Lean By Labor Day Challenge (*CLOSED GROUP*)



  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Wednesday's Points

    Exercise -3

    Total - 6

    Weekly Total - 22

    Change in for my weekly goals, I may take tonight AND tomorrow as rest days. Last minute plans to go with some friends to a local winery tonight. Since my daughter is on vacation with her dad this week I can actually go! IF I am not out too late I will try to get up and work out in the AM, but I am not a morning person and after going to a winery it doesn't look too good :laugh: Firday night I promised to take my little sister to the movies (she's 12) and have a sleep over for sister time.... no work out after work. But I work out a lot and don't feel bad about missing 2 days. I'll be back on track Saturday!
  • babydbones
    babydbones Posts: 135 Member
    Wednesday Points:
    I didn't get much in yesterday to count for a point.
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    So I missed my planned work out today but I did get a work out in. I also combined the push up squat challenge and got in 100 push ups and 200 squats. I'm off to the shower now and with the heat think my exercise for the day is done. I tried 30 day shred since I found it on my free on demand channels and it was quite challenging so I may invest in the tape. Hoping this week is better then last.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    My journey so far:

    I started out at 184.5 pounds about the beginning of May. That's when our budget became really tight and we had to limit what we could buy grocery-wise, etc. I've lost weight plenty of times in the past, and I'm also pretty fanatic about what foods my kids eat (but not myself? I'm still not sure on that one - maybe convenience overcame overall health at that point - CFS can do that to you). We had previously been eating out 3 or more times per week at places like McDonald's, Qdoba, Steak & Shake, and Sonics. Those were (and still are) our favorite 4.

    Anyway, because of our budget needs, we had to cut back on everything, including no more eating out. Within a month, I'd dropped 10 pounds. Then I came out of my fog and realized that I could turn things back around, even though I am exhausted pretty much 1/2 of the month. I can work out and see results just like other people, it just takes more rest and motivation (sometimes). So I joined MFP at about 7 or so down around the first of July and have been writing EVERYTHING down. It isn't coming off as fast now, but it always seems to do that when I'm paying more attention. lol. Plus I'm pretty sure I wasn't eating enough calories.

    Anyhow, that's my current journey. It isn't my first, but I'm hoping it's my last! :)
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hello everyone. I started MFP in late May & to my surprise have lost 27 lbs. I can hardly believe it. I have since joined my local YMCA & try to go 4 times a week. I usually workout at home to zumba, slim and 6 or anything I can get my hands on. I enjoy going to the gym because it makes me feel as though I'm in shape. lol.
    I normally would hide from cameras or always in the back ground but since losing the 27 lbs I am not afraid of cameras anymore. I have gained the confidence to join a gym. I still have a way to go but I am doing it. With you all I feel I can do almost anything. I am also enjoying this journey because once this weight is gone, it's gone for good. I am getting stronger everyday.
  • Soooooo HAPPY for you! I am excited at the prospect of escaping the "big" ladies section myself. Not yet... but soon I hope!
  • My weight loss journey thus far...I started 2 months ago and I have lost 20 lbs. I have another 80-90 lbs. to go.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    exercise 6
    sleep 1
    water 1
    log 1

    total 9
  • Kell888
    Kell888 Posts: 51
    So today was the first time since I started that I had a huge binge and ate 800 calories over my limit, I however feel full for the first time in those two months, tomorrow will be many less calories and working out!
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    MAJOR fatigue all day. TOM is coming and that always causes major fatigue episodes because of the hormonal shifts. I stayed glued to the couch or my bed most of the day, unless otherwise required by my children or light housework. They are SO good about being patient when they know I'm tired and behaving and playing well together. I thank God every time that I have a bad day with my energy but they are both so well behaved! Plus they don't mind it terribly because they usually get something like chicken nuggets and a banana or apple for lunch instead of my more elaborate, more healthy dishes. lol

    Thursday points:
    Log: 1
    Water: 1
    Sleep: 1
    Exercise: 1
    Total points: 4

    Total points last week: 34
    Total points this week: 21
    Total points overall: 55
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    So today was the first time since I started that I had a huge binge and ate 800 calories over my limit, I however feel full for the first time in those two months, tomorrow will be many less calories and working out!

    I usually have what I call a "super famish" binge about once per month and I try to stay below 2000 calories on those days just to stay within range, plus maybe go for a run or do something else to burn the extra calories... hasn't hindered me yet and I did it before when I was watching everything that went into my mouth, before I gained 30 pounds again (when I stopped eating and counting and started binging all the time).
  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Hi All!

    My journey so far: Started getting chubby around 4th/5th grade - probably in the 10-15# overweight range. I can remember starting to "diet" in about the 7th grade. In high-school my weight fluctuated - I swam in the swim team, so it would drop then & go up in the off-season. I probably ranged 140-160 in high-school & thought I was HUGE (I'm 5'8") ... wearing a size 12 was embarassing (what I would give for a size 12 these days!)

    Fluctuated in college 145-165 for the most part.

    Before marriage & kids I had an all time "freak out" weight of 178 (again, a number that sounds pretty good these days!!)

    I was able to lose my baby weight after 1 & 2, but after baby 3 (5 YEARS ago) I have fought my way down to about 178... then I lose focus & boom I'm back in the 200's.

    My goal is to make this the last time I have to battle this out. I'm going to blast back in time to former freak out weight, wedding weight, college weight, highschool weight, with my destination 8th grade weight of ~145.

    My points today sleep (1), food (1), exercise (4.5), Water (1) = total 7.5


  • AmyByExample
    AmyByExample Posts: 422 Member
    Ashley - glad things look good for your Grandma :) Good for you getting in the wall pushups at the hospital! Fingers crossed for your blood work results! Oh, and just pick a different Lower Extremity exercise that your knees can tolerate in place of the squats :)

    indigo - YAY - happy dance for you on the new jeans!! What a great feeling! Great progress at 10#/month!

    Kelly - Can you think what triggered the binge? Plan what to do differently next time? A friend of mine keeps a "binge bag" - she has things in there like note-cards of how she feels when she stays in control vs. binges, why she lost weight (she's at goal), how she used to feel versus now... she also has a deck of cards (solitare), a pack of gum, sugar-free mints, and a list of instructions talking her through the urge to binge. I think a higher calorie day now & then is necessary & part of life - as long as it is controlled. Believe me, I can binge with the rest of them and understand how frustrating it can be. But I also know I'm not binging out of hunger - moreso out of an emotional need. Hang in there - if we can help , let us know.

    Vanessa - WoW! YOu are so close to the 50# mark which is amazing! Great work!

    Phyllis - love that you got those pushups in at work!

    Becca - your plan for the rest of the rest of the week sounds great!

    Deanna - love your new avatar!

    Melissa - thanks for sharing your journey! Wow that stopping eating out made such a difference for you :)

    Diane - Great work on hitting 27 gone! I love the YMCA & hope to fit it in the budget for the fall.

    Pam - great work getting those exercise points in!

    Ok - off to bed! I have a 5:40AM wake up call!

  • Thursday points:

    Water - 1
    Food - 1
    Exercise - 8
    Sleep - 1

    Total - 11
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I earned 41.5 points last week.

    My plan for the week:
    Monday: walking 65 minutes at 5 mph complete
    6 points
    Tuesday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 15 minutes strength complete
    6.5 points
    Wednesday: walk 65 minutes at 5 mph complete
    6 points
    Thursday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 15 minutes strength complete
    6 points
    Friday: walking 65 minutes at 5 mph
    Saturday: I'm picking up my daughter so I don't know what I can fit in
    Sunday: jogging 65 minutes at 6 mph 20 minutes strength
  • ashleymariec89
    ashleymariec89 Posts: 135 Member
    Thursday points

    exercise- 4.5

    total 7.5

    weekly total 33

    I HAVE HIT 40 POUNDS WOOT WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Any ideas of any other lower body exercises I can do other than squats???
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    My weight journey
    My weight gain began with my first pregnancy. After my oldest was born I didn't lose the weight before I became pregnant with my next. This was the pattern until I was a very round mommy of four. I never really felt unhappy with my weight. I knew I was obese, but when I would see myself in a picture I was always surprised. My husband was a great provider, but not helpful as a husband. His work hours were irregular, so the kids were left to me all the time. Every pint of Ben and Jerry's was my well deserved reward! I never felt any motivation to lose. Being skinny would not make my children sleep through the night or behave any better. It was not going to provide me with an uninterrupted trip to the bathroom. I received motivation last March. My husband decided to leave us. I just couldn't eat. I started losing weight. I will now have to work a full time job and be a single parent. My friends who are divorced tell my the upside is you finally get time to yourself. My oldest 3 won't go with their father. My 7 year old has such anxiety caused by our separation, he can't leave me for more than a few hours. I owe a lot of success to my stress. I am reluctant to say this out loud, but since I began MFP, I have not had a gain. I am not having a difficult time. I am missing some foods (ben and jerrys!) But not enough to give in. I feel I will continue to lose because the stress never seems to end. I have applied for several jobs and have zero offers and my husband lost his last month and has no prospects, so I figure that's good for a few more pounds!
  • rpearce519
    rpearce519 Posts: 72
    Thursday point:

    Food - 1
    Sleep - 1
    Water - 1
    Exercise - 1.5

    Total - 4.5

    My journey so far....while I've never been that over weight, I'm always up 10 pounds, then down 5, then up again....but I'm a junk food junkie, and as I'm getting older, its harder to just drop 5-10 by just thinking about it. My real journey though is to be healthy and have energy to keeps up with my kids social lives as they move into their teen years! There's just no excuses anymore on why I'm not out there exercising, you have to make time for you before you can take care of others! You are all very inspiring to me, so glad I'm part of this group!
  • PhiliciousCurves
    PhiliciousCurves Posts: 395 Member
    In January I weighed 203lbs. I could have weighed more, but that was when I actually stepped on a scale and paid attention! About a month later, my employer offered an incentive. Any employee that joined Weight Watchers, paid the fee and committed to the 12-week program would received a full refund! Someone dared me to join, so I did. I even signed up for an additional 12 weeks after the first 12-week program ended (we received a 50% refund if we registered for the 2nd 12 week program) After I completed the 24-weeks of WW, I lost 27lbs! My clothes were fitting me nicely and I was happy, but of course I didn't continue with the program and slowly, but surely the weight came back! Not all of it, but a big chunk of it! I tried to get back on track but I just wasn't feeling it!

    The beginning of this year my weight was 189lbs, so I said that's it! I'm losing this weight! I've always been small, usually 120lbs, wearing sizes 3/4 or 5/6. I told myself that I wouldn't get to double-digit sizes; but as soon as I did, I made another excuse, but not anymore! I don't want to be a double-digit sized woman! :smile:

    There probably so much more to say on my journey, but I think this about narrows it down! I hope!

    Thursday's Points

    Sleep - 0 points
    Exercise - 2 points
    Water - 1 point
    Log - 1 point

    Challenges: I completed 100 squats on Thursday (50 in the morning and another 50 in the evening). I also did 50 crunches! Yea Me!!!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Exercise -0

    Total - 2

    Weekly Total - 24

    I didn't log my food (and wine) from last night :-( I am not sure how to and honestly, I don't really want to know, lol.