How often do you weight yourself?



  • AriesGal329
    AriesGal329 Posts: 236 Member
    I do it twice a week. Daily doesn't work for me because weight can fluctuate from one day to the next for something as simple as water weight.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    I weigh every day in the morning if it goes up or down and stays there 2 days on the trot I log it (unless it's shark week then I just look at it for curiosity's sake but don't log since my weight fluctuates all over the place), I also don't get too hung up on the number and look at my graph for the month. :) Some people use libra but since I'm mindful of water weight and it doesn't get me down (especially if theres no rational reason for the scale going up) I don't bother and just log directly into MFP.

    I like the data, if the fluctuations will bother/demotivate you maybe weigh less frequently or use Libra. :) There's no right or wrong, whatever works for you. I also get the tape measure out every few weeks too.
  • bribucks
    bribucks Posts: 431 Member
    edited July 2017
    I weigh in every morning, right when I wake up, after using the bathroom, no clothes (for the most baseline consistency). I recommend using a weight trend app - I use Happy Scale. The reason being, a lot of people freak when they see the numbers change on the scale, especially if it goes up! But it is normal to fluctuate a few lbs throughout the day and from day-to-day. Using a trend app will you see, you guessed it, the trend of your weight loss rather than focusing on the specific numbers.

    Edited to add: I only log my weight on MFP when there's a substantial change - oh, who am I getting, a big loss! Pure vanity. But I log every single day on Happy Scale.
  • girlgeeklula
    girlgeeklula Posts: 85 Member
    I weighyself everyday because I like to track the numbers (I'm a data nerd), but I officially log once a week (Sunday mornings to keep my weekend in check) and then take into consideration my midweek (Wednesday) weight.
  • amietest
    amietest Posts: 57 Member
    I weigh every morning. Keeps it as part of a routine.
  • Amyfinch0
    Amyfinch0 Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh every day.

    As some people have said what the scale says every day isn't important. It's the trend overtime - which is why I use an app called Happy Scale. It shows me the gradual decline over time, even if the individual days fluctuate. It keeps me grounded and motivated.
  • phumy_healthyhabits
    phumy_healthyhabits Posts: 19 Member
    July will be the first time I've gone a full month not weighing myself. It also happens to be my most content month. My focus is logging and exercising.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I weigh every day, it's helped me realise that even with huge water gains (managed around to gain 11lb after a half marathon) that everything evens out and I'm still losing at a pretty good pace.
  • potatowhoruns
    potatowhoruns Posts: 87 Member
    As I am just starting off, I weigh myself everyday to help keep me accountable. I don't log it daily but it helps remind me why I am doing this. I log once a week.

    I might give one of the trend apps mentioned on here a go though, as I do like data!
  • MysticGoalie
    MysticGoalie Posts: 328 Member
    Every day, focus on the trend over time, not the daily number

  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,456 Member
    Everyday..but only take Mondays weight ..
  • Kay_180
    Kay_180 Posts: 38 Member
    I weigh every day and care about it on Monday. For some reason, and I blame cortisol, my weight tends to climb steadily during the workweek and fall quickly during the weekend.

    I'm the exact opposite - lose during the week, put it back on in the weekend. So I also log on a Monday - I feel like it's extra motivation to try to keep the weekends on track.
  • alondrakayy
    alondrakayy Posts: 304 Member
    Everyday in the mornings. Unless I went off the deep end the day before, then I'd rather not know.
  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    I weigh every day, but I only log on Sundays since weight fluctuates depending on water retention and bowel movements.
  • lexington88
    lexington88 Posts: 29 Member
    I try to weigh myself once a week. I debated weighing every day and adding the data to a trend app, but I find that I'm one of those people who is actively motivated by the number I'm seeing being smaller than the last number I saw. I think weighing every day, even knowing about natural fluctuations in weight day-to-day, would drive me crazy and dishearten me.

    Saying that, I do occasionally get super curious after a particularly big blow out, or a good gym session.

    I think it really depends on what works for you. Maybe try mixing it up. Weigh every day, add the weight to a trend app, see if that motivates you, and if not, switch to weighing less frequently. I think the important part is to not obsess and don't develop a fixation with the scales.
  • laurabadams
    laurabadams Posts: 201 Member
    Every morning.

    IMO, "too much weighing" occurs when you're obsessing over normal fluctuations & the weighing process (or anticipation of it) causes anxiety. In other words, if the number on the scale is no longer a simple data point for you, but becomes some kind of reflection on the quality of your motivation or worth.

    "Not enough weighing" occurs when you're unable to objectively assess the progress of your nutrition & fitness decisions (assuming you're using weight as a data point).

    Of course, if your goals don't include weight as a factor, there's no need to weigh at all. Some people simply want to fit in their clothes or just judge how they look/feel, without need of the scale.
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Once a week.
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 646 Member
    I do it daily and whenever I feel super fat! Sometimes I feel so huge like I gained all my weight back which is all in my head of course. Weighing daily shows my progress if I do not have a loss I always remind myself how far I have come and how great it is that the number I saw before will never be on the scale again! The plateaus are rough but again I just remind myself how far I have come and that there is an end in sight and I'm find. I have found this to be very motivating! Good luck and do what works for you.
  • rednote49
    rednote49 Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh once every 5 weeks. Keeps me from being obsessed with the number and to focus more on my workouts
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    I weigh every day, and graph the weight in excel. I include a 7 day average trend line to smooth out the little ups and downs.