I need a fitness buddy....



  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    im here im here!!! LOL!!!!
    welcome to all the new people!!!!!! Im SOOO Excited you are here!!!
    well, recovered from my fall only to get so sick i had to be on major meds that made me
    puke ( im thinking maybe i lost some weight?? ROFL) and im in the process of having
    three big shots in three days, then i should be soooo much better!!!
    Today i tried to work through it and do lunges and walk in place while i was folding laundry-
    when mama gets sick the whole freakin house falls apart i tell ya!!!
    I got a new ipod today and im loading it up with awesome workout songs!!!!!!!
    Im ready for tomorrow! I should be feeling waaay better tomorrow because tom is my
    last shot. Im so ready!!! Im ready to get in there and kick butt! I have this new taebo dvd that
    ive only used twice! sheesh!!!! Im ready!
    Spring is in 6 weeks people!!!!!!
    LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I managed a treadmill work out today!! It was a tough one! I almost chalked today up to a REST day & then at the last minute I pulled myself together & handled my business! :laugh: Anyway, I feel great now!! I'm about to tune into the BL now & finish my salad from dinner! I have over 400 calories that I haven't eaten yet so I better get something down!

    Good night! Keep on keepin on!! :wink:

    Oh yeah, welcome back JL!! Amen to that whole house fallin apart stuff! Enjoy your booty kickin dvd!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Thank you Sanifrey for thinking so much of me and pushing me. Everyone else that has been here for me I appreciate it so much. I just need to get my mind set right back where it needs to be. I have a whole lot going thru my mind. I wish I could just get a clear mind but even if I am alone I always end of thinking of all the bad. I will get there and be where I need to be. Thanks again everyone. You are all doing so great!! You are very motivational!
  • suprjewels
    I've had a sick 3 year old since super bowl. I haven't got an exercise in yet. She spikes fevers that are unheard of in no time at all. So I have to continually check her and feel her. She does this medicated. I told DH I really wanted to workout tonight. So supportive DH is in the garage tinkering on his motorcycle. I can't workout with out her being supervised. :grumble: :mad: Maybe I can convince her to stay in the bedroom with me. She likes to get "healthy" with me. She does the ablounge while I use the gazelle and we switch. My own workout buddy! I"m going to go try it. I can't believe I miss working out! I barely passed PE in school. Just not me! Boy how it has changed since the BL challenge.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning all!

    I went rollerblading yesterday :smile: no falls :drinker:

    My HRM showed 680 calories burned in 66 minutes.

    JL - glad you are closer to recovery and will be able to start your workouts again.

    Nicole - You on a mission! Keep doin it girl! I'm thinking of buying the 30 day shred.

    Sanifrey - I know you felt awesome after, not feeling like working out, then your "healthy mind" took over and made you stick with it. That is fantastic!

    I'm gonna have to take a rest day today, cause of appointments, but i really was trying to figure out a way how I can get a workout in. Then I thought to myself-- I'm really becoming used to this workout thing. :smile: I never thought "Working out" would be a part of my daily routine. :)

    Bostongirl - Welcome :flowerforyou:

    superjewels- Hope your baby gets better soon :smile:
  • suprjewels
    I did get some workout in yesterday. It was only 20 minutes. But, on a good note I shortened my mile again. When I first started I was at 15min miles on my gazelle. Last night I did it in 11:40. I can't believe it. I think by summer I might be in single digits. Kinda scary to think!!??:noway: I'm going to up my gazelle time to an hour a day. I usually get 20 minutes of walking in and I try to do atleast 20 minutes of cardio from some workout recorded so. I do 50 minutes of strength training a day. So I will have a very busy workout schedule. I can't believe I like it and am excited to get back to it. Haven't done strength training since Saturday!
    Thanks for the good wishes for my daughter!!!:bigsmile:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Did my Biggest Loser Cardio DVD + day 2 of week 5 pushup challenge + 100 crunches = 400 calories burned according to my HRM! I had to jump up & down to get those last couple of calories so that I'd break the 400!! LOL!! :laugh: I felt pretty silly but why settle for 395 when you can have 400??!! :wink:

    Keep Movin'!! :drinker:
  • dewassel
    I need a new scale. I weighed myself this a.m. & was the same but when I weighed in at work (Weigh In Wednesday) I lost a pound! Hopefully my scale will register it for Slim By Summer Weigh In Day!

    Did 45 minutes on the treadmill & 15 minutes of strength training.
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    WOW what a cool support idea!

    we should break it up into teams and have a team check in... like 3 or 4 people in a team :) we could name our teams and everything...

    :noway: haha im getting way to excited about this lol...

    i want to be on the tamtastic team :)
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    aww, superjewels, i hope your little one gets better!! i know what thats like, my 7 year old has no immune system, so he is always very very ill. they are good little workout buddies though arent they!
    good news- no more shots and meds so i am free to work out tomorrow!!!! woo hoo!!!!!
    im actually super excited, i have my new ipod, its all ready and im pumped!
    Now, a stupid question, what is an HRM?? you guys keep talking about it! im so stupid sometimes about this kind of thing!!!!
    i love you all!!!! keep working! we will be looking hot this summer!
    Love, Jaelle
  • momtothreebabies
    momtothreebabies Posts: 106 Member
    ok duh, i just got it, heart rate monitor!!! ROFLMBO!!!! what a dork!
    i said it out loud and totally got it, HA HA
  • suprjewels
    I did it!! I just did 60 minutes on the gazelle and burned 460 calories after subtracting my resting heart rate. Woohoo I feel accomplished. I was a sweating. I know doing this everyday will definately get those stubborn 3 pounds off to get me out of the 200's. I'm so excited!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    I did it!! I just did 60 minutes on the gazelle and burned 460 calories after subtracting my resting heart rate. Woohoo I feel accomplished. I was a sweating. I know doing this everyday will definately get those stubborn 3 pounds off to get me out of the 200's. I'm so excited!

    Sounds great!! YOU GO GIRL!! :drinker:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning everyone!

    You guys are really ROCKIN!

    Sanifrey - I'm with you.. why settle for 395 :laugh: You are awesome!

    Suprjewels - You are on a roll Girl! Keep it up and I forsee you in the 190's very soon, :drinker: How's the little one?

    HiandTri - Welcome!

    JL - You are so funny! HRM are so much fun for me, I love seeing and Knowing that those calories are actually being burned... no if and or butts about it.

    I went walking yesterday for 1 hour 40 minutes and burned 690 calories! YAY!

    Nicole - where are you? Working out probably... lol

    Dewessel - Don't concentrate too much on that scale number... use you clothes and the feeling you get after completing a workout.
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    HiandTri - Welcome!

    AWWWWWWW.... Spicy, you are teh first person to welcome me to MFP :happy: thank you!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    HiandTri - Welcome!

    AWWWWWWW.... Spicy, you are teh first person to welcome me to MFP :happy: thank you!

    Awwww... you are so welcome. Did you go to the "Introduce yourself" thread. I've noticed you supporting others and it seemed like you are part of the "MFP Family" already... you're pulling my leg :laugh:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    HiandTri - Welcome!

    AWWWWWWW.... Spicy, you are teh first person to welcome me to MFP :happy: thank you!

    Awwww... you are so welcome. Did you go to the "Introduce yourself" thread. I've noticed you supporting others and it seemed like you are part of the "MFP Family" already... you're pulling my leg :laugh:

    I would never pull your leg... NEVAAAAH
    I did not go to the "introduce yourself forum"
    I am serious, you are the first, you popped my welcome cherry! i feel all special! :wink:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    HiandTri - Welcome!

    AWWWWWWW.... Spicy, you are teh first person to welcome me to MFP :happy: thank you!

    Awwww... you are so welcome. Did you go to the "Introduce yourself" thread. I've noticed you supporting others and it seemed like you are part of the "MFP Family" already... you're pulling my leg :laugh:

    I would never pull your leg... NEVAAAAH
    I did not go to the "introduce yourself forum"
    I am serious, you are the first, you popped my welcome cherry! i feel all special! :wink:

    You are so funny!
    I've never "popped someone's cherry"... you are my first too :laugh:
  • cmalone
    Count me in guys...:tongue:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Count me in guys...:tongue:

    Hi Cmalone,
