Lucky #13 - CLOSED GROUP



  • workingmumof4
    Hi These are my details for Friday 29th July

    Weight : 262lbs
    Waist : 48
    Neck: 16
    Hip : 50
    Forearm : 10.5
    Bust : 48
    Wrist: 7

    I have lost 4lb this week which pleased me as I was ill at the beginning of the week. I have done Zumba for the first time this week, I am proud of myself for picking up courage and going. I loved it!! I can hardly walk today though.

    I have done 382mins of exercise burning up 5085 calories.

    Hope everyone has had a good week x


    Dianne x
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    @Mirna sending hugs your way lovely, I hope everything is okay. Don't fret it, you haven't let anybody down. We all have our moments! Just remember this:

    "If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." - Frank A. Clark
    I am thinking about buying 4 more measuring tapes (5 total for Hips, thigh, arm, tummy and bust). I am going to mark them with a Sharpie marker so I know exactly how much I lost and can see it! I'm still thinking about it, let me know what you lovely ladies think!
    oo I like this idea! I get disheartened when my measurements haven't gone down but when I set the tape measure to what I was, I realise how far I've come already!

    @Tiffany, I recently watched Extreme Couponers so when you mentioned you couponed, I just pictures a mad supermarket raid, buying 100s of soaps & laundry detergent lmao! Glad to see you just got a cheeky haul ;D wtg with completing the EG too!

    I lost 3lbs this week so I now weigh 265lbs. I'm getting so frustated with the scale, it seems no matter how hard I work or how many calories I burn it keeps fluctuating up & down 2lbs! I'm definitely going to have to cut down on my calorie intake & shake up my food. Happy to report I've reached my 3000 CBG & have burned 6645 so far this week too :)

    Enjoy the weekend lovelies! x #13
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    pretty sure I am the last to officially check in. Sorry to hear Mirna is having a tough time. We all do from time to time, just know that you are loved and it is so worth the effort to reclaim your life.

    last friday my weight was 270.4 today it was 269 so I actually show an ever so slight loss of 1.4 that is awesome except when I got on the scale yesterday I was down to 267. I liked that loss a whole lot better.

    Yesterday was my daughter in law's birthday lunch and I all ready had plans for dinner with a friend. I could have made a better choice for the birthday lunch, well actually I thought I had until I got home and logged it into MFP and it turned out to be not so good. Then after dinner I had to pick some things up at the grocery store and I bought a single piece of cake and a small container of ice cream. So I threw it all out the window and considered yesterday not just a cheat meal but a cheat day. So I obviously didn't follow the new skills I learned from the Beck's Diet Solution workbook. but lets face it one day isn't going to ruin me. I see the error of my ways and know what to do next time.

    Today has been quite the day for me, I went on a job interview and have become accustomed to "rejection" but I keep going looking for something that will be better than what I am doing now. Currently I have my own small and not doing so well business where I do facials, waxing, mani's and pedi's, I work part time at a waxing center and I work part time at a hair cuttery that pays terrible. I took the hair job because my esthetican work is not doing well and in this tough economy people still get their hair cut. I might add I have not done hair in at least 20 years. So today I interviewed for a classy new men's grooming salon/ barber shop and was offered the job, It helps that the other two interviewed before me, one was on drugs and aggitated and the other was dirty and hadn't washed their hair in a while. I came in without a hair out of place and dressed nicely. I gave my notice to the two pt jobs and will only be working the new one while trying to hang on to my small business for as long as possible.

    I know this is long and if you held out and read it to the end you are truly amazing. If not, well I won't hold it against you. lol

    You all rock and I look forward to hearing more about your successes, weight losses and nsv's. Blessings to each and everyone of you :)
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Everyone is doing amazing!!!!
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    @Kelly - so happy for you about the job bb! I hope everything goes okay with your business too x
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I am down 3.9 pounds! I am soo proud of myself, and proud of all of you
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I am down 3.9 pounds! I am soo proud of myself, and proud of all of you

    Gratz, I'm not weighing in toms in town :-(
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    Hello Ladies - I am glad to see everyone is doing so well.

    @Kelly - Congrats on the job offer! That is really exciting, I hope you do well and wish you lots of luck.
    @Sanie - NICE LOSS GIRL!

    I had a rough Saturday. I planned on going to the gym but I was with my best friend who is moving 5 hours away. The day was filled with shopping and eating at our favorite places. I made some healthier decisions but not enough to cut it without exercise. We were planning to go to the gym Saturday morning but decided against it.... I am not going to beat myself up about it or anything, I just know I have to pick up the slack the rest of the week!

    Here is my WRAP UP from last week:
    CBG: 2167/2200 I missed it by 33 calories! I guess sleeping in on Friday and skipping Saturday did me no good!
    EG: completed :)

    CBG: 3500
    EG: Help my friend move. She lives on the Third Floor with no elevator!!

    Just so everyone knows, this next weekend August 4-7 I will be out of town at Country on the River. It is a big party and lots of fun. I have no idea how it will go with meals and such but I will do my best. I have meals planned and am going to get low-calorie beer! I am also going to take my work out clothes to get a quick walk in the mornings. I upped my CBG a pretty substantial amount (for me...) in hopes to break even or lose! I am also waiting for my new scale to arrive so I will let you know if my weight changes. Good Luck to you all - I know I will be encouraged by the rest of you all week. Thanks for being awesome!! :glasses:
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    I am down 3.9 pounds! I am soo proud of myself, and proud of all of you

    WOO HOO!!! Great job... I love love love the new profile pic!!
  • autiemommy
    autiemommy Posts: 238
    Everyone did so great this week!!

    CBG: 3500 ( going to be hard this week) drs for all the kids, then their shots for school, and new specialists to see and LONG evals for school...

    EG: Finish making the hair bows and diaper cake ive been putting off for 3 weeks.. :)
  • workingmumof4
    Well done to everyone for last week.

    This is my last week before my holiday and I am hoping to bust my butt and workout really hard. I initially wanted to lose 28lb for my holiday. As I am now past this I would love to get to 42lb by Friday, that means 4lb loss this week. I have some serious work to do.

    I am busy working full time, trying to find out why my daughters passport has not arrived, pack and exercise. I am hoping to swim twice this week before I go.

    Good luck to everyone x x

    Your #13 stars xxxx

    Keep up the good work

    Dianne xx
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    It looks like everyone made it through last week quite nicely. Give yourselves credit where credit is due!

    This week: I need to excercise more. goal will be 5-30 minutes m-f
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    oh EG: hmmm that I will work on the cardio.
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    Good Morning Lucky #13

    I hope everyone had a Wonderful Weekend.. My was every emotional.. I finally got to visit with my Grandmother this weekend. The past few weeks she has been sleeping when I got to the nursing home. She sleeps a lot, but what should I expect she's 100.

    I met my last weeks CBG.. I did finish my EG.. Got a new playlist for my morning workouts. It still amazing to me to be under 250lb.. It has to be at least 8 years.

    This weeks CBG will be 5500
    EG.. Finish Cleaning my house. Clean house Happy Lynda.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    Happy Monday all. Takin the day off of really working out so sitting on my exercise ball all day. Hoping for a fabulous week.
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    Good Morning beautiful 13#'s I had a awesome week and hope you all had a great week all so. I met ALL of my goals this past week and even lost close to 4lbs. I am sooo proud of myself and proud of you all too. I want to keep my goals basically the same maybe add another 1000 calories to my CBG and add that I am going to get my house clean and ALL of my laundry done. I hate living out the

    So to recap
    my CBG 4500
    my house must be clean from top to bottom by Sunday
    I must make it to the gym at least 4 times but shooting for 6

  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
    Good morning. Last week was completely awful but I was able to recuperate this week. Unfortunately, TOM made his presence known. I was not able to meet any of my goals last week. Hoping to be able to get something done this week although I will be busy packing and helping my sister throw a party for my 11 yr old niece.

    I leave sunday for Punta Cana, DR. So you guys will not hear from me from 8/7 to 8/14. I should be back on line by the 15th!

    Here is my WRAP UP from last week:
    CBG: failed
    EG: failed

    CBG: 1800 (at least)
    EG: Drink my water and no red meat

    I'm here for you all! You're all doing great. Positive thoughts and positive actions this week. ;=)
  • IamJustSanie
    IamJustSanie Posts: 93 Member
    I am down 3.9 pounds! I am soo proud of myself, and proud of all of you

    WOO HOO!!! Great job... I love love love the new profile pic!!
  • elambabe
    elambabe Posts: 28
    Good morning #13's!!

    My goal this week is to go swimming at least 3 times and go to the gym twice. I also will be working on getting my full water amount every day.

    Congrats to everyone on your successes. I wish I could comment more right now, but I am busy with finals this week. Good luck everyone!

  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi sorry for being late again. I had a pretty good week lost 2 pounds - 1 more till 60 :happy: I beat my cals burnt target this week but next few weeks are going to be tough, as my kids are home now and my zumba class has finished 4 few weeks, still hoping to get out walking with my kids and i'll eat as healthy as i can.
    Target 4 this week 1200 cals burnt
    And spend more time with my kids.