Tell me about your last binge....



  • rodmelching
    rodmelching Posts: 67 Member
    Does Netflix binging count? lol
  • Famof72015
    Famof72015 Posts: 393 Member
    Well after I hadn't drank I'm almost a month I ha deplaned anight out last night did good came in under the allotment for alcohol and didn't really eat bad at all it was TODAY, I was sleepy not headache hungover just tired and couldn't nap because I have 5 kids. I made poor choices, are so much Halloween Chex mix, bugles, m&ms, candy corn, kids mcdonalds fries, two heaping bowls of chili, sour cream cheese crackers, a big salad, alfredo roll up some broccoli, diet dew( haven't had a pop in i don't even know when, months) and a bowl of ice cream. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh hopefully that wasn't a pound worth of fat and I'm not weighing myself until Friday I hope I can drop whatever it is I gained. Btw TOM came so that doesn't help and FYI drinking is definitely not worth it to me!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    Last binge I had was about a week ago, but I have controlled/planned binges. I don't moderate sugar well at all and I still love some sugary things, so last week it was Little Debbie oatmeal cookie sandwiches. When I put them in my cart at the store I know full well I won't go to bed until they are gone. I have a few foods like this, so I don't buy them often. A box of those oatmeal things is 2040 calories. I had them after I had already eaten my meals for the day, so needless to say...I hit 3900 for that day. I will do it again, just with some other item. I didn't have any real reason for it, no stressful things happened, I had plenty of sleep. I just wanted LD oatmeal cookies.

    I have been known to eat eight of them and then pour soapy water over the other four. Is that managing it? :lol:

    I can go *so* long without doing this, then I have to have some treat that I know this will happen - because I admit it is a weakness and I don't control it. I've tried, really. After ten years at this calorie-counting and weight maintenance thing I know it will satisfy my desire for a month or so, then I'll do it again. In the meantime I'll have an ice cream cone when I'm out or a single muffin at the zoo with coffee - something like that. But I won't bring them home. I log it all, and make sure I weigh myself every day for a few days. It all works out.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Last binge I had was about a week ago, but I have controlled/planned binges. I don't moderate sugar well at all and I still love some sugary things, so last week it was Little Debbie oatmeal cookie sandwiches. When I put them in my cart at the store I know full well I won't go to bed until they are gone. I have a few foods like this, so I don't buy them often. A box of those oatmeal things is 2040 calories. I had them after I had already eaten my meals for the day, so needless to say...I hit 3900 for that day. I will do it again, just with some other item. I didn't have any real reason for it, no stressful things happened, I had plenty of sleep. I just wanted LD oatmeal cookies.

    I have been known to eat eight of them and then pour soapy water over the other four. Is that managing it? :lol:

    I've sprayed down extra Christmas candy/cookies with bug spray on Dec. 27 or so...putting them in the trash would do the trick, but it took bug spray on top, just to get them out of my mind.

  • sofchak
    sofchak Posts: 862 Member
    Last binge I had was about a week ago, but I have controlled/planned binges. I don't moderate sugar well at all and I still love some sugary things, so last week it was Little Debbie oatmeal cookie sandwiches. When I put them in my cart at the store I know full well I won't go to bed until they are gone. I have a few foods like this, so I don't buy them often. A box of those oatmeal things is 2040 calories. I had them after I had already eaten my meals for the day, so needless to say...I hit 3900 for that day. I will do it again, just with some other item. I didn't have any real reason for it, no stressful things happened, I had plenty of sleep. I just wanted LD oatmeal cookies.

    I have been known to eat eight of them and then pour soapy water over the other four. Is that managing it? :lol:

    I can go *so* long without doing this, then I have to have some treat that I know this will happen - because I admit it is a weakness and I don't control it. I've tried, really. After ten years at this calorie-counting and weight maintenance thing I know it will satisfy my desire for a month or so, then I'll do it again. In the meantime I'll have an ice cream cone when I'm out or a single muffin at the zoo with coffee - something like that. But I won't bring them home. I log it all, and make sure I weigh myself every day for a few days. It all works out.

    You and I are very much alike here. It's like premeditated binging. I'm the same way - I'll buy a package of a "no brakes" food knowing full well I will overeat it because to me, a serving size is the entire contents of what I just bought ... and when (if) I finally get control over the binge, into the trash the remainder goes with soapy water! Friday night was an entire container of double chocolate cookies... 1280 calories, so not the worst thing in the world. The worst is when I want peanut butter because I can literally eat half a jar before being able to stop myself. Luckily, my dogs love peanut butter so I try to share the wealth.

    FWIW, I have had limited success with throwing away most of the container while in the grocery store parking lot at times and leaving a normal sized portion or three still in the container for me to enjoy. Feels like just throwing away money, but the alternative is throwing away healthy eating habits ... so I guess that's the trade-off.

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Last Monday. I visited my mom and she was stressing me out (long story and lots of reasons). I helped her get groceries because she was struggling with some health issues. We bought a packet of creme horn pastries to split. I ate one, with a plate & fork, like a civilized being...six to a pack, so we each had two more in a baggie. I'd already had a small brownie and a hamburger a few hours earlier, mind you. I was roughly at my calorie limit for the day even after the hamburger & brownie, and I definitely hadn't eaten as healthy as I'd like or as I do normally. I feel like having even one creme horn was just comfort/stress eating because she was doing my head in with her own issues and gripes.

    In the car driving home from her house, I ate another creme horn. Then I licked the creme filling out of the last one, breaking it in half to get all of the creme, and it didn't even honestly taste good but I just felt like I "had" to have all the sugar in that moment. As I was eating it, I thought about how stupid it was, and how out of character for me. I haven't done anything like that in ages. I'd also thought of throwing the two creme horns out the window (not the bag though, I wouldn't litter something like that just edible food).

    As a result, I felt sick to my stomach and humiliated as well. It wasn't worth it at all. Once in awhile, my husband and I will get a couple of donuts and coffee that is outside of our calories/macros but it's totally worth it to me and fun and not shameful at all. This was totally the opposite experience for me. I was in my car feeling like a rat pushing a button to get a pellet of food or something. The pastries were not even very good, and the filling just tasted like fluffy sugar with no real taste. I felt extra weird about it because a week earlier I'd noticed a packet of the same pastries in the supermarket and thought, "Man I could eat all six of those" and eating this stuff in my car, at night, secretly, was just not even behavior that I normally have ever had even during the many years when I was morbidly obese.

    I think we all have low moments and that was one of mine. I hope this doesn't sound lame because it's "not a true binge" (roughly 500-600 calories)...for me, it definitely was. I've been controlling my calorie intake for years and this was a fail for me. I'm moving past it though. I'm pretty sure if that happened again I'd pull over and just throw the two creme horns in a convenience store garbage can.

    I can totally relate to your "rat pushing a button" analogy...

    Did you feel so awful from the overeating that you stopped thinking about about the stress with your mother? I have certainly used food to self medicate like that many times in the past.

    I like your plan for next time :)

    Definitely. Absolutely a self-medicating thing.

  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    I love the expression 'no brakes' food and that for pretty much describes anything sugary sweet. Same thing, I don't buy these items for the house usually, if I fancy something sweet and know I'm going to cave, I'll get a cake with my coffee or portion and it's done. If I'm having a 'stuff it' day and I'm feeling a bit miserable for whatever reason, I'll buy a load of sugary junk food for the house, baton down the hatches and eat and binge watch Netflix. It doesn't happen very often these days, like 2-3 times a year, so I give myself a break when it does!

    However the last proper binge I had was on Saturday :neutral: . I've been doing Intermittent fasting fairly successfully, and had just started OMAD (one meal a day) last week. I always allow myself one 'free and easy' day at the weekend and chose to use it for my friend's birthday drinks. Well I got fairly intoxicated and I guess the hunger that I had been suppressing for the past week came at me with a vengeance - and also I purposely didn't really eat anything all day to 'save' on calories! It's pretty standard behavior to stop by the kebab shop after a night out, but I was on a serious binge mission this time. I had:
    • A large portion of chips (fries), cheese and gravy - oh my god, it tasted so good!
    • Two large spring rolls
    • A big bar of chocolate (I never want sweet stuff when I'm drunk so that was weird!)
    • A 500ml bottle of coke
    • Plus a fair mix of drinks all the way through the night including rum and full fat coke, wine, vodka lemonade, shots with god knows what in them

    On the plus side I was so ill the next day I couldn't help but make it an OMAD day haha - so that helped!
  • amandacalories
    amandacalories Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't binged since I started logging. I am expecting one come December when I visit my parents for Christmas but I'm trying to prepare myself for it now to minimize the damage. I also see a psychologist regularly and although we don't talk about food related things it's helping me to better understand why I would binge (and purge and restrict etc) in the past.
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    I had a binge yesterday. A combination of boredom and phantom hunger, I ate more than I should have. For me to work on the binging, I have to work on the emotional eating and those triggers. Writing in a diary and going through my emotions for that day on how I felt when I ate today really helps with the control issue I have with food. Just like recording calories and saying the next day is better, writing helps explains the bad days.
  • darlibby
    darlibby Posts: 37 Member
    I never have food at home that I can binge on so that limits me usually.. but.. my binges usually consist of picking up a large pizza, telling myself I'm just going to eat half, but eating six slices and forcing myself to throw the other two away. Have to mention that I'm a 5 feet tall woman so 6 slices of large pizza alone puts me over for the day.

    Although I haven't done this in years due to learning self control, I can eat a whole bag of milanos at once, or a tub of pringles. Ah.. I kind of miss those days.
  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    I never binge at home, so the last time I binged was when we went to our favorite chinese buffet restaurant for dinner a little over a month ago. It also kinda killed my urges for binging, since by then I had been on a low sodium diet for at least five months and everything seemed way too salty to me.
  • Julani34
    Julani34 Posts: 36 Member
    Yesterday. We had a busy day and I wasn't prepared for it. Got to family members house late afternoon and I was so hungry I binged on chips and fruit juice and when we got home I ate vetkoeks and topped it off with ice cream and chocolate sauce. I think the binging on chips made me feel oh well I'm already screwed for today so I just let go. It was nice at the time but I woke up in the night with a terrible headache and I feel almost hungover. It wasn't worth it. Won't be doing that again. That said, if it doesn't happen too often I don't believe a binge could affect your weight any more than one day of fasting would long term.
  • Xx_Christie_xX
    Xx_Christie_xX Posts: 21 Member
    I can go weeks and months without a binge then bang I am back on that roller coaster! The last couple of weeks have been tough - the last one was on Saturday - long draining day at work - Cooked dinner for everyone else and I sat and ate tubs of icecream biscuit cake then anything else left in the house!! Sunday I said that’s it no more junk food as that is a trigger for me - half way through the day back on biscuits!! Not good! Today back tracking on MFP - plenty of fruit n veg - meals planned lunch prepped! went gym at 06:30 this morning - just need to beat this! The crazy thing is the foods I binged on I didn’t enjoy as much as I thought I would! Urrggghhh - feel free to add if anyone wants to be friend for support!
  • DewGracen
    DewGracen Posts: 12 Member
    I hate binges; they're so tempting yet so good, then you feel so guilty afterwards! Things I binge on include Nutella, java chip frappuccinos, dark chocolate Reese's, Kit Kat, Hershey's, & Moose Munch bars, Darrell Lea black liqourice, choc. no-bake cookies, fudgy brownies, McDonald's fries, pizza, ice cream sandwiches, & chocolate Edy's light ice cream. Because of the past year I've binged 31,412 calories over my goal net. I need to get rid of that!
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    The worst part about it is that there isn't a particular food I can keep out of the house to avoid it. I already don't buy cookies, ice cream, etc. But for example last night I was alone: I ate my curry soup for dinner while DH was getting ready to leave. It was satisfying so I thought "yay, maybe I won't binge tonight!". After he left I set myself up with a TV show... And wanted to eat. So I made an impromptu pizza with a crust of 2 cups flour, 1 cup milk, 1/4 cup oil, pasta sauce, lunch meat, cheese. Baked it, ate it all. By then I was feeling so stuffed it hurt. But I managed to eat a few more things before DH came back. I did this three times this week, that is, every single evening I was alone (different foods every time).

    I have this same issue. I can have no prepackaged "bad" foods in the house, but I always have eggs, sugar, butter and flour, so I can always whip up a batch of cookies or mug cakes. I also can't get away with throwing foods away because I know from experience I will just go straight to the shops and buy twice as much again. Luckily I have funds to cover it as I genuinely believe I would get myself into debt otherwise, the compulsion is so strong.

    I'm in the middle of a month? long binge. I don't remember when it started if I'm honest. It began with stress due to trying to plan a wedding, and continued because my OH went away with work. Whenever he's away I binge constantly to the point of feeling sick. A sample of things I've eaten this last week: an entire round loaf of bread, whole mozzarella ball and cheddar cheese made into a cheese bowl (ate it in one go), a family pack of crisps every night. A pint of ice cream. 3 packs of large cookies. A tray of hazelnut chocolates, a whole pack of smoked salmon, a pack of egg noodles with butter and hotdogs, pork pies, grapes. The list goes on but I honestly can't remember half of what I've eaten.

    How I feel about it? Surprisingly, I'm not bothered. I struggle with anxiety and depression and choosing to binge is how I deal with those when my OH isn't around. It's a terrible coping strategy, but food is and will always be my comfort. That way the palpitations and nausea can be blamed on the food, not a pending anxiety attack.

    What will stop it is the fact that I'm running out of readily available food, and my OH is back home. And then next time he's away it will all happen again.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    edited September 2017
    Last night I bought these little frosted bakery butter cookies for my husband and some coworkers meeting at our house. I must have eaten 10 of them last night. Then later that night, I had a huge blueberry bagel w/ cream cheese. It was like a carb overdose, but dang, it was good. Back on the wagon today!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,058 Member
    sofchak wrote: »
    Last binge I had was about a week ago, but I have controlled/planned binges. I don't moderate sugar well at all and I still love some sugary things, so last week it was Little Debbie oatmeal cookie sandwiches. When I put them in my cart at the store I know full well I won't go to bed until they are gone. I have a few foods like this, so I don't buy them often. A box of those oatmeal things is 2040 calories. I had them after I had already eaten my meals for the day, so needless to say...I hit 3900 for that day. I will do it again, just with some other item. I didn't have any real reason for it, no stressful things happened, I had plenty of sleep. I just wanted LD oatmeal cookies.

    I have been known to eat eight of them and then pour soapy water over the other four. Is that managing it? :lol:

    I can go *so* long without doing this, then I have to have some treat that I know this will happen - because I admit it is a weakness and I don't control it. I've tried, really. After ten years at this calorie-counting and weight maintenance thing I know it will satisfy my desire for a month or so, then I'll do it again. In the meantime I'll have an ice cream cone when I'm out or a single muffin at the zoo with coffee - something like that. But I won't bring them home. I log it all, and make sure I weigh myself every day for a few days. It all works out.

    You and I are very much alike here. It's like premeditated binging. I'm the same way - I'll buy a package of a "no brakes" food knowing full well I will overeat it because to me, a serving size is the entire contents of what I just bought ... and when (if) I finally get control over the binge, into the trash the remainder goes with soapy water! Friday night was an entire container of double chocolate cookies... 1280 calories, so not the worst thing in the world. The worst is when I want peanut butter because I can literally eat half a jar before being able to stop myself. Luckily, my dogs love peanut butter so I try to share the wealth.

    FWIW, I have had limited success with throwing away most of the container while in the grocery store parking lot at times and leaving a normal sized portion or three still in the container for me to enjoy. Feels like just throwing away money, but the alternative is throwing away healthy eating habits ... so I guess that's the trade-off.

    First of all. Throw it away first? Brilliant. Except that would be the time that I would have to have ten instead of the six I brought home. I feel like I have to have way more available than is comfortable, to be honest. I think it's partly fear of lack instead of comfort with abundance. It's definitely a fear/rebellion with me. Pretty well set up by my childhood and blah blah blah. If I buy a pint of ice cream, it's not enough. Many a time I wanted more after a pint. When I'm buying it I have to really concentrate or I'll end up with two pints or a big container.

    Sometimes I'll get going and my mouth will be uncomfortable. The only things that make me stop are either the roof of my mouth becomes over-sensitive, or I am so full I feel like I'm ready to burst.

    I keep a headache journal because I used to get crippling migraines when I was younger and it just became a habit to journal them. The only headaches I have had in the last two years have been post-sugar binge or forgetting my afternoon coffee. It's like a sugar hangover, and I have to just ride it out because no OTC meds will stop it.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    Yesterday I got home an hour late from work which put me right as I am normally about to eat. I was starving. While cooking dinner I had a protien bar, mini snickers, cheetos, and bbq chips. Then dinner was ready. I ate more than I normally do but still didn't go over calories. Tonight if I am late I think I will settle for some tea while I am making dinner (but it is tuna salad night so that doesn't take as long to make)