JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 12



  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Starting weight: 187.4lb (24th July)
    Current weight: 185.8lb (1st August)
    Goal weight: 160lb
    Goal this round: 184.something

    This is my first round :-)

    1/8 - 185.8 (A little drop from yesterday, despite some questionable biscuit choices yesterday. Woop! I've also joined the gym again.)
    2/8 - 185.2 (Total fluke - I ate terribly yesterday, including ALL of the wine. Oops. I did hit my 12,000 step target though.)
    3/8 - 185.6 (No surprise here - yesterday involved a lot of carbs. Today will be better. I plan to drink more water.)
    4/8 - 185.2 (Yesterday was better - I smashed my step goal, went to Bodypump, and didn't eat total rubbish. I'm doing my cowboy swagger this morning - muscles! Today I'm hoping to do 14,500 steps)
    5/8 - 186.2 (Ate horribly yesterday, and didn't quite hit my step goal, let along 14,500. Feeling a bit ill today after an upset stomach last night. Blargh!)
    6/8 -
    7/8 -
    8/8 -
    9/8 -