Pregnancy – August 2011

ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a) wanting to drop some weight before trying to conceive (TTC)
b) (Trying to conceive) TTC
c) Pregnant

Those in groups a & b we have a great sister group called Fit for Future Families or you are welcome to stay with us! Welcome all


  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I am not sure if I am pregnant so I have stopped trying to lose weight but lost 2 Ibs once I stopped trying so that was weird.
  • Amanda993
    Hello! I'm in category B, trying to conceive. I would love to join this group!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi all! I'm in category A, planning on switching to category B in about two months. I'm curious to hear about how everyone handles staying fit during this time; it seems like such a hard balance between losing unnecessary weight and having a baby-friendly routine.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks for making the new monthly thread, Ronya :smile:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    bump :smile:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just lurking :) Hoping to join the pregnancy groups in October :)
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Good Monday morning ladies!
    I was sorry to read that so many of you new mommas feel like you are having supply issues. I second Michelle's recommendatioon for oats (have oatmeal in the morning) and nurse a lot. Offer the breast often and always before supplementing. Be careful, because bottles are so much easier for baby, so they may start getting fussy at the breast.

    AFM: Successful day yesterday: sausage and cheesy eggs for breakfast, helped J (my 8yo) make chili for dinner, cleaned up the DVDs and cataloged them all, finished cataloging the library, patched the hole in the kitchen ceiling (minus another coat or two of mud, plus priming the patch and painting the ceiling), helped dh figure out the popcorn order for Cub Scouts, got 7-11 and am looking forward to sorbet tonight!

    Today I've already given blood for my monthly labs and gotten the morning chores done. We'll go to the library this afternoon and to swim class for the two youngest. Need to figure out dinner!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers. :flowerforyou:

    Pam – I hope you and all the other ladies can come over here soon!

    Katrina – sausage and cheesy eggs sound yummy.

    I can’t believe its August already…….Kathryn will be here in 2 months! EEEKKKK!!!! :noway: I need a panic emoticon!

    Exercise challenge:
    Monday: walked 30 minutes
    Tuesday: walked 30 minutes
    Wednesday: walked 30 minutes
    Thursday: walked 30 minutes
    Friday: walked 35 minutes
    Saturday: walked 40 minutes

    For the past two nights I was actually able to sleep in bed with hubby the whole night instead of going to the sofa. I’d like to think my uncomfortable nights are over, but I guess I should know better than that.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    For the past two nights I was actually able to sleep in bed with hubby the whole night instead of going to the sofa. I’d like to think my uncomfortable nights are over, but I guess I should know better than that.

    I don't know what changed so drastically for me this week but hellooooooooooo uncomfortable. It doesn't matter what I do I'm uncomfortable. Especially laying down/trying to sleep. I'm thinking it's because he's head down, ready to go and has dropped drastically but I know he's still a growing boy too.
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    I can't believe it's August already! 3 months left for me :) Hope you all are doing well!

    Exercise Challenge:
    Monday: None
    Tuesday: 1 hr walk
    Wednesday:45 min walk
    Thursday: 1 hr walk
    Friday: 1 hr walk
    Saturday: None- went to Kentucky and met my new 1 day old nephew!!
    Sunday: 1 hr walk
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Got my Baby bed this morning!!!! It's setting in the living room right now still boxed up got a lot of work to do before we can do the room but I got the bed at a good price and everything to go with it to adulthood so baby has it made.:bigsmile:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Here is the list I was keeping to help me keep everyone straight. Post your info if you want me to add you to the list!
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Elizabeth- I was the one who posted something similar to your dilemma a week or so ago. I found being frank and really talking to my man about it most helpful, it gave me a good grasp on how he was feeling, what things he still really enjoyed and also let me vent about how the whole thing made me feel. Im happy to say that after our discussions (and the purchase of a cute new night dress) that things seem to be getting back on track :smile: So don't worry too much, even if he hasn't been in the mood lately im sure he'll get his mojo back soon enough:flowerforyou:

    Maria- thanks for sharing your story. As traumatizing as it sounded, im happy you and baby are doing good and i have a ton of respect for you and the way you got through it all. Keep on top of the PPD and don't hesitate to have friends, family and/or a professional come to the house to help you unload. I had depression for a short phase of my life in the past and have already made a plan to see a professional once a week after the baby is born as I think its reassuring to have someone tell you that your doing well, and to help suggest things that will make you feel better during the early weeks

    Anne- amazing pics! your sister is a true artist (though she had a stunning model to work with :smile: )

    Welcome to all of the new ladies, jump right into the discussion :smile:

    Update: Ive had a few tummy pains the last couple of days, mainly in the lower right of my abdomen. I have also experienced quite intense abdominal cramping when doing basically any form of physical exercise, which is abit of a nuisance. My dad (whose a dr) assures me that if there is no extra discharge or bleeding then the pains are likely growth-related and likely due to the baby already lying so low in my belly. This is reassuring. I have to say that its quite a mental workout constantly worrying about all of the odd feelings that are going on in my belly, making sure hes moving the right amount etc. :ohwell:

    Although the Doc hasnt made any remarks on my BP i get close to blacking out every time i get up from the bed, or get up too quickly. Does anyone know how i can help this situation?

    On a fun note its my birthday on saturday :smile: and im excited to spend the day with my hubby and family, doing whatever they have planned. The next day im off to my first work conference in seattle, the conference is for software testers (of which i am one) and im thoroughly looking forward to the experience! The day after i return i will be going in for my 29 week check-up (and glucose check). So its a busy week or so coming up but it makes time fly so its all smiles here :happy:
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    So I’m totally overwhelmed today by how generous my co-worker are. They threw me a beautiful shower the other week, this morning one of the supervisors called me into her office (I thought I was in trouble) to give me a HUGE bag of clothes from newborn to 12 months. Her daughter was born a week after I’m due so hopefully the types of clothes should be perfect for the weather here as she’s growing. Then one of my co-workers just came to my desk to give me a $40 gift card to Buy Buy Baby. I’m such an idiot though, it’s in one of those cute teddy bear gift card holders with the card around the neck, and I didn’t realize until after she left that there was a gift card. I thought it was just a teddy bear! :laugh:
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I'd like to lurk a bit, I'm also on the Fit for Future Families forum. I'm in both categories a and b - trying to lose some weight while also starting my journey (this week) to try to become a mama for the second time. trying to find a balance between focusing on weight loss (still in the obese category) while not losing any more time to start trying to conceive (I just turned 39 and hubby just agreed to having another child). we have a beautiful 3 year old little girl already. I love hearing about your journeys here, and hope to join you in pregnancy soon!
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Good Monday everyone! I hope you are all doing well and staying out of this heat!

    AFM: We are super excited for our first ultrasound in two days... My DH is unable to make it b/c he just started a new job today and it would be a lot to try and ask for time off already this week, but my mom is able to go with me... I am a little mervous, praying to see the heart beat even though i know it might be a little early for that... fingers crossed though!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hey Everyone, sorry I got so behind, I can't bear the thought of going back and commenting on about 10 pages of posts so I'm just going to jump on in today as though I were never gone sorry :blushing:

    Melissa - I've had some pains when exercising as well. On Saturday I was swiming and I got a cramp/contraction really low down that was so painful and intense that I had to grab onto the side of the pool and inch along to the steps. It really freaked me out but only lasted maybe 30 seconds. I have a docs appt tomorrow so I'll def be bringing that up!

    Stacy - cute ! I can;t wait to get our crib set up, should be here in a few weeks. It's gonna feel way more real !

    Danielle - sorry about the sleeping, being uncomfortable, I fear I be right there with you in a few weeks. I mentioned it once before but I LOVE my Boppy Wedge pillow for side sleeping. It's been a great help for me since I got it. $15 bucks and it's shaped like a wedge of cheese, goes under the belly to support when side sleeping and then they say you can use it to prop up your feeding pillow later on. Do you think head down makes a difference? My LO has been head down since week 20 or before so I don't know what being head up would feel like??

    Ron - yay for getting better sleep ! I have had a few nights on the couch must be because it's softer and my hip can sink in. The bed is so firm that side sleeping can hurt the hips - see above about the pillow though, it's been a lifesaver for me.
    How lovely all the baby showers !

    Welcome to all the new people !!!

    Everyone who posted photos recently - LOVE
    Everyone having milk issues - HATE, sorry I can't offer any help.

    So I'm going in for the glucose test again tomorrow (I had one early on as well and passed) fingers crossed all is well this time too!
    Then on Wednesday I have my follow up sonogram to check the kidney measurements again. It went down to almost normal levels last time so I'm hoping that it will be at or below normal this time and I can stop going every 4 weeks.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Elizabeth - they might get the heartbeat if they use the vaginal ultrasound. I could hear mine that way at 7 weeks. Hope it all looks good !
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Elizabeth - they might get the heartbeat if they use the vaginal ultrasound. I could hear mine that way at 7 weeks. Hope it all looks good !