Swat Walking group - July



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,354 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Teresa- we'll miss you but good luck taking off the last pounds you want to lose. Hope you come back to chat sometime!:drinker:

    Sandy-Did you start your new job yet? Can't wait to hear how you like it.

    Kathy-glad you are feeling better now. People in MN are getting summer colds. Maybe for us it's the extreme weather shifts. Maybe you haven't been able to get warm?

    Rode my bike tonight for 48 minutes and was able to burn a fair amount of calories. My knees have been sore again when climbing stairs and walking so I thought a change in exercise was due for this eve.

    Ate too many starchy and high calorie foods today so needed to ride the bike to burn some off:ohwell:

    Have a good evening!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Did my usual tonite. I'd like to try and start learning the other workout on the dvd this weekend. Then I can mix it up a little bit.

    Jenny, I don't start my new job till Aug 15th. They were nice enough to allow me to give a 3 week notice which I felt obligated to do as a favor to my supervisor, (I've worked for her at my last 3 jobs) not the company. I'm really sad about leaving some of the folks but looking forward to learning new things.

    Finding a new job was one of my New Years resolutions. One down and one to go!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,354 Member
    Sandy-must feel good to be accomplishing your list! Hope you love your new job.

    Took a day off from exercise yesterday, I'm already over my goal for July. I have exercised 4 days so far this week and will do so this evening. Very hot and humid and the heat will be here for a few more weeks. Draining my energy...

    I need to get to work but just want to go back to bed for awhile. Once I get moving and thinking I'll be fine!

    Have a nice day everyone,
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good Morning!

    We've had such nice weather that I've been outside a lot. So nice to see some sunshine! Got some extra outside exercise in the yard and walking yesterday.

    I plan on another outdoor walk later today, too, as it's supposed to be nice again.

    I have tomorrow off and haven't yet decided what I will do. I'm thinking I may go into Olympia and walk around and look at the shops.
  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    Hey everyone. Just got in a couple miles outside. It is so hot and humid here today after a couple days of rain. No breeze what so ever.

    Sandy its hard leaving friends you have worked with for years. I had lots of tears and gave lots of hugs when I left Michaels after 10 years. But you know when its time for a change. Im sure you will love your new job.

    I think Im close to my goal not sure it I will make it. I think I missed entering in a couple walks. Oh well. Just so Im up and moving.

    Exciting news last night. My daughter got engaged! Im excited, sad, happy, and just starting to freak out alittle. Never had to get involved with wedding plans before and made the mistake of looking it up online this morning! Thank goodness they just want it small and simple.

    Well time for supper.
    Have a good night!
  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh yea! Just so ya know. SAUNA is NOT in the exercise database...lol
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,354 Member
    Congratulations Marie on your daughter's engagement! Kathy-glad you have nice weather now and can enjoy the outdoors.

    Very hot here in Mpls area and no reprieve to be seen for awhile. I've been going to the gym for my workouts to get variety instead of Leslie on the TV. Too hot to walk outside unless I got up at 5:00 which NOT!!!

    Worked upper body today and pushed my heart rate up on the elliptical. Feel good!

    Now we are making make your own pita pizzas with veggies, pepperoni, cheese, etc.

    Hope you are all well!

  • MarieS135
    MarieS135 Posts: 22 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Now these are some good ways to burn calories! Love it!!! Minus the rock climbing..lol.

    8 Gym-Free Ways to Burn 100 Calories
    By Lucy Danziger and the staff at SELF

    Happier, Healthier You
    by Lucy Danziger and the staff at SELF

    More Articles »Some days you’re just not up to a heart-thumping Spin class. Or maybe working out just isn’t your idea of a good time. Well, here’s some great news: You can melt away fat while having fun and without stepping foot in the gym. Try these eight no-sweat tricks for burning 100 calories while doing stuff you love (think gardening, hosting a party and playing with your pooch). Slimming has never been so enjoyable—or so simple!

    Can you dig it?
    Sow pumpkin seeds in July and you’ll reap jack-o’-lanterns by Halloween. Spend 21 minutes tilling soil and planting in your backyard to meet your triple-digit goal. Think of growing as a way of shrinking!

    Have a doggone good time
    Leash your canine companion and head to the dog park at a relaxed pace to burn 30 calories in 10 minutes. At the park, use the leash to jump rope for four minutes to zap 40 calories. (If your leash is too short, use a jump rope as a leash.) Stroll back home to erase another 30 calories.

    Create a night to remember
    Check event listings for an outdoor screening of an oldie but goody movie. Prepare and pack a picnic (20 calories in 10 minutes), lug it from the car to the grass (18 calories in 5 minutes), and toss a Frisbee for 20 minutes as you wait for the opening credits (64 calories). Then kick back, relax, and enjoy the show. Those 100 calories? Hasta la vista, baby.

    Kick it old-school
    Time to relive those carefree childhood summers. Bring a kite to the park or beach, wait for a big gust of wind, and then fly high! You’ll blow away 100 calories in 12 minutes. Or pull on a pair of roller skates and take off (with a helmet, naturally), doing your best figure eights and spins whenever possible (100 nixed in 14 minutes).

    Go coupon-crazy
    Surf Groupon.com to find great deals on adventures near you. Redeem a coupon for rock climbing, one of the site’s frequently discounted activities, and you’ll burn 100 calories in 9 minutes while scaling a wall. Or nab an amusement park day pass, another site favorite, and you’ll lose 100 in 31 minutes as you meander from ride to ride.

    Suit up
    Have a diving contest! Spend 30 minutes competing off the diving board at your local pool—cannonballs count (95 calories). Cap it off with 5 minutes in the whirlpool (5 calories). Everyone wins!

    Lean and limber
    Stretching feels good, protects you from injury and torches 2.7 calories a minute, more than twice as many as sitting. Spend 6 minutes daily working on your flexibility to zap more than 100 calories in a week.

    Host a dinner party
    Turn off Top Chef and become one yourself. Between chopping and table setting, you’ll burn 100 calories in 38 minutes.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning! I went to Olympia yesterday and played tourist. Toured the Capitol Building (LOADS of steps!) and then went to the Farmer's Market. Lots of walking around the downtown area, too! It was a beautiful day and I had fun!

    Before I left I walked 2 miles with Leslie and cleaned the stove. Today I plan on another 2 miles and we are cleaning gutters and doing other outside work as well as spot-cleaning the carpets, etc. inside. (I'm also thinking about my August goals.)

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Jenny, way to go on reaching your goal.

    Marie, I"m close too but not going to make the full 12 hours. I have to go to work for a few hours tomorrow so I got my workout in today. Congratulations on your daughter's exciting news. I'm sure the wedding will be beautiful. I honestly think the simpler weddings are much more elegant and rememberable. And I love all the non-exercise ideas you found.

    Kathy, I"m thinking about my August goals too. I'm going to try for the 12 hours again but hopefully this time I'll make it. I got a new DVD at wal-mart today. It's one of the Jillian Michaels workouts called Shred it with weights. It uses a kettlebell and is about 30 minutes long. I"m hoping I'll like it enough to do on some of my non-cardio days. Maybe I'll get a look at it tomorrow.

    I did my Jenny Ford today and I checked out the beginning of the Spicy step workout. It's got more confusing steps but I'll just have to keep plugging away at it a little at a time. I kept going with the first workout and I finally manage it pretty well. I'm still using the lowest step so I can still move it up a notch when I feel ready.

    My August may be hit or miss but I"m going to give it a try. I'm not sure how the longer work drive will affect my schedule yet and I also have a vacation coming up. But I plan to get in lots of beach walking while I"m on vacation so maybe it will work out okay.

    Who's all in for August? We've gone too long to stop now! :happy:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,354 Member
    Sandy-I'm in for August and need to decide what my goal will be. I think I will still go by minutes in a month. Then I can count all my exercise without having to differentiate.

    I walked an art fair yesterday and then walked downtown after dinner at a nice Japanese restaurant. Russ and I celebrated our 18th anniversary and spent the day together exploring Mpls., at the art fair and a nice splurge at one of our favorite restaurants that we only go to on special occasions.

    Today is very hot again. Not sure if I'll go to the gym or not. Feeling very lazy! Maybe a movie?

    More later,
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    You are all great and you keep me going! Thanks for sharing all your ups and downs and listening when I need you! :flowerforyou:

    Here's the link to the August thread! I hope to see you all there.

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    I can't believe it's the end of July already. Where does the time go? I'm happy to report that I did get back on track and made my goal of 60 miles (albeit using the 5 mile tapes several times to make up for non walking days, but still). Unfortunately, I've been stuck on my weight for the past month, haven't gained, but I haven't lost either (and I have just four tenths to hit 100; of all the times to plateau!). I certainly didn't help myself by eating at Wildflower Bread Company yesterday; although I had a salad with no dressing, I also had a slice of the Vienna bread, a bunch of samples of their Red, White, and Blue bread of the month, and then a raspberry croissant. Egads! That's certainly not going to help me lose for this week.

    Hope to see everyone in August.

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