Sex in your 20s compared to sex in your 30s ?



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    :o ..damn
  • kmacjones7
    kmacjones7 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm a year away from 30, but I'd still say it's WAY better now than young 20's. Helps to be in shape and confident too :)
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    In my 20's, I was nervous with new partners. Afraid they would think I wasn't any good, or thought I was too freaky or not freaky enough. Now in my 30's, IDGAF what they think. I'm not nervous. I put my freakiness out there and hope they can keep up. :lol:
  • marcelo_templario
    marcelo_templario Posts: 653 Member
    Totally normal, sex drive during your 30s is brutal, just like that.

    Testosterone reaches peaks, penis gets less sensitive hence it received much more daily stimulus from your brain.

    Also exercise during 30s produces much more healthy sperm which increases sex drive.

    Honestly, to me it is still hard to believe that some women have problems in bed because of a not very sexually motivated husband.

  • cbrealtor55
    cbrealtor55 Posts: 37 Member
    41 and sex has gotten better with wife as we have gotten older. (Married 15 yrs) Gettiing in better shape plays a part for sure. When I get home from lifting, it's always game on
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    edited August 2017
    Interesting discussion! Let's see going back in memories uhmmmm lolol
    Well I can say openly that sex in the20s sucked lolol being born and raised in a smalll island where people are close and we do not talk about these kinda subject I can say it's sucked! Back them I didn't even knew what was enjoying another body properly or acknowledging my own! I had all these weird fellings and desires but wasn't able to talk to no one about it or understand what thy really meant! So was more of a make the man happy! I was married by the way! Had two kids and when I got a bit older let's say around 27 I started to be more knowledgeable and started to understand more about sexuality, my own body and life. Got divorce, yes sadly because of my kids but happy I got out of it! Kinda possessive selfish relationship and I'm happy I did it! Got married to young, it's what a woman is raised for back home to be and a wife! after divorce I dated some people but there's was always something missing until I meet my current boyfriend been together for 2 years and half and with who I truly discovered all there is to know and got me to overcome all that closed society mentally I had still! I'm 34 and man he gets tired of me ahahahah
    It's probably a bit diferente 20s and 30s for me but this is my story!
    I feel like a woman finally and feel I can do and explore my own sexuality with no shame or fear! Maybe I'll come back to answer this topic again when in 40s and be able to get the perspective you are looking for!!!

  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    edited August 2017
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

  • kschwab0203
    kschwab0203 Posts: 610 Member
    Since we are on the topic, it is weird that my fiance has more of a drive when he's drinking than sober? Sometimes it bothers me.
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    edited August 2017
    Since we are on the topic, it is weird that my fiance has more of a drive when he's drinking than sober? Sometimes it bothers me.

    Hi there! In my opinionand I can only talk about what I know what I've lived and how I feel so here it goes.
    Everyone reacts different to the state of drunk or buzzed or whatever you want to call It, There's people that are really bad with drinking they cry some just want to fight get angry and some people to stay happy and just want to laugh and dance all night long! Me the last mention one and sex, alcohol just gets me sex crazy! My boyfriend is the completely opposite he just wants to talk and laugh but there's not much of a sex driven so we're kind of like screwed on that that's why usually I drink and you stay sober! Ahahah
    Let's get to the point! Here's how I look at your question! So I'm going to starred with asking you questions for your ask yourself instead of giving you an answer! If you and your fiancé have a normal active sex life I don't think or see a problem on him getting a little bit more excited when you get some alcohol in because it happens to me too! If you guys don't have such a good sex life or as good as when he drinks well maybe there's something behind! Maybe has a little bit more of a hard time letting it go when he's sober that when he's not sober and when he drinks maybe you see a little bit more of what he could be and for what I read it's what you want on every day no basis not just when he drinks! So here's some advice from someone that spent almost 27 years of her life in the dark about sexuality talk to him tell him exactly how you feel tell him exactly how much you love his sex drive when he's drunk and that you want him to bring it to your day-to-day life!

    That's my advice from what I've learned and I hope it helps if it doesn't well I tried

    Have an amazing day sweetie

  • Chase_The_Pain
    Chase_The_Pain Posts: 255 Member
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

    I believe his side of the story and don't need to hear hers.
  • landomando
    landomando Posts: 339 Member
    I would have to say my sex drive is more now then it was in my 20's. I would say the gym probably increased some of my sex drive. You are naturally driving your testosterone up when lifting. So that could carry over into the bed room. All I know is I'm ready to go whenever lol.
  • _NicLovin_
    _NicLovin_ Posts: 121 Member
    Mine has seemed to increase as I've gotten into my early thirties. In my opinion, the sex is also better as you get older, so perhaps I want it more knowing that it's going to be that much more fun and enjoyable!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    well now..... good afternoon!
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    That's when you divorce your old man and get yourself a hot 25yo boyfriend, right??
    Ahhhh...Only a couple more years!!!

    Wait...I'm 40 and divorced...Do I get a 25yr old hottie???
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    That's when you divorce your old man and get yourself a hot 25yo boyfriend, right??
    Ahhhh...Only a couple more years!!!

    Wait...I'm 40 and divorced...Do I get a 25yr old hottie???

    Yes. 25 yo hottie for you!!
    And you! And you!!
    Every 40 year old divorced woman gets one!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,503 Member
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    That's when you divorce your old man and get yourself a hot 25yo boyfriend, right??
    Ahhhh...Only a couple more years!!!

    Wait...I'm 40 and divorced...Do I get a 25yr old hottie???

    Yes. 25 yo hottie for you!!
    And you! And you!!
    Every 40 year old divorced woman gets one!

    dang, when I was 25.... I was chasing 25 year old chickas.

    should I have been chasin' 40 year old milfs instead?
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    That's when you divorce your old man and get yourself a hot 25yo boyfriend, right??
    Ahhhh...Only a couple more years!!!

    Wait...I'm 40 and divorced...Do I get a 25yr old hottie???

    Yes. 25 yo hottie for you!!
    And you! And you!!
    Every 40 year old divorced woman gets one!

    dang, when I was 25.... I was chasing 25 year old chickas.

    should I have been chasin' 40 year old milfs instead?

    depends on whether you were successful