JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 18



  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    Goal - increase level of exercise (walking). Reduce my average weight for the round from 139.75.

    9/29 - 139.0

    9/30 - 138.8 - :)
    10/1 - 139.2 - I made banana bread last night, it was so delicious I had 3 pieces and they weren't small! Today I did a short walk but knee hurt after a while. Physio tomorrow so I will ask exactly how much I can put my knee through.
    10/2 - 138.8 - I made some sensible choices today. I'm hoping this trend continues :smile:
    10/3 - 138.8
    10/4 - 139.2 - I'm happy that I seem to out of the 140s. I MUST make sensible choices today!
    10/5 - 139.2 - happy as I didn't make sensible choices yesterday. New physio exercises are making my leg feel like a lead weight!
    10/6 - 139.0

    10/7 - 139.0 - This week it's been cake and chocolate. I have tried not to overeat and so far I've managed to maintain.

  • shallid1
    shallid1 Posts: 296 Member
    R13 SW 236
    R14 SW 230.6
    R15 SW 229.8
    R16 SW 228
    R17 SW 224.2
    R18 SW 223.8
    R18 GW 220

    9/30 - 226.2 TOM and stress eating. I got up at 3:30 am to get my 18 yr old off to a job 15 minutes away that starts at 5. (herbalist/stoner/pot head - pick one). After doing battle for an hour it went down hill, I started eating badly from then with grilled lamb strips until 11 pm ending with 2 whole wheat buns with franks and cheese. It definitely was not pretty. Nothing I ate left me satisfied. Previously when my eating was unchecked it would be from high calorie meals and not from foraging. I didn't recognize myself. The first mistake was not drinking my cup of decaf coffee/tea. The heat early in the morning calms me until breakfast. Back to routine. I've joined the 24hr exercise challenge to motivate me for October. So at least when I wake for 3:30 Monday I can fill the time with riding my bike before work. Lemons=lemonade.
    10/1 - 229 no comment
    10/2 - 227.6 yesterday 1hr stationary bike. Today 1hr indoor walking - leslie sansone et al. I pull up a vid on youtube and put on techno via my phone. Any constant talking bores me. So win
    win. Suffice it to say, I am definitely not fit.Lol.
    10/3 - 227.6
    10/4- 226.6 over ate yesterday but put in 1hr 14 min of riding and floor exercises. Not proud but coping. I want to at least reach back to 223 by the end of the round.
    10/5 - 225.8 1 1/2hr walking. After some initial 'i don't wanna' coupled with sleepy legs and tight back, i did it! :sweat: 3.7miles :sunglasses: now for continuity. Back to work tomorrow.
    10/6 - 225.4 So far I've done 7 hrs of exercise and personally I feel great. This is what has to be done and it will be done.
    10/7 - 225.6 oh well

  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member

    SW 164.4
    GW 145
    End of round 17 154.8
    Goal this round 153

    9/30. 155.2 wine last night
    10/1 - 155.2 holding
    10/2 - 155.2 goal was to not gain over weekend. Goal met, but now ready for scale to get moving...
    10/3 - 155.8 - not the right direction.went out for dinner... probably due to sodium. Looking forward to a bike ride today.
    10/4 - 154.4. - 10lbs LOST!!!!!!!! Happy dance
    10/5 - 153.6 - I’m liking this!! Company coming for the weekend, extra challenge, but I think I’ve changed my mindset enough that I will stay the course.
    10/6 - 153.2 - this is happening!!
    10/7 - 154.4 ....or not?
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    edited October 2017
    Back again!I started midway through Round 2 at 153.9 on 4/29. Ended Round 17 at 140. I'm at roughly .5 a week loss. For this round I'd like to hit the 139's and stay in the 39's or below . Started at 162 something back in early March so I'm down over 22 pounds.

    9/30 141.4 Guess who didn't exercise and who had cheesecake and wine for dinner? Going to an Oktoberfest to do today. Will be walking in fresh air.
    10/1 140.8 Indulged some at a buffet yesterday but also walked around quite a bit. Today back on ellip or maybe some more walking.
    10/2 140.6 Sooo tired yesterday, no exercise. Took long nap. Think it's the change of seasons, maybe allergies. gym today for sure.
    10/3 140.8 Considering how I ate yesterday = reuben and caramel apple = happy with this number. Went to gym, did therapy/exercise. Today, maybe a walk in the park to enjoy this glorious weather. or ellip. Now to up exercise and get below 140.
    10/4 141.6 It finally caught up. No exercise yesterday. Allergy med had me listless. Today, gym and making chicken veggie soup which always helps me eat clean and lose. Come on, 139! I'm calling to you!
    10/5 140.8 Great workout at gym. Changed things up a lot. Delightfully sore. Four more days to lose 1 pound and reach my goal for this round. Come on, Eileen!
    10/6 141.4 Good grief! I understand I yoyo before permanently dropping but it still gets frustrating. Did an hour on ellip yesterday. I think this weight is partly salt. Give me a whoosh!

    10/7 142 ...and the beat goes on
    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off! I love eating healthy food and nurturing my body
  • laurielindly
    laurielindly Posts: 72 Member
    SW (7/12/17): 292
    R14 SW: 269.8
    R15 SW: 267.4
    R16 SW: 264.4
    R17 SW: 263.2
    R18 SW: 260.2

    R18 GW: 258

    Daily Goals: Log all food, 3L of water, 7k steps, Multi-vitamin

    Special focus: Mindful eating


    9/30 260.2
    Goals met. Good workout at the gym. Tracked everything and stayed just barely within calories.

    10/1 259.4
    Back to making better choices today. Goals met.

    10/2 258.4
    TOM started. Really good day at the gym. Goals met.

    10/3 257.2
    Goals met.

    10/4 257.2
    Goals met.

    10/5 256.4
    Goals met. Feel really good about food choices and working on mindful eating.

    10/6 255.6
    Goals met. Made it to the gym for cardio.

    10/7 255.8
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    SW 166.2
    GW 165.2 this round

    9/30 – 166.2 I'm a tortoise! Slow and steady.
    10/1 – 166.8 Hey, wrong direction, scale! Good thing I don't expect linear progress.
    10/2 - Travelling no scale
    10/3 - Travelling no scale
    10/4 - Travelling no scale
    10/5 - Travelling no scale
    10/6 - Travelling no scale
    10/7 - 166 Not bad after being gone for days!

    Round 17 – 166.2
    Round 16 -168
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    edited October 2017
    From high to low weights for the last 100 days was 21 pounds! Let’s see if I can do another 20 in the next 100! I know so much more now than I did then! Thanks, Cyranda! Thank you all for sharing your insights!!

    Round 8/1: HW 274.4 LW 269.8 MidW = 271.9
    Round 9/2: HW 269.4 LW 266.8 MidW=268.1
    Round 10/3: HW 269 LW 266.4 MidW = 267.7
    Round 11/4: HW 267.4 LW 264.2 MidW = 265.8
    Round 12/5: HW 264.8 LW 261.2 MidW = 263.0
    Round 13/6: HW 263.8 LW 260.6 MidW = 262.2
    Round 14/7: HW 266.4 LW 259.2 MidW = 262.8
    Round 15/8: HW 261.2 LW 256.8 MidW = 259.0
    Round 16/9: HW 259.4 LW 256.8 MidW = 258.1
    Round 17/10: HW 257.6 LW 253.4 MidW = 255.5
    9/30 254.2 -- My new profile picture looks like Mitch McConnell. Snacked right past any deficit yesterday. Had too much salt. Sigh. Attitude adjustment needed.
    10/1 255.2 -- Too much salt & “après diary” snacking. I must do further work on my head to overcome this tendency to eat late at night when no one’s watching. Who is watching anyway? This is some deep, psychological *kitten* this weight loss stuff.
    10/2 254.6 -- Headed back down after the snack attack. Complete eating with supper and then don’t snack. That’s the ticket.
    10/3 254.2 -- Back to where I started this challenge. Now let’s see if I can get back to the low weight of last round!
    10/4 253.4 -- Did it. Back to the low weight of last round. Now let’s see how much more we can drop off before we get on the road on Saturday.
    10/5 255.0 -- Self-discipline is such a fragile thing for those of us who never really practiced it. Sigh. Now I have a decision to make. Do I go back to self-control today or do I throw caution to the wind and over eat like there are no consequences. I will promise this. I will get on the scale tomorrow.
    10/6 256.2 -- I got on the scale. I also ate a whole mess’o’post-diary cheese, etc. last night. We get on the road tomorrow where no nighttime snacking possible. One more trip to the scale tomorrow then off for about a week & a half.
    10/7 255.8 -- Now off on the road with no scales, no kitchen, etc. See y’all when I get back and resume my better normal. It probably won’t be until early round 19. Best wishes to all!!
    10/8 On the road
    10/9 On the road
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Round 6 135.7
    Round 7 134.4
    Round 8 133.8
    Round 9 Last weigh in 7/8 135.2
    Round 10 132.8
    Round 11 131.6
    Round 12 132.7
    Round 13 131.4
    Round 14 132.6 :(
    Round 15 131.8
    Round 16 133.2 :(:(:(
    Round 17 130.8
    Goal weight 129

    9/30 - 132 Happy Hour last night. But my run is already done and I am ready
    10/1 - 131.6 busy time right now. Hopefully I will stay on track. Had my daughter's bridal shower today and too many passion fruit sangrias
    10/2 - 131.8
    10/3 - 131.8
    10/4 - 132 I am sooo busy right now. I am trying to maintain my weight. getting down to 129-130 will be a bonus!
    10/5 - 130.6 Got my run in today, even with all the rain :)
    10/6 - 130.8 Went to the gym. I have not been logging lately (bad me), but I have been eating mindfully. Hopefully I can keep things where they are or less. Happy Friday everyone!
    10/7 - 131.4
  • SharGetsHealthy
    SharGetsHealthy Posts: 1,232 Member
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 157
    RND 16 SW: 178.2 EW: 177 - Loss 1.2
    RND 17 SW: 178 EW: 177 - Holding
    RND 18 SW: 177 EW:
    Goal this round: 175.6

    9/30 - 176.8 - Off to a good start
    10/1 - 175.5
    10/2 - 177.3 - Higher salt yesterday
    10/3 - 177
    10/4 - 176.3 Happier about this number. I think the 175.5 earlier was dehydration.
    10/5 - 177.3 - It's interesting to watch the pattern here. Yesterday was pizza for dinner which of course means salt. I'm not surprised to see the number rise. The last couple of days I have done a lot of walking, 3-4 miles a day, so I wonder if my muscles are holding onto some water too. Time will tell! :)
    10/6 - 175.9
    10/7 - 178 - Well, that is just out there. Can't think of a reason for this to be so high. I stayed within calories and ate well. Hoping it's a last ditch effort by my body to keep my weight the same and that there's a whoosh tomorrow.
  • swopen
    swopen Posts: 165 Member
    SW: 269.4 (9/12/17)
    Highest: 279.8
    CW: 262.0
    R17SW: 264.2 R17EW: 262.0 Loss: 2.2

    R18GW: 258.0

    Goal: Continue to log all my food each day.

    9/30 - 259.8 - Went grocery shopping last night. Got more veggies and no junk food. Let's see if I can survive the week! Last week I didn't buy any candy and after a few days, I wasn't craving it as much, so I'm keeping that up!
    10/1 - 259.0 - Took my middle child out for lunch and had only protein for dinner to compensate. I was really craving junk last night but did not indulge. It paid off! Today is our weekly pizza night with the in-laws, so I'm going to try really hard not to have a gain tomorrow.
    10/2 - 258.6 - Woohoo! Again, I planned my day around having pizza at night and I made sure to get a few walks in and I had a loss. Not by a lot, but usually Monday mornings means a gain of ~3 pounds. I feel like I'm really starting to get into the right mindset and it's getting easier and easier to have willpower. Not easy, mind you, but easier. Looking forward to more loss tomorrow ;)
    10/3 - 259.4 - Ugh. A gain. Less than a pound, but still. I am really seeing how important it is for my body that I walk or exercise or do something after dinner. Based on the walk I took earlier in the day and my calories, I was under. But I guess I need to make sure to add a 20 minute post-dinner walk in to my routine. Also, I didn't get much sleep, which could have been a contributing factor. Either way, I'm still under 260 and I am determined NOT to break that threshold again! Tomorrow will be a loss, I can feel it in my determination already :smiley:
    10/4 - 259.0 - I was right, it was a loss! Not by much, but a loss is a loss. As long as it's going in the right direction, I'm happy. Last night, I walked for about 20 minutes after dinner. This really seems to be important for me. Even though dinner was 3 pieces of leftover pizza, I had my walk and I had a loss.
    10/5 - 260.2 - I am so frustrated. Yesterday was a really good day for me! I was under calories (when you consider exercise). I walked over an hour, got 11K steps, walked after dinner. The only reason I can think that it was a gain instead of a loss is that I didn't sleep very well. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of control over how much sleep I get right now (still pumping breastmilk for the baby which requires me to be up at 11 every night and 5 every morning), but the past few nights I've been waking up during my sleeping hours and just have been restless/uncomfortable. Luckily, my DH lets me get as much sleep as I need on the weekends, and I really feel like that helps. It's just really discouraging to work so hard and see a gain. I don't feel like giving up, but I do hope that tomorrow brings a nice big loss to keep me motivated. Oh, and today's my appointment with the podiatrist, so hopefully I'll find out what's wrong with my foot and a solution to fix the pain!
    10/6 - 260.8 - Yesterday was a bad day. And I ate poorly for dinner. Mind you, not nearly as bad as I was eating for every meal just a few weeks ago, but not as good as I have been eating lately. I suppose I should be happy I only gained .6 pounds. I just feel so discouraged. Even though I didn't do an after dinner walk, I did still complete day 5 of a 30 day challenge. So, even though I was in a funk, I am still ahead of where I was 3 weeks ago. That's a win. Can't wait to get some sleep tonight and tomorrow! Hopefully that'll turn my mood around :)
    10/7 - 260.8 - I suppose that's better than a gain. I didn't get quite as much sleep as I was hoping to. Tonight's the night.
    10/8 -
    10/9 -