3kg loss in August! we all did so well in July!!

hey everyone new and old pals who joined me for the 3kg in july!
it was great and some reached their 3kg and some didnt. both are great as long as you stuck with it and enjoyed the motivation and support then i encourage you to join me now for another month!!!

so whos with me??
ive been sick and have dropped about 3kg in the last week, so my aim tis to just maintain that loss this month or hopefully loose afew more kg.
sorry to those who work this pounds but i think a kg is 2.2lbs?

so goodluck to you all. im still sick but will be recovering and back to work tomorrow so ill definitely be on this! :)

current weight = 75.7kg
end of august weight = 73kg
overall goal weight = 67kg


  • Pleasedaspunch
    I'm in =)

    Current weight: 74.4 kg
    End of August weight: 71.4 kg
    Overall goal weight: 60kg
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I'm in!!! Trying for a bit more then that even! :)

  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Hey Bree! Yay I'm so glad you put up an August challenge! Hope you feel 100% better soon. :flowerforyou:

    Here are my August goals:

    current weight = 144.5 lbs / 65.54 kg
    end of august weight = 137.5 lbs / 62.36 kg (hoping to be down 7 lbs or 3.17 kg by September 1st)
    overall goal weight = 115 lbs / 52.16 kgs
  • gemmaolsson
    I'm in!!!! Can so do 3kg this month now that I am back into the exercise! But I am hoping to get to 61.5kg, so that is a loss of 2.6kg from today. We can do this!

    current weight = 64.1kg
    end of august weight = 61.5kg
    overall goal weight = 58kg
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    no problems aimee!!!! anything for you hun.

    i hope we all reach our goals. dont worry about converting we all get the differnece in lb and kgs :)

    welcome newies. its good to see new faces from last month, hope the oldies come back too :)
    3kg as a minimum fastbelly, so by all means exceed that would be fantastic!! :)

    last month, we liked to share exercise and diet tips that are working for us, and we also tried to do a AM workout and a PM workout.
    these dont have to be sweaty intense workouts but it helps keep the bosy burning all day long.

    so i am planning once im better to exercise, to do a AM workout of either walking, or 30d shred only about 20min-30min workout
    then a PM workout of either bodyrock workout 12-20min or a jog around the block about 20-30min or 3-5km :)

    goodluck everyone
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Oh goodness, it's been a long time since I've done a morning workout. :laugh: But might as well start the month of right! I'm going to get up at 7:45am and get a walk and/or run in first thing.
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    Me me me! I'm in....I think I came pretty close to 3kg loss in July (forget the 800gm I put on the past week, eeekkk!! Bad news).

    So August is here, and I'm ready!

    Current weight = 73.5kg
    End of august weight = 69.9kg - I WANT TO BE IN THE 60'S!!
    Overall goal weight = 65kg
  • bethly
    bethly Posts: 15 Member
    Ok. I'll give this a go..
    We're going over to NZ at the beginning of September, I'd be stoked if I can get to 69kg!!!

    Now 72kg.
    August 69kg
    Goal 65kg.
  • amandanzgirl
    amandanzgirl Posts: 79 Member
    Oh Bethly, we have the same goals!! :)
  • k3lly89
    k3lly89 Posts: 67
    I'm in :)

    current weight = 52.7kg
    end of august weight = 50kg
  • courtneywilcock
    Im in!!!

    Current: 79.6kg
    End of August: 76.6lg

    Overall goal 67kg.

    Hopefully can do it, sick atm so trying to maintain then starting bootycamp next week yayyyy!!!
  • MiekeJ
    MiekeJ Posts: 139
    Count me in! I need all the motivation I can get! :-)

    Current weight = 67kg
    End of august weight = 64kg
    Overall goal weight = 58kg (<- maybe?)
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Me, me

    I lost 3kg last month but gained back a kilo over the weekend :explode:

    So my stats are:

    SW: 66kg
    GW: 63kg

    I started off August well yesterday with a big workout at the gym in the morning and doing 5km on the treadmill in the evening. I am going to try using my treadmill a lot more often, I have been really lazy lately and its time to change that!!

    Good luck everyone :smile:
  • laureneva15
    yeah I'll give it a shot
    CW: 99kg
    GW end of August: 96kg
    GW overall: 80-75kg
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    I'll give it a try!

    CW: 59,4kg
    GW end of August 56 kg
    GW overall 47kg

    Good luck to everyone! We can do it!
  • annied16
    annied16 Posts: 25
    That sucks you've been unwell...Hope you're feeling better soon Bree!! Thanks for making another thread though, I'm definitely in again :)
    start weight - 85.4kg
    end aug goal weight - 82kg
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Me, me, me pleeeease!
    July was such a bad month although I did loose some weight it wasn't the 3kg, so I'm back for August :flowerforyou:
    Start 73kg
    GW: 70kg (plus if possible lol)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Me me me! I'm in....I think I came pretty close to 3kg loss in July (forget the 800gm I put on the past week, eeekkk!! Bad news).

    So August is here, and I'm ready!

    Current weight = 73.5kg
    End of august weight = 69.9kg - I WANT TO BE IN THE 60'S!!
    Overall goal weight = 65kg

    soooo much like me babe! :)
    i wanna be 65kg sooo bad!
    we will get there! hope august treats you well!! :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    That sucks you've been unwell...Hope you're feeling better soon Bree!! Thanks for making another thread though, I'm definitely in again :)
    start weight - 85.4kg
    end aug goal weight - 82kg

    your welcome gorgeous! :)
    thank you im finally on the mend i think just getting back into it slowly :)
    goodluck with month! :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    WELCOME everyone :flowerforyou:

    im soooooo glad you are all joining me!!!
    i think we can all motivated eachother.

    please come here and vent! post inspirational pictures of either yourself or your goal figure.
    make them realisitc dont undercut yourself.
    i want to see real women that we inspire to be healthy like..

    i wanna know diet tips, i wanna know our exercise goals or fitness goals, we will all find others on here with similar thingsa in mind and friendships will bloom!

    get excited about weight loss!!!
    KNOW you can and WILL do this if not the month of august then we will continue til we get there!! :smile:

    share everything and anything, post pictures of your changing shape inspire others!

    have fun!!!