Is your diary public or private? Why?



  • FattyWantADoughnut
    Mine is public because idgaf.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Private. Because I'm my own worst critique.
  • kobunski
    kobunski Posts: 18
    Options keeps me accountable!
  • Saruman_w
    Saruman_w Posts: 1,531 Member
    Public. I could care less that people know what I'm eating.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Mine is public because idgaf.

    LOVE. IT.
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    right now I am focusing just keep my calories, fat, and carbs in the target range and not so much the types of food I eat so I like like to keep it private. I don't need people to critque me, I know what I am doing. Once I master that, I'll switch to better food choices and maybe make it public.
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Mine is locked with a key number.....why? Because I joined here to lose weight to be healthier while dealing with primary progressive MS. My diary is accessible to those I choose to give the # to....primarily my nutritionist who helps me monitor the foods that I need to eat to stay as healthy as possible with the MS as I lose the weight. I tried public for a while but there were too many people who didn't understand my unique situation.
  • KeaganJ
    KeaganJ Posts: 9
    Mine is open to friends, but becasue i'm new i really dont have any yet. I dont want it all the way public because i am still a little embarassed of everything i eat every day! Sad but true! Getting better though!
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Public. Because why hide it. It is what it is. I don't lie about my weight either. 201.7 today... Trying to get back into ONEderland AGAIN. lol
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Mine's public to friends.... Friend me and you can see my diary. I really don't care at all, but I chose just friends so that I have some accountability and input but not necessarily the whole world.
  • Natp274
    Natp274 Posts: 36 Member
    private. because i dont want/need anybody's input on what im eating. when i need help ill ask for it and open it to the public :wink:
    I feel the same way. :smile: I dont need somebody to tell me that I went over on my sodium, or I shouldn't have had that slice of pizza cause I know and Im already hard on myself.

    I agree with you both, and mine is private. :glasses:
  • TheOddOne
    TheOddOne Posts: 45 Member
    Private. Private. Private. I rely on myself to be accountable. I hate seeing a 0 on exercise or red calories. I only interract with mfp people via the forums. I actually have no friends on this site. I'm a very private person in general. While ill admit to seeing MANY nice and motivating comments and posts... I've also seen a lot of judgement and (non constructive) criticism. And quite frankly, I just don't need or want that in my life. :)
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Mine is public. I think it makes me think harder about what I'm about to eat, knowing that its out there for everyone to see. Plus, I like to read others diary's, hoping to get some new ideas, and perhaps someone can get some from mine.
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    private because I still make food choices that aren't the greatest (it's a work in progress), but I stay within my calories for the most part. I'm doing MUCH better than I have been though. I don't need people to yell at me for my daily 1/2 cup of icecream. If I don't have something sweet every day... i would binge.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    Mine is private. I'm not a nutrition expert but I figure I know enough about it to know what I should/should not be eating. I don't need complete strangers to police me on everything I put in my mouth. When it comes to junk food, in the rare event that I eat it, I'm good enough at making myself feel needlessly guilty over it and don't need anyone else adding to it!

    One of my friends on MFP has a friend who, when my friend finishes her food log for the day, will leave comments like "Not enough fruit" or "Watch your sodium!" or whatever. It would drive me crazy to have people do that.

    Like someone already said in this thread... If I need help, I'll ask for it.

    I agree with you. Mine is private as well. I also know what I should or should not be eating. I would rather go to a nutrionist or RD to get advise if I need it. I am sure people are trying to be helpful but they are not experts but actually could be helpful to some because some people have no clue how to eat healthy. I saw a post once that the person couldn 't understand why they weren't losing weight so they opened up their diary. They were not only over with calories and every other nutrient. They were eating mostly sweets and processed foods. Not much healthy food. I couldn't bring myself to comment on that post.
  • edward1973
    Have since made mines public (used to be open to friends) end of the day - you have to be honest and nowing everyone can now see my diary definately doesnt make me want to cheat.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    public...i really dont care if peeps see my profile.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    private.. I've seen too many people being teared apart for eating an ice cream cone or go over on their sugars. I know what I'm eating and I am always honest with myself and my diary. Because it's private I'm not ashamed at all of that extra handful of m&ms or something. I ate it, I logged it, it's done.

    Just because you don't log it doesn't mean your body doesn't log it.

    I've also been considering opting out of my status reading that I closed my diary for the day and am under calories. people say way to go! But what if I had a bad day and just ate 500 calories? That's not good at all. I don't comment on anybody's diaries and rarely look at them as well.. just my choice!

    People shouldn't be attacked about whether their diary is public or not.. who gives a crap????? People can do whatever they want on this site!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Public to my friends. I have nothing to hide and I can take whatever anyone dishes out. If they piss me off, then I'll delete from my friends list but I haven't had any problems whatsoever.
  • ScottieMama
    Mine is private. I don't have enough friends that are eating foods like me (whatever I *want*, just in correct portion sizes), exercising like me (walking minimum 1 1/2 hours a day and living a very active lifestyle-what's a TV?), eating the caloric load per day(2000 calories) and losing 3lbs a week steady since I started 7 weeks ago.