I can't stop eating bad food.



  • arielstiffler
    arielstiffler Posts: 10 Member
    Don't cut anything out. Modify it.
    What is it you think your eating bad, and I can give examples?
  • pamfgil
    pamfgil Posts: 449 Member
    You could try reframing your thinking about food, certain foods are problematic for you, rather than bad. This makes cutting them down a puzzle to be solved which is easier than seeing yourself as a failure. Personally I had to start with organising things so I had planned meals ready to eat and didn't feel the need to buy fast food because I didn't want to cook.
  • KayTeeOne
    KayTeeOne Posts: 122 Member
    You can eat what ever you like if it's within your calorie intake and almost macros limit
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    also having snack-like stuff available that is lower calorie density and takes longer to eat can help when emotional/boredom/habit cravings strike. For example, A 70-80 calorie apple that you slice while eating (optionally dipped in a bit of cinnamon and/or splenda) takes longer to eat than a 300 calorie snack cake. Salad greens with garlic/pepper/a bit of olive oil/a good balsamic vinegar can be less than 100 calories and takes a while to eat. Edamame still in the pods is also very low calorie for the time it takes to eat. Ditto on pomegranates.
  • Lilygator1017
    Lilygator1017 Posts: 14 Member
    I understand completely. Sometimes I think they are in complete control.
  • l1bbylabel7
    l1bbylabel7 Posts: 64 Member
    I absolutely believe that I was addicted to sugar and fat (donuts, cake, cookies, candy, chocolate, etc.) and I don't eat those anymore. It's been a year since I've had any and I credit that with helping me lose 60 lbs. Before if I had any of those things in the house I would have to eat them until they were gone! There was no way they would stay around for very long.
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Nothing 'wrong' with fast food when you're trying to lose weight. I've lost 15lbs so far and I still eat what I want. I'm not going to give up eating what I enjoy, but my portion sizes have changed.

    Before I go to a fast food place, I log my food or at least look at what I'll be potentially eating in calories and how many calories I'll be left with for the rest of the day.

    Best example is:

    How I use to eat (using Taco Bell (yum!) as an example):

    Beefy 5 Layer Burrito - 510 calories
    Cheesy Potato Burrito - 510 calories
    Totaling - 1020 calories out of 1310 calories for the day. Leaving me with 290 (not gonna happen)

    How I eat now at Taco Bell:

    1 of the above burritos - 510 calories
    1 soft taco - 190 calories
    Totaling - 700 calories out of 1310 calories for the day. Leaving me with 610 calories for the day
  • l1bbylabel7
    l1bbylabel7 Posts: 64 Member
    Yes I meant that I don't eat high fat sugar ladened foods such as donuts, etc. It may be too restrictive for some people but it has worked for me.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member
    Yes, lots of other people feel that way. Food is my coping mechanism and I am working to change that.
  • allierose91610
    allierose91610 Posts: 5 Member
    When I say bad food
    ..Let me elaborate...*fast food and high sugar foods* ...I thought that was pretty obvious. If you eat one huge thing then you will be starving the rest of the day trying to make the calorie deficit. So I'm curious if anyone else struggles with food addiction (eating too much to compensate for other things ) as you guys clearly don't understand.

    I completely understand where you are coming from and I feel the same way. I struggle with this too.

  • erika_307
    erika_307 Posts: 82 Member
    I was just like that about 3 months ago... and for my entire life. I always wanted to eat... and usually junk food. I ate so much... all of the time. It was becoming a real problem since I stopped working at a physically demanding job. I started a ketogenic diet about 3 months ago, and I no longer have this problem. I never want to overeat, I never have cravings, and I’m not even hungry by the evening. It has been absolutely amazing. Plus, I’ve lost 24 lbs! You should give it a try. It just may work for you too! I will send you a friend request, my diary is open if you’d like to see how I’ve been eating. Best of luck to you.
  • mwalle09
    mwalle09 Posts: 305 Member
    I feel as if I am addicted to sugary foods and I need to wean my brain off of the sugar.
  • rodmelching
    rodmelching Posts: 67 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    I understand completely I too struggle with food cravings and even the thought of 1 slice of pizza @ 900 calories and eating brekky would be nudging close to full calories for day! MyFitnessPal has been a real eye opener on how many calories are "hidden" in fast food even chips !!!! Corn chips !! Been craving corn chips soooo bad then feel guilty when I had them

    What kind of pizza is 900 cals/slice?

    See and I think MFP is a great tool to help figure out how to fit the foods you desire into your day or week. A serving of corn chips is what, 150 cals? You can't make that fit into your day? Maybe your calorie target is too restrictive?

    Exactly, +1 on the corn chips. According to the brand I buy, seven corn chips is 140 calories, add a little humus - 60 calories and bam! great snack for 200 calories.
  • belindar210
    belindar210 Posts: 2 Member
    I think that pretty much all of us struggle with this. I life time of so called "bad" eating choices doesn't get changed quickly. Last week I had a very bad week. Popeye's chicken, new donut shop opened in the neighborhood, etc. The important thing is to not give up.
  • MizMareedy
    MizMareedy Posts: 148 Member
    @Wannabebeautifulagain If it's any help I will say I get what you mean! I adore fatty meats/sugary foods! I also had one donut a day for two of the 11 days I've been calculating my calories/fat/sugar/proteins... I'm trying to not give foods 'labels' anymore. I look at what I have to choose from to eat - and I try to make good choices - sometimes the donuts win - an sometimes the green giant steamers win. I figure that after my first weigh in (I'm doing monthly - yes monthly weigh ins) that if I didn't lose as much as I expected - I will make healthier choices more often - but for me, it's simply not in my genetics (lol) to deny myself a sweet treat once in a while.

    I will say this (and I did in another post) -- that I ate terrible yesterday (like I had a hot dog and chocolate cake) and I was sick to my stomach all evening long. I'm telling myself that it was karma kicking me in the butt for not eating ANYTHING nutritious yesterday. ;-)

    Hang in there. We are all in this together to support each other!!
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    Having never been a calorie counter before starting on this app 82 days, Inever equated calories with quality

    I ate LOTS of junk. You don't get to be 140+lbs overweight without massive overeating.

    Now, though, I'm a calorie counter. As such, if I'm going to eat a lot more than my normal calories
    it has to be REALLY worth it.

    Double Whopper with Cheese? I used to be able to eat 3 of those. But now for a bazillion calories...

    it's just NOT WORTH it, it just does not taste good enough
  • idare_fitness
    idare_fitness Posts: 17 Member
    Finally, someone who feels the exact same way I do. :(
  • gottennis_2
    gottennis_2 Posts: 204 Member
    I think I'm addicted...:( Does anyone else feel the same way ?
    Meeeeeee!! I do. I do!
    I'm the same way. Love to eat and pizza gets me every time.