JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 16



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    iLadyT wrote: »
    9/19-197.2 YES! I win!! What a great way to end this round....on to the next

    Congrats on staying in onderland!
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    Round 12: 174
    Round 13: 171.4
    Round 15: 166.8
    Round 16: 164.6

    9/10: 164.6 I was holding at 163-something for a few days in the past round, but it's jumped back up. I ran on the treadmill yesterday, and did indulge in some ribs last night for dinner. I also am holding on to some stress. Just daily life stuff, but I have a hard time sleeping when I think too much. I am so happy with the downward trend, though. Typing in those #s above: I've lost almost 10 pounds!
    9/11: 166.3 I figured as much, based on my comments above. Had some rich food and a glass of prosecco last night, too. It's Monday, back to my routine.
    9/12: 166.3 Was able to get back on track yesterday. Went 100 over in calories, but got in a good run last night. Rethinking some of my food choices, as every night I am too high in carbs. Need some more protein. Today so far, so good, although I am craving fish tacos from the taco truck on our campus, and not the lunch I brought! :s
    9/13: 166.3 It's almost 11pm and I am just now remembering to track my weight from this morning. Busy busy day!
    9/14: 164.4 We had a storm here yesterday, so was feeling very cozy. Made a roast chicken dinner for the family last night. Kids thought it was Christmas... ;) Up to 30 mins of running now on my C210K app!
    9/15: 164.4 No exercise yesterday and some sugar in the evening. Which was way too sweet, so my tastebuds have changed. Friend's birthday party tonight and someone signed us up for line dancing. :# So that will be my exercise tonight!
    9/16: 164.4
    9/17: 164.4 Over in calories yesterday but kept pretty busy with laundry (woo hoo) and got my run in.
    9/18: 164.4 dang! Although totally fine with holding steady. Avoided a near catastrophe with pizza and wine yesterday afternoon. Was able to reel myself in. :#
    9/19: 164.4 I am going to sit this next one out, only because I leave Friday for another business trip and will be without a scale for seven of the days. And I don't know if I will be able to check in; working at our biggest event of the year and it will keep me busy. I'll catch up with you all in Round 18!
  • brittanydashnay
    brittanydashnay Posts: 203 Member

    SW 260 (June 2nd)
    S12 (Aug 1st) 242.2 -231.0. (Lost 11.2) Total: 11.2
    S13 (Aug 11th) 231.0 - 229.6. (Lost 1.4) Total: 12.6
    S14 (Aug 21st) 229.6- 225.8 (lost 3.8). Total: 16.4
    S15 (Sept 9th) 225.8 - 224.8 (lost 1.0) Total 17.4

    S16 SW - 224.8
    S16 GW - 222.8


    9/10 - 223.8 - i was already down to 223.4 so this is almost there. Although i played about 4 hours of baseball and dodgeball today, I had my first binge day on 1.5 months and ate over 1500 calories in just sweets. I'm disappointed in myself but determined to get back on track tomorrow. I'm going to skip the gym to let my body heal a bit from this weekend but will go on an 8.5km walk. I am also doing a practice with my dodgeball team! I'm hoping the scale isn't too mean tomorrow!

    9/11 - 225.0 - as expected. I'm out walking now. Getting back on track. My consequence for eating any sweets is 200 jumping jacks!

    9/12 - 223.6 - ok. I'm almost back to my lowest. I would like to get to 223.0 before i leave for my trip Friday and then my goal for the weekend will be to maintain! I did baseball practice today.. I need to rest my hips and knees so no gym or walk tomorrow but i will do a few exercises at home. I have been trying to stop eating sweets so made myself a deal I would do 200 jumping jacks for everyone I had... so I need to do 400 tomorrow lol.

    9/13 - 224.0 - damn. I guess the treats and not going to the gym are catching up to me despite doing some sports exercises. I did a bunch of errands today getti g ready for my trip and 200/400 jumping jacks. I will get them done by end of day. Tomorrow is may weigh in for biggest loser challenge and it doesn't look like I lost anything this week. I'm going away this weekend and hoping between all the walking and trying to choose healthy options I will maintain so I don't have to spend a whole week trying to burn it all off.

    9/14 - 222.4!!! Woohoo! I completely forgot how my TOM affects my water retention and weight. This ended yesterday which i believe helps account for the big loss. Today I am packing and cleaning my house so that should burn a few calories. I also plan to stay within my calories for the day!

    9/15 222.0 woohoo!

    9/16 - vacation no scale
    9/17 - vacation no scale
    9/18 - vacation no scale

    9/19 - 223.0 - not too bad considering I ate out for every meal for 3.5 days in a row! And i didn't gain 5-10lbs like I don't when i normally travel so this is a win in itself! On to the next challenge!
  • wannabesmaller2017
    SW: 185.5

    Round 8 SW: 185.5
    Round 9 SW: 182.5
    Round 10 SW: 181.5
    Round 11 SW: 181.0
    Round 12 SW: 179.0
    Round 13 SW: 178.0
    Round 14 SW: 178.5
    Round 15 SW: 178.5
    Round 16 SW: 179.5

    Goal for this round: 177.0
    Ultimate goal: 128

    9/10 180.0
    9/11 178.5
    9/12 178.5
    9/13 choose not to weigh. Had a horrible day yesterday of binge eating. :-/ But I'm on track today. One day at a time.
    9/14 181.5 I don't really know why I'm binge eating. My husband is gone for at least 3 days every week and that's usually when I do it. I am so embarrassed and humiliated over my binge eating. You all are the only people who know I do it. My sweet husband knows I've done it in the past but I haven't told him about my recent 'episodes.' I get in these kinda depressed states and then binge, feel HORRIBLE, then do it again!! Besides getting trigger foods out of the house, I'm going to make it more public. I'm just going to keep track of how long I can go without a lapse. Thanks for listening.
    9/15 180.0
    9/16 180.0 Ate over my calories but didn't binge eat. So a good day for me. :-)
    9/17 180.5
    9/18 179.5
    9/19 180.0

    Days without binge eating: 5
  • Gaia85
    Gaia85 Posts: 190 Member
    Starting weight (Nov 2016): 202.2
    Round 16 SW: 159.6
    GW1: 142

    9/10: 159.6 :(/I'm very disappointed with this weight. Ate very poorly yesterday for the first time in over 40 days. Yesterday I was at 158. Ate well and went swimming today. Hopefully, I'll be back down tomorrow!
    9/11: 160.2 :(/Still disappointed. I feel like I'm paying the price for poor eating on Saturday. I ate under my goal yesterday and will be just under my goal today. Hopefully, things will start looking up again.
    9/12: 158 :)/Finally back to where I was on Saturday! Hopefully it's onward and downward from here! Ate under calories yesterday. Need to go to the gym today!
    9/13: 157.8 :)/Really loved the WOOSH yesterday and glad it's sticking around! Did make it to the gym yesterday but only did weights. Didn't have the energy for cardio. Will try to do both today! Stayed within calorie goal but went over by 50g in carbs yesterday. And had a square of apple pie today :(. I'll make sure to stay in my calorie range today despite the treat!
    9/14: 157 :)/Started weighing everyday for this challenge, so I downloaded the Happy Scale app to track the trend. I'm curious to see what it'll show once it has more data points. Stayed within calories yesterday but didn't go to the gym. I will go today! Packed my gym clothes and everything. Did a tad better with water but have to drink more today.
    9/15: 157 :)/Stayed at 157...I'm glad it's not going up! Ate well and did both weights and cardio yesterday. Ate all right up until now today but going to a work bar thing which may deadly. Fingers crossed that I don't go over in calories too much, especially because I have a reunion brunch on Sunday with grad school friends.
    9/16 156.2 :)/This is crazy...I actually expected an increase because I had alcohol and pizza yesterday (just 20 over my calories, but expected water retention). I imagine it's a fluke. I guess I'll see tomorrow...before going to brunch, eek!
    9/17: 156.4/I'm happy. Logged this weight in my progress tracker. Probably going to see an uptick tomorrow because of eating restaurant food for brunch today.
    9/18: 157.8 :(/Meh, not pleased. Hoping it's water retention but who knows. Did some circuit training today and ate within calories. Struggling to get all my protein in. One more day until round 17 ladies and gents!
    9/19: 157.6 :neutral:/ You win some, you lose some. Had a long day at work today. Didn't get home until well after 8. Potentially stayed under calories but a lot of estimates today. Hoping to get below 156 in the next round!

    Start of R16 - 159.6 lbs
    End of R16 - 157.6 lbs

    2lbs lost in 10 days :)
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,051 Member
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    9/10 158
    9/11 157 Stayed under in calories, yesterday. Did a little exercise.
    9/12 158
    9/13 159.2
    9/14 158.2
    9/15 158.2
    9/16 158.2
    9/17 157.2 Exercised! Stayed under in calories.
    9/18 157.2 Stayed under in calories.

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,051 Member
    Ended with 158.4
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    ]Love, love, love this group! I'm really hoping to step up my water intake these 10 days. I really struggled doing that last round. My goal this round is to lose between 1 - 2lbs.

    SW: 202
    CW: 175
    GW: 173.5
    UGW: 125

    09/10: 175 My Mom is still in the hospital. I've been there with her the last several days. According to the xrays, nothing has changed. Since I've been there, I haven't been getting as many steps in as I have been. I definitely didn't drink much water, and my calorie intake was low.
    09/11: 176.6 Well, the whoosh I had last week, I've gained back due to lack of water consumption or hormones. :( My ovulation cycle is always so hard on me. :( I think I feel the worst then. Of course, being at the hospital and not moving much isn't great either. However, I managed to get my lesson plans done while I was there. :)
    09/12: 175.8 Well, I managed to drink more water yesterday, and I put in about 7500 steps, which is a lot for me considering the field I work in. :) I hope I get back to 174.4 (where I ended last round) by the time this round ends at least.
    09/13: 175 lbs Mom was moved into a rehab facility last night. She's slightly improved but no significant change. She has no strength at all. She doesn't want to be there, but she can't be alone. She doesn't want to be with us either because it's 30 minutes away from the cancer center. :( My husband is beside himself. I just pray that I have the strength that he and I both need to carry him through this. Upside: I managed to get 44 oz of water in the last two days. Woot! I've been struggling with just 28. So, I'm proud of that. :)
    09/14: 176.2 I know this is from sodium due to Mexican for dinner, but after the 2 weeks we've had and no family time due to being at the hospital and now rehab, I think we deserved it. It was our first evening together as a family...just the 5 of us.
    09/15: 175 I'm back to the same weight for the 3rd time. Lol I need to drink more water.
    09/16: 174.4 It was such a busy day yesterday. I put in over 11,000 steps! MIND BLOWN! I even have 6 boys in my house since my sons have their buddies over.
    09/17: 174.4 Worked on getting my lesson plans put together yesterday while I got 4 boys sent back home to their parents...some which stayed a lot longer than planned. :) However, I'm holding steady, and that makes me happy. :) If I could just lose 4 more ounces, I'd be down 1 lb. I need just that bit for a 28lb drop. Come on scale, body, and mind! Let's do this!
    09/18: 174.2 Oooo...I dropped 2 oz. :) Just give me 2 more ounces baby. PRETTY PLEASE!

    09/19: 174.8 I am only walking away with a 2 oz loss this Round. At least it's something, and at least I'm not gaining.:)

  • olga5454
    olga5454 Posts: 41 Member
    5'2, 31 year old female
    SW: 135
    GW: 116
    GW for this round: 121

    Fell off last round after getting laid off. Taking the time to job hunt and focus on myself.

    9/10 124.6 - did not track calories
    9/11 124.8 - did not track calories. Stuck at home with kids cause of Irma
    9/12 123.8 - slightly over calories
    9/13 122.6 - under calories, but starving
    9/14 122.6 - kickboxing class, under calories
    9/15 123.8 - did aqua aerobics, and 2 kickboxing classes. Had a bunch of calories left over from exercising. Hoping that the number will go down. Urgh
    9/16 125.5 - Went over calories by 500. =(. Got one class in though.
    9/17 123.9 - 2 kickboxing classes. When over about 200 calories.
    9/18 125.1 - definitely overate yesterday. Rest day
    9/19 125.4 - got a free 2 week membership to a new gym. Did an upper arm 30 training. Was close to calorie goal.

    Not sure why my weight jumped up so high.
  • ajadorsey
    ajadorsey Posts: 78 Member
    Starting: 165.7 Ending: 164.6
    I ended up not being able to track for a while because I got displaced from flooding in my basement and didnt have access to a scale but stuck to tracking daily, eating right and exercising. I'm glad I did this challenge!