really bothered by this comment



  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I just love the way that the woman in question doesn't share your belief and so she is automatically wrong and everyone jumps on her and calls her a moron and she is wrong and clearly jealous. This is such a school yard.
  • pdpmcm1980
    pdpmcm1980 Posts: 18 Member
    Do what I do - when someone is talking rubbish but I can't be arsed to argue, I just nod, smile and say 'ok' in such a way that it shows I don't agree but I'll let them have their opinion and I'm not rising to the bait. When other people are dying to stick their tuppence worth in, doing this drives them crazy! ;o)
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    Who is that judgmental of others?

    Noobs who don't understand how it is really done, that's who.

    Go on with your awesome self, lifting your big weights.

    Being awesome is the best revenge.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Eeeh god, she sounds like a right tw*t!lol

    Shrug off that comment, at the end of the have to aim for the shape and weight you want for yourself, not in order to people please!

    My advice would be to have a chat with a trainer at a gym and get a 2nd opinion on what you do just to make sure you are on the right tracks. If you are, cool! If not, then you can mix up your programme with a few tweaks!

    Keep on smiling pet!

    Sarah :)
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I just love the way that the woman in question doesn't share your belief and so she is automatically wrong and everyone jumps on her and calls her a moron and she is wrong and clearly jealous. This is such a school yard.

    no offense, but she is at least ignorant if she thinks that lifting weight (resistance training) will cause a woman to grow bulky, masculine-looking muscles. now, I do agree that each person should strive for a vision of his or her own self that he or she wants to achieve...and, for some, that vision may be the soft, thin, doughy type without sleek, sexy muscle tone. That's a choice for each person to make. Agree that it doesn't make someone jealous just because the person shares a different vision of his or herself.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    I disagree with her, I think women with muscle tone are very sexy.

    It's not just women that have these discussions though, my mates aren't too helpful at understanding my routine to loose a few lbs and tone up either. Each to their own, she's not wrong in her belief, but you're quite right in yours if that's what you want.

    Keep on training!
  • VolatileChocolate
    "Just smile and wave, boys...Just smile and wave" the penguins from Madagascar.

    Do your plan and give that opinion the attention it really deserves DELETE! :happy:

    You just had me in stitches - For last 3 days I've not been able to get the song out of my head - it always makes me smile and want to dance stupidly around house:

    I like to move it,move it
    She likes to move it,move it
    He likes to move it,move it
    You like to ("move it") .....

    You go girl with the weights, she's an idiot.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    So people have different ideas of beauty. Doesn't make either of you right or wrong. She probably would prefer to have a super skinny body because she thinks it is more attractive, whereas you think a muscular look is more attractive. Probably if you took a bunch of the normal population there would be differences of opinion as to who is right. Great that you know what you want and how to achieve it but not everyone wants that look.

    I actually agree with her in that I don't like having a muscular looking body. Skinny fat is not a good look either of course, I want to be able to use my body and work out hard. I would be really upset if people were unable to respect what body build I am aiming for because I am trying to achieve something beautiful in a healthy way. Does that make me so 'wrong' like you all have just said? Am I really doing bad for choosing diet and cardio and avoiding weights?

    Are people here really unable to understand that having a different opinion of beauty isn't a failing, but just an opinion, and that this woman might have not been insulting the OP, but simply that she is as close minded as everyone else who has just posted saying that she is 'wrong'?
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    Show her the thread on women pulling weights!

    Don't let her get to you!'s your life and your body....not hers.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i'm sorry, but i'd rather be hot than wobbly.... simple as that.

    you look at these Personal trainers at the gym's and people like jillian michaels, super super hot... they look stunning, it's just jealousy...
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148
    I just love the way that the woman in question doesn't share your belief and so she is automatically wrong and everyone jumps on her and calls her a moron and she is wrong and clearly jealous. This is such a school yard.

    the look in question that she prefers is not healthy, it's not just a matter of difference of opinion. Skinny fat would be the best way to describe is taxing on the heart as well as other organs. it's not as obvious as being 400 lbs but its still bad for u. If thats how she wants to look thats fine. When she's having health problems and i'm not maybe she'll get the hint. Muscle is good for the body and any kind of resistance training(bands, bodyweight, dumbells, ect) is good for your health You don't need to be ripped although thats what some may prefer to be healthy. Her problem is she's misinformed about resistance training.

    what rubbed me the wrong way was telling me because i'm a girl i shouldn't lift weights, that its not right. There's a difference between being the fairer sex and the weaker sex, for her that damsel in distress thing works but i like being strong and in control.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just love the way that the woman in question doesn't share your belief and so she is automatically wrong and everyone jumps on her and calls her a moron and she is wrong and clearly jealous. This is such a school yard.

    i think its actually more that we are trying to be supportive of the person posting saying they were upset by the comments... plus this is a FITNESS website, so i would imagine most people using it would view a toned phisique as more attractive than 'soft' and 'doughy', hence the comments that dough woman is wrong....
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    She is definitely jealous! I know that you're looking wonderful from all your strength and weight training! :smile:
  • Robscofle
    The comments from your colleague say more about her than they say about you. People are welcome to their opinions. If we all liked the same things, the world would be a very boring place. saying that, there are a lot of ignorant people in the world who say whatever they want without thinking of how they make others feel around them. I used to get similar comments from male friends and colleagues about my physique (when I did a lot of weight training). It never stopped me doing what I wanted to do. I put it down to them being jealous of me.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    So people have different ideas of beauty. Doesn't make either of you right or wrong. She probably would prefer to have a super skinny body because she thinks it is more attractive, whereas you think a muscular look is more attractive. Probably if you took a bunch of the normal population there would be differences of opinion as to who is right. Great that you know what you want and how to achieve it but not everyone wants that look.

    I actually agree with her in that I don't like having a muscular looking body. Skinny fat is not a good look either of course, I want to be able to use my body and work out hard. I would be really upset if people were unable to respect what body build I am aiming for because I am trying to achieve something beautiful in a healthy way. Does that make me so 'wrong' like you all have just said? Am I really doing bad for choosing diet and cardio and avoiding weights?

    Are people here really unable to understand that having a different opinion of beauty isn't a failing, but just an opinion, and that this woman might have not been insulting the OP, but simply that she is as close minded as everyone else who has just posted saying that she is 'wrong'?

    Yes, everyone has a difference of opinion, but you seem to think that thin and strong are mutually exclusive. When I think of "thin, soft, and doughy" I think of skinny fat and Olive Oil, which you said yourself you don't think is attractive. I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion with whats attractive, otherwise it would be like saying that she's wrong for having a favorite color other than green. That being said I do think that she sounds misinformed about a woman's ability to bulk up and what strength looks like on a woman.
  • jcannon15
    jcannon15 Posts: 148

    i think its actually more that we are trying to be supportive of the person posting saying they were upset by the comments... plus this is a FITNESS website, so i would imagine most people using it would view a toned phisique as more attractive than 'soft' and 'doughy', hence the comments that dough woman is wrong....

    ahaha dough woman, i'm not gonna be able to look at her the same again.
  • Cmuehe
    Cmuehe Posts: 40 Member
    she sounds like a complete moron to me. Why worry about the opinion of a complete moron?

    Don't forget: "never argue with an idiot. They'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience"

    Amen to that fitness pal friend! :-) ~ cm
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    The only person who should be soft and doughy is the Pillsbury Dough Boy :) Lift away!
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    I just love the way that the woman in question doesn't share your belief and so she is automatically wrong and everyone jumps on her and calls her a moron and she is wrong and clearly jealous. This is such a school yard.

    I think some one likes Drama...Now that's what I call school yard!! :laugh:
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Tell that bz to shut it. I keep a pic of Sarah Connor (Terminator) as inspiration and I get told I'm gonna end up looking like a Thai ladyboy..
    I can't stand people that try and sabotage like that. She's obviously jealous of your progress.