The last 10 pounds challenge (closed group)

We are a special group -- looking to lose those "last 10 pounds". Because our weight loss is slower than it used to be (about 1/4 lb to 1/2 lb per week) and many are looking to tone, this challenge will last for 3 months (starting July 31 and ending Nov 1).

We will officially start on Sunday. Here is the plan:

First -- make sure that your food diary is public (at least to your friends).

By Sunday night, please post the following:
-- Height
-- Starting weight
-- Goal weight
-- Measurements for:
* Waist
* lower abs (2 inches below belly button -- or whichever spot you choose -- just make sure you are consistent)
* hips
* thighs
* arms

Every Sunday thereafter, we will check-in and report the following:
-- Current weight
-- number of days upper body strength training
-- number of days lower body strength training

On the first Sunday of each month, we will report current body measurements (and a pic, if you want).

****** I will keep track of all progress and points. Each week I will post our results. Points will be awarded for various accomplishments (such as meeting your calorie level, eating your protein, drinking your water,etc) -- that is why I need access to your diary!!!! Points will also be awarded for each 1/2 pound lost and for every 1/2 inch lost. Plus, keep an eye out on this board because special challenges (for extra points) will be posted. Bookmark this site so you don't miss out! :happy:

****** Please, please feel free to motivate each other and provide helpful suggestions and hints!!!

I hope this sounds okay and isn't too much. Personally, I need a little kick in the butt. A challenge that sets some goals with a little bit of competition. Can't wait to get started :)


  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    I think this is excellent, thanks for organizing! Looking forward to participating...could use the extra motivation. Will need to take my measurements & will post tomorrow. Will add you as a friend.
  • laxdani11
    laxdani11 Posts: 5
    Where am I posting this info?-
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    This is great! Thanks! I'll check in tomorrow :)
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    We will post all of our information, challenges, and results on this page. So make sure to bookmark it :)
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    I'm going to be the first to introduce myself. My name is Valerie -- I am 36. I am a wife and mommy (I have a one year old daughter and a 6 year old son). I also work full time for my local park district. I would like to lose 8-10 more pounds! BUT --- although I really want this, it seems that my body does not. I have been battling the same 2-3 pounds for about a month now. To make matters worse, my measurements haven't changed either. I'm hoping this challenge will work and get me past this plateau! Here are my stats:

    Height = 5 ft 4.5 inches
    Starting weight = 127
    Goal weight = 117
    Waist = 26 inches
    Lower abs = 34 inches
    Hips = 38 inches
    Thighs = 22 inches
    Arms = 11 inches
    Body fat = 26%

    Looking forward to meeting all of you!
  • crazytxmom
    crazytxmom Posts: 166 Member

    First -- make sure that your food diary is public (at least to your friends).

    By Sunday night, please post the following:
    -- Height 5'4"
    -- Starting weight 156
    -- Goal weight 145
    -- Measurements for:
    * Waist 33.5"
    * lower abs 38.25"
    * hips 41"
    * thighs 24.25"
    * arms 11.75"

    Good morning!! My name is Cathie. I am a 37 year old divorced mother of 2 girls, 11 & 9. I work full-time, am a Girl Scout leader and school is about to start. This also means that music lessons, volleyball practice, Girl Scouts & homework (all times 2) are about to start. :ohwell:

    I've made great progress these last 7 months - I'm the slimmest I've been since I became pregnant with #2 - which isn't saying a whole lot. I joined this challenge to remind me make time for me - I've got people to report to!! My birthday is a month after this challenge ends. This will also be my gift to myself.

    And off we go!!
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Good Morning, my name is Julie - I work on Sundays so will post all my info as soon as I get off work. Hope everyone has a great day! Thanks so much for organizing! :flowerforyou:
  • sunnikim
    sunnikim Posts: 30
    Hi All! My name is Kim & I'm a 30 yr old mother of two - a 5yr old girl and a 18 month old boy. I work fulltime in the HR field and am supporting a husband who is training for his first marathon. This is helping to fuel my desire to get back into shape after having my kids. Stats are as follows (hope I measured accurately):

    Height = 5 ft 4 inches
    Starting weight = 129
    Goal weight = 120
    Waist = 32.5 inches
    Lower abs = 34.0 inches
    Hips = 34 inches
    Thighs = 22.25 inches
    Arms = 11 inches
    Calf = 13.5 inches
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    Here we go! I can't seem to shake the weight, but I've lost some inches since beginning my healthy change two months ago. Yay muscle building! Boo fat.
    Height 5'5"
    -- Starting weight: 130.8
    -- Goal weight: 120 ( if I think it's needful, 115, no lower because I want to maintain happily)

    * Waist: 25.0 inches
    * lower abs: 32 inches
    * hips: 38 1/2 inches
    * thighs: 22 1/4 inches
    * arms 10 inches

    Edit: sorry! I just realized I should introduce myself. I'm Brittany, and I'm 21. I've been blessed with a good metabolism, but when I went to Tanzania to study abroad it didn't keep up. Even though I lost it as soon as I came back, being there got me thinking about food. Even though I had gained a good five pounds, I was eating some of the freshest and most unaltered food in my entire life. I'd like to get back to basics. I want to be making my own food when I can, and checking ingredients when I cannot. Right now, I am starting small. I make my own bread (and it tastes delicious in all of it's bran, wheat, and flax goodness), I made my own peanut butter the other day. The common foods that I eat, I'm now trying to make myself.

    I'm a college senior, looking to get into a PhD program in Paleoanthropology. (ancient human remain study). In particular, I'm interested in the transition between anthropoids (apes and monkeys) and hominids. I also have a soft spot for the neandertals :D Sorry I just nerded out on you guys! I love this stuff, and I am feeling the stress of Grad school applications. I don't want to let it control my eating habits. If I don't get in, I will really have no prospects for a job... So it's a very stressful process. On top of it... I want to study this stuff seriously so bad it kills me. So getting to grad school is my only option. haha.

    Right now I work out six days a week (approximately, sometimes I'll take an extra day to let my shins heal) and I'm working toward a 5 k, then an 8k, then a half marathon. It's a process, but one I enjoy. I lift every other day, I try to eat right (please ignore yesterday's food! I went to six flags, brought my own lunch, but ended up staying until dinner. I don't even know what was in what I ate).

    I'm currently getting a lot of flack from my friends about eating healthy. I get it, I'm 21 and eating flax bread and homemade peanut butter at a theme park is weird.. but I wish they were more supportive, not openly dismissing my lifestyle change. *shrug* It's my own choice, and I already feel better for it.

    Bleh. SO that's me in a nutshell. Also: good morning to you all!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I'm getting married next August, and really want to get in shape as early as possible, so I don't have to crash diet a month before (like a lot of brides!). I'd like to get in ideal shape by the winter, so all I need to do is maintain. I'm just coming off a group that did Ripped in 30, where I lost 5.6 lbs. and 3.5 inches, but I've been stuck at the same weight for about a week and a half. I know that this is going to be a long journey, but I've made the commitment so far (I began working out in November, taking no more than two days in between any workout), and I'm ready to lose the rest of it! The dress is ordered, so I hope they really have to take it in!

    Height = 5 ft 4.5 inches
    Starting weight = 138
    Goal weight = 130 (UGW = 125)
    Waist = 28 inches
    Lower abs = 34.5 inches (that pooch that wont' go away!!!) :(
    Hips = 34 inches
    Thighs = 20 inches
    Arms = 11 inches
  • nickikole1
    nickikole1 Posts: 21
    Hi there, I'm Nicole. I'm 28 and live a busy life. I'm unmarried, but happily in a relationship. Because of the time crunch, exercise has been hard to find nowadays and I've almost stopped completely. But I like it so I don't want to give it up. My exercise of choice is running. I finished a half marathon at the beginning of the summer and loved it. My weight plateaued even then so I'm excited about this challenge and can't wait to actually put my mind to it.

    Thanks for the motivation!

    5' 8" -- Height
    159 -- Starting weight
    150 -- Goal weight

    -- Measurements for:
    32" * Waist
    38" * lower abs (2 inches below belly button -- or whichever spot you choose -- just make sure you are consistent)
    39" * hips
    24" * thighs
    11" * arms
  • laxdani11
    Hey guys, My name is Danielle. I'm just trying to get back into shape. I've been a college student and really involved in my classwork and 2 job, working out kind of got away from me. I would like to lose about 15-19 lbs... I'm having a very hard time motivating myself to work out. I figured this challenge might help me a bit. It is nice meeting you all. Best of Luck!

    -- Height 5'6"
    -- Starting weight 139
    -- Goal weight 125 (120 hoping)
    -- Measurements for:
    * Waist 28.5"
    * lower abs 33
    * hips 35
    * thighs 21.5
    * arms 10
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Hi! My name is Julie. I just recent rejoined Weight Watchers and am also doing MFP. I am a Lifetimer at WW and want to get back to my lifetime goal weight of 127. I have to admit, I really like their new program much better than any of their older ones.

    Height 5' 5"
    Start Weight 141.4
    Goal Weight - 127 to 130 max
    Waist 35 inches
    lower abdomen 37.5 inches
    hips 39 3/4
    thighs 22 inches
    arms 10 inches

    I am on vacation this week - yeah! Going to look at a college with my son tomorrow. Thursday we are going to Cincinnati to see Paul McCartney and coming home on Friday. So it will be a mix of extra time for exercise and extra challenges as far as food!

    I have a wedding on 10/29 and I set that as my target for being at my goal weight so this worked out perfectly for me. Planning on treating myself to a new dress!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    This is so exciting! Thanks everyone for getting in your stats and for introducing yourself!

    So here is how you get points (I will keep weekly totals and grand totals):

    --- 1 POINT for each day that you do upper body strength exercises

    --- 1 POINT for each day that you do lower body strength exercises ( need to give your body a day to rest between strength trainings).

    --- 1 POINT for each day that you drink ALL 8 glasses of water

    --- 1 POINT for each day that you eat all of your calories (including exercise calories) -- you can be under by no more than 150 calories.

    -- 1 POINT for each day that you eat all of our protein (you can be under by no more than 10g)

    Hopefully these behaviors will help us lose fat (and not muscle).....hopefully making us break plateaus and lose these last 10 pounds!!!!

    Each week I will post the extra point challenge. Please message me with any ideas that you have for challenges! I would love to incorporate everyone's ideas!!!!

    -- On weigh days, 1 POINT per half pound lost will be granted, as well as 1 POINT per half inch.

    Don't worry --- I will keep track of all the points. I will try my best to post our results on Mondays!

    Good Luck!!!!
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    I find it so interesting that most of us are right around the same height. 6 of 8 people are 5' 4" - 5'5".
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Hello everyone!

    My name is Kristin and I'm 43. I had lost 30# on WW about 2-1/2 to 3 years ago. However, thinking that I didn't need to track anymore, combined with 2 herniated discs in my lower back - I gained 10# of it back. I've been struggling for a while now to take it back off - even joined WW again, but just wasn't feeling it this time around. Hoping that this little challenge will be the kick in the pants I need to take it off once and for all! I've got my 25 year class reunion coming up in a few weeks ~ and though I know that I won't be able to drop all the weight I want by then, I should be able to shed a few!

    Height: 5' 4"
    Starting weight: 150.9
    Goal weight: 143
    Waist: 33"
    Lower Abs: 38" (totally relaxed - not sucking in - UGH!) :ohwell:
    Hips: 39"
    Thighs: 24.5"
    Arms: 12"
    Calves: 15"

    Thanks for getting this started Valerie!! And I wish each and every one of you much success in saying "buh-bye" to these last 10 (or so) pounds!!!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I lost track of my day yesterday and never got to post my stats I will do it tonight!!!
  • nickikole1
    How do we make sure our food diary is open to public/friends?
  • Jerseygirl02
    I did not get to take measurements, but I did weigh myself this morning. I will post my measurements tonight.

    Height 5'6"
    Starting weight: 168
    Goal weight: 158
  • nickikole1
    Never mind! I finally found it under settings! (which is next to the logout, for anyone else who can't find it)