August 2017 Running Challenge



  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    P.S. Vacation week this week to help step brother before he and his wife have there first child appear before house remodel completes. So those of you doing the nutritional accountability thing- this is me waving the white flag now...

    BUT!!!! PT suggested I could TRY a run. His rules, 1mile or less. I be completely honest with a report (I have his personal email since I won't see him this week) And brace stays on (this seems like the strange part.) but, I will take it.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @wandavaughn you are/were in Huntsville and didn’t tell me or did you and I missed it. What race did you run? I would have come out to meet you! Super run – congrats on the PR.

    I did the Dog Jog in downtown Huntsville. Started and finished at the roundhouse. The weather was great and the houses are so pretty. The puppies everywhere were fun to be around. Loved running with them - nobody could hear my panting over the dogs'! :smiley:

    Just say the word-we can meet up and run the greenway together.

    @wandaVaughn that would be fun. Things start to get crazy now with XC starting, but we definitely need to make a plan. Are Sundays okay for you?

    I see @stoshew71 was at the greenway today. Of course he would lap us ha ha
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    Feeling great got in 7.1 miles today. Should have been easy mostly zone 2 but I couldn't hold back. Averaged 8:34/mile translates to 28 minutes of tempo zone 3 and 8 minutes of threshold zone 4. This is not the run your suppose to do coming off an injury. I'll say my prayers and thank God I feel good so far. Kieran back out of his run this was about 11:30 last night when he fell asleep on the car ride home from the Sox game. An embarrassment of a game but Kieran loved it and hence forth so did I. Kieran wants to do his run tomorrow, should be a good way to find out if I went too hard today.


  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    @kristinegift - I bought a box of 24 chocolate cherry Clif gels a while back, and I confess I never noticed the caffeine. I did notice that they were thick and very difficult to use in cold weather. Used the last of them in hot weather this summer, and I won't be buying them again. They taste good, they're just too thick to mess with in good running weather.

    Mocha was not as bad, but also so thick that I won't be buying them again. Double Expresso, now . . . I can live with those. Just not for the next 6 weeks at least.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1---5.49mi/ 8.85km
    3---4.23 / 6.8
    5---4.55 / 7.3
    6---9.14 l 14.7
    10---2.87, 1.98/4.6, 3.2
    11---shot, travel day.
    23---2.56 +2.83/4.1+4.6
    26---6.32/10.2 Had a GU about 3.5 miles, and my run became much easier. HR dropped to 150's instead of 170, legs had less lead in them and I had more endurance. I must remember to fuel my runs. I wish GU made packets that were half the size... Think I'll look for some sport beans, maybe figs if I can find some preservative free.

    Any ideas for cheep mid run fuel that's not nuts, chocolate, or preserved fruit?

    Total 71.46/115.3
    Goal 89 miles/144 km

    Upcoming races:

    Sept 30 Festival 5k Tishomingo Ok.
    Oct 1 Spirit of Survival, Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    Oct 14 AIM for the Cure- 5K, virual run
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.

    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PR's 1 mile 9.25  5k 34.27 10k 1:12.49

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    hanlonsk wrote: »
    @kristinegift - Choco cherry is no joke. Friend and I, when brave enough for that one, would split it...

    @hanlonsk Yeah... I'm keeping the other 100 mg caffeine flavors to work and keeping them in my desk for the days I need a SERIOUS pick-me-up lol

    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @kristinegift - I bought a box of 24 chocolate cherry Clif gels a while back, and I confess I never noticed the caffeine. I did notice that they were thick and very difficult to use in cold weather. Used the last of them in hot weather this summer, and I won't be buying them again. They taste good, they're just too thick to mess with in good running weather.

    Mocha was not as bad, but also so thick that I won't be buying them again. Double Expresso, now . . . I can live with those. Just not for the next 6 weeks at least.

    @MobyCarp I'm more of a fruity flavor gal. I love the Clif Razz flavor, and the Strawberry was good (just 25 mg caffeine). I'll probably stick with those. I find that caffeine or no, the chocolate/coffee type flavors just make me more thirsty. To each their own!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited August 2017
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @PastorVincent - Well, I did my bit to keep you on the top 10 list. Your book is my test of whether the used Kindle my daughter gave me is suitable for entertainment while I can't run. Yeah, I'm a dinosaur; got an awful lot of mass market paperbacks, and very few electronic books.

    Woah the pressure! All Kindle authors everywhere are depending on a book I started writing in HS and finally published 7 years ago? *nervous* :lol:
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    @PastorVincent - Well, I did my bit to keep you on the top 10 list. Your book is my test of whether the used Kindle my daughter gave me is suitable for entertainment while I can't run. Yeah, I'm a dinosaur; got an awful lot of mass market paperbacks, and very few electronic books.

    Woah the pressure! All Kindle authors everywhere are depending on a book I started writing in HS and finally published 7 years ago? *nervous* :lol:

    Good thing he didn't go for my self published kindle book first.....
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    A friend passed along a Forerunner 15 (with USB cable and chest-strap HRM) - any one interested?
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Geez, so many people getting in super long runs today and all I had time for was 5.5 miles....

    Still, it was better than nothing I guess. First morning run in ages. And I felt it, hoo boy. The first two miles were brutal. So tired. After the first two miles it got a little easier, but dang, I am SO not a morning person.

    Tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to thunderstorm, so I don't know if I'll get out or not.

    And I'm sitting here thinking, I don't think I'm physically able to run a marathon, let alone an ultra. 13.1 nearly did me in (yet I'm looking forward to the next time I have time to do another 13.1). Four to five hours on my feet might just kill me. Plus there's the time factor. I haven't had a block of four to five hours free in forever.

    Way to go, everyone who ran long today!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @JessicaMcB nice run, you went ultra distance on a training run! What did you have in your pack? 15# seems like a lot of stuff? All I carried was 2 water bottles with Tailwind mixed in, that I refilled about halfway, from the jug I had stashed.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @RespectTheKitty 5.5 miles is awesome- marathoning and ultramarathoning aren't the end all and be all of running! I have to run on the very early side to make my life happen like I've mentioned before so I 100% sympathize with the time crunch, its frustrating. You got out there, you got it done, yay you!
    @JessicaMcB nice run, you went ultra distance on a training run! What did you have in your pack? 15# seems like a lot of stuff? All I carried was 2 water bottles with Tailwind mixed in, that I refilled about halfway, from the jug I had stashed.

    Keeping it real here...I run with an obscene amount of stuff because I'm neurotic that way. 2L of water, a given. Two USB battery chargers? But of course! First Aid kit? Obvs. Complete change of clothing with a jacket? ...Yes. KT Tape and Body Glide and a bottle of Elete and a head lamp in the middle of the day and- STOP JUDGING ME :D ! Haha! On the positive side all that money my mom spent on Girl Guides paid off because I am always prepared!

    So, it a minimalist runner???? No Wonder your so fast at marathons. You're 15# I took my headlamp off and put it with my jug as soon as it was light enough to see. All I had, in addition to my bottles, was a credit card and my ID.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Geez, so many people getting in super long runs today and all I had time for was 5.5 miles....

    Still, it was better than nothing I guess. First morning run in ages. And I felt it, hoo boy. The first two miles were brutal. So tired. After the first two miles it got a little easier, but dang, I am SO not a morning person.

    Tomorrow afternoon it's supposed to thunderstorm, so I don't know if I'll get out or not.

    And I'm sitting here thinking, I don't think I'm physically able to run a marathon, let alone an ultra. 13.1 nearly did me in (yet I'm looking forward to the next time I have time to do another 13.1). Four to five hours on my feet might just kill me. Plus there's the time factor. I haven't had a block of four to five hours free in forever.

    Way to go, everyone who ran long today!

    You got out there and ran. Look at it this way, yourr way less insane than @JessicaMcB and me, and that's a good thing. Keep doing what you're doing. It's awesome.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @kristinegift Just reread your post. Sorry to hear about your food causing you issues! I have to be VERY careful with caffeine, otherwise I burn out super early. Great job getting it done in less than ideal conditions!
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @RespectTheKitty 5.5 miles is awesome- marathoning and ultramarathoning aren't the end all and be all of running! I have to run on the very early side to make my life happen like I've mentioned before so I 100% sympathize with the time crunch, its frustrating. You got out there, you got it done, yay you!
    @JessicaMcB nice run, you went ultra distance on a training run! What did you have in your pack? 15# seems like a lot of stuff? All I carried was 2 water bottles with Tailwind mixed in, that I refilled about halfway, from the jug I had stashed.

    Keeping it real here...I run with an obscene amount of stuff because I'm neurotic that way. 2L of water, a given. Two USB battery chargers? But of course! First Aid kit? Obvs. Complete change of clothing with a jacket? ...Yes. KT Tape and Body Glide and a bottle of Elete and a head lamp in the middle of the day and- STOP JUDGING ME :D ! Haha! On the positive side all that money my mom spent on Girl Guides paid off because I am always prepared!

    So, it a minimalist runner???? No Wonder your so fast at marathons. You're 15# I took my headlamp off and put it with my jug as soon as it was light enough to see. All I had, in addition to my bottles, was a credit card and my ID.

    I like to pretend I practice perpetual resistance training but in reality OCD issues are what they are. When I lead trail group and people realize the sheer volume of shenanigans I carry around they are generally a little horrified in the vein of, "Jessica you don't NEED a full first aid kit though." ...Uhhh but what if I DO?! Now hurry tf up! Haha ;)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @RespectTheKitty 5.5 miles is awesome- marathoning and ultramarathoning aren't the end all and be all of running! I have to run on the very early side to make my life happen like I've mentioned before so I 100% sympathize with the time crunch, its frustrating. You got out there, you got it done, yay you!
    @JessicaMcB nice run, you went ultra distance on a training run! What did you have in your pack? 15# seems like a lot of stuff? All I carried was 2 water bottles with Tailwind mixed in, that I refilled about halfway, from the jug I had stashed.

    Keeping it real here...I run with an obscene amount of stuff because I'm neurotic that way. 2L of water, a given. Two USB battery chargers? But of course! First Aid kit? Obvs. Complete change of clothing with a jacket? ...Yes. KT Tape and Body Glide and a bottle of Elete and a head lamp in the middle of the day and- STOP JUDGING ME :D ! Haha! On the positive side all that money my mom spent on Girl Guides paid off because I am always prepared!

    So, it a minimalist runner???? No Wonder your so fast at marathons. You're 15# I took my headlamp off and put it with my jug as soon as it was light enough to see. All I had, in addition to my bottles, was a credit card and my ID.

    I like to pretend I practice perpetual resistance training but in reality OCD issues are what they are. When I lead trail group and people realize the sheer volume of shenanigans I carry around they are generally a little horrified in the vein of, "Jessica you don't NEED a full first aid kit though." ...Uhhh but what if I DO?! Now hurry tf up! Haha ;)

    My wilderness first aid/trauma kit isn't small enough to run with.....
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @RespectTheKitty 5.5 miles is awesome- marathoning and ultramarathoning aren't the end all and be all of running! I have to run on the very early side to make my life happen like I've mentioned before so I 100% sympathize with the time crunch, its frustrating. You got out there, you got it done, yay you!
    @JessicaMcB nice run, you went ultra distance on a training run! What did you have in your pack? 15# seems like a lot of stuff? All I carried was 2 water bottles with Tailwind mixed in, that I refilled about halfway, from the jug I had stashed.

    Keeping it real here...I run with an obscene amount of stuff because I'm neurotic that way. 2L of water, a given. Two USB battery chargers? But of course! First Aid kit? Obvs. Complete change of clothing with a jacket? ...Yes. KT Tape and Body Glide and a bottle of Elete and a head lamp in the middle of the day and- STOP JUDGING ME :D ! Haha! On the positive side all that money my mom spent on Girl Guides paid off because I am always prepared!

    So, it a minimalist runner???? No Wonder your so fast at marathons. You're 15# I took my headlamp off and put it with my jug as soon as it was light enough to see. All I had, in addition to my bottles, was a credit card and my ID.

    I like to pretend I practice perpetual resistance training but in reality OCD issues are what they are. When I lead trail group and people realize the sheer volume of shenanigans I carry around they are generally a little horrified in the vein of, "Jessica you don't NEED a full first aid kit though." ...Uhhh but what if I DO?! Now hurry tf up! Haha ;)

    My wilderness first aid/trauma kit isn't small enough to run with.....

    I honestly think it would be cool if our trail building committee would put really comprehensive first aid packs on all the trail switch areas since its impossible to carry everything you could potentially need if you really wrecked yourself. Sadly no one else is as worried about this as I am lol. In fairness to them they are all freaking out about the big cat calls in the area lately (cougars and bob cats) and, as evidenced by my spending hours out there alone :D , am not so worried about it.

    Runner priorities are all over the place in this county I guess! Haha
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @MNLittleFinn Silver lining though: at least I learned my lesson in a training run, not on race day! I'd never have finished the run without my group though. Having other people to chat with whilst I suffered was the only thing keeping me going.
    Also- great job in a big trail run today! Looked muddddddy!