
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2017
    Terry in VT - Here's a link to a book on the subject: Habit Stacking. As usual, I'm tweaking the whole process to suit my general inability to follow any rules, but the overall concept seems to be sound.

    Toni - thanks! I almost said, "I think she would do the same for me," but in all honesty, she probably wouldn't. I will say that I finally learned to at least try to do good things without expecting anything in return. I've practiced saying "no," so much that people are much more likely to get help from me if they don't ask than if they do. She didn't ask, by the way, I volunteered to do it so she could go to her mother-in-law.

    The MIL has steadily worsening paranoia coupled with dementia, possibly Alzheimers, and I've watched my friend struggle for years to keep home healthcare working with her MIL--it's nearly broken up her marriage, as her husband, the woman's son, pretty much just throws up his hands and walks away. My friend's had a thankless job on that front, and I admire her ability to keep taking care of a woman who has run off every home healthcare person--as well as screamed at my friend, thrown things at her, called the police and told them my friend was abusing her and stealing from her (she wasn't, she wasn't even in the house), and so on. That's only the milder incidents. It's been a rough road for all concerned, and would have brought out my worst instincts, without a doubt. I have no illusions of being a caretaker, and thank heaven I married a man nine years younger than I am... though age is no protector, it at least lengthens my odds.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    allie fantastic news about the condo. I agree, budget tips from Becca et al. You've got this, one step at a time!

    " Habit stacking". Sounds like something I would be interested in. You know, I didn't even try to talk myself out of exercise as I once would have made an excuse, it was just habituated for me to pack my gym clothes, change into my gym clothes and drive straight here to the gym cause that's what I do during the school year!! I am a creature of habit!!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    katla - did you get the handkerchief?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Ginger: Thanks for sharing your sunny skies! :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Ginger, that picture of the interstate is terrible. Nice to have something as beautiful as a sunset. Sometimes it seems like one step forward, two steps back.

    When my Mom had her sleep study it was found that her periods of not breathing at all were ong and frequent. She tried a CPAP for a couple f nights but was frantic. So what they did was just order oxygen for her.

    My parents didn't have a big or even nice salary and had to use a credit card for emergency things like when a washing machine went out, schools clothes etc. Charlies parents were the same way. So when we got married there was a no credit card rule. We do have a bank issued card and I did use it one time when Christina needed new tires but she repaid me the next week when her pay check cane.

    When I woke up this morning I had a face book message from Michelle. Don't freak out Mom but I'm in the ER. A Mm isn't supposed to freak out? She just can't get rid of this bronchitis and her lungs hurt her a lot more and a high heart rate. So she has more Prednisne, continue the antibiotic and when she checked with her doctor today he conferred. She is to call back tomorrow.

    Good luck Pip!

    Good job Allie. You can do this. You have a huge support with all of us and your family.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    No owner. You can have 1 small dog or 2 cats if you own.Tom will let me visit with Homer and Chester.will check in later. you
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited August 2017
    Allie... don't be terribly surprised if Tom tries to use Homer and Chester to coerce you into doing what he wants--and it will revolve around money. I've known a few Toms in my life. I'm not saying he'd be cruel to the dogs, just saying that he will hold some money decision out in front of you, using your visitation with Homer and Chester to ensure your good behavior. I love animals, too... but don't let him use them to browbeat you, honey.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    edited August 2017
    Lisa~ I understand.. I told him that the lease went through and that with all this coming up I just cant pay all the bills anymore..and he didnt freak .. my attorney sent his more documents, as he has not come through with everything yet. if they dont get it by tomorrow then my attorney will file a motion to compel. meaning they come up with what she is asking for, or face, fines, jailtime, or be in contempt of court..
    I will take in to account him being a dope.. and take it from there.. I have to drive an hour away tomorrow to get the bureau.. but it is a lovely wicker one with glass top for 50.00 , taking dogs to groomers, getting my hair cut.
    thanks for all the love.. it will be when I move in ,like I will have you all with me right there <3
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    I'm so glad you take it that way, Allie - I realized that might sound harsh afterward. We all worry about you, while being so proud of you spreading your wings...So incredibly pleased to see you taking your life back one piece at a time. You are loved, and I'm glad you know it!

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    F seems better today. Makes me breath easier.

    Penny, you make ME tired just hearing about all your work.

    Allie, glad he didn't freak out. Must be learning how strong you are.

    Joyce, glad to hear your daughter is taking care of herself

    Ginger, what a beautiful picture. Nice to remember there is something besides water in Texas

    Lisa, thanks for the link to the book. I'll look for that

    Karla, I think when people are mean it's because they are so unhappy with their life they try to bring others down too. My mother always said "kill them with kindness, it makes them look bad" haha

    It's early but I'm beat so going to bed, do a Sudoku puzzle, read and then go to sleep.

    Terry in VT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) When I have some gigantic task to do I plan to do it in 15 minutes bits. I can do anything for 15 minutes that would be impossible if I had to work on it longer. I have done clutter cleaning and the income tax that way with great success
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,478 Member
    Did an hour of the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do the 30 minutes to fitness DVD.

    machka - we very seldome get bills, mostly, like you, we pay them thru electronic mail. However, sometimes doctors offices and the hosp where I had the MRI done send a bill. The strange thing about the hosp. is they send the bill like 3 days before it's due. Plus, they don't accept electronic payments so our bank has to cut a check and mail it to them. Why they do it this way is a mystery to me. You'd think they'd want their money asap.

    barbie - my grandmother raised me. She had her 5 children during the depression. Everything, and I do mean everything, was used until it was threadbare. The funny thing is that a few years ago I was reading a book called "101 Ways to Save the Planet" and almost all of the things in that book were things my grandmother did! When I came home from food shopping and I have like 10 boxes of something, the kids would say "ma, we know what was on sale that you had a coupon for"....lol Hence, my honorary membership in the clean-plate club.

    Heather - almost all my clothes are from the Salvation Army. Except for pants, I very seldom can find petite sizes there. But shorts, sweaters, blouses...all from there. A lot of the things at the condo are from the salvation Army, and so are a lot of things in my house. Things that I use only at the Y are from there, too. Like you, I can't get over the "things" that my daughters spend money on. Denise has to have everything brand name.

    Allie - congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. You deserve only the best. So happy you got the condo that you wanted. Now what's the story with the garage?

    All the rocks are so pretty. I wish I could do something like that, but I don't think I have a steady enough hand to make something so pretty. I'm assuming it's all painted and not stenciled

    Lanette - don't work too hard canning. But if you find that you have too many, you can always send some to NC<hint> <hint>

    Lenora - you have no idea how many times I curse the guy who used to live next door. He told the builders not to remove the trees. Now a lot of them are dying and I have to pay to have them removed. Plus those pine trees are right over our drainage field. In wintertime, especially, you want the sunlight to dry out the ground. Only with those pine trees, the sunlight doesn't get thru. wish he had let the builders take out the trees and I would have planted better trees. I'd like flowering trees, trees that flower early in the season. In PA we had a flowering magnolia, don't know if they grow down here or not.

    Just found out that the lady whose house I went to after school after my mother died, she just passed away. Her daughter and I are good friends and she had told me a while ago that it was just a matter of days, now. Her mother had Altzheimers and wasn't eating. She was down to 105 pounds!

    Went to ceramics tonight. My gecko is almost done, next a dragonfly. I took that there and clearglazed the inside tonight.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    stats for the day:

    last spin class at the Y

    bike ride hm 2 gym - 10.51min, 139mhr, 16.1amph. 2.9mi = 105c
    apple watch- 104c
    other- 9.30min, 2sets of 10ea, hamstring leglifts, push-ups, all 4's elbow to knee, reverse bicycles, leg lifts, pelvic lifts, crunches, sit-ups, on butt-knees to chest= 40c
    apple watch- 56c
    SPIN CLASS- 33min, 83ar, 110aw, 139mhr, 11-15g, 13mi = 292c
    apple watch- 295c
    ride bike gym 2 dome- 6.36min, 139mhr, 12.7amph, 1.4mi= 82c
    apple watch- 43c
    ride bike puy 2 sumn sta- 13.34min, 152mhr, 13.4amph, 3mi= 144c
    apple watch- 131c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.53min, 156mhr, 9.20min mi, .5mi = 73c
    apple watch- 61c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.50est, 250mhr, .4mi = 61c
    apple watch-57c
    Ride dome 2 hm- 18.52min, 8.3amph, 155mhr, 2.5mi = 187c
    apple watch- 147c

    total cal 984
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    machka - we very seldome get bills, mostly, like you, we pay them thru electronic mail. However, sometimes doctors offices and the hosp where I had the MRI done send a bill. The strange thing about the hosp. is they send the bill like 3 days before it's due. Plus, they don't accept electronic payments so our bank has to cut a check and mail it to them. Why they do it this way is a mystery to me. You'd think they'd want their money asap.

    Here in Australia, most medical stuff (with the exception of the occasional lab) is all taken care of electronically. You tap your bank card and pay the full amount ... you pop your medicare card in the slot and it acknowledges that you're due a refund, and you pop your bank card into the slot to get the refund. Or in some cases the refund goes directly into the bank account 3 days later.

    But when I've had my mail held, it's not at a time when I'm getting bloodwork done, or doing things that should result in bills arriving in the mail. We've done it twice in the last 8 years ... once for about 10 months while we travelled the world and then got settled back in Australia, and then again not long after that for a month or two while we moved to Tasmania.

    In Australia, we don't have much choice whether we want to deal with money matters electronically ... it's required. Our pay is directly deposited ... you might get a pay cheque in your first pay period while you're providing the organisation with banking details and getting everything set up, but after that it's all automatic. Rent is taken out automatically ... that's a requirement of the rental agencies. Utilities are all paid electronically ... .... Even the fees for our cycling events are electronically done.
    The only thing we have to do is to ensure that we've got enough money in the right accounts at the right time.

    M in Oz
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Rori, congrats on the accepted offer on your condo. I agree that the tragedy in Texas is almost incomprehensible. This morning on the news they had a segment about the wildfires out west and people having to leave their homes…I was just overwhelmed with gratitude that we have never had to go through anything like the floods and fires. I was trying to tell DH about seeing it and how I was feeling and I teared up and could barely talk. There are so many blessings in life that I know I often forget. Rori, is your DH’s dementia advanced enough that he doesn’t understand things like wanting to foster a dog? Just trying to get an idea of the situation you have there.

    Mary, that is wonderful that you found a renter. Gosh things are moving along. Just be sure to take us with you!!!

    Katla said, “Michelle: If I baked as much as you do, I couldn't get out my front door. You seem to have amazing self-control and I admire you for it. In my case, things come out of the oven and go directly into my mouth. I have so much respect for your self-control. I consider you a ” I’m the same way. I can’t resist fresh baked goods.

    Ginger and Marcelyn, so good to hear from you both and so thankful that you didn’t have more severe damage. (((Hugs)))

    Joyce, I saw the video on men’s and women’s brains. It was funny and interesting. :p

    Heather, my DH doesn’t say too much about our Phat Chat and knows I spend a lot of time with you ladies, but in general he thinks anyone on the internet are “Imaginary Friends”. Lol Today I got a package in the mail from one of my “Imaginary Friends” which made it seem a bit more real to him.

    Allie, it sounds like you are ready to set up housekeeping. I’m so excited for you.

    NYKaren, I love your quote!

    Lisa, good for you on the small successes. Just keep it up.

    Meg, stay away from those ice cream appointments.

    Heather, so sorry to hear about your cough. That is not nice of the grands to share such things. Feel better soon.

    M, glad you are feeling better. I hope you continue to improve.

    Ladies, on the subject of Texas. I know we all have some good clothes we can donate but I want to mention some of the real needs in case you don’t have lists posted in your area. Of course there is always a need for money but other than that, it is more personal items and cleaning supplies, anything to help clean out and rebuild, baby food and diapers, etc. This is just in case you are going to be buying anything to donate. I’m sure most of you know the things they need now and in the future it will be anything to restock a home. I just can’t imagine how so many lost so much. I’m with Lisa in that it just makes me cry.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I got my nails done today after putting it off for well over a week. They had grown out way too much but that is just pure laziness on my part. I’m having a pain in my hip so I hope I can sleep tonight.

    Sending love, good thoughts and cool sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC