12 week weight loss challenge starting October 1



  • emmanov22
    emmanov22 Posts: 2 Member
    I like this! I would like to do it too! I've just weighed myself for the first time in ages and... it was a shock :o 14 stone 7.5lb or 203lb. I'm 5'5". My goal weight is 11 stone or 154lb.
    I would like to lose 1.5lb a week, so 18lb or 1st 4lb by Dec 24.

    October 1st 2017: 203lb.
    October 8th 2017:
  • Siennacita
    Siennacita Posts: 67 Member
    Yes! Count me in!
    Oct 1st weight: 169.8
    12-week goal weight: 155

    Let's do this!!
  • lsbishop47
    lsbishop47 Posts: 7 Member
    This is my first challenge. I started September 8. I’m using hypnosis to get me out of the way. I’m not using any diet just listening to my body telling me it is time to stop eating. I had foot surgery a couple weeks ago, so not much exercising for a few weeks.
    SW 215.4
    CW 208.4
    GW 205.4
    FGW around 150

    I look forward to sharing and reading all of your post. Good luck everyone!
  • JaisaAnn
    JaisaAnn Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone!! It is 10/3, but I would love to join :)
    2lbs/wk and I signed up for a half marathon in Minnesota on 11/25 with my brother for extra motivation
  • mellarslan
    mellarslan Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everybody!
    Thank you for that motivation and challenge!
    If I am allowed to join, I want to start from 4th of October
  • beckyr06
    beckyr06 Posts: 144 Member
    ^^ Wow, so glad all of you are here! And welcome back Karen ( @AR10at50 ) - good to have you along for another 12 weeks!

    Let's all keep the positivity and support going. We're all on individual journeys, but let's make this trip together.
  • LeanneNC95
    LeanneNC95 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone, this is my first challenge but feel I need to do something like this to help keep me motivated! Hopefully I’m still ok to join as I’m a few days late? but will weigh in on Mondays if that’s ok. I’m hoping to lose around 1-2lbs a week

    OSW - 161lbs (August 2017)
    SW - 154lbs (4/10/2017)
    GW1 - 140lbs
    GW2 - 126lbs
  • wanna_be_free
    wanna_be_free Posts: 210 Member
    i weigh in on a wednesday

    4th october: 218lbs
    11th october
    18th october
    25th october
    1st november
    8th november
    15th november
    22nd november
    29th november
    6th december
    13th december
    20th december
  • PSlosing29
    PSlosing29 Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to join in. I just started going to the gym again and feel really determined to reach my goal.
    I'm 5'5"
    CW: 150
    12 Week Goal: 139
    FGW: 130

    10/1: 150
  • beckyr06
    beckyr06 Posts: 144 Member
    ^^ Hello and welcome to the challenge. For those that asked, joining late is no big deal - happy to have you here.
  • alli1254
    alli1254 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to do this. I weigh myself on Mondays.
    SW: 201lb
    CW: 180lb
    GW: 130lb
    Going on a trip in June. REALLY need this to happen. It's been hard on my own.
  • hockeymomchicago
    hockeymomchicago Posts: 158 Member
    edited October 2017
    I'm a Monday weigher-inner too. Started on 9/9/17 so almost a month in.
    SW: 265.2
    CW: 254.6
    GW: 230.0 (after 12 weeks)
    GW: 150 (Final GW)

    Going on a Disney Cruise 1/19/18 so this 12 week challenge is PERFECT to get me started.
  • crunchypaleomama
    crunchypaleomama Posts: 3 Member
    Any chance I can join in? Starting a little later but if I can I would love to!
    Starting: 10/04/2017
    Current Weight: 222
    Goal Weight: 140

    Weighing in on Wednesdays.

    I have hashimotos and Lupus and PCOS and diabetes. So it's an interesting journey. Would love to make friends if anyone wants to add me!
  • sarahhamby00
    sarahhamby00 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'd like to join this group even though I'm a little late.

    Starting 10/04/07
    Current weight 180 lbs
    Goal weight 130 lbs

    Will weigh in on Wednesdays
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    I would love to do this, if it's not too late! My normal weigh in days are Sundays, so I did weigh myself on the 1st. I am trying to get myself back on track- I am diabetic and my numbers have been wonky so I'm going to start carb counting along with diet/exercise to see if that will get the numbers back where they need to be.
    Original start weight: 302
    Starting weight (Oct 1, 2017): 256
    Goal weight (Dec 24,2017): 240

    Oct 01: 256
    Oct 08:
    Oct 15
    Oct 22:
    Oct 29:
    Nov 05:
    Nov 12
    Nov 19:
    Nov 26:
    Dec 03:
    Dec 10:
    Dec 17:
    Dec 24:
  • beckyr06
    beckyr06 Posts: 144 Member
    Not too late! Glad you all are here. Good luck!
  • malindalamay
    malindalamay Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in! I started posting on MFP 3 weeks ago. I started at 164 lbs. I weighed 157 this morning. I am counting calories for the 1st time in my life. I have done many other diets in the past including low fat and low carb. I need encouragement to keep dieting. My goal weight is 145. I would love to be at this weight by Christmas. I am excited to join the challenge! I will check in on Thursdays.
  • jkcarr2
    jkcarr2 Posts: 45 Member
    So I said I'd weigh in on Thursdays and even though we're only a few days in I should probably stick to it!

    SW- 81.9kg
    05/10- 81.7kg

    So about half a pound loss for you lb peeps :)
    It's not much, but I'll take it hopefully I can get under 81 by next week's weigh in!
  • beckyr06
    beckyr06 Posts: 144 Member
    Joined MFP on 5/7/17 with OSW: 178
    Challenge SW: 10/1: 147.4 (goal to weight 140)

    10/8: 149.8 so...not a great week, was over calories for a couple of days, and alcohol/salty snacks over the weekend did not help. I am increasing my calories as I approach maintenance, and it is difficult. Back on the wagon...I am glad I can check in here and be accountable. Hope everyone had a good week!
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    edited October 2017
    Old weight prior to previous weight lose 213 in 2007
    gave up when I was 168 in 2012
    Current weight 221. needless to say i weighed this at 19 years of age. Goal is to be under 200 at this point. I want to loose 22lbs by Thanksgiving.