649lbs and 3790 calories



  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    I've tried the 2000 from the hospital. I was losing 3-5 a day and after 5 days I got so clammy at the store I felt the 2000 wasn't enough. So I stopped.

    Bariatric dr mentioned 2500 but no calculations behind it. She told me to follow up with a nutritionist and unfortunately I had to reschedule with them because I didn't have the money for it.

    Mfp, I'm 4 days on it and I've lost 9 so far. I think
    I'm going to start with the 3790 and work my way down like suggested. The way I look at it it's better then not tracking / watching what I eat at all.

    Sounds like a good plan. You are more then 3X my weight and - 2500 cal is a good number for me to maintain
    - Eastcoast Jim
  • goodkoalie
    goodkoalie Posts: 84 Member
    Rusty740 wrote: »
    Had went to a hospital they said 2000. Went to doctor I believe she said 2500 calories... but she didn't calculate anything.... mfp says 3790, of course I like the higher number. I just don't know what number to use! They all say different things.

    The deficit you are able to do, and be happy, is the right number. It will change over time, but the main thing is to focus on the process (tracking calories well) eating good foods, and the weight will take care of itself. If 3790 is working in two weeks, stick with it. :)
    If the doctor recommends 2,500 definitely go with it. It sounds like the doctor wants the weight to come off quickly in order to stop any life threatening health effects
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Search the success stories forum for this title:
    From 511 to 175: a 336 lb loss over 5 years
  • Gab149
    Gab149 Posts: 27 Member
    Had went to a hospital they said 2000. Went to doctor I believe she said 2500 calories... but she didn't calculate anything.... mfp says 3790, of course I like the higher number. I just don't know what number to use! They all say different things.
    Follow the doctor's advice. If you don't like her opinion or method for arriving at it, seek a second opinion, but from another doctor, not MFP.
    ecjim wrote: »
    See a Doc. We are not qualified to safely advise you.
    Get a doctor's advice, then use MFP as a tool to help you follow it. But I certainly wouldn't let an app like MFP replace a doctor.

  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    you could always pick a number between doctor and map--2500 and 3790. i would go with 3200 calories and work hard at staying under 3000 for 3 weeks. If no loss, bring it to 3000 for another 3 weeks. That's what I would do. The 3790 sounds high because it is over a pound (3500), but Michael Phelps said he ate 12,000 calories a day!! You are great for figuring this out! That's all you have to know!!
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    I've tried the 2000 from the hospital. I was losing 3-5 a day and after 5 days I got so clammy at the store I felt the 2000 wasn't enough. So I stopped.

    Bariatric dr mentioned 2500 but no calculations behind it. She told me to follow up with a nutritionist and unfortunately I had to reschedule with them because I didn't have the money for it.

    Mfp, I'm 4 days on it and I've lost 9 so far. I think
    I'm going to start with the 3790 and work my way down like suggested. The way I look at it it's better then not tracking / watching what I eat at all.

    Well done on the start!
    Keep at it, and get those habits ingrained for the long haul - the things you're doing right now can set you up for a much healthier future.

    Please do keep us posted on your progress. If you don't want to have to come on the boards and post all the time, fire out a few friend invites to people whose posts you liked, and they'll see your timeline and diary etc, so can give you a bit of a cheer every now and then!
  • spagano8888
    spagano8888 Posts: 11 Member
    I do have a little background in losing weight I was on ww between 2012-2014 and lost 350lbs. 601 (highest at the time) and got down to 249, unfortunately the wrong job and the wrong friends, I gained all 350 + 50 more back. Made it on the news a couple times and one time back at heaviest.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,302 Member
    Interesting. So have you poked around in your head a little bit to figure out why a job and "friends" could cause you to over eat so drastically? Most obsessions are anxiety based, so getting to the bottom of it will give you long-term success.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Interesting. So have you poked around in your head a little bit to figure out why a job and "friends" could cause you to over eat so drastically? Most obsessions are anxiety based, so getting to the bottom of it will give you long-term success.

    Maybe fear of losing friendships... we all worked together, and they all wanted me to go out "clubbing" with them and drink and I wasn't a drinker and late night eating and everything was out of my norm. I got rid of the toxic ones. I also no longer work for the grocery store I did work at. Smelling fried food and hourly breaks were not good!

    the thing is, there is easy access to food pretty much everywhere these days... i just walked into the kitchen at work and there is a sponge cake on a table next to a note saying 'help yourself'... i didn't because it doesn't fit into my calories and macros for the day, but there is always 'temptation' around if you look at it that way.
  • Rhayemun
    Rhayemun Posts: 31 Member
    @spagano8888 I'm so glad you're here man!! I would start at 3700 for 3 weeks, then weigh in. Weigh yourself every 3 weeks and update your calorie goals after each weigh in. Put yourself as sedentary and whatever MFP gives you, reduce it to the lowest 0 (So if you re-weigh and MFP gives you 3459 you would do 3400) YOU'RE A ROCKSTAR!! Don't give up and log everything you eat!
  • spagano8888
    spagano8888 Posts: 11 Member
    I get it, I do. But to get to 600 pounds, there is a significant disconnect in your brain between a normal amount of food and an obsessive, anxiety based behavior. Just give it some thought.

    I also culpulsively eat. I eat and I don't stop, even when full. I don't know why I do it.
  • bernadettenz
    bernadettenz Posts: 252 Member
    Nothing to add. Just want to wish you all the best from way over here in New Zealand. You can do this!!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Congrats on your first steps on becoming healthy. Take it one day at a time.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member

    the thing is, there is easy access to food pretty much everywhere these days... i just walked into the kitchen at work and there is a sponge cake on a table next to a note saying 'help yourself'... i didn't because it doesn't fit into my calories and macros for the day, but there is always 'temptation' around if you look at it that way.

    It's all mindset and mine hasn't been the best. Every time lately when I go off I say to myself I don't want to be on a diet I want to eat this, and then I do.

    I'm on my 5th day and lost another 3. Down 12lbs. I know I shouldn't be weighing myself everyday but it feels like trial and error this week :smile:

    People who weigh themselves every day are more likely to stay on track. It's one habit that is easy, sets the tone and your focus for the day.