August Century plus cycling challenge



  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    I'm in for 200!
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    In a HEAT ADVISORY, 21 miles. 21/250. NO EXCUSES!!
  • thcri
    thcri Posts: 459 Member
    In a HEAT ADVISORY, 21 miles. 21/250. NO EXCUSES!!

    I will catch you tonight my friend!!! LOL and we are having a heat advisory also.
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    I am in for this ....

    My mileage goal for August will be......450 miles...
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    I rode 380 in July. I'm going for 400 in August but as I'll be traveling a good bit, it might not be possible. We shall see! :o)

    Keep the rubber side down!

    Aug 1: 20.2 miles done
  • Put me down for
    240 road miles commuting.
    4,000 feet of climbing on my trail bike.
    32,000 feet of descending on my downhill bike.

    Sol, you are amazing.
  • Oh yeah, put me down for 400 this month. I know I can do 300 easily...I need to push a little harder though!
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    7.2 done today, ride home from work. I always feel better if I get something in on the first day, even if it's not much! Going out of town this weekend for a 5K in IL, so I'm going to try and rack up a few miles before I go, weather permitting.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    7.2 done today, ride home from work. I always feel better if I get something in on the first day, even if it's not much! Going out of town this weekend for a 5K in IL, so I'm going to try and rack up a few miles before I go, weather permitting.

    Great riding; hopefully, the weather cools down for you. I live in Illinois, and it is hot here now. Supposed to start cooling down on Wednesday.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    Did my first real bike to run "brick" tonight....what a weird feeling. Fortunately it was only a half hour ride and a 15 min run...anyway, 7 miles down, 93 to go :-)
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I'm in for this challenge....I am going to guess low on the miles for August and try for at least 200 miles.

    In July, I rode 956 miles--wish I would have added them up before the month ended and I could have tried to get to 1000. 450 of those miles were in one week during RAGBRAI. Needless to say, my legs are a bit tired!

    8/1/11-rode 10 miles
  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    08/01-14.24 miles

    I was going to ride more, but I was tired... man it felt like I was trying to ride uphill underwater the whole way. My ave speed was still higher than I thought, but... just tired.
  • 14 miles tonight. And my first fall! Is there a technical term for stopping faster than you can unclip? Other than "DOH!!"
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    14 miles tonight. And my first fall! Is there a technical term for stopping faster than you can unclip? Other than "DOH!!"

    Glad you are ok. At least you can ride with clips. I'm still to heavy, and it makes me ride to bow legged. So, for now; I'm still using regular pedals. Need to lose more weight before I can clip in again.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I rode 18.5 miles this morning, and 15.75 miles tonight, for a total of 34 miles for the day.

    Good riding, everyone else...
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    8/1 - 5.1 miles
  • CDGolden
    CDGolden Posts: 343 Member
    August 1....31 mile work commute
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Short ride this morning; only 9 miles. 44 for the month. Have to head to the hospital two hours away where my dad has been hospitalized, after he went into shock from hemorrhaging last night. They will try to determine the cause today. This will probably effect my riding schedule for the month...
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    Aug 2. 21 miles. 42/250
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    I'm in - shooting for 300 in August.

    Aug 1 - 25 miles - 275 to go.