JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 12



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    7/30 - 144.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    7/31 - 144.2 at 6:00 a.m.

    SW: 192.2

    Goal: 135.0

    Day / Weight / Comments

    8/1 - 143.4 at 5:00 a.m.
    8/2 - 143.6 at 5:00 a.m.
    8/3 - 143.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    8/4 - 143.0 at 6:00 a.m.
    8/5 - 143.6 at 5:00 a.m.

  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    1/8 204
    2/8 204.8 could be water as I've upped my intake
    3/8 204.8- no difference better than another gain
    4/8 205.2- went out with friends last - did pick a healthy option to eat but had a cheeky drink .. so I'm not surprised about the gain. Just want to start going in the other direction before the end of these 10 days. The good thing that I'm starting to make better food choices and starting to up my exercise, so that's a blessing :)
    5/8 205.6 - still going the wrong way, disappointing :/
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    oneoddsock wrote: »
    Starting weight: 187.4lb (24th July)
    Current weight: 185.8lb (1st August)
    Goal weight: 160lb
    Goal this round: 184.something

    This is my first round :-)

    1/8 - 185.8 (A little drop from yesterday, despite some questionable biscuit choices yesterday. Woop! I've also joined the gym again.)
    2/8 - 185.2 (Total fluke - I ate terribly yesterday, including ALL of the wine. Oops. I did hit my 12,000 step target though.)
    3/8 - 185.6 (No surprise here - yesterday involved a lot of carbs. Today will be better. I plan to drink more water.)
    4/8 - 185.2 (Yesterday was better - I smashed my step goal, went to Bodypump, and didn't eat total rubbish. I'm doing my cowboy swagger this morning - muscles! Today I'm hoping to do 14,500 steps)
    5/8 - 186.2 (Ate horribly yesterday, and didn't quite hit my step goal, let along 14,500. Feeling a bit ill today after an upset stomach last night. Blargh!)
    6/8 -
    7/8 -
    8/8 -
    9/8 -

    I also notice that after not eating right I feel it: bloaty and sluggish. Blargh!
  • okohjacinda
    okohjacinda Posts: 329 Member
    SW: 274.4 (May 24, 2017)
    UGW: 128
    R11: 246.4
    R12G: 243

    8/1: 246 (off to a great start but tomorrow I do leg day so we'll see how this goes :/)
    8/2: 246.8
    8/3: 247.8 (ugh not the best day yesterday. Got some really bad news and it just completely f-ed up my eating healthy pattern and working out rhythm...I am still really shook up about it but I am going to try to get back to it today)
    8/4: 246.6 (although I ate terrible yesterday, I managed to get in some high intensity cardio which included suicides, knee jumps (or jumping in place), elliptical, and jjs)
    8/5: 248.2 (This has been the worst couple of days...can't seem to get back on track. Welp all I can do is try again tomorrow.)
  • springbokkii
    springbokkii Posts: 28 Member
    SW: 187.2 (85.2kg)

    8/1 - 187.2 (85.2kg) - Finishing that Ben and Jerry's on top of a big dinner was rather unnecessary :neutral:
    8/2 - 83.7 kg - Whoop, whoop so excited, a day of good eating and exercise :smiley:
    8/3 - 83.9 kg - Happy with that. Didn't expect a further drop from yesterday. Onwards and upwards, well downwards :smile:
    8/4 - 83.7 kg - Yay. :smile:
    8/5 - 83.9 kg - Ah well, was well over my calorie goal. :neutral:
    8/6 - 83.8 kg - Realistically: This is great. Had a real drop of weight at the beginning and it's still gone. Had a great Saturday without randomly snacking. Soo wohooooo! Emotionally: Grrrhmmmpfffffff!! :blush:

    @cyranda63 - love your snack prison!
  • HeliumIsNoble
    HeliumIsNoble Posts: 1,213 Member
    This is my first official round. Thought I'd join in officially as I keep nearly getting to the UGW I originally set (will set a new goal when I finally get there), then... not. Focusing on 'where will I be in ten days if I put down the biscuits?', inspired by this thread got me back to my 'nearly there' weight of 61.2kg on July 31st.

    Let's see if I can actually get there all the way this time.

    Original start weight 69-70kg
    Current weight on 1st August 61.2
    Goal weight for R12 61kg
    Longterm goal make 61kg midpoint of my weight range, not the absolute bottom

    8/1 61.2kg. Still! Stayed within goal deficit. Did planks and sit-ups.
    8/2 62.1kg. Sod off, water retention. Did planks and sit-ups. Kids are with grandparents for a couple of days, so took advantage of peace and quiet to do the yoga video I bought months back. Ate back all exercise calories, up to the tippy top of my MFP deficit, (except for yoga ones, because doing yoga instead of anything else around the house probably reduces my calorie burn for the hour)
    8/3 62kg. Kids still away, so went out for my Cto5k walking session before my shower this morning and did my planks and sit ups. The day is off to a great start! Ate back all exercise calories except post-running stretching, but still within deficit.
    8/4 61.9kg. Thighs are aching still from running nd my intense stretching session yesterday, so it's reasonable to assume that's still water. Beginning to wonder if I should change the batteries in the scale though, because a pair of jeggings that felt tight last week now feel just the right amount of loose. Surely I didn't stretch them when I decided to wear them anyway? Have done planks and sit-ups. Decided to have a day off dieting to taste-test my own culinary experiments, satisfy gnawing pre-menstrual hunger and to assist muscle recovery before next C25K day. WELL over cals!
    8/5 62.4 Fair enough. Did ab exercises. Ate back exercise calories, and a little beyond, but not significantly. Much easier to stay on plan today, after having proper meals the day before.
    8/6 62kg

  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,290 Member
    edited August 2017
    SW, 212 (highest recorded weight) I've no idea what my highest weight was!
    R09, (my R1) SW 203.4
    R10, (my R2) SW 200.4
    R11, (my R3) SW 200.6
    R12, (my R4) SW 199.4

    goal for R12 to STAY in the 100's (anywhere) and not see the 200's for a full round!!

    UGW 140

    31/7 - 199.4 - My muscles are slightly tender across my chest, thank the plank & TOM. 2l water under cals

    1/8 - 199.4 - feeling bloated and sore, no exercise, under calories 2L water
    2/8 - 199.6 - I was expecting an upswing today (happy with this one) 26 miles, under cals, 2L water
    3/8 - 198.4 - 10 miles on the bike, calories on target near 1600 (very hungry) 2 L water
    4/8 - 197.2 - TOM has gone. Hoping to stay here! high sodium day over cals (but under avg for week) 2L water
    5/8 - 197.4 - under calorie avg for the week, 3 mile walk, 20 miles on bike, no water.
    6/8 - 197.4 - achy muscles
    7/8 -
    8/8 -
    9/8 -