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  • bluestocking06
    bluestocking06 Posts: 66 Member
    [Got up at 5am and went for that bike ride.

    47 miles.

    It was a tough ride. Mostly uphill. I forgot how hilly my county is. It looks so different from a car.

    About halfway round, I'd had enough. I wanted to go home.

    But, because I am so bloody-minded, I kept going.

    It just went on . . . and on . . . and on.

    That's the longest bike ride I've ever done.

    I have no idea how people do century+ rides. They have my total admiration. I don't think that I'll ever be able to go that far.

    My neighbour saw me return and asked how far I'd gone. He almost died of shock when I told him (note to self: be careful of what you say to older people).

    My husband was "HOW FAR???"

    My son's reaction was "Why not 50 miles? You could have cycled to the local shops and back, that's the three miles you needed!".

    Thank you, child.

    At least I beat the rain back (20 minutes after I get home, the skies have opened and we're back to torrential rain).

    Glad I went though. I may try again next Sunday (I have to do this route on a Sunday as it's along a main road and the traffic Monday to Saturday would be lethal).

    I'm going for a soak in the bath (if I can bear the pain of sit-bones on metal).

    The Bike MS rides are pretty amazing. I've done the 50 mile one and want to work up to doing the 100 eventually, but the local one has something like 5,000 bikers. Going that far with that many people was an amazing experience. I HIGHLY recommend doing it if you can.

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