth or spiritual growth.

    Afterwards, set aside time to reflect on how you felt before, during, and after. If a "reset" is what you're looking for. take advantage of the experience to reset.

    Above all, remember, it's a discipline, not a punishment.

    This is such a well-articulated, thoughtful response! I personally don't water fast, but I understand the desire for a deliberate, sort of radical, event to inspire reflection and denote a change.

    I agree (with you and with @stanmann571 post), but OP specifically stated she wanted to do it as a detox, because a friend said a water fast helped her detox her system which made living a healthier lifestyle easier. And OP has already radically changed her diet. I get that fasting can be a spiritual tool (though one that would not work for me because hangry LOL) but nothing OP has said would suggest this is her goal.