

  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I eat pretty much everything in moderation, with one exception. I don't eat white rice. I'm a T1 diabetic and it's the hardest thing on Blood Sugar. It's been years, and I don't miss it. I do eat pasta, generally a whole grain variety, and bread, again whole grain/LC. But to be honest, I just have to have one PB&J on Wonder once a month!

    Have you tried the Dreamfield's pasta? It doesn't work for everyone, but it works for a lot of folks. I can have a serving-and-a-half (that's a big plate) with arrabiata or regular marinara, a couple of teaspoons of parmesan-romano, and an Italian sausage and my blood sugar is below 130 at 2 hours post. It was a life-saver for me--I do love my pasta now and then!

  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    You should avoid caps lock. It goes straight to the hips.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    You should avoid caps lock. It goes straight to the hips.

    AND THIGHS!!!11!!one
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    not even a little bit of space dust??
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    not even a little bit of space dust??

    Well, only if it's consumed in space. It has to be as organic as possible in order for it to be considered palatable by non-human standards. Having it enter the atmosphere will change its chemical structure by way of heat and probable dispersion into the ozone layer.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    We don't eat white rice on its own (or at least I don't). If you add in some meat or fish with vegetables, these lower the GI of white rice so there is less of an insulin spike after eating it. I eat basmati rice - it has a lower GI and tastes better than the "nutty" brown rice.

    Don't thnk of foods as good or bad- there is only good or bad "diets"

    I was just thinking along those lines...carbs don't cause that spike when they are combined with protein. Basmati rice is delish~
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    You can eat everything in moderation. That's the best thing about a lifestyle change. :)


    I try not to mark any food as off limits. Doing so makes me want it even more, which will lead to binging. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself to certain foods in moderation. It keeps me sane and makes my weight loss journey more livable.

    ETA: Actually, I don't eat meat, so there are certain foods that are "off limits" to me, but for ethical reasons, not necessarily because I think they are "bad."
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Foods to never eat?

    Uncooked bones from human sacrifices to the vegetable gods.
    Alien unicorn horns.
    Space dust.
    Easter eggs from 1989...and ONLY 1989.
    Bigfoot fur.

    ROTFLMAO!!! I love this

    But on a more serious note... Moderation is definitely the key! If I listened to everything people say not to eat I would be growing organic veggies in my back yard and that would be the only thing I could eat! But sorry I love bread especially WHITE bread (yes I said it) and WHITE rice... sorry I can't stand the alternatives and won't eat them unless its a dire emergency but i did make banana bread this morning and used some wheat flour but I'll only do that in moderation too! ;)
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    Foods to never eat?

    Uncooked bones from human sacrifices to the vegetable gods.
    Alien unicorn horns.
    Space dust.
    Easter eggs from 1989...and ONLY 1989.
    Bigfoot fur.

    ROTFLMAO!!! I love this

    But on a more serious note... Moderation is definitely the key! If I listened to everything people say not to eat I would be growing organic veggies in my back yard and that would be the only thing I could eat! But sorry I love bread especially WHITE bread (yes I said it) and WHITE rice... sorry I can't stand the alternatives and won't eat them unless its a dire emergency but i did make banana bread this morning and used some wheat flour but I'll only do that in moderation too! ;)

    I can't quit white rice either! I've tried to force myself to eat brown rice MANY times, but I just...can' it.
  • jemko
    jemko Posts: 91 Member
    Foods to never eat?

    Uncooked bones from human sacrifices to the vegetable gods.
    Alien unicorn horns.
    Space dust.
    Easter eggs from 1989...and ONLY 1989.
    Bigfoot fur.

    HA!! Best answer ever.

    Seriously though, I don't think there are FOODS you should never eat, but I definitely think there are some additives that it'd be best to avoid (hydrogenated oils, HFCS, chemical preservatives, etc.) and there some some foods that are better than others when it comes to blood sugar and things (i.e. choose whole grains rather than over processed grains like white bread, brown rice rather than white).

    The minute you 'ban' a food is the minute it becomes the most appealing, craving inducing food in the world. :wink:
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    You can eat everything in moderation. That's the best thing about a lifestyle change. :)
    I totally agree and am bothered when people completely disallow a type of food in their diet. I think a little of anything is fine, as long as you have the self control. Some people cannot eat just one cookie or two pieces of pizza. Those people probably should stay away from their food weaknesses.
  • veggiepug
    veggiepug Posts: 82
    I also think that if you have trouble with a certain food, then just don't keep it in the house. You can still treat yourself when out to eat (every once in a while). I can't keep ice cream in the house because I can't stop eating it. Does that mean I can't ever have ice cream again? Heck no! But I CAN still have an ice cream treat every once in a while when I'm out and about :)
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    what are the foods u should never eat for health, weightloss/maintence and a healthy metabolism?? Like white rice causing insulin spikes/fat storage etc? What other foods have this effect??

    rice, bread, pasta. I'm glad it's forever out of my diet. although, I did cave in and have a pb sandwich last night but the bread was low carb and full of grains, the scale was still up this morning. It's been months since I had one, so it was okay, I guess. I do avoid them on a daily basis though for the most part.

    RICE BREAD AND PASTA ARE NOT BAD FOR YOU I EAT BREAD EVERY DAY AND RICE OFTEN. I dont eat pasta much because its so high cal. just eat the wholemeal varieties
    Took the words right out of my mouth, except for the not eating pasta part. I have whole grain pasta about once a week. I eat one serving(180cals) and it is full of fiber and protein. I don't get how that is bad for you. I eat brown rice once a week or so, and have wheat bread everyday for lunch. I have lost weight, and am now maintaining, on a diet filled with whole grain bread, rice, and pasta.
  • Amysgetnfit
    Amysgetnfit Posts: 231
    I believe in moderation as well. But I also think that everyone is different, some people can eat the pasta & its no big deal, others need to avoid sugar more tha carbs, others need to watch fat & salt consumption. I think you need to experiment with different foods till you figure out what YOU need to really watch & avoid. and see what foods energize you the next day & what foods leave you feeling sluggish. Like I like red meat, I dont care what people say about it I like it. I eat it in moderation however (1 or 2x a month) because it makes me feel bloated & sluggish the next day. & my body doesnt process it well. I also have to watch the sweets... Im a junk food addict, 1 oreo cookie turns into 20 & god help anyone who trys to pry the bag from me! So I hardly EVER buy them, Im just setting myself up for a bout of depression after consuming the bag, & dealing with the guilt & tears later.
    Good luck on your journey, wishing you much success :flowerforyou:
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    what are the foods u should never eat for health, weightloss/maintence and a healthy metabolism?? Like white rice causing insulin spikes/fat storage etc? What other foods have this effect??

    rice, bread, pasta. I'm glad it's forever out of my diet. although, I did cave in and have a pb sandwich last night but the bread was low carb and full of grains, the scale was still up this morning. It's been months since I had one, so it was okay, I guess. I do avoid them on a daily basis though for the most part.

    Wait wait wait. I don't know how I missed this. The bread was full of grains? Every bread is full of grains. That's what bread is.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I pretty much disagree with everyone who actually gave you a list of foods not to eat. :flowerforyou:

    And I agree with everyone who tells you moderation is key, and don't cut anything out. Unless you have this affinity for deep fried fat back or something. :laugh:

    Seriously, to lose weight, all you need to do is reduce calorie intake. The other things in food (carbs, protein, fat, minerals, etc, blah, blah, etc) need to be monitored for other health reasons or to obtain other goals like muscle gain. But fat loss is a matter of eating fewer calories than you burn.

    That being said, when I am being "good" I don't eat egg yolks in excess because of the saturated fat content...not because egg yolks are "bad" or because they won't help me lose weight. But I have a hereditary issue with high cholesterol and my doctor told me to limit saturated fats to no more than 12 grams per day. Technically, I could lower my cholesterol at the same time as gain weight if I eat too much food that isn't high in saturated fats, lol.

    But I digress. :bigsmile:
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member
    If you can't read out/understand any of the ingredients of a food product, don't eat it.
  • bbbbb33333
    bbbbb33333 Posts: 1,107 Member
    blue food.... not tastey
  • elly0001
    elly0001 Posts: 191
    I also think that if you have trouble with a certain food, then just don't keep it in the house. You can still treat yourself when out to eat (every once in a while). I can't keep ice cream in the house because I can't stop eating it. Does that mean I can't ever have ice cream again? Heck no! But I CAN still have an ice cream treat every once in a while when I'm out and about :)

    sounds like me icecream is mmy weekness lol
  • zoink66
    zoink66 Posts: 116 Member
    Um....not sure about this whole "everything in moderation" thing. Seriously. I guess I disagree with a lot of you

    For me, while I was actively trying to lose weight, there were definitely foods that were forbidden. I don't know about everyone else, but I have certain "trigger" foods that I just would not eat, no how, no way. I didn't have the self-control to have just a little bit, so if I ate any at all, I would binge. So I just avoided them all together, no exceptions. I also found it easier to lose weight if I got rid of white carbs: white rice, white bread, white potatoes, etc. I wouldn't say they were forbidden, but I probably ate maybe only one of those once every two months.

    Now that I'm maintaining, I'm less stringent. I've learned how to control myself. I like myself at my new weight and don't want to sabotage myself. But I still won't touch my trigger food in any way, shape or form, but I'm okay with that. Other foods that were forbidden while I was losing weight are now okay, but in DEFINITE moderation. They're treats, but not a regular part of my diet. But again, that's just me, and that's what I have to do in order to stay where I am. I don't want you to think that just because most people are saying "everything in moderation," you're alone if you find you can't eat certain things without binging.

    And of course, there are certain things I will never eat again, ever. I will never knowingly drink a regular soda, ever. No point. No value whatsoever. If I want a soda, it'll be diet, and even then it would be a rare treat. And there are so many processed foods that I used to eat, and while they may not have had many calories, they are so processed and full of chemicals and preservatives that I will never put that in my body again.

    Now obviously it's not going to kill me if I have some processed food or a soda in moderation, every once in a while, like some people do. But it's just not for me. I won't do that to my body every again. And that's what works for me. And anyone who says, "Well, eventually you'll get frustrated and give in and end up eating all that crap anyway," I would say to them, "That's about as likely to happen as you going overboard when eating those foods and not being able to eat them in moderation." So, to each his own.