JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 18



  • lajeanneh
    lajeanneh Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 235.5
    EW Rd. 13 231
    EW Rd. 14 229.1
    EW Rd. 15 226.6
    EW Rd. 16 227.1
    EW Rd. 17 224.4
    Current Goal: 212.5
    Goal for this round: 223

    9/30 - 224.4
    10/1 - 224.4
    10/2 - 224.4
    10/3 - 224.4
    10/4 - 224.4
    10/5 - 223.1
    10/6 - 223.1
    10/7 - 224.0 TOM is here, causing all the usual fluctuations and problems. Salty cravings, weight gain, major mood swings, and no energy. :neutral:
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,933 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS Round 18
    Weight on 1/17/17 174
    SW Rnd 7 167
    SW Rnd 8 168 Traveling
    SW Rnd 9 164.5 Traveling
    SW Rnd 10 167
    SW Rnd 11 163
    SW Rnd 12 162.5
    SW Rnd 13 159.5
    SW Rnd 14 158.5
    SW Rnd 15 158
    SW Rnd 16 156
    SW Rnd 17 155.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5

    SHORT TERM GOAL Get to 153 but any loss is good!

    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.

    9/30 157 Come on whoosh!
    10/1 157.5 WTH
    10/2 156.5 Another tragedy in Las Vegas. Saturday night 4 teens walking on the sidewalk were mowed down by a car passing where there was no lane. Now at 59 dead and 527 injured on The Strip. Pray for Las Vegas.
    10/3 157 I did not stress eat although I was pretty upset all day. DH reminded me that I wanted a Greek salad so I did not have to deal with fixing leftovers. Went to my fave Greek place, ate half of my salad w/gyro meat and 1/4 pita. Did not drink even half of my Daily water!
    10/4 156.5 Played 2 games of bocce last night with DH, BFF, and her man-friend. Gentle activity but activity all the same!
    10/5 155.5 Well hello again 155.5. I would love to meet your neighbors 154 and 153.
    10/6 155.5 Okay Body, a little more please.
    10/7 155.5 Okay, content to stay here for a bit. Lunch out with friends today. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  • sheilajean58
    sheilajean58 Posts: 263 Member
    Highest weight April 2016 117 lbs
    Starting weight for 2017 112 lbs
    RD9: 108.4
    RD10: 108.5
    RD11: 107.6
    RD12: 108.5
    RD13: 107.5
    RD14: 108.2
    RD15: 107.7
    RD16: 106.2
    RD17: 106.5

    R18 Goal Weight - less than 106.5

    9/30 106.5
    10/1 106.9 - 1900 Calories!
    10/2 106.4 - back to 1500 Calories and exercise
    10/3 108.8 lbs What! So I have been limiting exercise to lose weight (yes that's right). Exercise increases my appetite. This week I am adding back lifting weights (which I love). The gain is not muscle (not yet) but more likely the water needed to increase my glycogen stores. My Calorie intake past 5 days = 1630. I should be able to recover if I stay consistent. Right?
    10/4 107.8 - better but still over 1500 calories yesterday.
    10/5 107.1 - 2000 Calories, and feeling it.
    10/6 106.8 - 1400 Calories, feeling great :blush:
    10/7 106.7 - 1500 Calories
  • calichiro
    calichiro Posts: 64 Member
    SW 184 (like 2 years ago!)
    CW 178
    GW 165 (for now)

    I went into R17 at 179ish and ended it at 178. Goal for this round is 176 or lower.

    9/30 - 176.4. Nice drop! Yesterday I ate super clean and made sure to get my water in. I've had a cold, so I've hardly moved, though. I'm hoping to get a walk or hike in today. This is my first full 10 day challenge and I'm excited to be involved.

    10/1 - 177.2 I ate clean again yesterday and went on a hike. I'm recovering from a cold, so I turned around sooner than I'd planned, but I still did 3 miles and managed over 11,000 steps for the day. I've started ignoring MFPs calories and going off my Fitbit. MFP routinely gives me almost 300 calories more than my fitbit says I should eat, so I'll play around with this and see what happens. I had 2 NSVs victory - 1) I made a vegetarian dinner and really enjoyed it, and 2) I realized my weight would likely pop up today, and when it did, I didn't feel discouraged. This challenge is already helping me, thank you! Today I'm smoking tri-tips for dinner; portions may be an issue because they are delish!
    10/2 - 177. Yay! I'm surprised after a nice dinner with wine last night, but my calories were spot on.
    10/3 - 176.2. I was actually pretty hungry yesterday but tamed it with healthy foods.
    10/4 - 176.2. Nothing major to report. Ate well, calories on target, and managed to go on a walk.
    10/5 - 177. My calories have been good, this is a normal daily fluctuation, I think. I had a little wine last night and not enough water yesterday.
    10/6 - 178. This literally makes no sense at all. Except our weight fluctuates daily. Right?!? Perhaps I didn't drink enough water yesterday, but everything else was spot on.
    10/7 - 177.4. Polished off a bottle of wine with hubby last night and I was expecting this number to be higher. It's starting to look like I won't hit 176 this round. We have Chinese food somewhere in our weekend and I imagine just the sodium will keep me from dropping, even if my calories are good. But, we shall see.
  • suebee143
    suebee143 Posts: 821 Member
    edited October 2017
    Round 12: 174
    Round 13: 171.4
    Round 15: 166.8
    Round 16: 164.6

    Back for Round 18!

    9/30: 165.5 Just returned from NYC yesterday. I did pretty well during the week, but once the event was over, celebrated with drinks, salty food and a very long day yesterday, flying home. Lots of water and a good workout is on the agenda today. :smile:
    10/1: 165.5 Didn't get in my workout yesterday. Business travel just screws with my momentum and energy. Trying to get my 64 oz of water in today.
    10/2: 163.4 This drop is just what I needed this morning, because I was not feeling any motivation this weekend. The fridge is stocked with fruits and veggies and stuff for lunch. I have pre-tracked my food. Time to get back into the routine and make this stick!
    10/3: 163.4 October is going to be busy, both work wise and on a personal level/family obligations. The potential for stress eating is high. I didn't exercise or drink enough water yesterday. Fought off the late night snacking, but I just didn't feel that great. Lots of sadness in the news yesterday. How I eat and how I exercise is about the only thing in my life that I control... I guess I should look at my going to bed instead of eating a bunch of sweets last night as a victory. :|
    10/4: 163.5
    10/5: 163.1 My body needs a jump start. Got my 30 Day Shred DVD out last night and did it. This worked well for me when I lost a bunch of weight 4 years ago. Still doing the C210K and have made it to 4 miles, so seeing progress. I have a bunch of cute fall clothes in my closet that are still a little too tight. Right now that is my motivation: to be able to get up in the morning and have everything fit! :#
    10/6 163.1 Day 2 of 30 Day Shred in the books. I am sore, but a good sore and these muscles need to wake up. Breakfast & Lunch packed and tracked on MFP. TGIF!
    10/7 163.1 Did I say "good sore" yesterday? I lied. Everything. Hurts. :s Day 3/30 in the books. Time to stretch. Holding steady.
  • taxgirl1
    taxgirl1 Posts: 1,287 Member
    R07 SW 229.7
    R08 On vacation
    R09 SW 235.6
    R10 SW 230.3
    R11 SW 230.3
    R12 SW 229.7
    R13 SW 227.0
    R14 SW 226.6
    R15 SW 225.9
    R16 SW 225.9
    R17 SW 225.3
    R18 SW 223.3

    Goals: Keep up my hydration levels on the 2 weekends during this round and stretch 8/10 days.

    9/30--223.9 Normal fluctuation. Went out for lunch yesterday. Goal for today is to continue drinking water.
    10/1--225 WATER!!! Stretched today.
    10/2--224.4 Was much better with my water yesterday.
    10/3--223.9 Sick today. Trying to stay hydrated.
    10/4--221.7 I'm not going to get too excited about this number. When I'm sick I lose my appetite and yesterday I barely ate.
    10/5--221.7 Was still sick yesterday. Today feeling better and appetite is back, so we'll see how the scale reacts tomorrow.
    10/6--222.4 Totally expected this bump.
    10/7--223.5 Ok, back to normal. Today I am going to stay hydrated. I decided that on the weekends I would fill up a 1 gallon container with water in the morning, sit it on my kitchen counter, I don't like cold water, and make sure I drink the container throughout the day. Let's see if this works.
  • olga5454
    olga5454 Posts: 41 Member
    5'2, 31 year old, 2 kids
    SW: 135
    GW: 114-118

    Doing the ILKB 45 day challenge as well.
    Drinking lots of water each day.

    9/30- 125.8, did a HIIT class and a kickboxing class.
    10/1- 124.8 Kids birthday party with 2 slices of pizza and a slice of cake. Did 2 kickboxing classes.
    10/2- 124.1 Rest day
    10/3- 124.0 Arm day. Went over calories to the point where I stopped tracking. =(
    10/4- 123.1 Whoooo. Binged on a Wendy's JBC combo, but was within calories. Did 2 kickboxing classes.
    10/5- 122.0 !!!!!!!!!! Did a kickboxing class. Under calories.
    10/6- 123.0 Ate at calories. Did one HIIT 30 minute class. Too much to hope the 122s lasted.
    10/7- 123.8. Overate but still within maintenance. Did one kickboxing class.
  • shoui16
    shoui16 Posts: 90 Member
    edited October 2017
    ROUND 18

    Joined MFP at 207 lbs

    SW when I joined this challenge: 193.8
    R15 start 192.7 End 189.6
    R16 start 189.4 End 187.8
    R17 start 187.4 End 183.0

    End Goal for this round: 180
    UWG: 120-130

    Everyday Goals:
    1. Exercise (at least 30mins) - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ - - - - - -
    2. Log ALL my intake (would be good if it stays less than MFP's calories goal, but if not, then not more than 200cal excess) -
    ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ - - - - - -
    4. Don't overeat carbs - x x x x - - - - - -
    5. Hit protein goals - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ x - - - - - -
    6. At least 2.5L of water - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ - - - - - -
    7. No sodas/candies/other sugary treats - x ✔️ ✔️ x - - - - - -
    8. No night snacking - x ✔️ x ✔️ - - - - - -

    09/30 – 182.8 – This is my lowest recorded weight for the past 4 years! I couldn’t believe it! Finally, I’m back to this point! Slowly but surely is the way indeed, and even if I stumble along the way, what’s important is to get up and continue, never giving up or losing hope. Stay focused. Sometimes I’ll indulge and commit mistakes, feel guilty, but will still move on. Use the lessons learned and enjoy the journey to the healthier me.

    10/01 - 182.8 -- no movement for today, hope this is just water. In any case, I did good today with no night snacking or sugary treats (though I still ate too many carbs, lol).

    10/02 - 182.3 -- yey! got another drop from the reading. I wonder though when I'll manage my carbs. Seems like I overeat carbs 4 or 5 times in a week! Got lots of exercise today, though. Been practicing for a dance performance due two weeks from now, and I was also able to manage to squeeze in another exercise challenge.

    10/03 - 183.2 -- a pound! But I was kinda expecting this, with the consecutive days that I had too many carbs, plus the exercises/workout/dancing that I did yesterday. I still went over my carbs today and didn't hit my protein goal, sadly. We'll see how things turn out tomorrow, if still the same, I'm gonna 'tweak' some things in the coming days.

    10/04 - 182.1
    10/05 - 181.7
    10/06 - 179.2

    10/07 - 180.9 -- been sick (feverish, colds and a hacking cough) for the past few days so I wasn't able to update my status. Sudden weight loss due to loss of appetite plus vomiting. Good thing I was able to down dinner last night. I'm not being mindful of what I eat for the meantime, just trying to eat whatever I can. I'm thinking of giving up this round until I feel better.

    10/08 -
    10/09 -


  • AR10at50
    AR10at50 Posts: 1,557 Member
    Oh, yay! Another round!!! Thank you!! I love seeing all of the familiar names!!It's like you guys are my buds!!!!!
    SW 186 July 2017
    GW 150
    9/30/17 172 Salty dinner at my friend's last night. Back to the quilting class, not eating the junk.
    10/1 171 I want to see the 160's so bad!!!!!!
    10/6 174 I went n a week long road trip. Tried to eat smart but got very little exercise. Not good for the scale!

    Thank you for your support! Karen
  • Pepsab
    Pepsab Posts: 168 Member
    SW - 106.5kg
    CW - 100.8kg
    GW - 75kg

    My goal is to be under 100kg
    9/30 - 100.8kg today. Ive actually made some pretty bad choices this past week so starting fresh again tomorrow and aiming for 100% clean eating.
    10/1 - 101kg today but good news my monthly finally arrived and today the hunger and crazy cravings are gone. Im hoping that means a loss tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
    10/2 - 100.6 yah super happy this morning. Great start to my Monday morning!!!
    10/3 - 100.3 I did sneak in a few cookies yesterday but super happy with this loss.
    10/4 - 99.9 Yah!!!! Did a big happy dance today. Finally down to double digits again. I even had Chinese for date night last night
    10/5 - 99.9kg
    10/6 - 99.7kg
    10/7 - 99.9kg
    10/8 - 99.9kg still no movement today


  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    edited October 2017
    Thanks for the encouragement @quiltingjaine!!
    @wannabesmaller2017 HANG IN THERE! We all feel this way periodically- me right now, too! 22 binge free days = AWESOME!

    @TerriRichardson112 Wouldn't a weekend WOOSH be GREAT?!?

    @clynnwoodard Burning FAT, building MUSCLE!

  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    ROUND 18

    Original Starting Weight – 205
    Ultimate Goal Weight – 130
    Current Weight – 188.6
    Goal Weight R18 - 185

    09/30/17 – 188.6
    10/01/17 - 188.6
    10/02/17 – 188.0
    10/03/17 – 187.4
    10/04/17 – 187.0
    10/05/17 – 186.6
    10/06/17 – 186.8
    10/07/17 – 186.6
    10/08/17 –
    10/09/17 -

  • dfwgal1
    dfwgal1 Posts: 192 Member
    Just give me 10 days

    1st round
    Lose 2 lbs at the end of this round.
    132.6 lbs (9/27) lowest weight during this weight loss progress. But it’s been going up and down 1.5 lbs for a couple of days sadly. Need to see the 120’s again so bad! Seems so close... yet so far!!

    9/30 - 133.4 lbs. Darn sodium. Did cardio for an hr. Felt like a cold is oncoming with severe headache. Ate dinner later than I usually do. Also ate a little over my goal but stayed within maintenance.

    10/1 - 133.4 lbs. Did not workout because I was exhausted, so called it a rest day.

    10/2 - 132.4 lbs. Yay! Finally a tiny bit of progress! It’s not much but I’ll take it. It is getting tiring, hovering over the same couple of lbs for more than a week now. I need to make sure I stop eating by 8 pm every night and get more protein. Plan is to workout today. Eating out for lunch, so will be ordering something healthy.

    10/3 - 132.8 lbs. ugh!! There’s that sodium from the lunch yesterday I suppose. I had chicken and vegetables at a Thai place :-/ oh well. Stayed at a deficit with calories. Walked an hr. Yesterday, instead of the usual stationary bike. I have a cold and that is not helping my case. Really need to get on with my usual workout.

    10/4 - 132 lbs. yay! Cardio for an hr. Yesterday and it was a good workout. Ate really well too. Hopefully I can keep the weight from going up anymore. We shall see.

    10/5 - 131.6 lbs. An hr. of cardio and ate better Yesterday. Going out tonight so will try to make the best choices with food. Do not think will have time to work out today.. Boo! :( Fingers crossed that I can keep the scale from going up!!!

    10/6 - 131.4 lbs. eeeeek! Ate out tonight with friends. I did get an hr. of workout in yesterday, even though I thought I wouldn’t have time. Hit my goal of loosing 2 lbs for this challenge.

    10/7 - 131.2 lbs. 45 min cardio yesterday and was ok with caloric intake. Given that we went out to three different places plus dessert. But very small portions for me to stay within at least maintenance. Most likely just dehydrated from last night and not an actual loss. I’m just hoping really hard it doesn’t go up too much. Weekends are hard!!
