Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    One thing that I did not know, and had to learn the hard way, is that after you sew your blocks, be sure and square them all up (make sure they all are the same measurements). I didn't know this when I first started, and it made it so much harder. I learned this at a quilt retreat -- making sure each block is exactly the same makes it so much easier to sew the rows, and look so much nicer! But the main thing -- enjoy it!!! I am working on a quilt now called "Tenessee Waltz!" - loving it!

    Thanks for the tip! I will make sure I square them up. I ran into problems with that a few times on baby quilts I made.

    The Tennessee Waltz quilt is beautiful! I cannot even imagine trying to make something like that. But maybe someday, when I learn more! :smile:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So here are my goals for 8/9/17

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Keep in green :)I have so many extra calories today that if I wanted to I could really splurge but I am not going to!
    3. Take a walk(doesn't matter how long it is) :)Ended up going to the gym...not sure why. Lol. Walked on the treadmill with a decent incline for a half an hour and got some good reading in. Lol
    4. Do some HP Challenge work :)
    5. Prep some food for sandwiches :)Made a big old batch of everything chicken which is my go-to for sandwiches. Gonna boil some eggs tomorrow of egg salad
    6. (Optional) Go to the laundromat :/Thank goodness this was optional...although we are pretty much out of clean socks!
    7. Clean the kitchen/bathroom :DCleaned the kitchen area and the rest of the living room. Put clothes where they belonged(drawer/hamper) but didn't touch the bathroom
    8. Vaccum the bedroom :/
    9. (Optional) Read over story and work on outline :/
    10. Wrap for dinner :DEnded up heating up the leftover Salsa chicken and adding it to the top of a salad
    11. Church :)Had a great time. Lots to think about
    12. Bed by 12 am :)Most likely. DH isn't home from work yet but I have his dinner all set out. I think I'll probably be winding down for bed by 11

    Had a great day off! Didn't even take a nap. I kind of thought about it. If I hadn't gone to church I might have actually done it. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this in the past but I've really been noticing a lack of discipline in my life. I make all of these grand plans and do them for about a week or two but then they just fall by the wayside. The only thing that I've really ever had any strict discipline was when I first quit smoking and now that's not even discipline because it's not something I think about much anymore. So I think I need to start making to-do lists...if I can stick to that for three weeks then I'll move onto the next thing. Mommy always says it takes 21 days to make/break a habit. So onto the next three weeks!

    Just for tomorrow 8/10

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep in the green
    3. Only have a cup of coffee before 11
    4. Keep drawer balanced at work
    5. Ask for help if I need it
    6. Go to gym after work(no matter how tired or angry I am)
    7. Dinner at 7
    8. Wind down by 9:30
    9. Bed by 10:30

    I'm gonna make tomorrows to-do this right now! Then brush my teeth, wash my face and put on my PJ's!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited August 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    One thing that I did not know, and had to learn the hard way, is that after you sew your blocks, be sure and square them all up (make sure they all are the same measurements). I didn't know this when I first started, and it made it so much harder. I learned this at a quilt retreat -- making sure each block is exactly the same makes it so much easier to sew the rows, and look so much nicer! But the main thing -- enjoy it!!! I am working on a quilt now called "Tenessee Waltz!" - loving it!

    Thanks for the tip! I will make sure I square them up. I ran into problems with that a few times on baby quilts I made.

    The Tennessee Waltz quilt is beautiful! I cannot even imagine trying to make something like that. But maybe someday, when I learn more! :smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited August 2017
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,524 Member
    edited August 2017
    Since I am attending training all day tomorrow, updating tonight.

    Recap W 8/9 - another non-rain day (maybe) B) = Rain managed to stay away & I was able to attend city band concert with friends in evening :D
    1) Walked dog 3.43 miles before work :smiley:
    2) Practice mindful breathing & let stress go = Did ok, used Calm & left work a little late after friendly brief chat with manager :)
    3) Keep net calories green = Green! I have been resisting strong urge for evening snack. Maybe glass of water before bed, I'm actually feeling dry. :)
    4) Unwind 9:30 & bedtime w/ TV off 10:15 = Since I'm updating now, nope! But due to rain forecast in morning (I'm shocked!) & training, don't plan early dog walk, and will set alarm little later. Already have 4 walks this week, need 1 more. :)

    JFT R 8/10 - Challenging day with training, not sure about lunch, can't use my hourly "move" reminder. Fitbit count will be very low but that's ok on occasion. Ending the day by taking my best friend out for her belated birthday.
    1) Drink > 8 c water
    2) Take snacks to eat during training... I know none will be provided
    3) Make wise dining choices, wherever I end up eating
    4) Enjoy 1 adult beverage with friend
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 & TV off
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    8/9 Wednesday JFT:

    ✔Morning routine stuff
    ✔Attend class
    ✔Pick-up son from football practice
    ✔Focus on Physics Exam Prep
    ✔Pick up other kiddos around 4pm
    ❌Come straight home and prep dinner
    ❌Dinner by 6 pm
    ✔✔Friends came into town and we had dinner out
    ✔Physics Review
    ❌Bedtime by 10pm➡️11pm✔

  • tretan
    tretan Posts: 9 Member
    My J4T for today; I keep a separate to-do list so I guess I'll only be posting my workout goals and some other notable things.

    1. Daily run ✔️ I did 4 miles again today! Yesterday when I ran 4 miles for the first time I didn't want to stress myself so I said to myself,"I will allow myself to run only 3.5mi on regular days; I'm doing 4 today because I haven't exercised for three days." But today I found the strength to keep plugging along until I hit the glorious 4.00. Hopefully this can become my new standard! All the motivational posts and exercise tips I've been reading on here have helped a ton because even though the cold weather has me starting to experience wheezing during my run, I feel better about going so long. In fact I remember when I was positively dying during a 3.25mi run and now I can do 4 without feeling like collapsing(:
    2. Stay in the green ✔️ yup! Super proud of myself for this one because it felt like I snacked a lot today. But the exercise I did made a huge boost for my calories and now I have a good amount of calories left over too.
    3. Stay hydrated
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was better...mentally!

    Haven't talked to my boss about the problem yet, but went through his comments thoroughly and came up with arguments as to why I don't need to do (some) of them. Still have to actually have the conversation, but feel happier now I have a plan....

    Food was less good... Ended up going to the pub with boyfriend to get me out of the house after WFH. Had a burger.... I need to get better at not ordering the unhealthy options! Sometimes I do, but generally whenever I'm in the slightest negative mood I lapse...

    So yesterday's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat :| Did it the day after
    - No snacks other than banana or ryvita (no saucisson!) :)
    - Be in the green :/ Definitely not, due to burger...
    - 30+ minute walk at lunch :'( Couldn't as raining very heavily. But did walk to pub later...
    - Meditate :'( Ended up flapping and not really taking a proper lunch break. Not good.
    - Be productive and do things :|
    - Stay positive - is not worth getting worked up about :) Was better at this!

    Today's commitments -

    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks other than ryvita (no saucisson!)
    - Be in the green
    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Stay positive!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited August 2017
    Csschmitz110515, good for you for getting a massage & for managing to push away the negative thoughts while you enjoyed it.
    Joan, I love seeing you log your weight losses. So motivating & you should be proud!

    Still doing battle with cold but today's better. No fever :smile:
    Down 2 lbs on scale.

    Walk dog in neighborhood.
    Stock up on some healthy groceries.
    Review a workout routine I downloaded & put in place.
    Drink 9 C of water.
    Take a rest.
    Green tea & honey, med if needed.
    Track everything.
    Listen to podcast "Half Size Me" from Monday.
    Bed by 10pm

    I've printed off the BMI chart for women & posted it on my fridge for inspiration. Although I do have a final goal weight which is about 55 lbs away, I've decided to also set a BMI goal of moving out of the Obese category, then to Overweight and finally to Healthy weight. The good thing is that there is quite a range so it's not a 1 size fits all goal weight.

    Have a terrific day everyone!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    8/10 Thursday JFT:

    Physics Final Exam
    School Registration
    Leave and Check in at 3pm for "Weekend Get-Away" B)
    Relax and organize detox /diet ➡️ begins Friday!
    Dinner by 8pm
    Bedtime by 9pm
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @MLHC1 GOOD LUCK!!!! I know you're gonna ace it!
  • formaggio
    formaggio Posts: 15 Member
    Down 5 pounds from 8/3! Water weight in there, I know, but it's still good positive reinforcement for me having logged every bite of food in the last week :)

    Yesterday's progress:
    1. exercise, cardio only -- :) Ran early in the morning. Haven't been running as much as normal because I feel so slow and it's been so hot here for so long
    2. track everything and stay in green :)
    3. Get to sleep at a decent hour :)
    4. Pack up some camping stuff and make a grocery list -- :| Some packing done but I've got to make a list today while at work
    5. Clean something -- :) house (the downstairs main area, at least) is looking really good... which is really quite rare

    So JFT 8/10
    1 exercise
    2 track and stay in green
    3 go to sleep at decent hour
    4 prep meals and snacks for camping this weekend (requires grocery visit tonight)

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Oi...Did not want to get up this morning! Told myself I would get up with the DH today and start a new routine but I went to bed at about midnight and didn't sleep too well so instead of 745 I got up at 815. Not a huge difference but later than I wanted. Now I just have to manage to not go back to sleep before I have to leave around 10 for work. Drinking a cup of coffee and trying to keep my eyes open. Did manage to make the DH lunch to take with him to work. Lol. I love being able to do that. I feel like he eats a lot healthier when I do and I get pleasure out of knowing that he enjoys to food I make him. Idk...maybe I'm weird. Lol

    I think it's great that you can make his lunch.
    That's how we used to feel about sending our kids off to school with lunch. We knew what they were eating and how it fit in with dinner and breakfast. Might not have been what others would call the healthiest, but my kids always ate their lunch. (Now they run tough mudders and are lean as young horses.)
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Recap: Just For Today 08-07-2017
    :) 64+ oz of water
    :) Fiber!
    :) C25K W5 D3
    :( Clean bathrooms
    :) Prepare for Accreditation meeting

    So I continue stalking the thread and only contributing every few days. Life is busy lately. We are closing out the fiscal year at work and finding very interesting issues and it is very all-consuming. Unfortunately I am not contributing much at home, because I am working a longer day, then getting home and making sure I exercise, because that helps so much with the tiredness and the work mind-exhaustion. Then after required chores, like feeding and caring for animals, cleaning kitchen, etcetera, it is bed time.

    I'm proud of everyone here. We are all trying to muddle along in life and doing the best we can. Sometimes I read about other's problems and think that I need to be grateful for my own - all relatively minor at this time. We cycle through bad times and good times. You have the strength to carry on; just keep digging deep and find it. I wish I was better at reaching out. I do feel you.

    Just For Today 08-10-2017
    • 64+ oz of water
    • Eat enough calories (I've been low with exercise)
    • C25K W6 D1
    • Finish Federal Invoice reconciliation
    • Create year over year pivot table for positions
    • Clean upstairs bathrooms
    • Clean horse trough

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    @MLHC1 GOOD LUCK!!!!

    @Saragirl2 Congrats on the 2 lb loss! That's wonderful!

    @slittlemeister Glad to hear work went a little better and you were able to come up with a plan. I hope to be able to do the same thing next week when I go back. Thinking about you!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    J4T, Wednesday:
    1. Hydrate :)
    2. Stay in the green :/ Went over calories by eating Twizzlers Strawberry licorice. Unbelievable how many calories there are in those thin little sticks! That was an eye opener.
    3. Eat at least one serving of veggies. I struggle with these as i don't like them. ;) Sweet potato and corn on the cob. So, kinda? I was going for healthier options with less carbs.
    4. Keep my fingers out of candy bowl ;) Well, stayed out of candy bowl, but dug into the Twizzler bag so yeah....there's that.
    5. Enjoy the present moment with my DH on the boat today :D Had a wonderful time on the lake. Didn't catch any fish, but got lots of sunshine and saw an eagle and some Loons, so that was really peaceful and i loved it.
    6. Add 100 steps to my FitBit count yesterday :/ Knees were really hurting me, so didn't hit my mark.
    7. When it rains this afternoon, go downstairs and clean out my sewing area. Start cutting strips for the quilt I chose to make. @joan6630 - I finally settled on the Missouri Quilt Co's Two Step quilt. Looks easy enough for a novice? We'll see! :/ It didn't rain yesterday, so this is on agenda for today since it is raining right now as I type this.
    8. Calm App :( Watched quilting videos instead.
    9. Journal 5 things I'm grateful for today :)
    10. Simple Abundance chapter :)

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,364 Member
    Yesterday was nice. We went fishing and later we went to the Wednesday night downtown Farmer's Market. I've never been to that one and have always wanted to. Just too tired after work usually. Anyway, got some fresh radishes, cucumbers, broccoli and golden cauliflower. I'm going to chop up into a nice fresh garden salad today with some tomatoes and maybe some olive oil and spices. I also bought a $6 bouquet of fresh flowers and OMG it is so big and beautiful that I couldn't even fit it into two separate vases! I had to put it in a soup pot! I'll try to post a pic. It's just gorgeous. It made me feel so happy and spoiled. I've never had such a huge bouquet before.

    Today it's rainy, so I'm kicking back and putzing around the house. Getting quilting room back in order after it was torn up getting ready for the stupid rummage sale (which we will never ever do again). Cutting up veggies. Laundry. Just stuff around the house that I normally don't have time to do when I'm working.

    Just for Thursday:
    * Hydrate
    * Stay in the green
    * NO CANDY
    * Do 3 positive things today to address each of Body, Mind and Spirit
    * Redirect my thoughts if I begin to think about work or family drama
    * Journal 5 things I'm grateful for at the end of the day
    * Unplug. Have a social media-free day except for MFP.
    * Be in the present moment and be grateful for this day