40 pounds and I don't see the difference



  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    1. After seeing the pictures I could totally tell a difference, especially in your face/arms
    2. I think your friend probably wanted to get punched in the face, I think if you did I would hand you a prize.
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    40 pounds is a huge accomplishment. YOU ROCK!!!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    hahahaha.... you cracked me up!!! I'll let you know where my award should be sent!! lol
  • Melanie

    You look AWESOME!

    What an incredible accomplishment you have made.

    Everyone who made comments about your "friend" needing glasses, being jealous, etc., was RIGHT!!

    Stare at those pictures and post again that you don't see a difference. You won't be able to do it.

    Congratulations on your wonderful work.

    You DO look mahvelous!!!

  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    Congratulations on the 40 pounds! That's wonderful! :) I agree to buy some smaller clothes. Maybe it's harder to tell for some people when the clothes are loose. I see a big difference and you look great! Good for you! :)
  • dkb228
    dkb228 Posts: 73 Member
    Such a big difference. You look great! I had the same problem with not seeing a difference in the mirror... Then I made my profile picture with a before and almost-halfway photo. Now I see it! Also, no matter how/where you lose weight, 2 sizes and 40 lbs is a huge difference. It is physically impossible to look the same after that kind of transformation! So keep up the good work and ignore the non-supportive people around you. They are probably just jealous of your success. :)
  • mstcass
    mstcass Posts: 63 Member
    I don't know how to post pictures either. But, I hope some one will help you with that. You can always go to the help window and search the topic.....

    I'm sure there is a major change. You can't see it because you see yourself everyday. That person who said there was no change is not being truthful. 40lbs! Give me a break.... Sounds like you might have a hater.

    Repost when you figure it out. I'd love to see your pictures.

    I agree! Tell me if you guys stay friends after you reach your goal!!!
  • kc7671
    kc7671 Posts: 28 Member
    whoever says they don't see a difference is blind...you look amazing! you should be proud of what you've done! congrats!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Hello fitness pals,
    I have been on mfp for about 8 months now, but this is my first post. i have now lost 40 pounds but i look in the mirror and don't see a difference. I dont think anyone else see's the difference either. My husband says he does, but he may just be trying to lift my spirits! I have gone down 2 clothes sizes but still...I don't see the physical difference in my body.
    I was at the grocery store with a friend the other day and I was buying yogurt, strawberries and some veggies. She said to me, "that's all you eat" and I told her no, this is just some stuff I needed to stock up on. She then said, " no wonder there is no change in you". Now maybe..ok probably, I'm just being over sensitive, but really i know she is being honest.
    I don't know how to post pics on here yet so I can't show you what I am seeing. When will I start seeing the difference??
    Understand that when you lose weight and see yourself everyday, you won't notice the difference. It's like watching a child you see everyday grow. Because it's subtle, your view wouldn't be the same as someone who has seen before and after comparisons.
    Also the body loses fat systematically, meaning if you lose 1% of body fat, that is 1% from every part of your body. It's obvious you're losing if your clothes size is going down. But if you're losing evenly, then you're just looking at a "smaller version" of your body shape.
    Keep at it. Sounds like you're doing it right.
  • renge123
    renge123 Posts: 1
    you will just keep it up
  • VLLedford
    VLLedford Posts: 1 Member
    Congratulations on the 40lbs gone!!! What an awesome job!! I have to agree with getting you some new clothes to see the difference!!! Keep up the great work!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    I wouldn't rush to call your friend a 'hater'; when you see someone all the time you can become blind to gradual changes. One of my colleagues gradually lost about 60 lbs and i didn't realise until i went away for a few weeks then looked again! The numbers don't lie, you've done soooo well. I bet if you dug out some 'before' photos and posed again in the same clothes you'd notice it for sure- that might give you a boost. Then you can show us too!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    1.Friends don't say stuff like that to each other so I would rethink having her around. 2. Clothes that are too big for you can make you look the same size. 3. Never let anyone bring you down to their level. Some people don't like to see other people succeed.

    I know when i put on my old clothes I look at least a size too big even though I am 2-3 sizes lower then that. Try buying some smaller shirts at the very least.

    Your doing amazing!
  • I can definitely tell a difference, especially in your face and arms. You look great, hun!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Your friend sounds like a complete B*TCH! Who on earth would SAY something like that to a FRIEND? I'm sorry, but if she were actually being honest and trying to be nice, she would tell you that you look good and to keep up the good work. I'd drop her *kitten* right there, honestly.

    ETA: I JUST looked at your pics and literally the first thing that popped out of my mouth was "OMG, she looks gorgeous!" Your friend is SOOOO wrong! Find different friends. How dare your friend tell you something that is totally and completely UNTRUE.....AND hurtful! I see it right here in front of me that she. is. DEAD. WRONG! You keep working like this and in no time you can make your "friend" eat her words for breakfast.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    40lbs is great, well done! You should certainly notice some difference, however I agree with others in that you have seen the gradual process so it may not be so obvious to you as to others. I'm sure you can tell from your before and after pics? I agree that you need to make sure your current clothes are more fitted as that will be more flattering to your smaller figure rather than hiding under bigger sizes that will swamp you and make you look bigger.

    Please don't let other people's comments put you off track - sometimes it's a bit of jealousy because they wish they had the will power and determination that you have! :smile:
  • kittybitz79
    kittybitz79 Posts: 213
    I felt the same way and I will give you the advice a friend gave to me. Don't look in a mirror for a day or two then look again. I found I could see the difference then. We look at our own bodies all the time and know where every spot is. Take away looking at yourself even for just a few days and you might see a difference.
  • prunella1066
    prunella1066 Posts: 89 Member
    While it will be nice when people notice, you are doing this to be heatlhy, and 2 dress sizes down and less on the scale means you are doing it! No matter what anyone says :-). I have a LOT of weight to lose, right now i've lost only about 30 lbs and honestly, it doesnt' make a difference in me that is noticeable, even my clothes still fit, just slightly looser. People are started to mention "your hair looks good" and things like that, because something is slightly different, but they don't know what. I know that at some point it will be impossible not to see it physically, but honestly if no one sees it what does it matter, i'm getting healthy!
  • prunella1066
    prunella1066 Posts: 89 Member
    While it will be nice when people notice, you are doing this to be heatlhy, and 2 dress sizes down and less on the scale means you are doing it! No matter what anyone says :-). I have a LOT of weight to lose, right now i've lost only about 30 lbs and honestly, it doesnt' make a difference in me that is noticeable, even my clothes still fit, just slightly looser. People are started to mention "your hair looks good" and things like that, because something is slightly different, but they don't know what. I know that at some point it will be impossible not to see it physically, but honestly if no one sees it what does it matter, i'm getting healthy!

    I totally AGREE.......the difference is you are 40 lbs LIGHTER and HEALTHIER!! Maybe you need to try some strength training and get some muscle definition if you haven't already tried this. Be proud of your accomplishment as losing 40 lbs is not an easy thing to do!! Hope you have bought some new clothes in your new size.....if you are still wearing your old clothes that could be one of the reason also.....get some new outfits and really show off your NEW size!! But I believe in strength training.....it will really redefine your body and you WILL notice some changes!! :smile:

    Hang in there, be PROUD of yourself and CONGRATULATIONS on losing 40 lbs!! I can't wait to lose 40 lbs!! :happy:
  • prunella1066
    prunella1066 Posts: 89 Member
    THanks everyone above!!! You guys are all great. I wish I had found these message boards before today because it has made my day. All of your compliments have me walking around the house with my head held a little higher and my smile a little bigger!!

    I am so GLAD that you are feeling better!! You deserve it girl.....keep that head held up high and that smile BIG!! You have had a FANTASTIC accomplishment to be so very PROUD of!! :drinker:
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