Why did you get married?

Now that I'm recently engaged and wedding plans are being made, (engagement rings, wedding bands, wedding dress...so many chores nearly drive me crazy!)
I find myself wondering why we, as a society/culture/humans, still follow this tradition. I know more and more people are deciding not to get married these days and I was wondering if it's just a "tradition" that we follow. Some say that there are great monetary benefits like insurance decreases, etc. but others say that in the end you're actually penalized for being married.

Why did you decide you had to get married, as opposed to simply being with the person you love without the piece of paper. Was it to please your/her family? Were you simply following the tradition and going through the motions of taking "the next step"? Was it a spontaneous decision with a tranny in Vegas? What about marride life?Tell me your story.


  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    why not?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    tax break LOL.


    I'm on board with, if I had to do it again, I probably wouldn't have..not as young anyway.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Because I found an amazing man! So after 11 months of dating we went to Vegas and got married. Had 20 guests.

    I am glad I didnt spend alot of money on the wedding.
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    I'm not but am in a long-term relationship and we live together and this topic often comes up especially in Australia where people that live together for more than 2 years have defacto status and with that all the rights of a married couple should they split..

    I still think it's nice. I have no rush to get married but I'd like to be married before I have kids.. I like the idea of having the same name and of commiting yourselves to each other to be there for each other and forming your own new family unit. I guess it might be the old fashioned Catholic in me but still ...
  • minburke
    minburke Posts: 241 Member
    Because I found an amazing man! So after 11 months of dating we went to Vegas and got married. Had 20 guests.

    I am glad I didnt spend alot of money on the wedding.

    11 months?! wow! I suppose my mum & dad were 12.. 6 dating 6 engaged..
  • Kym1610
    Kym1610 Posts: 333 Member
    I must admit it wouldn't have mattered much to me one way or the other, but my husband proposed and I said yes. Having said that we planned a weekend away and got married while we were there.
  • SavannaN
    SavannaN Posts: 148
    Honestly at the time it helped us get more money for college, but neither one of us would change it. It just felt right. As for married life, I love it. I would do it all over again! We recently celebrated our 4 year anniversary. I love him and he is my best friend.
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    My partner and I got married just after our tenth anniversary of living together. It was the only way to celebrate our relationship and ongoing commitment to each other with all our friends and family at once. Friends and family flew in from across the continent and from overseas, we had a fantastic party, and had the chance to make some vows that put into words our commitment to each other.

    My sister married her partner after living with him for nearly 15 years - in her case, she thought it was a nice thing to do before having children.

    As the person above says, it makes very little legal difference in Australia.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    To me being married is being more committed to one another. You are promising to be together forever. I know in our society to many forever means until I change my mind, LOL, but to me it does mean forever , I am getting ready to celebrate my 20th wedding anniversary in august and if I had it to do over again the only thing i would change is getting married sooner. We dated for 5 yrs before getting married living together 2 1/2 of those yrs..........
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Always wanted to get married, but havnt. I do have a ring on my finger though. Been together for 4 years, engaged for little over 1 and no wedding plans yet. Yeah i am getting old.
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    me and my hubby met n nov. I hooked him up with my friend i was not intrested n him, me and and my hubby started dating n june, engaded n sept and married the next nov. we knew each other one year. i was 23 and he was 25. i thought i luved him then but relize i luv him more now 10 years later than i even understood then. he knows me better hen anyone n this world! i have way more respect for him and trust him with my life! why did we get married cuz we were young and n lust!!!! yes i said lust!!!! i thought it was luv but it was just plain lust lol! i now know the differance lol
  • significance
    significance Posts: 436 Member
    For us, signing on to a 30-year mortgage together was the real proof of long-term commitment. The marriage came a few years afterwards!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Same thing that minburke said about Australia applies here in Canada: common law is legally the same as married in almost every single respect (maybe in every respect, actually...not 100% clear on this). My husband and I were living common law for nearly 3 years when we got officially married. We did it because:

    1) we wanted to make it "official" in front of family and friends -- we wanted to the world to view us as a team (even though we already knew we were one)
    2) it seemed like the next natural step
    3) we love each other and it felt romantic to pledge to be united for life
    4) we wanted to have a huge party with all our family and friends :smile:
    ...among other reasons. Those were the main ones.

    Honestly, not much has changed for us. Our attitudes with one another and with our lives are exactly the same. Family members keep saying things like, "the first year of marriage is tough"...um...okay...never mind that we were legally common law for 3 years beforehand!

    The only real change has been in the way that our families and friends view and treat us. There's no doubt in anyone's mind that we are committed for life. That has been especially noticeable in the old-fashioned folks. Also, my grandmother no longer freaks out that we're "living in sin." :smile: So, our #1 reason for getting married has indeed paid off: our family and friends now consider us "official."

    EDIT: oh, and another perk was that everyone important to us got to contribute. A friend was the DJ, my mom did the flowers, my husband and I built the decorations, a friend did the cupcakes and another friend did the makeup/hair. We made our playlist ourselves and did all the invites, menus, signage, party favours. My mother-in-law did the wine menu and had a blast picking out wines. My father did a tribute video. My father-in-law was the MC, and we had many friends doing toasts and speeches and such. It was a beautiful collaboration of many people close to us, and very personalized. It meant so much for us to have everyone share in on our day with laughs, love, good food and dancing...I feel like people got to know us a little better, and we all got to make some great memories together. :)
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    I'm surprised nobodies mentioned a shiny ring yet :bigsmile:
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Because I was a fool!

    Actually reflecting on it. I was just madly crazy in love with her. I wanted to share my life with some one special. Unfortunately I never felt that was returned and in the end it wasn't. I was told by my friends not to marry her. They knew she had some problems. I didn't see them I was blind. Her whole family was a basket case. Just sad.

    Turns out they were right. She had issues I never would wish on anyone. She's doped out most of the time these days. I pray for her.

    I wish you happiness.
  • Broken_
    Broken_ Posts: 172 Member
    What I can tell you... Love is worth the struggle. It's worth the anguish and the pain. Love it worth all the ups and all the downs.

    I fell in love with a girl. Our plan was to grow old together (while keeping each other young). Apparently, that wasn't everyone's plan because earlier this summer I lost her. After a week in the hospital I'm still here. I've been told I survived, but I don't feel alive anymore.

    My biggest hope for everyone who reads this: LOVE like you may never get to show your love again. Make it a passion. Make the person you love into your best friend. Don't try to control them. Don't toss them to the wolves. Don't ever give them a single moment to doubt how much you care. Stand up for them and support them in all of their choices... both good and bad.

    Love is worth it.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    1.) We wanted the tax break.
    2.) I needed insurance and his job only provided it for spouses, not "partners"
    3.) We wanted to be legally able to make decisions for one another if it became medically necessary.

    That being said, I do love him madly and don't regret marriage at all - 5 years in and we're still quite happy together. We also eloped - went to the courthouse with a set of rings that were about $50 each. We mostly wanted the legal recognition of the state.
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    What I can tell you... Love is worth the struggle. It's worth the anguish and the pain. Love it worth all the ups and all the downs.

    I fell in love with a girl. Our plan was to grow old together (while keeping each other young). Apparently, that wasn't everyone's plan because earlier this summer I lost her. After a week in the hospital I'm still here. I've been told I survived, but I don't feel alive anymore.

    My biggest hope for everyone who reads this: LOVE like you may never get to show your love again. Make it a passion. Make the person you love into your best friend. Don't try to control them. Don't toss them to the wolves. Don't ever give them a single moment to doubt how much you care. Stand up for them and support them in all of their choices... both good and bad.

    Love is worth it.

    My heart aches reading this. I cannot imagine what you've had to endure. There are no words for how much what you've said here has touched me; I am taking every word you wrote here to heart, and will live it every day. May you find healing and strength.
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    What I can tell you... Love is worth the struggle. It's worth the anguish and the pain. Love it worth all the ups and all the downs.

    I fell in love with a girl. Our plan was to grow old together (while keeping each other young). Apparently, that wasn't everyone's plan because earlier this summer I lost her. After a week in the hospital I'm still here. I've been told I survived, but I don't feel alive anymore.

    My biggest hope for everyone who reads this: LOVE like you may never get to show your love again. Make it a passion. Make the person you love into your best friend. Don't try to control them. Don't toss them to the wolves. Don't ever give them a single moment to doubt how much you care. Stand up for them and support them in all of their choices... both good and bad.

    Love is worth it.
  • highheeldiva01
    highheeldiva01 Posts: 1,206 Member
    wow nothing more 2 say 2 that just wow!!!!!!!!