Anyone else doing a sugar free diet?



  • changeconsumeme
    changeconsumeme Posts: 229 Member
    I'm doing a Whole 30 (part of a gym challenge). No added sugar of any sort, but fruit is okay. I'm feeling fine! Do what works for you! But be sure to read your labels. Does the turkey bacon you buy have no added sugar??
  • sosteach
    sosteach Posts: 260 Member
    My first month I ditched all processed food and sugars (including fruit). I have slowly added all foods in and done really well with it. You have to develop a lifestyle you can do forever.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Don't mention Lustig around here, you'll really set some people off. He's considered a bit of a quack.
    Entirely to be expected. You see there are some extremely powerful vested interests in play here, who want things to continue exactly as they are, ie huge consumption of sugar and foods containing it. They don't care how fat or sick the populace gets, it is their profits they care about. Such powerful vested interests would have no qualms whatsoever about posting en masse on weight loss forums such as this, discrediting anyone they consider a threat to their interests. They also tend to favour those financially who treat their wares kindly.

    Like John Yudkin before him, Lustig makes some compelling arguments, so he has to be destroyed, like Yudkin was. I've yet to see them in any manner debunked. I've seen a lot of fiddling with dodgy figures and ridiculous assertions regarding a mythical drop in sugar consumption here in Australia and an "Australian Conundrum" based on fabricated sugar consumption figures, which on its own convinces me that much is being hidden. It's very easy to call someone a "quack" but much more difficult to debunk what appears to be quite sound science.

    Anyway, those who think sugar is hunky dory are free to eat 5 Tim Tams (500 calories) )not sure other countries have these very sweet and very popular chocolate biscuits) for dinner and enjoy the fun as their body craves some real food.

    Right, we are all paid shills for the sugar industry...

    Listing has been called out by numerous of his peers as a pseudo-scientist and fear-monger

    No one is saying eat large quantities of sugar and ignore nutrition; what we are saying is that sugar can be part of an overall healthy diet that meets macro, micro, and calorie targets. What matters is context and dosage. There are no bad foods , just bad diets.

    But if you want to do some super restrictive diet and be miserable because you are worried about how much fruit you are eating, then by all means knock yourself out.

    Wait, we are supposed to be getting paid!? My check must have been lost in the mail. Grr, that darn accounting department at Big Sugar! They are so careless!

    send me your bank information and i will send you the million that you are owed from big sugar...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    geebusuk wrote: »
    Perhaps, just perhaps...
    Food companies are in the business of selling food.
    People like food with sugar in, so they buy food with sugar in because it tastes nice.*
    So food companies make food with the substance which makes it taste nice in, so people buy it.

    (*We can blame evolution/god for that one.)

    na, the food kabal wants to kill us off by getting us addicted to sugar, which is toxic, which will kill off all their customers...
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Where do I sign up to be a paid shill? I mean, should I call one of the sugar companies listed in the baking aisle, or is there some "Big Sugar" hotline that hires everyone?

    I'm confused about how I was even shilling here, as I'm all for limiting sugar, but I guess our employer has low standards. Email me and I'll hook you up! Best way to make $$$$ a day from your home and all that.*

    *Just kidding.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited July 2017
    So I made this weird topping for my chicken breast that involved a peach, a (small) tomato, and some mint. I put the leftovers in a tupperware with the chicken and a bunch of vegetables, and when all was eaten I had a little juice left over in the tupperware (mix of peach, tomato, and mint). Decided to drink it up to see how it tasted.

    Pretty weird, not bad, but full of sugar, of course. Is that supposed to be bad just because it leaked from the fruit? (I figured I logged it with the meal, so should finish it!) ;-)
  • paleojames40
    paleojames40 Posts: 2 Member
    Im on day 3. The fog is starting to clear.
  • paulwatts747
    paulwatts747 Posts: 60 Member
    edited July 2017
    sijomial wrote: »

    Sugar consumption is falling - people are still getting fatter,


    This assertion has now been completely discredited. The figures that appeared in a study (in Australia) that suggested sugar consumption was falling in fact came from an algorithm. It was found to be too difficult to quantify sugar consumption with it permeating so many foodstuffs so the measurement of it was curtailed late last century. They were made up figures, not real. That did not stop them being repeated ad nauseum for many years, right up until the present. Sugar consumption is not falling, not in Australia, the US or UK. It is in just about everything you can eat or drink, it is pretty much impossible to avoid. I've tried but I still find myself getting 50-60g a day of it, well above the WHO recommendation. How could it be falling?

    So why do you think people are getting fatter?

    Anyway, people need to make up their own minds. This argument has hijacked this discussion and I'm partly responsible for that. To those who are limiting their sugar consumption, I wish good luck and success to you.
    WinoGelato wrote: »

    Wait, we are supposed to be getting paid!? My check must have been lost in the mail. Grr, that darn accounting department at Big Sugar! They are so careless!
    No, you've been hoodwinked by those who are getting paid, most of them nutritionists and the like.
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    I honestly don't know anyone who has lost and then maintained a "complete sugar free diet" as a "life style.". But then again the people I knew doing this where saying you can't eat fruit or vege and you can eat maple syrup because it's not really sugar XD. I think they were just trying to demonise food as a way to blame someone else for their obesity.

    If you find a way to do this that's sustainable and that you enjoy. Go for it. Though I really wouldn't cut out fruit and veg. I did low carb (Under 15gram) awhile back when my brother was doing it and I didn't eat much sugar at all. I actually enjoyed doing low carb but I don't know if I could sustain that... however many people can and they love it some eat 50gms, some eat more. Find a balance you enjoy so that it's sustainable. All the best =)
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I'm with you! Seven months and determined to keep at it! I like to share my experience because someone might find it helpful, not because I'm giving advice, proving a point or preaching a certain way of eating. I have no interest in that.

    I have had success with sugar free diets. (My use of sugar free means nearly free of refined sugar and flour, starchy vegetables and grains.) I don't find I have to limit vegetables, but I do have to be careful not to eat too much dairy, fruit or too many carbs at one sitting. When I eat this way, I'm happier, more energetic, and healthier. My appetite is reasonable and easy to control. However, if I begin consuming high sugar and starchy foods again, I tend to progressively crave more and more of it until my appetite seems beyond my control and is very disordered.

    The most disturbing thing is, when I'm consuming sweets like cakes, candy, cookies, etc., I feel like I desperately need it in my life in order to be happy. On the other hand, when I go for periods of time not consuming sweets, I stop craving them and I feel so relieved to have regained my appetite control and my sense of personal power and self respect. I have not found a middle ground yet.

    I spoke with a self proclaimed "sugar addict specialist" who I met entirely by accident. She told me that some of her clients learned to moderate after a year or two of abstinence, and some never learned to moderate. She encouraged me stick to my plan longer before trying moderation (since all my previous attempts to reintroduce moderation have sent me into a binging tailspin.) She also advised that I seek professional help and support next time I try moderation - her's in particular!

    I felt intrigued, but a bit skeptical of her because of her unabashed sales pitch. Regardless of her credibility, it has stuck in the back of my mind that the longer I can abstain, the better my chances are at deeply ingraining new habits and good "food morals" that will assist me in reaching my goal and maintaining an ideal and healthy weight. Most importantly, I'm happy now eating the way I do, and trust it will continue to be sustainable.

    It's up to each of us individually to determine if a "sugar free" diet helps or hinders us in reaching our weight/health goals and being content with our eating. People post strong feelings on this subject about what others should and shouldn't do in regards to having sweet treats, giving strong warnings one way or another. Ignore all that and trust your own intuition.