JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 15



  • circusmamasarah
    circusmamasarah Posts: 50 Member
    ]Hey there. Missed a few rounds because life, but I'm back.

    Current weight: 135 + or -
    Short term goal: 125
    Long term goal: 115

    8/31 137.0
    9/1 136.2
    9/2 135.4
    9/3 136.4
    9/4 136.8

  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    @junodog1 That rib roast sounds delicious but does it stay hot enough?
  • missm2
    missm2 Posts: 608 Member
    My scale has stopped working :'(
    I'm hoping to get a new one so I can join in the next round. Good luck to you all
  • RenaPink11
    RenaPink11 Posts: 343 Member
    RenaPink11 wrote: »
    RenaPink11 wrote: »
    My first time joining this, however, I usually weigh myself daily. Goal weight 204

    8/31 206.2 -
    9/01 206.6 - expected this, I didn't walk much.
    9/02 205.8 - happy with this, but I know my body will bounce up and down a pound for a few days before it lets the lesser pound stay lol
    9/03 204.8 - Surprised!
    9/04 206.0 - Not surprised LOL. I'm swollen like a puffer fish! Need to up my water intake and watch my sodium.

  • jbwark
    jbwark Posts: 46 Member
    Round starting weight: 188.0
    Round goal weight: 187.0
    Round non-scale goals:
    1) Log EVERYTHING I eat and drink (even if it’s cringe-worthy)
    2) Make a meal plan for each week
    3) Work out at least 3x

    8/31- 188.0 Logged everything yesterday, but really have to work on getting my sweet tooth under control.

    9/01- 187.8 Met daily goal to log everything yesterday but went over my calorie goal again. At least I got some extra walking in yesterday!

    9/02- 187.6 I was surprised by today’s reading since I went way over my calorie goal yesterday- apparently it takes more than 24 hours to show up on the scale. But I met my daily goal by logging every bit of it instead of giving in my usual habit of avoidance. Tonight will be another challenge since I’m going to a party. I decided to drive myself so I won’t have more than a couple drinks.

    9/03- 187.8 My cheating is definitely catching up with me. I didn’t do a great job of keeping the snacking in check last night.

    9/04- 188.2 A Panera cobblestone did me in last night. But I’m committed to getting back on track!

  • rsamuelsgold
    rsamuelsgold Posts: 391 Member

    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 15

    « 1 14 16 »

    Search discussion
    GokarengogoGokarengogo Member
    September 3, 2017 9:45PM
    SW 1/1/17 160
    Round 14 SW: 156.1
    Round 15 SW: 152.0
    GW for R15 – 150.0
    Final GW – 135

    8/31 – 152.0
    9/01 - 151.8
    Quote Insightful Inspiring 1Like 3Awesome Woo
    wannabesmaller2017wannabesmaller2017 Member
    September 3, 2017 10:13PM
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5
    Round 10 SW: 181.5
    Round 11 SW: 181.0
    Round 12 SW: 179.0
    Round 13 SW: 178.0
    Round 14 SW: 178.5
    Round 15 SW: 178.5

    Goal for this round: 177.0
    Ultimate goal: 128

    I've only lost .5 in the last month. Need to get serious and determined!!

    8/31 179.0 (almost forgot to post)
    9/01 177.0
    9/02 177.5
    9/03 178.5 Expected to gain a little. Went to a church cookout last night and ate lots of yummy food.
    Quote 3Insightful Inspiring 3Like Awesome Woo
    SheilaBonehamSheilaBoneham Member
    September 3, 2017 10:39PM
    Ultimate goal - 135 & more muscle
    Weight 2/21/15 - 218.2
    Goal for #15 (my first round) - 150
    Goal for 2018 - 135

    8/31 - 151.8
    9/1 - 151 Got my walk and stretching in.
    9/2 - 150.8
    Forest fires in the mountains have laid a thick blanket of smoke over us, and the temp is going to the high 90s-100 today through Tues., so I won't be walking outdoors. Stretching & weights, and maybe some jumping jacks.
    9/3 - 150.8
    Went out to eat yesterday, so I'm not surprised - just happy I didn't gain water weight. The smoke is terrible today, so no outdoor acidity, and I don't plan to do anything other than stretching indoors - we don't have ac and can smell smoke even with the windows closed.
    9/4 -
    9/5 -
    9/6 -
    9/7 -
    9/8 -
    9/9 -

    Quote 2Insightful Inspiring 3Like Awesome Woo
    SheilaBonehamSheilaBoneham Member
    September 3, 2017 10:40PM
    Ha! Autocorrect strikes again! That's "outdoor activity," not "acidity"! Although with the smoke....
    Quote Insightful Inspiring 4Like 1Awesome Woo
    cpanuscpanus Member
    September 3, 2017 10:52PM
    I'm in.

    08/29 - 148.6
    08/30 - 148.8

    Sept GW - 145.0


    08/31 - 147.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    09/01 - 146.0 at 7:00 a.m.
    09/02 - 146.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    09/03 - 145.8 at 5:00 a.m.

    Quote Insightful Inspiring 1Like 4Awesome Woo
    40lbslighter40lbslighter Member
    September 4, 2017 12:06AM
    Yay! Ready for my third round with this glorious group!

    Round 15:
    SW: 165.6
    GW: 164.2

    Round 13: SW 167.6, EW 166.4 (-1.2 lb), LW 165.4, HW 168.4, AVG 167.4

    Round 14: SW 166.4, EW 165.6 (-0.8 lb),
    LW 165.6, HW 167.2, AVG 166.2

    8/31: 165.8 Normal fluctuation. Did not want to weigh today - late night snack attack. Somehow thought a dinner of carrots and hummus would be enough. Wrong! Lesson learned. :)

    9/01: 165.2 New 2-year low! :) Will not overdo it this holiday weekend!

    9/02: 164.6 Nice! 10-day average is now under 166. Yay!

    9/03: 164.4 Note to self: This is NOT a free pass to overindulge at tomorrow's BBQ. <3 Me.


    Move more, friends! :)
    Quote 2Insightful Inspiring 1Like 3Awesome 1Woo
    PepsabPepsab Member
    September 4, 2017 12:17AM
    Start Weight - 106.5kg / 233lbs
    Current Weight - 103.2kg /227.5lbs
    Goal Weight - 80kg /175lbs

    I would love to lose 2kg (4lb) or close to it.


    8/31 - 227.5

    9/01 - 226.6 im actually really happy with this. 2 days super clean eating and no exercise those days either.

    9/02 - 227.0 hmmm so this is either from my breakfast i went overboard on for fathers day or the fact my monthly has arrived. I havent been tracking long enough yet to know if this makes a difference on the scales but we will see.

    Quote 3Insightful Inspiring 2Like Awesome Woo
    bobbylou23bobbylou23 Member
    September 4, 2017 12:28AM
    Round 1 for me. Goal -3lb
    Ultimate goal weight 140lb

    8/31: 178lb -dds bday celebrations
    9/01: 178lb -family meal. 1 hour walk
    9/02: 178lb -gym & 20min home-workout
    9/03: 177.0lb - paperwork today so not much moving
    Quote 1Insightful Inspiring 1Like 2Awesome Woo
    krea4krea4 Member
    September 4, 2017 12:52AM
    R14 average - 141.4
    R15 goal - Knee surgery on the 4th. Try not to go above 142.

    8/31 - 139.6 - :) I haven't been below 140 for months. Great if it's a whoosh but most likely a bit of dehydration as I didn't drink much water yesterday. Time will tell....
    9/01- 139.8 :)
    9/02 - 140.2
    9/03 - 140.4
    Quote Insightful Inspiring 5Like Awesome Woo
    AmasMommaAmasMomma Member
    September 4, 2017 1:12AM
    R8 SW 354.2
    R9 SW 353.8
    R10 SW 358.0
    R11 SW 354.4
    R12 SW 354.0
    R13 SW 346.0
    R14 SW 351.8
    R15 SW 345.4

    8/30 348.0

    8/31 345.4
    9/01 346.4 Late night snacking and too much sodium.
    9/02 345.8
    9/03 346.4 I went out to eat with family for dinner and tried to eat everything.
    Quote 3Insightful Inspiring 5Like Awesome Woo
    dlhollin1dlhollin1 Member
    September 4, 2017 1:19AM
    Here we go time to do it to it.
    RD14 start 252.6 End 252.8

    8/31 253.6 I have been yoyoing between a couple of pounds lately time to make some progress. Having a long holiday weekend during this 10 days will be a big challenge.
    9/01 253.9 I have this two pound back an forth thing going on. Holiday weekend is looming large gotta focus.
    9/02 254.9
    9/03 254.9
    Quote 1Insightful Inspiring 7Like Awesome Woo
    Elbee1Elbee1 Member
    September 4, 2017 1:23AM
    8/31 157.6
    9/01 159.6 Bad and salty day, yesterday. After I weighed, I tossed some things from my kitchen
    9/02 158.4
    9/03 158.4
    Quote Insightful 1Inspiring 7Like Awesome Woo
    HeidiCooksSupperHeidiCooksSupper Member
    September 4, 2017 2:15AM
    jaltz_99 wrote: »
    Downfall is the actual hunger I've been feeling. Not cravings, actual hunger pangs and growling. It is very difficult to ignore. We ate dinner early yesterday 4PM, because I was hangry! It was BBQ ribs and veggies. It satiated me for about 2 hrs but then I was getting the hunger pangs again. I ended up going to a new local restaurant and ordered a small molten lava cake (of course they had no idea of the nutritional value except that was gluten-free. So I just did some searches and went with what looked like middle of the road for kcal. Then I went home and had some gluten-free, organic corn chips with salsa. I ate very healthy first 3/4 of th day though.

    Are you trying to maintain too big a deficit? Maybe you need to change what you eat for sating your hunger.

    Quote 2Insightful 1Inspiring Like 1Awesome Woo
    okohjacindaokohjacinda Member
    September 4, 2017 2:16AM
    SW: 274.4
    CW: 240.4
    R14: 238.8
    GR15: 236

    8/31: 238.8
    9/01: 240.4 (Was my bff's bday and went a bit crazy with the birthday cake and ice cream on the 30th and 31st...September will be about incorporating more veggies and fruits and less refined sugars)
    9/02: 238 (ok so my bffs bday weekend continued with going to a buffet last night which I didn't want to decline because it was her bday weekend so I just tried my hardest to go with healthier choices which I guess paid off. If you get the salad first it really fills you.)
    9/03: 236.4
    Quote Insightful Inspiring 1Like 6Awesome Woo
    HeidiCooksSupperHeidiCooksSupper Member
    September 4, 2017 2:17AM
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    @junodog1 @HeidiCooksSupper @frida001 guys you made me cry, I agonize over all you guys statistics and it's worse when they are mine. This gain is entirely expected because the doctor took me off my diuretic. I'm just having a hard time dealing with it, I'll feel better when I start losing again. It's sort of like finding out your scale has been weighing 5 pounds light and you have to re-lose the weigh. My fat content hasn't changed, just my water baseline.

    If you were here in the same room, I'd give you a BBBBIIIIGGGG HUG!!!!
    Quote Insightful Inspiring 1Like 4Awesome Woo
    jaltz_99jaltz_99 Member
    September 4, 2017 3:31AM edited September 4
    HeidiCooksSupper wrote: »
    » show previous quotes

    Are you trying to maintain too big a deficit? Maybe you need to change what you eat for sating your hunger.

    I don't know. Today will be the first day I am not going over my allowed calorie intake which I have actually set for 1500 something. I originally was trying to do 1200. I worked out actually for a couple of hours today 40 minutes walking on the treadmill then 20 minutes running on the treadmill then some weight training. I am just about to eat dinner here about 8:30 PM. I know it's late but we just got home from church. I would be way below my allowed calorie count if I did not eat my dinner right now. And I do work nights (3 12-hr shifts), so it's not unusual for me to eat at night.

    I have my log open if you want to look at it...
    Quote 3Insightful Inspiring 1Like Awesome Woo
    Arkie_AliArkie_Ali Member
    September 4, 2017 4:48AM
    I lost motivation last round and got discouraged with not much changing. Wiping the slate clean and starting again with this challenge (although I'm a day late!)

    Start weight for Round 15: 155.2
    Goal Weight for Round 15: 154
    Ultimate goal weight: Somewhere around 125

    8/31: Didn't weigh in (started this challenge a day late)
    9/1: 155.2
    9/2: 153.2 This was a whoosh after TOM. Lets hope it stays
    9/3: 154.2 Not bad. Ate a little over today, but I really enjoyed my day at the lake.
    Quote Insightful Inspiring 9Like Awesome Woo
    tdrjustus3tdrjustus3 Member
    September 4, 2017 5:45AM edited September 4
    8/31--- 281.8
    9/01--- 281.8
    9/02--- 280.8
    9/03--- 282.0 Ugh not enough movement today. No water either. Back on track tomorrow.
    Quote 3Insightful Inspiring 3Like Awesome Woo
    Slimpossible007Slimpossible007 Member
    September 4, 2017 7:43AM
    nikki062181 wrote: »
    Are you able to take naproxen?

    I don't think that can be bought over the counter in the UK ... the heat packs I am using and hot baths are giving me relief thou. SO I am managing to get some sleep now. If it persists I will see what the doc prescribes!
    Quote 1Insightful Inspiring 2Like Awesome Woo
    Slimpossible007Slimpossible007 Member
    September 4, 2017 7:45AM
    cyranda63 wrote: »
    @junodog1 @HeidiCooksSupper @frida001 guys you made me cry, I agonize over all you guys statistics and it's worse when they are mine. This gain is entirely expected because the doctor took me off my diuretic. I'm just having a hard time dealing with it, I'll feel better when I start losing again. It's sort of like finding out your scale has been weighing 5 pounds light and you have to re-lose the weigh. My fat content hasn't changed, just my water baseline.

    very well said!!! those lbs are on the way out, keep up the good work

    Quote Insightful 2Inspiring 2Like 1Awesome Woo
    Slimpossible007Slimpossible007 Member
    September 4, 2017 7:50AM
    I know those two 195 weights were flukes but I am chasing them anyway!!

    SW, 212 (highest recorded weight) I've no idea what my highest weight was!
    R09, SW 203.4 - mean weight - 201.4
    R10, SW 200.4 - mean weight - 201.1
    R11, SW 200.6 - mean weight - 200.2
    R12, SW 199.4 - mean weight - 197.7
    R13, SW 195.4 - mean weight - 198.4
    R14, SW 195.0 - mean weight - 197.2
    R15, SW 197.2 -

    goal for R13 R14 R15 to get under and make being under 196lbs permanent

    so it seems that getting under 196 (14 stone) is proving just as difficult at getting out of the 200's was!!

    3rd round lucky!!!

    UGW 140

    30/8 - 197.2 - pulled a muscle or strained something anyway (really not sure how or what I have done but its painful and I am struggling to even walk or get a decent nights sleep, drank my water and stayed under my calories, due to being un-able to exercise I think the calories are even more important

    31/8 - 198.8 - back in pain all day so I kept the calories low, its really all I can do at the moment!
    01/9 - 197 - back in a lot of pain
    02/9 - 198.4 - 6000 steps (pushing myself to see if it will help my back)
    03/9 - 198.4 - OK so that didn't help!! now the pain has spread into my legs also -- rest it has to be!!
    04/9 - 198.6 - I've decided to drop my calories for the next week, 1300 sounds fair, I am basically sedentary at the moment.
    05/9 -
    06/9 -
    07/9 -
    08/9 -
    09/9 -

    Quote 4Insightful 1Inspiring 4Like Awesome Woo
    rsamuelsgoldrsamuelsgold Member
    September 4, 2017 8:08AM
    SW = 213.8
    Highest: 215.4
    GW R15 = 209.5
    GW 2017 =175
    END R13 = 212.9
    END R14 = 211.2

    31/8 // 212.5 // Focusing on controlling those snacks at night. So far I've stuck to my meal plan 2/3 days this week. It's great until I get home. Burnt stir fry this morning so I'll have to buy lunch today. AND it's food market day. Will see how it goes. I actually dropped 1.7 lbs between Round 3 and Round 14. Maybe I'll set -1.7 as my goal for this round... slow and steady. WAVES to all who check in today.

    1/9 // 213.2 // FRIDAY - Day one of my sugar detox. Was late for work and missed the usual breakfast so I bought jerky to snack on. Which is cool because usually I'd opt for chips.

    2/9 //NWI
    3/9 //NWI

    4/9 // 212.5 // MONDAY - I was disappointed when I saw the number on the scale but looking at the last weigh in I dropped a little since Friday. :smile: :smiley: great way to start the week. Sticking to it. :sweat_smile::sunglasses:

    5/9 // 212.1 // TUESDAY - hoping to maintain this trend.

    6/9 //
    7/9 //
    8/9 //
    9/9 //
    10/9 //