12 week challenge starting Sunday 7/9/17



  • dm5859
    dm5859 Posts: 81 Member
    SW: 155.2 7/9/17
    GW: 145.2 10/1/17

    7/16/17 155.6 (wrong direction)
    7/23/17 152.8 (started Keto)
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    12 Week Challenge

    Starting weight 170

    7/9 - 169.8 (-.2) hey, it's in the right direction!
    7/14 - 169.2
    7/21 - 171 ugh

    No idea, not losing faith. I've been doing Strong Lifts 5x5 so I'm sore here and there and prob retaining water/building muscle. I hope so anyway.

    Don't stop, keep going! You will see results soon!
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    dm5859 wrote: »
    SW: 155.2 7/9/17
    GW: 145.2 10/1/17

    7/16/17 155.6 (wrong direction)
    7/23/17 152.8 (started Keto)

    Great job!
  • maryvbird
    maryvbird Posts: 75 Member
    edited July 2017
    SW: 208 - 6/10/17
    GW: 165
    Challenge Begins:
    7/9/17: 193
    7/16/17: 189
    7/23/17: 184
    I'm sticking with my plan, as it is working for me: 1500 calories, no Pepsi, low sodium and low fat. Cardio when I can.
  • meghanmowry
    meghanmowry Posts: 13 Member
    edited July 2017
    Hi all!
    Week 3 check in
    SW 192.6 (7/10)
    CW1: 186.3 (7/17) *-6.3
    CW2: 186.2 (7/24) *-6.4 fell off the wagon a bit with a going away party and a couple nights out... :/ Starting C25K today.
    GW 162
  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I am ready, going on a cruise in the middle of this challenge, but this is going to be good for me. Thanks for having the challenge!
    SW: 186
    GW: 150 lbs.

    7/9/17: 186 lbs.
    7/16/17: 177. That's because I ate like a pig on vacation and started this challenge when I returned.
    7/23/17: 177 Too much quilting last week. Hopefully more exercise this week.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    edited July 2017
    Bit late for this check-in, had to wait for TOM water retention to leave and it did, and then some!

    SW: 188.6
    GW: 182.6

    9/7 188.6
    16/7 187.4 and have lost 0.5 inch off waist, hips and bum! Worked out five times this past week, probably a record for me!
    25/7 185.8 NSV: did 20 push ups yesterday during my T25 video - 10 is usually my limit
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member

    7/9/17: 140 lbs
    7/16/17:137.6 lbs
  • amszy
    amszy Posts: 3 Member
    SW 198
    GW 160

    7/12/17 197.2
    7/18/17. 196.4
    7/24/17. 194.4
  • xfc1
    xfc1 Posts: 69 Member
    Week 1 84.6
    Week 2 84.2 loss
    Week 3 84.1 loss
    Week ~30 66.0 goal weight
  • mcjdr9039
    mcjdr9039 Posts: 9 Member
    SW 7/9/17 242.6
    7/26/17 241.0

    Glad to see the few extra glasses of wine I had on vacation didn't impact my efforts too much. Back to reality now!
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    46carmen wrote: »
    SW: 191.6
    GW: 175

    07/15/17. 190.6
    07/21/17. 189.8
    07/27/18. 187.4

    I had to weigh in today because I will be out of town this weekend. Good luck to everyone this week!!

  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    Oops, wrong year. :)

    07/27/17. 187.4
  • GoBlue1981
    GoBlue1981 Posts: 358 Member
    First weigh in this week because I was in Vegas on Sunday!
    Challenge SW: 191
    7/28/17: 184.8
    GW: 175
  • dm5859
    dm5859 Posts: 81 Member
    SW: 155.2 7/9/17
    GW: 145.2 10/1/17

    7/16/17 155.6 (wrong direction)
    7/23/17 152.8 (started Keto)
    7/30/17 149.4 (week 2 keto and week 4 C25K
  • wannabesmaller2017
    wannabesmaller2017 Posts: 433 Member
    July 9th ~ SW: 182.5
    Oct 1st ~ GW: 162.5

    7/9 ~ 182.5
    7/16 ~ 182.0
    7/23 ~ 181.5
    7/30 ~ 179.5
  • celiaten
    celiaten Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2017
    I didn't lose anything this week but I'm sticking with it. Think I would have had I not gotten a bit sloppy on counting and eating without intention or hunger just because other people are. One step at a time. I'm sticking with this and moving forward. In the long run I know it's much "easier" to stay on plan and hit a goal than to look at the scale and know with just a couple of better decisions I could have seen progress. Starting out right today Making coffee, putting on sneakers and going for a walk. Good luck to everyone this week!
  • flabtofab802015
    flabtofab802015 Posts: 22 Member
    I sadly didn't lose anything this week. I have no excuse other than I am really let down because I ate healthy but maybe didn't get active enough. Silver lining....atleast I didn't gain :)