Pet Peeve @ the Gym

velix Posts: 437 Member
I know there are many threads of this nature, but.....

Small rant: Arrived at my gym today and went to the sign up sheet (it is at the entrance - you have to pass it to go anywhere) and was happy to see that all three AMT's (All Motion Trainer) were free, except when I looked over - all three were in use. When you sign up for a membership, it is the first thing they tell you - use the sign-up sheet before using the cardio machines (it is a small gym).

I hate being that person who has to go over and ask how much longer they will be - as I have had a few people be quite rude with me even though they are the ones in the wrong - I even had to get a trainer to intervene once...

Happily, I think one of the guys saw me looking back and forth at the AMT's and sign up sheet as I tried to figure out the time slots, and eventually got off ....

thank you for listening - I feel better now - Please feel free to share your pet peeves so I don't feel so petty :wink:


  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    The people who stare at themselves in the mirror, point at themselves, and wink. Yeah... I see that a few times.

    People who go to the gym to try to hook up annoy me.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    jerking someone off a cardio machine is exercise too, right?

    those things don't bother me as much as the ppl who don't wipe
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I go to Gold's and I don't like the male employees there. They are all young, tan, buff, wear tight clothes, and have this look in their eyes like they are better then everyone else and my puny efforts to get fit pale in comparison to their superior knowledge and physique.
  • lugovelb
    lugovelb Posts: 60
    First let me say congratz on your weight loss. Some time people dont read or follow intructions and can get frustrating for everyone. Rules are placed for a reason. I think you did the right thing you were trying to follow instrucitons.
  • NatalieWiley
    NatalieWiley Posts: 147 Member
    Number 1 pet peeve - the guys who are lifting so much weight that they drop it on their last rep and grunt while doing it. When I can hear it over my headphones then it's a little ridiculous!

    I know others may get annoyed by cell phone use at the gym but I don't get annoyed if someone gets on their phone. I did it once and was literally on it for 2 mins and talking quietly and the lady got off her machine and moved. I had some choice words with her :X but a lady did it to me last week and she got off the phone and apologized. I told her I didn't mind because I would rather hear half of her conversation than her being there with a friend and hearing the full thing :) She laughed and told me she never thought of it that way.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    The girls who carefully perfect their makeup and then very carefully work out so they don't sweat and ruin it. They rank slightly higher than the guy who wears too much cologne and insists on getting on the elliptical next to me, but still. *shakes head in mild annoyance*
  • UneJolieFemme
    UneJolieFemme Posts: 86 Member
    I had so many I now have a mini-gym at home :bigsmile:
  • dunsu47
    dunsu47 Posts: 13
    I think you are correct in feeling the way you do.. and it should be up to the people who work there to make sure the ones on the machines have signed up, and if not, tell to do it or free up the machine.
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I hate when people use the Power Racks and Half Racks to do barbell curls especially when there's a couple arm curl areas, not that you NEED a station to do arm curls. Find a bar, find an open piece of floor, and curl. People need those racks for overhead work, squats, and to use the adjustable bars for certain exercises that can't be done anywhere else but on a power rack.

    There's one dude that I affectionately call, "Captain Kindle" because he does a really poorly executed set of arm curls sits down on a bench and reads his Kindle for 5 min and then goes back to do another set, goes back to reading... It takes him 30 minutes to do 4 sets of arm curls. Meanwhile I can't do what I need... :explode:
  • lyndsaysutton82
    I hate the loud cell phone talkers. A two minute quick quiet conversation doesnt bug me, but a LOUD 15 minute one about your friend Susies' Baby Daddy drama is the reason i decided to pay for a gym instead of using the free one in my apartment complex.

    At least when you have a paid membership, you can complain and the management will do something about it...

    My other pet peeve is when the pervie people stare at all of us Zumba/Dance class folks. It's like, don't you have something else to do?
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    My pet peeves are the ones that effect me personally.....other than that I could care less what anyone does in the gym. Not cleaning your nasty sweat off the machines is BIG with me or changing the ONLY TV in the room without asking me if I was watching it first....had this happen several times and it still amazes me how rude people can be. :flowerforyou:
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Girls in full make-up working out (exception: if you came straight from work). But on a Saturday morning? C'mon people. People who use a cardio machine for an hour when there is a clearly stated 30-minute time limit because it's "peak hours."
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Maybe they're interested in taking the class and scoping it out? ... or are they being creepy? haha
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I hate when people use the Power Racks and Half Racks to do barbell curls

    This is my number one.

    Number two would be the same d***bags that don't put their plates back when they are done, or they do but mix and mach 45's with10, with 25's, etc...
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    The girls who carefully perfect their makeup and then very carefully work out so they don't sweat and ruin it. They rank slightly higher than the guy who wears too much cologne and insists on getting on the elliptical next to me, but still. *shakes head in mild annoyance*

    LOL, my sister and I are always laughing about this. These are size 2 ladies that eat like birds to stay skinny but have no muscle tone. Yet we're positive they go tell their friends they "work out" everyday. Meanwhile, I look like I've been through a rainstorm by the time I'm done my workout.

    Pet peeve: people who are so "cool" they wear sunglasses while working out. Cool = vain and stupid.

    As for the issue that started this thread, I used to go to a small gym where you had to sign up for the cardio equipment. I had no problem doing that but then people would start signing up their friends and arguements were breaking out over using it. Finally one day 3 women were arguing loudly for 20 minutes over a treadmill. It irritated me beyond belief, couldn't concentrate on what I was doing. Got off my treadmill, told them they were a bunch of children and to take mine. Walked out and never went back, even though I still had 6 months left of a two year free membership I received for winning a contest they had. Now I pay $50.00 a month but it is worth every single penny.
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    the looks.... i work out on a base.. and fortunately there are two gyms. i prefer to go to the one that is older and the old people (the ones who migrate south for the winter) go to, this is because I know when i walk in and start to do something i'm not going to get that look from some chick like... wtf are you doing....
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    1) People who don't put their equipment away - especially guys who are lifting really heavy weights that I can't even move
    2) People who don't wipe the equipment after they have sweated all over it
    3) Young men in the gym who do the same 2 exercises all the time (normally arms or shoulders) and stare at the girls on the cardio equipment (because they are only there to try and pick up anyway) - of course this isn't all young men - just CERTAIN young men in my gym
    4) People who stare at me while I'm boxing and kicking with my personal trainer - it's distracting.
  • Asiral
    Asiral Posts: 133
    I have a small yet nice gym at my complex. But my biggest pet peeve is when people loudly and repeatatively grunt thru their entire workout. I can hear it even with headphones on!