Sex in your 20s compared to sex in your 30s ?



  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    But I'm only in my thirties and it's already insatiable on the point of being annoying?? Not sure I want it to get "better", lol.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    pudgy1977 wrote: »
    Ladies.. just wait until your 40's. Prime!

    That's when you divorce your old man and get yourself a hot 25yo boyfriend, right??
    Ahhhh...Only a couple more years!!!

    Wait...I'm 40 and divorced...Do I get a 25yr old hottie???

    Yes. 25 yo hottie for you!!
    And you! And you!!
    Every 40 year old divorced woman gets one!

    dang, when I was 25.... I was chasing 25 year old chickas.

    should I have been chasin' 40 year old milfs instead?

    heck i've been barking up that tree for the last 10 years or so man. trynna find me one of these divorcees with a nice bank account to take care of me. buy me some nicer clothers. gold watch. maybe give me a little bit of walking around money in my pocket once a week or so. in exchange for yknow.

    Most 40 year olds still have student loan debt. I think you are thinking of 60 year olds

    Whew! Bullet dodged, there. :P
  • crmzn
    crmzn Posts: 83 Member
    It doesn't exactly suck in your 40's, either.
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

    I believe his side of the story and don't need to hear hers.

    Well maybe you know the story I don't and I'm not here to take sides! We all have our stories but for someone to come here in a discussion that's about our self and lunch a bomb like that it's not ok!
    Luke I said I feel him and his pain!

    that sure is a lot of exclamation points.....

    you sound pretty excited.

    Very excited
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    edited August 2017
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

    I believe his side of the story and don't need to

    Settle the *kitten* down. Nobody named names, there's no shaming going on. Find something else to get yourself angry over.

    Woooo.... me angry lolol I'm a zen person sure you do not know me.
    I have my opinion nothing else. And well it's my believe that no one should be shamed when they can not defend themselves name or no name.
    Funny how people read something and just absorve half of it. You sound much more upset and angry than me! I was straight forward gave my opinion and concern and even a ear to listen!
    Peace ✌️ and kittening me doesn't make me shut up
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

    I believe his side of the story and don't need to hear hers.

    Well maybe you know the story I don't and I'm not here to take sides! We all have our stories but for someone to come here in a discussion that's about our self and lunch a bomb like that it's not ok!
    Luke I said I feel him and his pain!

    that sure is a lot of exclamation points.....

    you sound pretty excited.

    Very excited

    "I want to party with you."

    ~ bill murray
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    If you don't try to steal my clo
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

    I believe his side of the story and don't need to hear hers.

    Well maybe you know the story I don't and I'm not here to take sides! We all have our stories but for someone to come here in a discussion that's about our self and lunch a bomb like that it's not ok!
    Luke I said I feel him and his pain!

    that sure is a lot of exclamation points.....

    you sound pretty excited.

    Very excited

    "I want to party with you."

    ~ bill murray

    If you don't try to steal my washcloth and my tough brush we can arrange something! By the way I use facial wipes ;) !!!!!!!!!

  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    mine is higher than ever right now...and my wife's is FINALLY catching up

    You mean it got better with age? Very good.
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    My ex wife's sex drive increased in her thirties, just not with me. I was home with our baby while she was banging a bouncer at a club.

    It seams like you still hurting with it by mentioning your ex wife's 30s sexuality witch I think is a bit inappropriate for the discussion! We don not know you're story and it's bad to shame someone that's not here to defend them selfs!
    Let's talk about u! How is your sex life now? Let's leave the past in The past am focus in the Future! Now it's about you, let her stay in the past and move on! Until u forgive and find peace with what happened whatever happened because there's always two sides to a story, you will never be truly happy!

    Just saying no physiologists here

    If you ever need to talk and sometimes we find it easier to talk with a stranger u can pm me I'll would be glad to talk and take some of you pain away!

    Live in the present acknowledge the past but don't get stuck there! The past is the path for the future and from past bad experiences we should only bring to the future the lesson it gave you!

    Sorry if I'm going to far with it but I did feel you're still hurting and just felt for some reason I should try and send some words to you expecting will help in some way

    Love yourself

    One day at a time

    I believe his side of the story and don't need to

    Settle the *kitten* down. Nobody named names, there's no shaming going on. Find something else to get yourself angry over.

    Woooo.... me angry lolol I'm a zen person sure you do not know me.
    I have my opinion nothing else. And well it's my believe that no one should be shamed when they can not defend themselves name or no name.
    Funny how people read something and just absorve half of it. You sound much more upset and angry than me! I was straight forward gave my opinion and concern and even a ear to listen!
    Peace ✌️ and kittening me doesn't make me shut up

    Poor spelling makes me angry. So do self righteous idiots.

    I can advice you on that to don't read it!
    Well I'm pretty proud of my writing since I've in Toronto for 2 years but I can also read write and talk in Portuguese, Spanish, French Italian and some Latin ucraniano only to words and they are bad ones! Any preference? Cus I'm still improving my English can't do much sorry!
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    @Sofia_Garcia I was in a relationship with a man in his early thirties and his sex drive was awful. He was also a pretty heavy drinker so when he was in the mood he could get it up. Or he couldn't keep it up. His name was Michael but I called him whiskey dick. What is your opinion?

    This is better sense of humour! Like it! Well already answer something similar in page 5 just go back and re read it. But in your case I would say keep him buzzed and enjoy but do not give him liver failure!!! I have a sense of humour too you know! We're going to end up friends you'll see I'm not that much of a dick girl but not much of a puss too I'm in between the line always with a positive atitute and open to new friends even if we have a bad start! You'll love me if u try to known me! :) have a great night I'm of to some alien meditation I have an opinion on that subject to!

    Sweet dreams

  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    @Sofia_Garcia there was also a guy whose drive was fairly high but he was so bad in bed it was hardly worth taking my panties off for. His name was David. Late 20's. He was built like a god but really fell flat in the bedroom. Such a disappointment.


    but, but.... you claimed to be a lesbian.

    were you pushed in that direction?
  • Sofia_Garcia
    Sofia_Garcia Posts: 412 Member
    Lolol I'll leave you with whatever you wanna take from this conversation to tired to lecturer at this point at nigh! Enjoy your thoughts about me and meditate you need it really bad!
    Did you vote for trump! Cus you sound like him bigly ;) is that how you spell it? Bigly uhmmm does that even exists gonna check it out got curious!!

    Xoxoxo good night talk tomorrow if you want tonight can't burn my brain anymore with small talk
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    Lolol I'll leave you with whatever you wanna take from this conversation to tired to lecturer at this point at nigh! Enjoy your thoughts about me and meditate you need it really bad!
    Did you vote for trump! Cus you sound like him bigly ;) is that how you spell it? Bigly uhmmm does that even exists gonna check it out got curious!!

    Xoxoxo good night talk tomorrow if you want tonight can't burn my brain anymore with small talk

  • Jenn3452
    Jenn3452 Posts: 23 Member
    I think it is about confidence and the age. I am 33 and I've lost 45 lbs. I have been with my husband for 14 years and its never been like this. So there is definitely nothing weird about it Enjoy it!! :)
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Only 28 and still feel 18. So ya. No peak anytime soon :D
  • pudgy1977
    pudgy1977 Posts: 13,499 Member
    ^^^ Yes, and yes
  • The_Red_Widow
    The_Red_Widow Posts: 60 Member
    Yes !
  • Presleykay22
    Presleykay22 Posts: 2,446 Member
    I am 28 and still have a very high sex drive, it hasn't gone down yet and I hope it never does lol
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    How about 20's to 60's? What I used to do all night long, now takes me all night long to do.