Anxiety ever make you sick?

Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
Racing thoughts and a pounding heart. My first memory of anxiety, I was in preschool. I vomited before a school play one night because I was so nervous. I had stomach aches every day during my school career, especially in middle school and high school when you have to switch classes several times a day. In elementary school, I used to ask to go to the nurses office because I thought I was sick, when now I realize it was only nausea from anxiety. Even now as an adult, I have to go hide at family gatherings in another room, or go outside because I get so overwhelmed and I HAVE to be alone immediately. Whenever I'm around a bunch of people, like tonight, I have to spend a long time afterward by myself to destress because of sensory overload. I literally have to take blood pressure meds because of the stress of anxiety! Sends my blood pressure through the roof. I know I'm not the only one who suffers from severe anxiety. Often, I get physically sick to my stomach and I start stuttering and trembling when I'm overly anxious. I'm wondering if anxiety medication would help, or make things worse? Anyone have any thoughts or reviews on how anxiety medication helped or hurt? Or can you be cured of it without meds?


  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    i dont think i have anxiety

    That's very good! I'm envious haha
  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    I have always been an anxious person but it got really bad this summer. Manifested in strange ways. I tried to combat it with traditional methods (exercise, healthy eating, etc) but ultimately I got worse and worse until I couldn't handle daily life anymore. I went on something for it. I'm only a few weeks in, about 4 weeks I guess, and I feel marked improvement. I wish I would've tried it sooner.
  • RLWatson70
    RLWatson70 Posts: 360 Member
    I don’t believe I’ve ever delt with anxiety
  • _pi3_
    _pi3_ Posts: 2,311 Member
    I get upset to my stomach when I'm upset.
  • _pi3_
    _pi3_ Posts: 2,311 Member
    edited October 2017
    I also get the sh!ts
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    I also get the sh!ts

    Lol me too!
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    Yes. I could probably eliminate 3/4 of it by avoiding this site.

    Lol probably!
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    I have always been an anxious person but it got really bad this summer. Manifested in strange ways. I tried to combat it with traditional methods (exercise, healthy eating, etc) but ultimately I got worse and worse until I couldn't handle daily life anymore. I went on something for it. I'm only a few weeks in, about 4 weeks I guess, and I feel marked improvement. I wish I would've tried it sooner.

    I can relate. I'm glad it's starting to help you.
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    rwatson70 wrote: »
    I don’t believe I’ve ever delt with anxiety

    Anxiety is so normal for me, I just figure everyone has it lol. That's great you don't!
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Soul crushing anxiety.......It's my comfort zone.

    I really start to worry if I'm not feeling anxious.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Anxiety is horrible. I had really bad panic attacks after child birth. I found a breathing technique that was so simple helped so much. See someone for cognitive therapy. I don't do medication and you probably don't need it either so try this first.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have anxiety tied in with my bipolar disorder.

    The mood symptoms are devastating but cyclical. I'm not always in an episode.

    From a daily functional perspective the anxiety is the most challenging.
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Anxiety is horrible. I had really bad panic attacks after child birth. I found a breathing technique that was so simple helped so much. See someone for cognitive therapy. I don't do medication and you probably don't need it either so try this first.

    What qualifies you to tell a person that they don't need medication?

  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    I switched from typical talk therapy to a combo of CBT and hypnosis about 2 months ago. I had already talked to my PCP about meds, but wanted to see how the CBT/hypnosis worked first. In general, I think it's been a positive change. I expect it to take a while for me to see significant improvement. Right now I'm up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts and fidgety. That's after listening to my hypnosis recording for the night.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    lizery wrote: »
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Anxiety is horrible. I had really bad panic attacks after child birth. I found a breathing technique that was so simple helped so much. See someone for cognitive therapy. I don't do medication and you probably don't need it either so try this first.

    What qualifies you to tell a person that they don't need medication?

    I never said she shouldn't, just to try other things first. Have a nice day. Read properly before you be rude.
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I have anxiety issues too. I'm sorry I have no helpful advice or guidance for you. The last panic attack I had I realized I'd either die or it would subside....strangely that comforts me...

    It will all be over soon

    I've been having anxiety issues again lately..oh well...I'll either be ok or not.
  • Fyreside
    Fyreside Posts: 444 Member
    It's something I experience daily for a few years now. And I'm very anti med (personal opinion) So I'm just living with it currently. But I am working towards changing my life towards not putting myself in the situations that cause it so often.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    I have social anxiety and generalized anxiety.. and anxiety over medications and death and kids out of my sight.. I hated school because I hate the unknown. I've never used medication to deal with it. Not that you shouldn't. If you can't seem to manage it on your own, then you need help. Me, I can't.. my anxiety won't let me.

    It makes it difficult to go anywhere alone, to go to the doctors, or to find a normal job. I pet sit but my sister in law has to take the calls and meet with the clients. I just paid 62$ for a rabies shot for my dog because my anxiety kicked in about taking him back to the shelter for a scheduled free one. I was just telling my sister in law yesterday that I need to get this under control before I go broke!! :lol:

    I usually combat it by having someone with me, like my kids or sil, who can distract me from my racing thoughts. It's so bad that I've been called a cnt buy my sil for ignoring and walking away from people talking to me.. I swear, I never saw them! Cant recall faces or names either. Attended church for almost a year before I knew who the pastor was or his name. Sat next to a boy in one of my college classes who decided to ask me out in the hall.. didn't know who the heck he was and said as much. He told me then never sat next to me again. That's another thing... single for 5 years now cause it takes me FOREVER to get to know anyone. Most people don't wait for a person to come around mentally.

    I have to know weeks in advance of any changes so I can get use to the idea. Anxiety has caused me to uproot my kids and my life 16 times and 4 states in 18 years. I'm finally in a home I don't feel "compelled" to run from! Bloody expensive! 1500$ a month! But it "feels" comforting. Been here the longest I've ever been in a place. Almost 2 years now.

    Yeah, anxiety and I are old friends. I have depression issues too but I hate weakness so it pisses me off and I refuse to acknowledge it. I'll distract myself or tell myself to get over itself.

    Other than that, I'm fiiinnneee! Totally fine! Yup.. Not a head case at all..
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    mockchoc wrote: »
    Anxiety is horrible. I had really bad panic attacks after child birth. I found a breathing technique that was so simple helped so much. See someone for cognitive therapy. I don't do medication and you probably don't need it either so try this first.

    Definitely need to look into breathing techniques. Thank you for sharing. Hope you continue to improve!
  • Fitkam90
    Fitkam90 Posts: 360 Member
    lizery wrote: »
    I have anxiety tied in with my bipolar disorder.

    The mood symptoms are devastating but cyclical. I'm not always in an episode.

    From a daily functional perspective the anxiety is the most challenging.

    Anxiety is very challenging. Well wishes for you :heart: