Is your diary public or private? Why?



  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    Mine is public to my MFP buddies because I want them to let me know if I'm eating wrong. PLUS -- I wouldn't want to go out and eat fast food then have to log it in my diary. I am staying 100% honest when I log stuff because I want to see results and not lie to myself or others. Like someone said it makes me accountable! :happy:
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    Mines Private, I've struggled with disordered eating in the past. I'm trying o be healthy now but I don't feel conferrable with letting people see what I've eaten because there's still that little insecure voice in the back of my head that says people will think I'm a fat cow for the stuff/the amount I eat even though I eat pretty healthily (although I allow myself the odd treat) and I'm usually pretty close to my goal. I just don't really feelconfertable with people seeing my food diary.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Public... completely public. Accountability and nothing to hide.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    While I have lots I'd like to hide (like my entries for today, haha), I realize making mine public...
    1) helps me make better choices
    2) may help others if they know everyone messes up,
    3) I'm soliciting advice from my friends, and anyone who wants to bother. Some of the advice will be wrong or just not for me, but I've gotten some great ideas using this process.

    I love looking at the diaries of others-some of you are so very creative with food!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Mine is set to public as I don't mind anyone looking at what I'm eating. HOWEVER, I don't ever finalize my entries as I don't want the whole announcement on my home page. I find that some days I'm under cals, but I didn't really make very good choices and I really don't want a whole bunch of "good jobs" when I really didn't like the choices I made in the day. I've been at this a long time and know when I don't pick things I should and don't really need the input anymore, so it works for me.

  • sffre
    sffre Posts: 19
    My diary is public, just because their is no need to "hide" my bad eating habits. It helps me to think twice before wanting to eat some foods....
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Mine's public. I know I don't eat perfect, and I don't care if I'm not perfect. Today was a little more processed than I'd really like, but I had leftover pizza that would have went bad, and I gotta eventually use up those boxes of Rice A Roni I bought months ago....

    Besides, what I'm doing is working for me. :happy: If someone can look at my diary and my progress photos, and think, "Well, she's doing well, and she doesn't eat like a bunny... maybe I don't need to eat like a bunny," then it did some good.

    Only bunnies should eat like bunnies. Well, maybe guinea pigs should eat like bunnies, too. I'm not really sure of their nutritional needs.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    . Also, I don't really feel like I have anything to hide. That is just me.


    Public. I don't care. I eat what i want. somedays i'm good and some not. This is just me also
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member

    Only bunnies should eat like bunnies. Well, maybe guinea pigs should eat like bunnies, too. I'm not really sure of their nutritional needs.

  • HollyTsiaussis
    HollyTsiaussis Posts: 415 Member
    My diary is public. I don't feel the need to hide what I eat.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Mine is private. I'm not a nutrition expert but I figure I know enough about it to know what I should/should not be eating. I don't need complete strangers to police me on everything I put in my mouth. When it comes to junk food, in the rare event that I eat it, I'm good enough at making myself feel needlessly guilty over it and don't need anyone else adding to it!

    One of my friends on MFP has a friend who, when my friend finishes her food log for the day, will leave comments like "Not enough fruit" or "Watch your sodium!" or whatever. It would drive me crazy to have people do that.

    Like someone already said in this thread... If I need help, I'll ask for it.

    I am sorry to hear your friend had that experience. I have loads of friends on MFP and my diary is public and have never had a comment like that. I feel if you are going to give kudos to someone for completing their food diary then you should be able to peek at what they ate. It is also a good way to find new things to eat and to yes encourage someone.
  • thenewkarisa
    Mine is private because I spend a lot of time reading other people's opinions about how to lose weight or eat healthier, so I can watch out for my own diary... PLUS - people like to scrutinize how many calories you are eating without taking into account your financial hardships or your doctors orders. And when they do say something negative, they address me as 'hun' or 'sweety'... which makes me VERY uncomfortable and looked down upon. I'm 24, not a 13 year old 'sweety' or 'hun.'
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I dont understand why the people that keep it private feel like hearing advice from other people is such a bad thing....the people you add become your friends they're not strangers.

    that's how I feel. however; I speak only from what I've seen, friends who were eating very little calories decided to make theirs private. I can only speculate that they were somehow ashamed of what or how little they were eating. that's not always the case though. mines was private when I didn't know it could be public, lol.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    If you don't like someone on your friends list, remove them. I can understand not wanting to put yourself out there with your food, but I think it's a good way to keep accountable too. Plus I love seeing what other people eat to get new ideas.
  • msmith5251s
    It keeps me from over indulging.
    And offers people the ability to critique my food intake.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    If you don't like someone on your friends list, remove them. I can understand not wanting to put yourself out there with your food, but I think it's a good way to keep accountable too. Plus I love seeing what other people eat to get new ideas.

    I hate putting myself out there with my food. BUT I also like to snoop and get ideas from other people so it's only fair that they get to do the same on my diary. That's why it's public.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    I can understand the benefits of a public diary, but I just can't do it. It's not an issue of accountability or wanting input, it's a matter of judgement. Every time I think about unlocking it, even just for my friends, I read a post from someone about how they can't believe what some people eat.

    For me, it's not about what's in the diary as much as what's NOT in the diary. Sure, I might have some taco bell, tonight I had some oreos (very special treat). I might go over my sodium or fat. I might not hit all my protein. I promise I won't immediately drop dead from this.

    I can't handle someone looking at my diary and thinking I did lousy today without knowing what it would have looked like a year ago.

    A year ago, a normal day would've looked something like this:

    Breakfast: McDonald's Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Bagel, Hash Brown, & Large Sweet Tea
    Second Breakfast: 2 Donuts
    Lunch: Burger King Original Chicken Sandwich with extra mayo, large french fries, large diet coke (maybe another sweet tea)
    Afternoon snack: 2 slices of coconut cake, egg roll
    Dinner: 3/4 a large pizza from Little Caesar's, 1 and 1/2 packages (not servings) of crazy bread w/diet pepsi

    And I might have had a few scoops of ice cream in a cream soda before bed.

    Nope, don't care what you might think what I ate today. lol
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Public (at least to my friends, I don't know if it is open beyond that...)
    I do it in part because I've got a ton of food allergies and a few of my friends are fellow gluten intolerants so I like to leave it open to show that food intolerances don't mean I eat boring food.
    Also, I eat better if people can see what I log.
    Aaaand, I have an eating disorder in my history and so when I only eat 600 calories in a day I want people asking me what the hell I'm thinking.
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    My diary is open to my friends. I like that they can see my good, bad & ugly days! Helps to keep me accountable and less likely to venture too far into the "no, no zone". They really do (gently) help keep me on the straight and (eventually) narrow.

    The folks on my list are nonjudgmental with their support! I've only had to "unfriend" on person. I noticed them using a condescending/sarcastic tone to some of their posts. Not the type of people I want in my life.
  • Olivia1977
    Olivia1977 Posts: 84 Member
    I keep mine private because I am more likely to be honest. If it's public and I feel bad about eating something I "forget" to log it.