JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 18



  • TilKingdomCome
    TilKingdomCome Posts: 89 Member
    Currently doing 5:2

    R13 SW - 71.2kg (157)
    R14 SW - 71.5kg (157.6)
    R15 SW - 72.2kg (159.2)
    R16 SW - 72kg (158.7)
    R17 SW - 70.6kg (155.6)
    R18 SW - 71.1kg (156.8)

    Goal - to get out of the 70s, stick to 5:2 and overall weekly calories.

    9/30 - 71.1kg (156.8) - not too shabby after a huge pizza calzone last night.

    10/1 - 71.8kg (158.3) - meh, Saturday night and wine influence. Have done a ‘starvation’ day of 5:2 today so scale will hopefully bounce down tomorrow. Normally Sunday morning weigh ins are around the 73kg mark so this is a positive sign.

    10/2 - 72.1kg (159) - WT? No reason for this, stuck to 5:2 low calories, normal exercise undertaken. Just one of those things, hopefully it budges tomorrow though!

    10/3 - 71kg (156.5) - This is better. Just need it to keep going down and hopefully nothing comes along before the 60s hit to throw me out of whack. Starvation day today so tomorrow’s weigh in should be better.

    10/4 - 70.8kg (155.7) - lost track late last night and huge sugar cravings which I caved in to. Loss should have been more after a low cal day but all is entirely my fault. Concert tonight so tomorrow will be bad.

    10/5 - 71.6kg (157.9) - this is ok, I had the Midnight Oil concert last night so lots of snacks and a bit of alcohol. Although there was also lots of dancing and walking. Hopefully it will go down as quickly as it went up.
