Healthy Sleep Challenge - Who is with me?



  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    I really want to get a sleep tracker, but which one is best?
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    @corinasue1143 that's awesome!!!
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Turned everything off ar 11:30 but white noise. Slept 9 hours last night. 9 HOURS!!!!!!

    9 hours!! That's absolutely brilliant. Keep it up. Try to do the same tonight.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    I really want to get a sleep tracker, but which one is best?

    I use the sleep tracker on my Fitbit Alta HR and absolutely love it. Breaks down the time you are awake, light sleep, R.E.M. sleep and deep sleep. Plus can use the Fitbit in conjunction with MFP - exercise, calories, water etc. There are loads on the market you just need to compare them for your needs and how much you want to spend.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,974 Member
    Thank you for the welcome @serser28 :).

    I have a Fitbit Surge which records sleep; however, I forgot to put it on last night. I was charging it, lol. Anyway I know I managed at least 6.5 hrs., which I'll take!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Well it's back to work for me after a 10 day vacation, I wasn't sure how well I would sleep but I did alright, I have a pretty decent job which doesn't cause stress or anxiety so I'm not dreading going back to work. I was like a little kid last night though, I didn't want to go to bed and it was after 10pm when I did. I did have 2 adult beverages in the evening after dinner and although I slept fine I think that affected my deep sleep:

  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,464 Member
    Well, back to normal. 4:48 last night. Turned everything off about 11:35, turned tv back on about. 1 am, off a few minutes later, tossed and turned til about 2. Woke at 6:48, naturally, happy, good sleep while it lasted.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,974 Member
    Fitbit said 8 hrs. 8 mins. with 26 mins. awake/restless.

    @Dresdnsinn: I like that you can track deep and light sleep.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @DresdenSinn - you made me smile when I read you felt like a little kid not wanting to go to bed. I know exactly what you mean. You didn't do too badly with your sleep. 6:30hrs is good going. I noticed that you didnt wake up often during that time so that's a plus. Are you going to aim for 7 hours?

    @corinasue1143 - oh dear to the 4.48 hours - that's nearly half of the hours you had the night before. Hope you managed to get a bit more hours tonight.

    I didn't do too well - only 5 hrs and 13 mins for me. I really would like to get minimum 6 hours but 7 or 8 would be bliss.
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @Bluetail6 - 8 hrs 8mins is great. Any tips on sleeping for longer? Do you sleep right through or wake up in between?

    Which Fitbit have you got? My one also tracks deep and light sleep. Maybe yours will too.
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,974 Member
    edited September 2017
    @serser28: For me it is all a matter of how exhausted I am before I go to sleep. I think I didn't fall asleep till after 2 am last night. Several nights ago, before I joined the challenge, I only slept for 3 hrs. Ugh. I've been trying to drink a huge mug of chamomile tea about an hour before bed. I do have a bad habit of watching something on the computer till I get sleepy.

    I've had insomnia for a long time. I find the best thing for me is not to stress about falling asleep. My husband and the dog can fall asleep in less than 5 mins. No kidding. The cat and I are night owls.... In fact, she is next to me looking at the laptop!

    I have a Fitbit Surge. I'm considering getting the Ionic, but it isn't out yet.

    I do wake up in between, but try to relax as much as possible, otherwise I will wake up fully.

    My friends who have no trouble sleeping just don't get it. My husband, thankfully, is completely sympathetic. I do have some time-released melatonin. I think I'll take one of those tonight, as I have a ton going on tomorrow.

    Do you have any tried and true methods for sleeping longer? Which Fitbit do you have?

  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    Pretty solid sleep last night, good balance of light and deep with no wake events. My goal is 6hrs so anything over that is a bonus. I also had an hour nap yesterday and I would like to mention I get up without an alarm :smile:


  • Priyarose
    Priyarose Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in! My goal is to go to bed at and get up at the same time every day
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @Priyarose - welcome. Have you decided what time that will be?
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    Pretty solid sleep last night, good balance of light and deep with no wake events. My goal is 6hrs so anything over that is a bonus. I also had an hour nap yesterday and I would like to mention I get up without an alarm :smile:


    Your doing rather well with your sleep schedule at the moment. Great that your deep and light sleep is balanced and you are not waking up. I am aiming for that so will take inspiration from you.

  • Mildredose
    Mildredose Posts: 49 Member
    I am definitely in!!!!
  • DresdenSinn
    DresdenSinn Posts: 665 Member
    So since I didn't get a nap yesterday I decided to turn in a little early last night and this is what happened which surprised me:


    I think it's worth mentioning I exercise just about everyday (weight lifting and cardio) from 3:30pm to 4:30pm and that I have dinner at 6pm and do not eat again until 6am.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    this is definitely an area of my life I need to work on. According to my fitbit I average 6hrs 14 minutes of sleep, but during the week I'm lucky if I achieve 5 hours.

    I recently bought a new mattress topper, and since then I have not noticed waking up in the night (although my tracker tells me differently). I certainly haven't got up to go to the toilet. So that's a result.

    I struggle with sleep on various levels - struggling to get to sleep, restless sleep and waking in the night. I also have mild sleep apnea which causes me to wake gasping.

    I DO find that if I exercise daily, this really helps. It gives me some physical exhaustion to help get me to sleep. I also try and keep a regular waking schedule - around 6am to get up and run and 8am at weekends (a girl needs a lie-in).

    I'm keen to up my sleep to 7 hours nightly so need to be disciplined in actually getting into bed and winding down - no point getting into bed at 10pm if I then spend the next hour looking at my phone
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @Mildredose - welcome!
  • serser28
    serser28 Posts: 161 Member
    @DresdenSinn - 8 hrs 27 mins is fantastic. What I am most impressed with is that you were able to have more deep sleep than light sleep. I think the way forward is for you not to nap as you will be getting better quality sleep. I have taken note about the exercising every day for an hour and the not eating after 6pm. I will endeavour to incorporate something similar around my night work. Did notice that the day I got a good sleep was after I had exercised hard. May have to do that everyday.