Pregnancy – August 2011



  • c00ncc
    c00ncc Posts: 55
    Well I just found out I was pregnant on July 19th, needless to say this is a total surprise...I've had some issues and really trying to stay motivated about this pregnancy.

    1) husband is not happy at all that we are pregnant again because he doesn't want more children (he has a 14 yr old and we have a 2 yr old together)
    2) I miscarried a year ago and i'm scared and stressing over that.
    3) I've had bleeding and had to start progesterone meds to help lower my chances of miscarriage.

    I went for my first ultrasound on Thursday 7/28 but all we saw was the sac no baby we are hoping that it is just too early to see anything. I go again tomorrow for another ultrasound, so we'll see.

    If this pregnancy "sticks" I'm hoping not to gain as much as I did with my daughter, with her I gained 61 pounds and OMG I was so disgusted with myself.

    I haven't been exercising because i'm trying to wait til my chances of miscarriage are dropped.

    Please help keep me motivated and stress free! If that is possible! :-/
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Good luck to those of you TTC!

    Katrina – just reading everything you accomplished yesterday makes me tired! Great job! It’s always nice to accomplish a lot. I wasn’t able to read the list…am I on there? Haha!

    Ronya – Great job on the exercise challenge! That’s awesome that your coworkers are so generous! My hubby’s office is planning a shower for us on the 18th! I’m really excited! We work at the same university, but in different departments.

    Danielle – Sorry you’re uncomfortable! I’ve been feeling that way lately too.

    Stacy – Congrats on getting the baby bed! We put ours up last week, it’s such an exciting feeling! And it’s a relief to have the baby room done!

    Melissa – I’m sorry about your tummy pains but it must be really nice to have your father be a Doctor! Hopefully the pains will go away soon…I only get pains in my stomach when I get up too fast and my OB said it was just ligaments stretching. I don’t have any suggestions on the BP question. I’m on meds for high blood pressure, so that doesn’t happen to me. Has your BP been low? My sister-in-law had low BP during her labor/delivery and she said she felt like blacking out several times. Hope you have a happy birthday on Saturday!

    Elizabeth – Congratulations! Ultrasounds are so exciting :happy:

    C00ncc – Congrats! Hopefully everything goes well for you. I had a miscarriage last year as well so I didn’t exercise much in my first trimester either.

    AFM – I didn’t feel well last night or this morning at all! I think maybe my baby girl didn’t like something that I ate last night but who knows. This morning it was just a really bad headache. On a happy note we’ve narrowed our names down to either Grace Elisabeth (Gracie) or Norah Grace. Both of which I love…but hubby kind of likes Grace Elisabeth better. I also got to meet my new nephew that was born on the 29th! His name is Harrison Lee and he is such a cutie 
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
  • ElizabethJ17
    ElizabethJ17 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the response. The other night when we were trying to be intimate nothing was doing it for him. I had an emotional break down and attempted to discuss things through my sobbing. He feels terrible about it and actually rubbed
    my feet (I had worked a 12 that day on my feet) and a full body massage. Which was completely relaxing and sweet of him. He doesnt like to talk about his feelings which always makes things difficult but did say he is very attracted to me just wasn't in the mood. Hopefully it is just a random occurence.

    AFM: I had a lot of belly pain last week and a sore throat which I thought might be strep. After trying 3 urgent cares we eventually went to the ER. After all the blood work, urine sample and ultrasound they told me I have a bladder infection. I have had no symptoms. Of course I had been going more frequently but just assumed that was pregnancy related. This week I have had a lot of side pain so hopefully it hasnt traveled to my kidneys. During the u/s hubby asked the technician if she could tell boy or girl yet. Well baby was being a complete wiggle worm. Finally baby stopped long enough for her to look between its legs and the little stinker put its hands over that area lol. We will find out at the next u/s on August 16th can't wait!! I go back to school in three weeks so we are working on moving the office downstairs into one of the bedrooms down there so we can have
    the baby room across the hall from our room and next to our daughters. So excited to get things set up even if it is super early.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Hope all the moms with new little ones are doing well.
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello Everyone! I would like to join your group! I am pregnant and expecting baby #2 around Feb. 28th!
  • BlessedMomX2
    BlessedMomX2 Posts: 241 Member
  • ElizabethRN59
    ElizabethRN59 Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Everyone! I would like to join your group! I am pregnant and expecting baby #2 around Feb. 28th!

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    About the milk production...have you tried pumping after each feeding for about 10 minutes? When it comes to making enough, with most women, what's taken out is replaced so the more feedings equals more milk. Oatmeal and malt help bring up supply...also fenugreek, though after a while you'll start to smell like a pancake! haha! :laugh: Just suggesting a few things in case you didn't now already!:flowerforyou: Hope you are you little girl are doing well!

    Yes, I'm pumping after each feeding. At this point, the "feeding" itself is a total joke. She has serious problems latching correctly which I'm sure is most of the reason I've had supply issues to begin with (along with her being lethargic from jaundice for the first week). We were supplementing with a syringe/finger at first but it got to be too much so she's almost entirely bottlefed except for the small amount she gets while breastfeeding. I've been taking fenugreek since last Wednesday and I think I've seen a small improvement but I'm still not producing enough for her. I haven't noticed a maple syrup smell yet but apparently hubby has. :laugh: Oh well, it's better than the way sweat and pee normally smell, right? I've also been eating oatmeal often. Over the last day or so, she hasbeen fed about 60% expressed breastmilk and 40% formula, but she's almost completely bottlefed. :ohwell: I also have Reglan to try as a next step. I really didn't want to go there but unless something magical happens in the next couple of days I think I'm going to give it a shot. I'm really getting sick of being attached to a breastpump for hours each day but with her latching problems I'm not sure that will change even if my supply increases to a decent level.

    But other than me being unreasonably emotional and stubborn about the breastfeeding thing, we're both doing well. :smile:
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Try this for a readable list:


    I don't get it! I can't make it a good size!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Danielle - sorry about the sleeping, being uncomfortable, I fear I be right there with you in a few weeks. I mentioned it once before but I LOVE my Boppy Wedge pillow for side sleeping. It's been a great help for me since I got it. $15 bucks and it's shaped like a wedge of cheese, goes under the belly to support when side sleeping and then they say you can use it to prop up your feeding pillow later on. Do you think head down makes a difference? My LO has been head down since week 20 or before so I don't know what being head up would feel like??

    I have the preggle, thin pillows, fat pillows you name it. Nothing is helping anymore. Sleeping on my sides is hell due to my sciatica but there isn't much I can do about that! I think his position makes a huge difference because he is finally at the point of not flip flopping around because he's run out of room. Once he went head down and stayed, he dropped down A LOT! He hasn't moved his actual position now for 3-4 weeks. He is still a mover though but it's just constant kicks to the right side of my ribs and butt bumps on the left :wink: Long story short I'm blaming the insane discomfort on his dropping because that's when it started!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Bump for stalking! I start my first round of clomid next cycle so hopefully I'll be joining u ladies in September! :-)
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I'm in the first catagory. I started MFP back in March because my cycles had completely stopped for 7 months at that time and the doc said that it was most likely my weight gain. Well I had lost enough weight that by May 29th my one year anniversary my cycles started back up again. Had a doc apt not long after that and after talking with the doc we both agreed that I needed to do a bit more work before TTC. So I was put on BC. I'm using Seasonique so I have yet to have a cycle since starting it. I did make sure not to start it til I had another normal cycle and I did the over the counter fertility test on day three and it came back normal. The plan is I am going to go two cycles on the pill which will take me til the end of December and if at that time I am down to what I was when I got Pregnant with my 7 year old which is about 50 lbs less then I am now then we will start TTCing in January. I do plan on logging all of my food while pregnant and will just add 300 cals every day to what I'm eating that way I don't gain a ton of weight again. Congratulations to all fo you that are expecting. I pray for quick and easy deliveries. Good luck to all of those that are TTCing I pray that your next cycle is your last cycle for at least 9 months. And for all of those like me I pray that the weight comes off easily and that it leeds to short TTC times and Healthy pregnancies.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Danielle – I hope you can find a way to be comfortable. When it’s really bad, sleep on the sofa with a pillow supporting my belly is the only why I can get comfortable.

    Stacy – the crib we bought also converts to a toddler bed, a day bed then a full sized bed. I love that it will grow with her.

    Melissa – I had some abdominal pain/cramping off and on when I’m doing something active. My doctor told me the same thing that your dad said, but it still makes nervous to have pains. I haven’t come close to blacking out, but I have been getting dizzy lately. I had to get up really, really slowly. Or when I get out of bed I’d just sit up for a few minutes before I’d stand, that helped a lot.

    MadBabysMama – good luck TTC, hope you’ll join us soon. I was on that thread for a while, the ladies there are wonderful!

    ElizabethRN – So exciting! I was able to hear the heartbeat at my first u/s at 9 weeks but it was an internal one. Even if you can’t heat it, you should be able to see it.

    Victoria – fingers crossed for your glucose test and follow up sonogram! I do have a wedge boppy pillow but for some reason it doesn’t help me. I normally use two king sized pillows which work most of the time.

    C00ncc – congratulations!!! I hope you have a “sticky” baby and everything goes well for you.

    Jenna – those are both cute names. And yea for a new nephew! I love being an auntie!!

    Elizabeth – sorry about your bladder infection, hope it clears up soon. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: @ a modest baby. Kathryn spread her legs wide open for us, no modestly at all. Hubby said, “she better not be like that when she come out!” :laugh:

    Hotmess – welcome and congratulations!!

    Julie - I hope it gets easier for you, I’m so worried that I’m going to have the same issues. But Maisie is still get lots of breast milk (even though it’s through a bottle) so that’s great.

    Alisa – miss you!!!!! Hope you’ll be able to join us soon!

    Naesue – welcome!

    Kathryn is insane today!!! :happy: :bigsmile: She seriously hasn’t stopped moving for more than 10 minutes at a time. I’ve had zero sugar or candy today so I know that’s not it. Maybe this means she’ll tire herself out and won’t wake me up with her normal 3am dance parties! :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies and those of you hoping to join I hope you get pregnant soon!

    I just had my LO but still lurk around here.

    Katrina- I am tired from everything you got done. Whew. Make sure you get to relax some too :) I can read the list fine! Thanks for re-posting.

    Ronya- You are getting close. Your exercise was great this past week! Keep it up! Your co-workers are very sweet! Lucky girl!

    Danielle- I am so sorry that you are so uncomfortable. I hope it doesn’t stay this way for you.

    Jenna- Great exercise! I love both of your name choices, they are very very cute.

    Melissa- Thank you :) We loved the pictures. I am sorry about the stomach pains, that isn’t any fun. I also can’t help with the BP. Are you getting enough water? In case I miss it, Happy Birthday this weekend!

    Elizabeth- Yea for the first US. How exciting. We had one at almost 6 weeks and we were able to hear a heartbeat. They said it was often too early at that point though so if you don’t hear one, don’t worry!

    Victoria- Hope your glucose test goes well. Also I hope you get to stop going in and everything looks great!

    C00ncc- Welcome, These ladies are a great support and you can vent to them whenever needed which helps relieve stress.

    ElizabethJ17 (oh no, there are two)- I am sorry about the bladder infection, I am glad that they caught it. Can’t wait for your gender US. Hope your LO will show its goods :)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Bump for stalking and hopefully joining very soon! LOL starting round 2 of clomid in a few days. :flowerforyou:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies! Jump right in :smile:

    Melissa - is your BP low? I tend to run low in general, and often get dizzy if I stand up too fast. If it's new with the pregnancy, I would run it past your doc, but it could just be that more blood is being diverted to baby and not as much to your brain. I get the pains in my lower right abdomen, too, but I think it's ligament stretching.

    Ron - I've been having a hard time getting comfortable, too. Sometimes laying on the couch helps, sometimes not. I practically surround myself with pillows for support, but I just wanna lay flat on my back again! Only 2 months for both of us!

    AFM- Doctor's appointment was today. After I left, I realized that they never weighed me! LOL, it was very busy there (they were about 20 minutes behind) and one nurse took me back and did BP and another checked the urine test, and I guess they both figured the other did it. Doc didn't notice either, and I kind of forgot. But I think I've gained about 3 lbs since last time (based on home scale).

    I'm up to the every 2 weeks now, wow it feels like it's coming fast! And, the doctor gave me the order for weekly NST/IFA at the hospital's women's center. Yes, weekly. (I had high AFP levels at the 16 week quad-screening). Have to work that into our schedule.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
  • Hi ^_^ I'm 31 weeks. Thought I'd just jump into the pool so to speak.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Bump, hoping to be joining soon too! Will be doing my third IUI this cycle.
  • Hello!

    I joined the losing weight while TTC group, lost motivation and found out today I'm pregnant! Yay!! I'm excited to be starting this pregnancy 33lbs lighter than the start of my pregnancy with Mason (and 46lbs lighter from delivery). My goal is to gain no more than I did with Mason, but that might not work since I'm lighter. We'll see how it works out. I mainly want to be healthier because the end of my last pregnancy was MISERABLE and my doctor blamed my lack of exercise. Anyway, happy and healthy 9 months to all of the Momma's-To-Be and baby dust to those TTC!